JOPLIN NEWS HERALD, SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1912. youngsters to learn how to fort*. Sunday will prove a popular day f©F the grown folks who enjoy »p I aah int NEWS AND NOTES OF SPOR In the clear waters. Tho beautiful walks, flower ens, shade trees and the running YANKEES SAFE WITH water combine to make the parh •• MISSOURI WALKS OFF Ideal place for a restful afternoon. “G abby” Street Now W ith the New York Yankees Iii addition there will be th# big TWO GOOD BACKSTOPS WITH THE HONORS IN baseball game and the excellent aen­ ean by Jolley and bls band of 29 INCLUDING STREET THE DES MOINES MEET pieces. IRE ON I A FT K It NOON. Tart I. J U MANAGER WOLVERTON HAS NICHOLSON PRO VRS TO BE THE JOLLEY HAS MADE U N U SU A L LY I "T he A m erican F a v o rite .” aMMNft ' STRENGTHENED HIS TEAM BTA It IN THE GREAT VALLEY —De Ville. GOOD SELECTION b o n p r o . 2. ”Trlofnphal,” overture-fantasia — BY ADDITIONS. CONTEST. (.RAM. Rubinstein 3 "Dae Krete llerikloppan"—■ii* enherg. * "Th* Glow Worm"—Llncke. (By W. J. M aeB eth.) DES MOINES, TA . May 26 - Missouri Other Attraction* of the Resort Al ill i. "On Mobil* Bay"— Wanrleh. NKW YORK, May 26.—Manager Harry athletes outrun, outhtirdled, outsptlnted. Bert ll. Wotverton of tho Yankees pulled a outthrew and outjumped most every con­ Take Thousand* Out to Hie 4 "Bohemian Girl," grand salesmen mighty fine stroke of busine** when he tender in the annual Missouri Valley W o o d s. - Half* landed Catcher Street from the Wash­ field meet at Drake stadium this after­ "Mh You BaauMful Dell -gays". I "Kugusns Bed noter.’’ welts— ington club. Scoffers were inclined to noon. The Missourians entered men In Rosa* dieagree with ouch a statement, especially 13 out of 16 events and scored eight Ona of tha heat concerts of tfia 9 "Th* Midnight Ron's.” gglfetlMU when the veteran backstop got away firsts for a total of points. The final season has barn prepared by Jolley — H ubbell. 10 tu a bad start this epring. But somehow, score w as; for hla band concart to ba given at "Pintosto Polka"—Strauss. FA BN I ITG. since Ed Sweeney came to term* with M issouri, 6 04, N ebraska, 21 1-3, Ames, Lakeside park thla afternoon and to­ ra n in . 17 2-3; K ansas, 17 1-1 , Coe, 16 1-1; Drake, night. Mr. Jollay takes particular the Highland management a change for ii. •‘Carman.’* grand selection— Biset. the better has come over the only sea­ IJ 1-6; Washington, 9; Morningside, f-‘s . pride In hla selection of placet and ? "Humoresque"—Dvorak. soned receiver with the Crag men up to Grinnell 314. Des Moines 3. and (Simp­ Ilia good taste In this regard has al­ I ’'Woodland,” ••lection tieqtiSSB the time of Sweeney’s entrance on tbs* son. 2. ways mat tbs popular approval. Dudera scene. Hoven records went by the boe rd In the 4. ’T*eleela.” flower song— Brant* Sweeney was Just the tonic nectessry meet, four of which were lowered by The bathing beach at lakesideI r#n for Street’s greatest good. Far be It from continues to ba one of the most I the Missouri athlete*, whoa* general per P a n TV. ’■ _%1 any Intent to Intimate that Street had formant** brands them ae the greatest popular features. Yesterday tha * * pMiquen orerturo—ShSINBBBk leafed while the club was at hie tender aggregation of track stare wast of the beach was crowded with the Boy * Bright Byss." ssfsetfow—flMNM mercy. He was a sick man ail tpring— Mtt*ls«lpp! river. Nebraska established no sick that he often ehouid have been Bronte from Webb City. Tha beach - new record* In both relay* and Farqua- •’Busti# of Bp rin g '-—Bin d ing In bed when he was sporting th# cheet har of Ames lowered the mil* run. ta safe and a good place for the * "Th* Prlvra.'’ msreh—Boshnlsln. piotector and the mitt. He had Just com­ Nicholson. n*rmt»nd, Wickham, T h ith ­ menced to find himself when Sweney er and Kirksey were the scintilla:!! # bobbed up. But probably he would not Bier* of the Tiger team. Nicholson tan Habits curad by a • borough awd have found himself so quickly but for the high hurdlea in 16 3-6, within 3-6 of scUntUlo courts of treatm sat. hts rival veteran's return. which removes th* craving o r a astond of the world's record, and the necessity for liquor or drugs. Im­ Street will help Sweeney every bit as record will eta)., ae official, a* the parts new strength to every or- much as Sweeney will benefit Street. RINK 2 OPIUM gen, end Improves the general lanky Missourian left all tne hurdles They are two of the finest catchers In ib/ m ? .I y "#arlJr so *9ars’ nae and tha ours • •anding. Bermond lowered the half wk. L* pall ants Hewer* of Imitations the American league. Sweeney was the mile record with a time of 1:67 flat, ***»9y t taal ma nt Ie admtnlatered In this Clatty only at class of the circuit In 1910. There was no rpiintlng the entire distance In this IRE KEELEY INSTITUTE. 