Exercise Technique The Exercise Technique Column provides detailed explanations of proper exercise technique to optimize performance and safety. COLUMN EDITOR: Jay Dawes, PhD, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D, FNSCA Single-Leg Glute Bridge Kelcy Tobey, BS1 and Jonathan Mike, PhD, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D, USAW2 1Human Performance, Lindenwood University, St. Charles, Missouri; and 2School of Kinesiology, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION rotation of the biceps femoris (13). oth the core and posterior mus- Thehamstringsalsofunctiontoflex THE SINGLE-LEG GLUTE BRIDGE IS culature of the hip are important theknee.Despitetheflexioninthe A VARIATION OF THE BARBELL HIP Baspects in power development knee that occurs during this exercise, THRUST THAT INVOLVES UNILAT- for athletes. Although many exercises slight knee extension is involved ERAL HIP EXTENSION. GLUTE exist for developing glute power, uni- through the rectus femoris and vastus BRIDGE EXERCISES ARE USED AS lateral exercises are often left out. Ex- muscles. The core stabilizers, lumbar A MEANS OF STRENGTHENING ercises such as the single-leg glute erector spinae and lumbar multifidus, THE HIP EXTENSORS: THE bridge incorporate activation of stabi- are also involved (2,3,9). GLUTEAL AND HAMSTRING MUS- lizing muscles in addition to the many CLE GROUPS. IN ADDITION TO agonistic muscles at work. There are as ACTIVATING THE POSTERIOR many benefits to including the single- BENEFITS MUSCULATURE OF THE HIP, leg glute bridge to one’s workout, as Strength and stability in the core of the SINGLE-LEG GLUTE BRIDGES there are variations to the movement. body, defined as the spine, hips and REQUIRE STABILIZATION OF BOTH pelvis, proximal lower limbs, and THE HIP ABDUCTORS AND CORE MUSCLES USED abdominal structures, provides an opti- MUSCLES THROUGH ISOMETRIC For the single-leg glute bridge, all 3 glu- mal platform through which distal limbs can function (7). As such, muscle CONTRACTION. BECAUSE teal muscles are activated. The gluteus strength and power of the hips and pel- STRONG GLUTEAL AND maximus acts as a hip extensor and vis are critical components of the overall HAMSTRING MUSCLE GROUPS lateral rotator of the thigh. Regarding impact of both resistance training and ARE IMPERATIVE IN LATERAL the gluteus medius and minimus, both muscles abduct the thigh, whereas athletic performance in a multitude of STABILIZATION AND EXPLOSIVE sports. For example, weightlifting, the LINEAR MOVEMENT, THE various fibers of each muscle laterally and medially rotate the thigh, de- squat, and the deadlift all require exten- SINGLE-LEG GLUTE BRIDGE IS sive strength and power through hip BENEFICIAL TO THE GENERAL pending on the degree of hip flexion (3,5). Additionally, the tensor fasciae extension. This incorporates the gluteal POPULATION AND ATHLETES IN A latae acts as a stabilizer by counter- and hamstring musculature. It has been VARIETY OF SPORTS, SUCH AS balancing the hip’s lateral rotators. postulated that the hip thrust has been SOCCER, FOOTBALL, AND RUGBY. With respect to the hamstrings, the a successful exercise for its emphasis on biceps femoris extends the hip and gluteal development and hip extensor laterally rotates the thigh, whereas strength in sports actions (1); however, the semimembranosus and semite- many variations also exist. Address correspondence to Jonathan Mike, ndinosus contribute to hip extension, The single-leg glute bridge is a unilat- [email protected]. as well as counteract the lateral eral variation of the barbell hip Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | www.nsca-scj.com 1 Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Exercise Technique thrust. This movement isolates the contribution can be reduced when the activation than the rectus abdominis concentric motion of hip extension joints are closer together, resulting in and external obliques in the single-leg while recruiting the stabilizing glute shortened length of the muscle. This glutebridge(9).Bytrainingthemus- medius and minimus, as well as the is known as active insufficiency (15). culature about the hip and within the core muscles (2,3,9). A study con- By removing the influence of the semi- core, proper biomechanical move- ducted by McCurdy et al. reported membranosus and semitendinosus in ment is ensured, which, in turn, re- that short-term, unilateral, lower- hip extension, there exists a greater reli- duces the chance of injury. body exercises are as beneficial ance on gluteal activation during the The single-leg glute bridge may as the bilateral counterparts in concentric action of the single-leg glute improve other essential qualities of a cli- untrained individuals (12). Another bridge. ent’s or athlete’s program. For example, study by Jones et al. observed muscle Unlike the barbell hip thrust, the a part of most strength and conditioning activation and testosterone response single-leg glute bridge’s unilateral programs is some variation of the squat. during