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"to talk." being among those'who throw the dialect, and follPwInK tluu by assum­ some of -.iu- situiitions as the play de- Pierce, retUmlnr to her home in Lex­ bridges across the Meuse yvhon the r,th Hor soloction.s were artistic und ox- vo!o|j.-.l. .Ml. l-'airchiid was iniroitablo ington oh' Monday niurniiif;. ing tlie character of tho college pro- tronifly well balanced, the first boing Save Your Bread and 6th Marines,' mentioned by Charles fe8.sor. His Ideas on Ibi- "Germ- m lil.v portr.ij.ii of tlio genial club- Gerry Nutting, the elder non of Mr. Parker, were to cross for the attack. a grave, legato measure, and tho sec­ ma:;. .M.-.-.. Kairchlld. in her role of proof" problem and his final render­ ond. In direct contrast, a light, stac­ ANI> MAKE DELICIOUS TOAST ON AN and Mrs. H. L. Nuttlne, of this town, Both the jjqys ore to be advised by ing of tho poem in w-hich the line the "aiiusoii wito." ably supporting returned here from Camp Taylor Ky their relatives here pt the >y,hereabout.s cato action. Mrs. Kelley kindly re­ tho pan of hor husband, the climax Some little bug win get you some sponded to her encore with still an­ (inuUy boing a happy one. Through­ Mpnday eVenlng. He was In tSe ot- 'of the other in'hopes they may nieet. day appeared, were irreslstably fun­ flcers' training school and received his It Is anticipated that thero would be other stylo of playing, the last being a out all tho parts aiwlgnod to Mr. and ny and provoked continual laughter southern melody, very- ' beautiful In -Mrs. J-'airchild they woro true to the discharge after rccelvln)? the rank of "somethlng-d.olng'.' about the time they among his audience. second lieutenant. He is in very good j:aught slglit of-each other. rhythm. character thoy wore impersonating, health,- aside from a throat trouble, A contralto solo by Mrs. Elsie Copp, -Mrs. Alice Bartlett was In flne voice and are to bo congratulated on tho Electric which rocontly confined him to the F^pcr<^ Boy RctqlUs from Franco. Little mother of mine," was sung and much enjoyed In her sPIo, "One manner in which thcy w^ereable to hospital there for nearly three weeks. with much feeling, and called forth Heetlng- hour," with vloUn obligato by produce a purely good comedy without Another of our P«pperell boys has repeated encore, to whicb Mrs. Copp commonness. He went to lawrence on Tuesday tb arrived home safely from service in Mrs. Kelley, and gave as an encore, visit the Hall family, who were form­ responded. Tho selections by Mrs "The parting hour." the applause France—Kay 'Wllloaghby. who went Kelley, violinist, were to many the The net proceeds of the evening er residents here. After a few weeks' across in December; 1917, and has showing her popularity with a Pep­ were not large, a-s this was not the finest part of the evening's program perell audience. vacatTon, In order to recover from his >In.ce been serving as mechanician at During the months which have elapsed point aimed for. but ratbor that the Toaster Illness, he Intends to take up his work the aviation s,tatIoi)s In France. He The concluding number was the entertainment should bo satisfying since her Pepperell friends have heard , TOU^MAY NOT LIKE TOAST UNTIL IT IS JVIADE again In the line of engineering. "- enlisted In the spring of 191T and was her In anything blit sacred music at presentation of the original playlet, both to those who had tho affair In Miss Ethel Hall has recently rej- In training at.jhe. Squantunf aviation this church. It seemed to many that "For he's a Jolly good fellow-," by Mr. charge, and to the people who came ELECTEtCAIjLY--A BREAKFAST NECESSITY celved her degree as registered nurse camp; also, at th^ .naval station, her proficiency had increased to a re­ and Mrs. L. C. Falrchlld. This was to enjoy It. Both of these object.