711 WEST ION IT.. (HSM CITY, MO better catcher anywhere In 1905 than e\ent. Hut It was Nicholson who was In Street. Rheumatism put him out of com­ * class by himself in the hurdles, hut mission in 1910. Last year he was al­ he failed to equal the world's rsrord sim­ most himself again. Now he la travel­ ply bees use he ,.ad no on* to push him I’on deneed stotement of condition of tha ing aa well aa at any time In ills career. to 16 1-6 seconds. And with Sweeney at hie coat tails all Nicholson took three firsts for Mis­ the time he'll have to keep on travel­ souri, Thatcher two and Bermond, Kirk­ ing. sey and Wickham on# sach, First National Bank Sweenay and Street should easily prove of Joplin, at the doss of business April IR, lilt: the greatest catching combination In the MHF! M ATIS* AND hriR N i, SKH big show. Each Is a strapping big fel­ diereses in ’ Indigestion cured by tbs R B B n U R c e s LIABILITIES low capable of catching the entire "Radium Water” treatment and baths schedule of games lf fortunate enough to latens and Investments....MTK Nm «? •"spital *Fork <(1* 1(1 in ttno.fldo.ss at Claremore, oklahoma, the leading U. S bonds ........................... is*,eau.do •scape injury. Street ean hold any Surplus end profits health resort of (ha southwest, fa­ Empire building ................ 44,ms Si pitcher. For years he teamed with Wal­ mous for thna* magical watare. Your (earned* ............................... 117 448 1* Bank building and other ter Johnson, who packs the fattest ball circulation ........... ............... i»/«e.«e absolute cure at modrrate coat. Your real *sta»e ........................... II 432 M of the age. He baa also had lots of ex­ cure will he the best testimonial. For D epoatte ..............................Mg,TYO 17 ( • oh and exchange ............ ITI.Altha perience with spit ball receiving descriptive booklet, addrest Comnier- Sweeney la the only catcher In ‘he coun­ .tai Club. Station A Claremore, Okla­ try who ean properly handle Ruasel hom a. DbT.WI.74 Ford'a freak delivery. The pair worked We par no Interest on deposits. The above gtafsm snt la co rrec t: together ainee they were kids In the ‘‘Gabby” Street tat the right! end E d Sweeney, rival catchers of (he New Y ark Yankee*. THV NEW* HERALD WANT ADM T. B JENKINS, Cahier. ’’bushes.’! They are so familiar with H A SFILX LL NOTES. each other that often this star battery works without eigne. urn! Wingo, Umpires Rlgler and Fin* CAUGHT BAM.. FROM MONUMENT. E. M. F. TEAM GETS I TWILIGHT LEAGUE n eran . The lesson promisee to develop a great fight In friendly rivalry ttetween Street j A MICHI! AN UK AC. I E . and Sweney and th# harder titer tus­ CHESTY BY VICTORIES . GAMES_ IN PLENTY Ne<» \ «>rk. U-»i Washington, .1-% sle the better off will they and the dub | USU a Kil a *u I M New York, first game- *K. H. E Where to Get What You Want he. Sweeney baa one alight advantage | HAS A HINCH THAT IT CAN i OM TUESDAY AND THURSDAY v'“ h,r>*,on ...ll* "Od ie*—I lo 2 lr the fact that he will be assigned with J New York .............. IOO 033 OOI—« 7 9 THESE MERCHANTS ARE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE VOTES WITH PURCHASES Rusael Ford, the pitching der. Yet CLEAN UP THE ORONOGO GAMES WILL HE PLAYED Batterie* - Johnson and AJnsmlth; Street has a qualification that offsete Ford a* a* .Mweeney. Umpires Evans Good in the Merchants’ and Manufacturers’ Priie Election. this. at least. BLUES EASILY. M m H U M ID . i an d Kit a ii. Street Is the greatest catcher of the Second g a m e -- R. H. K. age on a high lift. Ha never muffs one. I W ash in g to n ...1 0 4 OOO ,000— i 7 X AWATCH THIS LIST GROW — Anything that he has lime to get under Th# E. M. F. team the Elect tie park .Members of th# Twilight league w«l| I New York ... 301 203 00x- 1 I* 2 he can hold, whather It be a tall fly to team and th* Oronogo Blues will me t | hava .
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