the bilateral back squat versus component elicits additional stimuli Without proper glute activation, squat the unilateral pitcher squat. Results from stabilizing muscles within the form is compromised, therefore com- indicated that, although the absolute hip. In addition to extending the hips, promising an athlete’s performance, as workload was lower in the pitcher the gluteus maximus laterally rotates well as joint integrity. It is our conten- squat, muscle activation and testos- the hip. It has been theorized that, terone responses were not signifi- tion that core strength, hip stabilization, with excessive lateral rotation of the and glute activation gained from the cantly different between the 2 thigh, the musculature responsible for lower-body exercises (6). Although single-leg glute bridge is likely to trans- this (i.e., the gluteus maximus and fer over to stability and power in the the training protocols in the studies other lateral rotators) will shorten. did not include the single-leg glute squat and other movements requiring As a result, the muscles will no longer posterior strength. bridge, we contend that the unilateral be at an advantageous length to pro- aspect of the single-leg glute bridge vide force through hip extension An important aspect when looking at will be just as beneficial as its bilateral (3). To counteract this excessive lat- hip involvement throughout move- counterpart. Therefore, numerous eral rotation, the gluteus medius, ment in sports performance is the benefits exist for adding the single- gluteus minimus, and the tensor hip-to-knee extensor ratio. Hip leg glute bridge in a strength and con- fascia latae are activated. During the extensor strength has been noted to ditioning program for able-bodied stance phase of walking (a unilateral improve vertical jump and reduce athletic and clinical populations. movement), the gluteus medius knee injury during running perfor- Because of the positioning of the single- and minimus abduct the stance leg, mance (8,16). Lees et al. found that leg glute bridge, certain hip muscles are thereby preventing a contralateral maximal vertical jump is attained emphasized. Previous research has re- drop in the hip of the swing leg (3). through higher force production by ported that the gluteus maximus produ- Although the force of the single-leg the hip extensor muscles (8). In ces its greatest force when the hips are glute bridge is vertical compared with regard to running, an upright runn- in a flexed position (i.e., bottom of the a horizontal force (as seen in walk- ing posture relies on a reduced hip- movement) (3). Although the ham- ing), there may be an increased need to-knee extensor ratio, which may strings are an important part of hip in stability of the gluteus medius lead to overuse injuries of the knee extension, their involvement in the and minimus to maintain optimal (16,17). This posture is associated movement can be reduced by flexing hip placement throughout the move- with hip extensor weakness, whereas the knee. Because the semitendinosus ment. Other stabilizers include the those with greater hip extensor and semimembranosus are biarticulate lumbar erector spinae and the lumbar strength demonstrated a more for- muscles (crossing 2 joints), their force multifidus, which have shown higher ward leaning posture (16). Therefore, Figure 1. (A) Starting position on bench before elevation of the left leg. (B) Elevation on the left leg; descent phase of single-leg glute bridge. (C) Full lockout position of single-leg glute bridge. 2 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017 Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. increasing the strength of the poste- rior musculature can both improve and protect athletes throughout sports performance. TECHNIQUE STARTING POSITION Begin position seated on the ground with the upper back against a padded bench for support just below the scapula. This point of contact should not change throughout the duration of the movement. The arms may either span the width of the bench for added stability or folded across the chest, depending on personal preference. Next, shift the feet toward the glutes and drive the heels into the ground. While pushing through the heels of the feet, extend the hips so that the torso and thighs form a straight line from the shoulders to the knees, paral- lel to the ground (Figure 1A). Knees should be flexed so that the shins are perpendicular to the ground, and the shin and thigh form a 908 angle at the knee. Adjust feet as necessary to attain this positioning. The spine and the hips should remain Figure 2. Shoulders and foot placed on ground with the right knee abducted in relatively neutral alignment at the and the right foot externally rotated, while the left foot is elevated off start position of the single-leg glute the floor. bridge. Once a stable position has been achieved, lightly shift the weight into the right heel without adducting the right thigh.
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