LECTURE 1 VOWELS A vowel is a sound which is produced with little or no obstruction to the airflow in the mouth. English has 20 vowels divided into two groups: 12 pure vowels (or monophthongs) and 8 diphthongs. All vowels are voiced, oral and continuant. Vowels are described according to: 1. The height of the tongue in the mouth (close, half-close, half-open and open). 2. The part of the tongue involved in the production of the vowel (front, central and back). 3. The shape of the two lips (spread, rounded and neutrally open). In describing vowels, "close" means that the tongue is in a high position in the mouth, and "open" means that the tongue is in a low position in the mouth. "Half-close" and "half-open" are two midway positions. The Vowel Chart 1 Pure Vowels (Monophthongs) A pure vowel (or monophthong) is a vowel during whose production the tongue assumes one stable position throughout. There are 12 pure vowels in English: 7 short vowels and 5 long vowels. (A) Short Vowels English has 7 short vowels: /ɪ/, /e/, /æ/, /ə/, /ʌ/, /ʊ/ and /ɒ/. /ɪ/ is a front vowel produced with the tongue between the close and half-close position and the lips slightly spread. Possible Spelling: a as in village, private ai as in fountain, mountain e as in pretty, wicked, women. ey as in monkey, donkey, storey i as in fifth, rich, with ie as in ladies, sieve o as in women u as in busy y as in in city, rhythm, symbol /e/ is a front vowel produced with the tongue between the half-close and half- open position and the lips slightly spread. Possible Spelling: e as in egg, blend, went a as in any, many eo as in leopard, jeopardy ea as in bread, measure, realm ei as in leisure 2 /æ/ is a front vowel produced with the tongue at the close position and the lips slightly spread. Possible Spelling: a as in man, hat, pat i as in impasse ai as in plait /ə/ is a central unstressed vowel produced with the tongue between the half- close and half-open position and the lips neutrally open. This vowel is called "schwa." Possible Spelling: a as in arrive, advise, negative ar as in particular, regular, nectar er as in driver, baker, stranger e as in seven, haven, violence eo as in surgeon, dungeon o as in person, sermon oar as in cupboard or as in actor, victor, minor re as in manoeuvre, ochre, spectre ou as in famous, dangerous, poisonous eou as in outrageous, courageous, righteous iou as in precious, religious, delicious u as in lettuce, serum, column ure as in furniture, culture, literature /ʌ/ is a central vowel said with the tongue just above the open position and the lips neutrally open. Possible Spelling: o as in come, won, sponge oo as in flood, blood u as in sun, fun, rub ou as in courage, touch oe as in does. 3 /ʊ/ is a back vowel said with the tongue at the close position and the lips rounded. Possible Spelling: o as in woman, wolf oo as in good, foot u as in put, full, pull ou as in could, would, should /ɒ/ is a back open vowel said with the lips slightly rounded. Possible Spelling: o as in sorry, spot, stop au as in because a as in what, want, wander ou as in cough, trough ow as in knowledge 4 LECTURE 2 (B) LONG VOWELS English has 5 long vowels: /i:/, /ɜ:/, /ʊ:/, /ɔ:/ and /ɑ:/. /i:/ is a front close vowel produced with the lips slightly spread. Possible Spelling: ee as in see, screen, speed ea as in eat, meat, dream ie as in yield, field, shield ei as in seize, deceive, perceive e as in scene, meter, meteor i as in police, machine eo as in people ey as in key uay as in quay /ɜ:/ is a central long vowel produced with the tongue between the half-close and half-open position and the lips neutrally open. It is called "long schwa." Possible Spelling: or as in word, worm, attorney our as in scourge, journey, journal ir as in firm, bird, fir yr as in myrtle yrrh as in myrrh er as in serve, herd, person ur as in fur, burn, hurt ear as in earth, learn olo as in colonel. 