ST F~TrlJRING OVER 450 ~REA: e • CLUBS • ORGANIZATI 'O~S • AGI!NCIES • PIHOTOORAPHS & FEAT'\URE SifORIES SUpplement to the Observer-Dispatch and Dally Press - February 11th and 12th z Alumni Aoxlllarles Natural Herkimer ~ CoauDIUdty College AlaDull V Ladles AuUiary of tbe Deerfield Fire Co,: Kathy Auoebtioll: K. Bruce Ward, c-o assistant to HCCC Massago, 5651 Trenton Road, 2nd Wednesday. fire Resources president, four meetings a year, college center, bouse, Trenton Road heserwirRoad,Herldmer. vLadles A~ of tbe Fraakfort RlD Volaateel" Supported Mlallll UDIYenlty AlaDull Club o1 Ceatnl New Fire Co.: Glenda Nikodem, Hacadam Road, Sau­ Yorltl William C. Bisbop,4Crestbil1Drive, Whites- quoit,srdWednesday,firehouse. boro, four times a year, various places. ~ 1 tbe~~ou: Utica Collele AlaDull Auodatloa· James Ric- V Ladlel Aaxlllary of Ordaard Lake, Chapter 13:, ta1D Club strives to cardf 5293 Wikox Road Whitesboro montbly WU· Mrs. Stella Nogas, 1006 Brayton ~ark Place, last • Utica College' ' ' Wednesday. cafeteria, Holy Trinity School; St bria~r ~r· lard sons mtbe room, · Mary's School, New York Mills. conservation of the Wb1ie1boro Alllllud Aaoda&loa, IDe:, Doris G. Adfrondack Mountain Hayes, 2135 fl~aad Ave •• 3rd Tuesday, Main Ladles Auillary of Utka Maeuerebor: Bea· reflion and wbo • JAN WOLLIIVER PETER GOODFRIEND Street School, 1 Main St. • Whitesboro. trice Morgan, 9 Oakdale Circle. Whitesboro, 3rd outdoor Monday, Maennerchor HaU. activities.recream Local officers are: ¥_Letter Carrlen Ladles A~ 214: Mrs. Felll chairperson, Roy Clvle cia ~tuz.zi. 1550 St. Vincent St., 3rd Thursday1 Albertsen: vice as&oclation office, 866 Bleecker St. ~n.JanWol· baak WaHoa Leegae of Ameriea, Utka Chapter: lever:~. Bar­ Tom Kllbourn, 611 Elm St , Rome, 2nd 'l'hurSday. Marey Psychlatrk Ceater Aulllary: Margaret 'bara Gerzonich: Meetin.duu ...., Munson-Williams-Proctor Iiistitute. M. Burke. RD 2, Box 270-A, Marcy. 3rd Moriday ~ - Peter &'..,...... center's administration building. League of Womea Vo&en of Utka-Roaae Meta-. The club bas two . IIOlltaD Area: Roseann Parry, Hillcrest Manor, 3rd )(Maynard Ladles Awdllary: Doris VanHattent =cs f.tl. tbe bigh Mollday community room, Marine Midland Bank, 5991 Edic Road, Marcy, last Tuesday. Maynanl ~ - New Hartford Shopping Center. fire house, Marcy. su:.e~ ;J~ Mobawk Valley Cbap&er, Natloaal Orlaabatioll ties as bikplg. ~ ~~ for Womea: Helen S. "Szabla, 107 F,'ifth 'St., York- St. Mar~'(s Auiliary 158. KDJPb of St. Joba ing caooelng, sld1Dg ville, 4tb Tuesday, Meetingliouse, Munson-Will- Mrs. David A. Dwyer, 1519 City St., 2nd Wednes autl SnOW5hoe tour· aJDS.Proctor Institute. day, Knights of St. John Home, 815 Vayick St. lnfucormation about ROY ALBERTSBN BARBARA G&RZONICH outdoor bikes Is pro. North Utka Woaaea•s Clvle CIDit: Kathryn New- )< Saaqaolt Fh Ladles Aulliary: Carolyn Zyg The club also publ. ested in learnl~g man, 744 Herkimer Road, 1st Tuesday, North Utica mtmt, 'Zf(f1 Mohawk St., Sauquoit, 2nd Monday vided by tbe local ishes a variety of more about tbe Adi~ Senior Citizens Center ,121 Herkimer Road. Sauquoit)fire hall. books, pamphlets· rondack Mountain guides and~ - Club are welcome to tbe . newsletter. Individuals inter- Utk~ Art Auodatloa• . blc.: Marie T. Heistand, XUtka AaxUiary 17, FraCenutl Order of Eagles :a~~= its monthly meetings. 11105 (!irard St .