Nantes European Green Capital 5 years report nantesmetropole.fr Nantes Métropole, a local area committed to the ecological transition Aware of the ecological urgency and the responsibility of cities to provide solutions, Nantes Métropole has been committed to sustainable development for 15 years, a commitment marked by the award of the European Green Capital title in 2013. Since then, following the major energy transition debate, Nantes has stepped up and taken a new direction by effec- tively involving the local area and all its stakeholders in the ecological transition, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, preserve the environment and its citizens' quality of life. This sustainable development report aims, this year, to take stock of Nantes Métropole's achievements in the ecolo- gical transition, whether they concern energy efficiency and renewable ener- RUaud Martial © gies, sustainable mobility, waste issues, nature in the city or the quality of daily We know that on these subjects, we will Johanna Rolland life. go further if we act collectively, mutually President of Nantes Métropole The outlook is closely linked to the Energy enriching each other with the good prac- Transition Roadmap adopted last February tices developed in other cities. This report by Nantes Métropole, at the end of the compares Nantes initiatives with others Great Debate on Energy Transition. It implemented in European cities in order outlines a singular path to put the Nantes to make ever greater progress together. and the local area in transition, based on Faced with the climate and ecological the assets and players, around three challenge, there is still time to act, to act principles: a 100% citizen transition, a together. Nantes Métropole is working transition for the benefit of all residents, on a daily basis, with all the players and a transition that makes use of local in all its public policies, to be the city of resources. solutions for transitions and to make it The latest IPCC research shows that we an opportunity to develop the local area must act to limit the effects of climate for the benefit of all, one step ahead. change by moving towards more mode- ration, by developing the resilience of our local areas, by playing together. This report allows us to take the time to take stock and analyse our actions in light of these challenges in order to step up certain levers or to adjust them as closely as possible to needs. 2 NANTES EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL I 5 YEARS REPORT NANTES EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL I 5 YEARS REPORT 3 CHAPTER 1 Climate Plan: under the guise of renewable energies and energy efficiency Everyone knows: reducing CO2 emissions is a crucial factor in limiting global warming. LONG-TERM OBJECTIVES ARE CLEARLY FORMULATED IN THE LOCAL CLIMATE, AIR AND ENERGY At a time when 70% of greenhouse gas emissions come from urban centres, Nantes Métropole PLAN AND LOCAL HOUSING PLAN has undertaken many measures and set itself ambitious objectives through its Local Climate, > Reduce per capita greenhouse gas increases the share of renewable 5,000 housing units per year. This will Air and Energy Plan. A new version of this Climate Plan with its two components, mitigation and emissions by 30% by 2020 and by energy and recovery to 50% of the be achieved by doubling the number adaptation, will be presented to the Metropolitan Council in December 2018. It will be primarily 50% by 2030 compared to 2003 levels. energy mix by 2050. This renewable of private dwellings renovated per informed by the Energy Transition Roadmap adopted in February 2018, following the Great Debate > The energy transition roadmap reaf- production will come, in 2050, both year, i.e. a target of 1,000 renovations from local resources and from local per year (all systems combined), inclu- on Energy Transition. It is linked to the Planning and Sustainable Development Plan, firms the doubling of solar electricity production by 2020, with a target of area alliances that have yet to be defined. ding 20 houses certified low-energy the Metropolitan Urban Planning Scheme, the Local Housing Plan and the Urban Travel Plan 100,000 m² installed. > The 2019-2025 Local Housing Plan buildings and 500 linked to the reduc- (see Part II), all three also revised in 2018. Strengthening the deployment of renewable energy > The energy transition roadmap promotes the energy rehabilitation of tion of energy vulnerability. and continuing initiatives to improve energy efficiency, particularly in the building sector, are at the heart of the mitigation strategy. WHAT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED OVER THE PAST 5 YEARS In 2013 The deployment of renewable energies 1 European Green Capital Year In terms of renewable energy deploy- protected natural areas, Nantes roof with a capacity of 6 MWp, or those Nantes is already a proactive city in terms of renewable energy, with nearly ment, progress has been made in recent Métropole has also chosen to focus its of Tougas (47,000 m² with a capacity of 