Bibliography from ADS file: piskunov.bib Ryabchikova, T., Piskunov, N., Pakhomov, Y., et al., “VizieR Online Data August 16, 2021 Catalog: FGK dwarfs atmospheric parameters (Ryabchikova+, 2016)”, 2016yCat..74561221R ADS Follert, R., Taubert, D., Hollandt, J., et al., “Characterizing the cross dispersion Kostogryz, N. M., Kupka, F., Piskunov, N., et al., “Accurate Short- reflection gratings of CRIRES+”, 2016SPIE.9912E..2BF ADS Characteristics Radiative Transfer in A Numerical Tool for Astrophysical RE- Thompson, S. J., Queloz, D., Baraffe, I., et al., “HARPS3 for a roboticized Isaac Search (ANTARES)”, 2021SoPh..296...46K ADS Newton Telescope”, 2016SPIE.9908E..6FT ADS Marconi, A., Abreu, M., Adibekyan, V., et al., “HIRES, the High-resolution Marconi, A., Di Marcantonio, P., D’Odorico, V., et al., “EELT-HIRES the high- Spectrograph for the ELT”, 2021Msngr.182...27M ADS resolution spectrograph for the E-ELT”, 2016SPIE.9908E..23M ADS Piskunov, N., Wehrhahn, A., & Marquart, T., “Optimal extraction of echelle de Jong, R. S., Barden, S. C., Bellido-Tirado, O., et al., “4MOST: the 4-metre spectra: Getting the most out of observations”, 2021A&A...646A..32P Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope project at preliminary design review”, ADS 2016SPIE.9908E..1OD ADS Marconi, A., Abreu, M., Adibekyan, V., et al., “ELT-HIRES, the high resolution Dorn, R. J., Follert, R., Bristow, P., et al., “The “+” for CRIRES: enabling better spectrograph for the ELT: the Phase A study and the path to construction”, science at infrared wavelength and high spectral resolution at the ESO VLT”, 2020SPIE11447E..26M ADS 2016SPIE.9908E..0ID ADS Fabbian, D., Kupka, F., Krüger, D., Kostogryz, N. M., & Piskunov, N., “Shine Brewer, J. M., Fischer, D. A., Valenti, J. A., & Piskunov, N., “Spectral Prop- BRITE: shedding light on stellar variability through advanced models”, erties of Cool Stars: Extended Abundance Analysis of 1,617 Planet-search 2020svos.conf..155F ADS Stars”, 2016ApJS..225...32B ADS Pakhomov, Y. V., Ryabchikova, T. A., & Piskunov, N. E., “Hyperfine Splitting in Shulyak, D., Malo, L., Reiners, A., et al., “Hunting For Strong Magnetic the VALD Database of Spectral-line Parameters”, 2019ARep...63.1010P Fields In Rapidly Rotating Sun-Like Stars With Stokes-I Observations”, ADS 2016csss.confE.118S ADS Ryabchikova, T., Piskunov, N., & Sitnova, T., “Evaluation of the Recent Lavail, A., Piskunov, N., Heiter, U., et al., “CRIRES+: A High Resolution Near- Atomic Data for Fe uc(i) Lines Based on Solar and Stellar Spectra”, Infrared Spectro(Polari)Meter At The VLT”, 2016csss.confE..48L ADS 2019SoPh..294..156R ADS Barklem, P. & Piskunov, N.: 2016, Hlinop: April 2016 Release Aronson, E. & Piskunov, N., “Model-free inverse method for transit imag- 2016zndo.....50215B ADS ing of stellar surfaces. Using transit surveys to map stellar spot coverage ”, Cunha, K., Soderblom, D. R., Piskunov, N., et al., “Highlights of IAU Com- 2019A&A...630A.122A ADS mission 29: Recent Advances and Perspectives on Stellar Spectroscopy”, Cole-Kodikara, E. M., Käpylä, M. J., Lehtinen, J. J., et al., “Spot evolution on 2016IAUTA..29..428C ADS LQ Hya from 2006-2017: temperature maps based on SOFIN and FIES data”, Ryabchikova, T., Piskunov, N., Pakhomov, Y., et al., “Accuracy of at- 2019A&A...629A.120C ADS mospheric parameters of FGK dwarfs determined by spectrum fitting”, Hackman, T., Ilyin, I., Lehtinen, J. J., et al., “Starspot activity of HD 199178. 