• last Friday, Meetinghouse, Mun- Charlotte Wetmore, 1415 West St., 2nd and 4tl SOR·WiUiaJDS.Proctorlnstitute. Thursday, 1105 Park Ave. Utka Zoololleal Sodety; Sharon Goldenson, 39 ~ Utica 1JoDs Auili · Agnes C Massi 124' ff:=~ Diive, New lfartford, 3rd Wednesday, MohnwkSt ., 1stW~. variousplaces. • . IOW ••• You Can Enjor. Utka Psyeblatrk Ceater Aaxlllary: 'lberes1 Beagle. R.N .. 1213 Court st., monthly. center. INT•• TJIINMINr.l Here's Your ~ttea ~ Mlsdaa Aaslllary: a~a s. Kwia 128 Mamie St., 2nd Tuesday, ID1SS10il house, 2a 7 Days a Week in Your. Home Dlreetory RutgerSt. I I Womea•s Aulllary of tbe Aasoc:latioa for Rdant AllL_AT YOUR FINGERTIPS ON Tbe Obaerver·Disoatch and tbe Dally Press are ed Cblldrea: Margaret Greco, 1681 Seymour Ave happy to present tlie 1981 edJtioD of 1be POPUlar 4th Wednesday , 14 Arnold Ave. ClU6 DireCtot:Y wbk:b lists 450 clubs, orgpa.... nWitions.-..... ..... and ageacles mtbe Greater Utica area. Womea's Aulllary of tbe SCeveas-Swaa Humall4 Soelety: Mrs. Betty Lally, 6 West Drive. New Yorl c•BLE IV and HBO Tbe directory Is a bancl1 nfenaee, Tbe 0-D Fe. Mills, 1St Wednesday , Karrat's Restaurant tares desk getl ealls for extra copies tllnagb tbe • Over loG great movies shown every week year, on Cable TV Photos and stories of a number of clubs are fea­ tured in the ~. Clubs were selected at ran- • SPOrts events on ESPN and USA Network. dom from tbe listingS. The 0-D and Press congratulate tbe area's club­ • Soap OPeras, game shows, sltiuatlon men and clubwomen for their service to the com· Club Listings comedies, mysteries, and westerns. munity and are grateful for . ~ opportunity of t...;.. "! -a part of tbelr programs UJrOUgD coverage of • Operatic Presentatlo~, documentaries, Broadway productions on PBS ~~ . L-----------------------~ OUTLET • Merv Griffin and WNEW'S 10:00 news nightly on cable channel12. STORE CharlesTown IS SOMETHING ELSE! Coming Y• Way Stltm••• CLO!frHING 1 'THE BLACK HOLE11 ..FOR liHE I- IFF SfAIUil MUMIJIII mEl FD. 15, 17, 21, 24,26 1 'THE ROSE11 ENIIiiRE SfARIIIIIl'm - El- FD. 22, 26 ORIGINAL FAMit~ TICKET. ORDER NOWI 12 CHANNELS OF CABLE T.V STORE HOURS: PRICE ---lUES.--.---.1010 5 i I \1\il( 1', FRIDAY 10 10 9 P.M. MIG 735-649- SAT. 10 1U 8 P.M. SUI. 12111 5 ~.M •. ~· 797-8111 I ;/., q~ ·f:!ubural· FAI•eadonal. Garden Gro•ps CliDtGil Gardea Cbab: Mrs. James W. Wilbur, 2& Clab a1 ............,, 519 - v..,-- · c.... vao- (!"/ ~...- St., Rome;- 1st WedneSday.· _:_~ ZDl ~scopal Hatten, WestmOrelaod Roail, Whitesboro, 3rd Fountain St.. Clbdoo. 2Dd r..lay. members' ChUrch,Liberty Street, Rome. 'l'bur8day, Utica College. bomes ad St. James Clmrdl. Cltiitont free t-J Cbap&er AV, PEO Slsterbood: 111S1 Mary Louise K New eea&ary Cblb: Allee Dcxlge, 'JI'II WiJlcbester· DeaDsllon ~ aDd N1an Slady Cbab: Mrs. insurance Bauder, 13 Mapledale Acres, BariMrYeld, 1st aDd Drive, New Hartford, every orue.du; dinner aDd Ruth Nelson, Deansboro, 2Dd Tuesday, various analysis r Monday. members. bolael. program. 3rd 'l'bur8day. 253 Genesee St. places. t1lapter BW, PEO Slsterbood: Mrs. Jlur:y H. ~PldiUI W11eat1e.f Cbab: Mrs. LeolaJE. Bastic:, ll6f Floral Art Oanlea Gnap: Mrs. Lloyd Watkin, 4 Your Nationwide Love, 44 Jordan Road, New Hartford, 1st aad 3rd ueitimer'Road,lst'l'bursday. members' homes. Durr Place, Camden, 4th Thursday, various agent can melee an Wednesday, members' homes, ~ - expert eaalysla of ~'.try ~Utica: Mn. .Frederick w. YGUr PI otectiOn needs, Landauu'b 8odety ef. Greater Utlea: Carl E. Schatz. 