820 GWh produced by non-fossil energy sources. The photovoltaic solar years. In 2017, local renewable and recu- action on solar energy (electricity and 7.2 MWp) and Zénith (13,000 m² with a roof of the Pierre Quinon Stadium, then under construction, is one of the perative energies accounted for 12.4% heat), its greatest potential. In 2017, pho- capacity of 2.3 Mwp), which will contri- largest installations in Western France. The heating network, Centre Loire, of the energy consumption of the local tovoltaic panel installations thus covered bute to achieving the installation target after a promising start, is about to be widely extended (14,500 connected area and residential sectors of the metro- an area of approximately 130,000 m², of 100,000 m² additional photovoltaic housing units, 70% renewable, 22 km). The energy refurbishment of politan area; this represents an increase compared to approximately 85,000 m² between 2018 and 2020. buildings will soon be given a new boost with the launch of the national of 73% compared to 2008. In terms of in 2013. Major development projects are "Living Better" programme. The Grand Carcouët, whose work is just potential, at constant consumption, the expected to be completed in 2018-2019. beginning, is one of the emblematic Le Grand Carcouët, source: le moniteur exploitation of all renewable energy Such as the wholesale agricultural-pro- projects in the field of energy-efficient sources and the recovery of the local duce market, which will house nearly 2 housing. The achievement of its area should eventually cover 20% of the 31,000 m of photovoltaic panels on its ambitions has earned Nantes particular local area's total energy consumption . recognition from European experts for Biomass (through wood energy) and Evolution of renewable production in the metropolitan area since 2008 its climate and energy policy. The heat recovery from waste recovery occupy a leading position in the local results are indeed positive, with a 1 200 000 WindEolien energy continuous decrease in per capita renewable energy mix (about 80% cumu- GeothermalGéo-aérothermie GHG emissions (20% drop between lative). Since 2013, almost 16,000 new 1 000 000 2003 and 2016). However, the homes and numerous facilities have BiogasBiogaz -- methanisationméthanisation been connected to the heating networks reduction in energy consumption 800 000 WoodBois énergie energy of Nantes Métropole. By 2020, more remains more limited (13% drop WasteValorisation recovery des déchets between 2003 and 2016) (sources: than 30,000 homes will be connected. 600 000 SolarSolaire Thermal thermique Basemis V5, Air Pays de la Loire). In a context where the deployment of wind power is limited, particularly due 400 000 PhotovoltaicPhotovoltaïque to the urbanisation of the local area and (MWh) Production 200 000 1. Annual Energy Report 2016, Nantes Métropole 0 © Stephan Menoret Stephan © 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2. Reference document of the Great Debate on Energy Transition, 2016 Source: Nantes Métropole 2018 4 NANTES EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL I 5 YEARS REPORT NANTES EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL I 5 YEARS REPORT 5 The implementation of a by the French Ministry of Territorial solar land registry in Cohesion, are also under construction Smile Project (Smart Ideas to Link Energies) partnership with "In sun we in Nantes: Les Perrières in La Chapelle- 73% more Selected by the European Commission, this collaborative project is coordinated trust" also makes it possible sur-Erdre, La Prairie aux Ducs on the renewable by Cartif, a technology centre specialised in the smart city, based in Spain. It is to know precisely the solar Island of Nantes, La Bottière- Chénaie energy and jointly supported by Hamburg, Helsinki and Nantes Métropole, with the participa- potential of the various east of Nantes. La Fleuriaye in Carquefou, tion of some thirty European associations, academics and manufacturers, as part roofs in Nantes Métropole and to faci- an eco-neighbourhood of 620 housing local recovery >> of the European Horizon 2020 programme, which will run until 2021. It receives litate solar installations. With regard to units with 6,000 m² of photovoltaic This project received European funding to the tune of €18 million, including more than €4 million for the involvement of residents in the panels, will thus see 80% of the district's compared to funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Nantes. The mySMARTLife project aims in particular to implement innovative deployment of renewable energies, pro- energy needs supplied by solar energy 2008 Research and Innovation solutions in energy renovation, energy efficiency and renewable energies in pri- jects are under way to develop citizen and will eventually be one of the largest Programme under Grant Agreement No 731297. vate co-ownerships, single-family homes and social housing, modelling of the financing on the solar roofs of the for- "passive" districts in Europe.
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