2016MNRAS.456.1221R ADS Doppler images from 1994-2017”, 2019A&A...625A..79H ADS Boyarchuk, A. A., Shustov, B. M., Savanov, I. S., et al., “Scientific prob- Hackman, T., Ilyin, I., Lehtinen, J. J., et al., “VizieR Online Data lems addressed by the Spektr-UV space project (world space Observatory- Catalog: HD199178 1994-2017 spectra (Hackman+, 2019)”, Ultraviolet)”, 2016ARep...60....1B ADS 2019yCat..36250079H ADS Tinetti, G., Drossart, P., Eccleston, P., et al., “The EChO science case”, de Jong, R. S., Agertz, O., Berbel, A. A., et al., “4MOST: Project overview 2015ExA....40..329T ADS and information for the First Call for Proposals”, 2019Msngr.175....3D ADS Aronson, E., Waldén, P., & Piskunov, N., “Using near-infrared spec- Willamo, T., Hackman, T., Lehtinen, J. J., et al., “VizieR Online Data Cat- troscopy for characterization of transiting exoplanets (Corrigendum)”, 2015A&A...581C...1A alog: V-band differential photometry for V889 Her (Willamo+, 2019)”, ADS 2019yCat..36220170W ADS Cole, E. M., Hackman, T., Käpylä, M. J., et al., “Doppler imaging of LQ Hydrae Willamo, T., Hackman, T., Lehtinen, J. J., et al., “Long-term spot monitoring of for 1998-2002”, 2015A&A...581A..69C ADS the young solar analogue V889 Herculis”, 2019A&A...622A.170W ADS Piskunov, N. & Aronson, E., “Posters: Poster #73927: High-resolution trans- Ryabchikova, T., Pakhomov, Y., & Piskunov, N., “VALD: The Meeting Point of mission spectroscopy of exoplanets with the ground-based instruments”, Data Producers and Data Users”, 2018Galax...6...93R ADS 2015pthp.confE..54P ADS Dorval, P., Snik, F., Piskunov, N., et al., “Analysis of the polarimetric perfor- Barklem, P. S. & Piskunov, N.: 2015, HLINOP: Hydrogen LINe OPacity in mance of the HARPS3 Cassegrain adaptor unit”, 2018SPIE10702E..6BD stellar atmospheres 2015ascl.soft07008B ADS ADS Brewer, J. M., Fischer, D. A., Basu, S., Valenti, J. A., & Piskunov, N., “Accurate Brucalassi, A., Dorn, R. J., Follert, R., et al., “Full system test and early prelim- Gravities of F, G, and K stars from High Resolution Spectra Without External inary acceptance Europe results for CRIRES+”, 2018SPIE10702E..39B Constraints”, 2015ApJ...805..126B ADS ADS Korhonen, H., Andersen, J. M., Piskunov, N., et al., “Stellar activity as noise Piskunov, N., Stempels, E., Lavail, A., et al., “A unique infrared spectropolari- in exoplanet detection - I. Methods and application to solar-like stars and metric unit for CRIRES+”, 2018SPIE10702E..34P ADS activity cycles”, 2015MNRAS.448.3038K ADS Marconi, A., Allende Prieto, C., Amado, P. J., et al., “ELT-HIRES, the Ryabchikova, T., Piskunov, N., & Shulyak, D., “On the Accuracy of Atmospheric high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: results from the Phase A study”, Parameter Determination in BAFGK Stars”, 2015ASPC..494..308R 2018SPIE10702E..1YM ADS ADS Aronson, E. & Piskunov, N., “Model-independent Exoplanet Transit Spec- Brown, A., Neff, J. E., Ayres, T. R., et al., “Serendipitous Discovery of troscopy”, 2018AJ....155..208A ADS a Dwarf Nova in the Kepler Field Near the G Dwarf KIC 5438845”, Regandell, S., Marquart, T., & Piskunov, N., “Inside a VAMDC data node- 2015AJ....149...67B ADS putting standards into practical software”, 2018PhyS...93c5001R ADS Kochukhov, O., Rusomarov, N., Valenti, J. A., et al., “Magnetic field topol- Piskunov, N., “Deriving stellar parameters with the SME software package”, ogy and chemical spot distributions in the extreme Ap star