5 /ʊ:/ is a back vowel produced with the tongue at the close position and the lips moderately rounded. Possible Spelling: o as in who, those oo as in fool, spoon u as in rude, rule ou as in soup, coupon oeu as in manoeuvre oup as in coup ew as in few, new ue as in blue, due eu as in feudal oe as in shoe ui as in fruit, suit /ɔ:/ is a back vowel produced with the tongue midway between the half-close and half-open position and the lips rounded. Possible Spelling: a as in water, call, talk aw as in law, claw, saw au as in taught, caught oa as broad oar as in board, coarse or as in sport, horse, force ore as in ore, spore oor as in door, floor ou as bought, fought our as in course, four wor as in sword 6 /ɑ:/ is a back vowel said with the tongue at the open position and the lips neutrally open. Possible Spelling: a as in ask, pass, past, father ar as in art, part, start au as in aunt er as in clerk, Derby, sergeant ear in hearth, heart al as in calm, palm 7 LECTURE 3 DIPHTHONGS Diphthongs are those sounds that consist of a movement or glide from one vowel sound to another. The first part of a diphthong is always longer and stronger than the second part; as the sound glides into the second part of the diphthong the loudness of the sound decreases. There are eight diphthongs in English. Diphthongs are divided into front closing diphthongs, back closing diphthongs, and centering diphthongs. Diphthongs end in either /i/, /u/ or /ə/. The front closing diphthongs are called so because they all end in the front close vowel /i/. They include: /ei/ as in make, rain, break, eight, play /ai/ as in arrive, island, aisle, high, die, try, buy /ɔi/ as in boy, soil, voice, buoy The back closing diphthongs are called so because they both end in the back close vowel /u/. They include: /əu/ as in go, no, boat, toe, grow, though /au/ as in now, how, out, cloud, bough The centering diphthongs are called so because they all end in the central vowel /ə/. They include: /iə/ as in hero, idea, dear, beer, here, igneous, curious /eə/ as in care, share, chair, fair, swear, bear, where, there /uə/ as in jury, usual, sure, poor, tour, doer 8 Triphthongs Triphthongs are those sounds that consist of a movement or glide from one vowel to another and then onto a third. They are very similar to diphthongs, but have an extra schwa on the end of the diphthongs. The five clear examples of triphthongs in English are as follows: /eiə/ as in layer /leiə/. /aiə/ as in liar /laiə/. /ɔiə/ as in loyal /lɔiəl/. /auə/ as in power /pauə/. /əuə/ as in goer /ɡəuə/. Practice the pronunciation of the following words: police /pə'li:s/ person /'pɜ:sən/ manager /'mænɪdʒə/ monkey /'mʌŋki/ Caesar /'si:zə/ violence /'vɑɪələns/ plays /pleiz/ place /pleis/ mashed /mæʃt/ voices /'vɔisiz/ sergeant /'sɑ:dʒənt/ breakfast /'brekfəst/ universal /ju:nɪ'vɜ:səl/ asked /ɑ:skt/ passed /pɑ:st/ past /pɑ:st/ scientific /sɑiən'tɪfɪk/ receive /rɪ'si:v/ photo /'fəutəu/ photograph /'fəutəgræf/ patience /'peiəns/ adjunct /'ædʒʌŋkt/ lieutenant /lef'tenənt/ assign /ə'sɑin/ psychology /sɑi'kɒlədʒi/ thanks /θæƞks/ drinking /'drɪŋkɪŋ/ jury /'dʒʊərɪ/ house /hɑʊs/ houses /'hɑʊsiz/ colonel /'kə:nəl/ bread /bred/ breed /bri:d/ thieves /i:vz/ straight /streit/ jeopardy /'dʒepədi/ surgeon /'sɜ:dʒən/ perceive /pə'si:v/ 9 machine /mə'i:n/ journey /'dʒɜ:nɪ/ breaks /breɪks/ brakes /breaks/ foolish /'fʊ:lɪ/ friendship /'frendʃɪp/ scenery /'si:nəri/ stairs /steəz/ height /hɑit/ weight /weit/ soap /səʊp/ soup /sʊ:p/ hungry /'hʌŋgri/ airport /'eəpɔːt/ proud /prɑʊd/ abroad /ə'brɔːd/ pride /prɑid/ teachers /'ti:təz/ blue /blʊ:/ blouse /blɑʊz/ blouses /'blɑʊziz/ fountain /'faʊntɪn/ virgin /'vɜ:dʒɪn/ pleasant /'plezənt/ scarce /skeəs/ scares /skeəz/ woman /'wʊmən/ women /'wɪmɪn/ laughter /'lɑ:ftə/ journal /'dʒɜ:nəl/ bloody /'blʌdɪ/ picture /'pɪktʃə/ punctual /'pʌŋktjʊəl/ stranger /'streinʤə/ education /edjʊ'keiən/ literacy /'lɪtərəsi/ pressure /'preə/ treasure /'treʒə/ during /'djʊərɪŋ/ private /'praɪvɪt/ village /'vɪlɪdʒ/ charade /ʃə'rɑːd/ relation /rɪ'leiən/ spongy /'spʌnʤi/ borrow /'bɒrəu/ follow /'fɒləu/ phonetics /fə'netiks/ culture /'kʌltə/ university /ju:nɪ'vɜ:sɪtɪ/ conversation /kɒnvə'seɪʃən/ religion /rɪ'lɪdʒən/ pleasure /'pleʒə/ phlegm /flem/ literature /'lɪtərɪtə/ heart /hɑ:t/ mother /'mʌðə/ version /'vɜːʃən/ vision /'vɪʒən/ xylophone /'zɑɪləfəʊn/ doubt /dɑʊt/ paradigm /'pærədɑɪm/ column /'kɒləm/ 10 LECTURE 1 VOWELS A vowel is a sound which is produced with little or no obstruction to the airflow in the mouth. English has 20 vowels divided into two groups: 12 pure vowels (or monophthongs) and 8 diphthongs. All vowels are voiced, oral and continuant. Vowels are described according to: 1. The height of the tongue in the mouth (close, half-close, half-open and open). 2. The part of the tongue involved in the production of the vowel (front, central and back). 3. The shape of the two lips (spread, rounded and neutrally open). In describing vowels, "close" means that the tongue is in a high position in the mouth, and "open" means that the tongue is in a low position in the mouth.
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