-* from the Lavrence General hospital Btimpkin Island, i Later, he was markable degree, and she was able very cleverly produced, in spite ot the were entirely successful, and the where ihe has been In training for transferred to-the Pcnsacola U. a to cause hecj'lolln to respond to her lack of stage properties and acces­ church will receive the benefit ot the three years. She was graduated In tuival station, where.he was In.train­ sories which might have added to amount of the proceeds. December and has already had one or ing for about three mpnthsi His divi­ • > Ayer Elea:ric Light Co. two coses. It Is expected she will rej- sion .was' sent north -fb- Philadelphia in turn with Mr. Nutting to spend the November, and sailed for France Barry Bnilding Ma4n Street AYER, MASS. last of this week with the NutUng from New Tork'on December 7, 19 IT. famll> and former-friends In town. '.' In France he xomiaenced .bis duties Getting the Most for your Money Misses Marguerite Deware and LUi- as ine'chanlclan at t^e station for the llan Dunton, who have been attending training of gunne':^',and,observers at There's a way to do that in clothes buy­ Ayer Hardware Co. the business college In Nashua, have ^ontchlc-Lacahaii. Ho made an at­ finished the course In stenography'and tempt to be--transferred. Into the ing-—and here's the place; The price you BUILDERS'* HARDWARE typewriting. Northern -Bombing- Squadron, which was sent Into the active warefare, but spend here for a Joseph Attrldge is under treatment was told that understanding the wori: PAIKTS, PARK mPIlEUENTS. KETCHES* FURNISHINGS trom the bono specialist, Dr. MacAusr land, of Boston, for trouble with one he was perfprniing at the station sp > ^ ODTTJERT, SPORTING GOODS, MECHANICS' o^ his knees. The cause Is said to have well he'was as^essen^lal there as else­ TOOLS, ELECTRICAIi' APPIiIANCES been infection froni the tonslis and where. •.•-:'.'I ; Hart Schaffner & Marx defective teeth, In the opinion of the After'rthe armistice was. signed physlclm. -. he was trarisferreS to the U. S. Autdmbt>ile Tires and Supplies naval station at'the'rport of PaulUac. A message was received here on Prance, from which post he-sailed for Suit or -Overcoat Tuesday- that Private Edward Mc&ord, home Pn January~12J arriving-hero at of the lOlst Infantry, who recently Hoboken about t'welve days later He Mazda Lamps for House and Automobiles returned from overseas and lias been was detained at the Pelham Bay sta­ is as good as a lot more money other places at the U. S. hospital at Parlier Hlir. tion until Friday Pf iast week and ar- -rbecause of the quality you get. All wool Phono Ayer 531 J« PARK STREET Brookline, was granted a furlough In rlved,ln Pepperell bn Saturday morn­ " ' . AYER, MASS. order to accompany his father. Ed­ ing. He win. sjiend ia part of his fif­ materials; made in the best manner; in ward P. McCord, ito Sackvllle, N. B., teen days' furloiigh with his brothers to attend the funeral services.of the In Manchester; .N.H.. and In Boston, stylish suits that waste np fabrics; in models PEPPERELL ^ Hudson, N H , where she Is living with boy's uncle, George McCord, to whom and Is.to report,at'the Pelham Bay for men and young nien. SycH clothes are Mrs. Jennie Twlss, her address being he was much attached. station ori Februar>-?15, and hopes to 'News Items. - R F. D 2. ,She retains a lUely In­ Dr L. R. Qua was In • Boston on get his discharge soon. economy because they last longer. MIsa Ly;JIa Sullivan returned home terest In Pepperell people and doings business, Tuesday, and through ppor In common with many of the re­ from teaching In 'Wakefield this week, and wishijs to be remembered to all train service was not able to reach turning soldiers, he Speaks of Prance being too much Indisposed to attend her old friends At tho time of the home until afternoon. as a "land of rain-and mud," rubber Your satisfaction is guaranteed in to her duties burning of the Unitarian church she boots .and raincoats Being needed wrote of her grief at the destruction News from Germany.- every day. Mr. Willoughby Is dls.ap- these clothes. If. you don't think - Miss Gladys O'Xcal Is making excel­ of the ancient church, where she had Letters have been received • from polnted In some respects thnt he did lent rccovory from her operation for attended services In >ears past with not g?t Into the tillck of the war, even . , ^ you get it, you get your money back; appendicitis'' at the Massachusetts her father, mother, sisters and broth­ Charles H. barker, who Is In the 2nd Division, Army of Occupatlo'n. He' Is If he was Instrumental In. helping -Oeneraj hospital; last week. , It la'ex-i ers, making a whole pew full.
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