44 L • a.d, Whitesboro, 1st aDd 3rd Gateway (dnJeuen: Mrs. Theodore Thomas, 36 then show YOU how all SDiber. 49 Prospect St., 2Dd Tuesday. various 1aJid. Tbursday, • Munson-WiJllams.Proc- Paris Rolid ~ New Hartford, 2Dd ~Meeting- YGUr lnsunlnce can ._ marklocatioas, iumoaDced by DOtice. tor IDstiblte. bouse, MnJl!!OD..W'aJliams!Proctor . combined Into one X Mobawt Valley Braadl. AJDericaa ~ ..... of SeaadilaaYiu Cbab of tile ...... Valley: llrsl Kaaab Gardea Cbab: llln. SidDey Birge, Van- sound PIOGI am It's UDIYenlty W0111e11: Barliara.S. Riley~... tr a;e Sip J, ValentiDO, 9308 Mallm'y Road, New Bitt- derkemp Avenue, Ba.rDeftld, 2Dd !lfoada7, mem­ called Nationwide's Bt oek baue, SMWtt, 3rd .Tuesday, various ford, 3rd Wednesday, New Hartford Presbyterian bers' bolnes. Sec:urfty Service For placa. c..1.27 ~ ~~..,, Cburcb. full deta41s call: New ~ GanJea Cbab: Mrs. .Bruce Barton, Mobawk Valley Leandal DlsabiUty Assoefatioa: StiiJiatfl Spaee. IDe.: Frances Savett. Oxford 1218 Pleasant St., New Hartford, 4th Wednesday. Mrs. Carol l..a(jalbo, 5 TDtoa JloacL 3rd Wedaes­ TowDe ApartmeDts. New Hartford. last Tbunday. members' homes. day, five times a year, .MariJie.MidJand Bank, New MeetinghOuse, Muosoa-\V111iams-1?roclnstitute. Hartford Shoppirtj Ceater. Wa&ervme Gardea Cbab: Mrs. Joan Misiaszek, X'Ukrabdaa Coapela c-•lHee, IDe.: Bobdan J . 189 Osborne Ave .• Waterville, IDOIItbly, members' Rafij, 2329 SUnset Ave., 1st Saturday, UkraiDian homes. Cattiolie Audltorimn, 6 Cottage Place. tJt1ea Toutllt_..,. Cbab 3713: ADdy ADderSOD, RD 2, Route 31, Verona, 2Dd aDd 4th 'l'tmnlday. COMPUTERGROUP TowDe and Country Lodge. Marcy. Cluo Listings- Tony Violante is pres­ Upstate Computer tJliea Wrlten Cbab: ~ - Helen B. ident of the Upstate Sliop, 629 Fmx:b Road, stephan, Graffeuburg ROad. Louis ADPie Users Group. ~- Plaza, N.ew Dainelio, s Jewett Place; 4th w~=it; • Meeting­ Members meet tbe house. MUDSOD-Williams-.Proctor IMtitPfe. third '11lursday in tbe GEMWC FealuNt digilal .... CXIUnlw) lS) _d!baiM, ~ ...... enHuttan NC~Wdlng. Electrical ..... N:...oc ~ Gl MI11IC 11111te ..,_.,. Madel35307. Aulamatic end-«......... AU;. Pal......... Tonv LaPolla ,...,..,, fla. proe.d inlerfodc. Bulltfn CXIII-­ Aurora's Mgr. ~ mlt. u-4•M• baltwiea(notifldud.d). PUT YOOR ORUIIZA'ID OVER liE 1UP FIIMCIAU.Y WI1H Ctou Desk Set. lOK gold filled ballpoint WE HAVE MANY, MAN¥ 50/50 BOWLING PARTY pen. &lgRMible ~ on walnut GROUP'RATES POR ORGANIZA110NS Alii AYM.Aal AL50I base. MORE PERFECT GinS AT Raise-1n0nay tile FUN WAY- · • Ctou Felt Ttp.Pen. lOK gold filled. , the more people YOU Invite,. the more fun YGU cro. lOK Gold Filled Pen Pencil. OUR EVERYDA¥ ~OW have and the sreatar your proceeds 1 Ctou Chrome Finish Felt Tip P.n. please cafl for details... now! Ctou Chrarne,Pen Pettdl Sat. LOW PRICES. - I WE SPECIALIZE IN ~--------~--~ .. OPI'IMIST CLUB mstorleal· Patrlotle Each month the LUNCHEONS • DINNERS · Ameriean l~aa Hlstorlc:al Assoelatloa, Ceatral Myers, 202 Ridge Road, Oriskany, 3rd Thursd ODtlmJst Club of East New York Chapter: Prof. Philip J. DiNovo, Box Orlskany Public Library Parties • ...._ • Wedlmp lftica honors an out· 292, Morrisville, four times a year, various restau· standiJul student ol T. rants in Central New York.
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