HD 75049”, 2017sbcs.conf..209P ADS 2015A&A...574A..79K ADS Pakhomov, Y., Piskunov, N., & Ryabchikova, T., “VALD3: Current Develop- Rusomarov, N., Kochukhov, O., & Piskunov, N., “Stellar magnetic fields from ments”, 2017ASPC..510..518P ADS four Stokes parameter observations”, 2015IAUS..307..395R ADS Piskunov, N., “Main High-Resolution Near-IR Spectrometer for the VLT”, Rusomarov, N., Kochukhov, O., Ryabchikova, T., & Piskunov, N., “Three- 2017ASPC..510..514P ADS dimensional magnetic and abundance mapping of the cool Ap star HD 24712. Piskunov, N., Ryabchikova, T., Pakhomov, Y., et al., “Program Package II. Two-dimensional magnetic Doppler imaging in all four Stokes parame- for the Analysis of High Resolution High Signal-To-Noise Stellar Spectra”, ters”, 2015A&A...573A.123R ADS 2017ASPC..510..509P ADS Rusomarov, N., Kochukhov, O., & Piskunov, N., “Magnetic fields Brewer, J. M., Fischer, D. A., Valenti, J. A., & Piskunov, N., “Erratum: Spec- of Ap stars from full Stokes spectropolarimetric observations”, tral Properties of Cool Stars: Extended Abundance Analysis of 1617 Planet 2014psce.conf..380R ADS Search Stars (<A href=“https://doi.org/10.3847/0067-0049/225/2/32”>2016, Piskunov, N., Ryabchikova, T., Titarenko, A., Pakhomov, Y. V., & Nizamov, B., ApJS, 225, 32</A>)”, 2017ApJS..230...12B ADS “Methodology for measuring fundamental parameters and associated uncer- Piskunov, N. & Valenti, J. A., “Spectroscopy Made Easy: Evolution”, tainties for middle and cool main-sequence stars”, 2014psce.conf..130P 2017A&A...597A..16P ADS ADS Brewer, J. M., Fischer, D. A., Valenti, J. A., & Piskunov, N., “VizieR Online Udry, S., Lovis, C., Bouchy, F., et al., “Exoplanet Science with the European Data Catalog: Extended abundance analysis of cool stars (Brewer+, 2016)”, Extremely Large Telescope. The Case for Visible and Near-IR Spectroscopy 2016yCat..22250032B ADS at High Resolution”, 2014arXiv1412.1048U ADS 1 Seemann, U., Anglada-Escude, G., Baade, D., et al., “Wavelength calibra- Corbally, C., D’Antona, F., Spite, M., et al., “Division Iv: Stars”, tion from 1-5µm for the CRIRES+ high-resolution spectrograph at the VLT”, 2012IAUTA..28..147C ADS 2014SPIE.9147E..5GS ADS Makaganiuk, V., Kochukhov, O., Piskunov, N., et al., “Magnetism, Zerbi, F. M., Bouchy, F., Fynbo, J., et al., “HIRES: the high resolution spectro- chemical spots, and stratification in the HgMn star φ Phoenicis”, graph for the E-ELT”, 2014SPIE.9147E..23Z ADS 2012A&A...539A.142M ADS Rusomarov, N., Kochukhov, O., & Piskunov, N., “Magnetic fields Valenti, J. A. & Piskunov, N.: 2012, SME: Spectroscopy Made Easy of Ap stars from full Stokes vector spectropolarimetric observations”, 2012ascl.soft02013V ADS 2014IAUS..302..304R ADS Hackman, T., Mantere, M. J., Lindborg, M., et al., “Doppler images of II Pegasi Shulyak, D., Reiners, A., Seemann, U., Kochukhov, O., & Piskunov, N., for 2004-2010”, 2012A&A...538A.126H ADS “Magnetic fields in M-dwarfs from high-resolution infrared spectroscopy”, Fischer, D. A., Gaidos, E., Howard, A. W., et al., “M2K. II. A Triple-planet 2014IAUS..302..170S ADS System Orbiting HIP 57274”, 2012ApJ...745...21F ADS Lockhart, M., Piskunov, N., Stempels, E., et al., “Novel infrared polarimeter for Nesvacil, N., Lüftinger, T., Shulyak, D., et al., “Multi-element Doppler imaging the ESO CRIRES+ instrument”, 2014SPIE.9147E..8PL ADS of the CP2 star HD 3980”, 2012A&A...537A.151N ADS Lizon, J.
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