Weather Distribution tunpentun 41., JMr tonight, toowrrpr as* THEDAHY -. • >•• Ttanday. H«b todny and t*-' 24,275 MMTOW, about M. JJW tooifte. Red Bank Area #. Thursday, continued CML I 7 DIAL 7414)010 1 Set Weather, page 2. NORTHERN MONMOUTH'S HOME NEWSPAPER I"*.* VOL 87 NO 72 lMn«4 l]ll'Jr' Voodur through tiMU. 8»oon4 Clui Poittri TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1964 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Court Hints Legislature Is Unconstitutional TRENTON (AP) — The New Jersey Supreme Court has until January or February. He said the Legislature should be houses would meet jointly in the Assembly chamber to consider ber each even though their populations are too small. given indications it thinks the state Legislature is uncon- given time to act first. * apportionment. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in-June that the "one man, Jone vote" doctrine must be followed in both houses of state stitutional under the "one man, one vote" rule. CAN'T DUCK ISSUE "Let us know if anything concrete happens," Weintraub The court heard more than four hours of oral argument told Jones. legislatures. Chief Justice Joseph Weintraub said the court would be The suit before the court was filed two years ago by two Friedland argued that the U-S. court decisions required yesterday in a suit challenging the Wft-year-old system of delighted to have the Legislature take the problem out of its distributing seats in both houses of the Legislature. labor leaders who .contend New Jersey's present legislative a declaration that New Jersey's Legislature is unconstitutional. hands, but he said there was a case before the court and it setup gives too much representation to the less populated He also asked for the court to draw guidelines and issue an Comments by the justices during questioning of five lawyers could not be ducked. counties. injunction against any further elections until a valid reappor- who argued the case, indicated they thought U.S. Supreme However, Weintraub noted that it usually takes the court HELD UNFAIR tionment is accomplished. Court decisions in June applied to the state Senate at least, and several weeks to decide a case and write an opinion, a hint Their attorney, David Friedland, argued that it is unfair COOL RECEPTION possibly the Assembly, too. that it might not act before Nov. 9. for Cape May County with 48,555 residents to have one senator, Friedland suggested a special legislative election in De- One major question was whether the court would issue a The legislative session was called by Speaker Alfred N. just as Essex County with its 923,545 residents, or one assem- cember, but got a cool response from the court. decision before the Legislature holds a special joint session Beadleston, R-Monmouth, and Senate President Charles W. blyman, just as Somerset County with its 143,913 residents. Attorney General Arthur J. Sills also argued that the Nov. 9 to deal with reapportionment plans only. Sandman, Jr., R-Cape May. The call came just as the court The New Jersey system provides for one senator from Legislature must be declared unconstitutional under the U.S. Former State Sen. Walter H. Jones, R-Bergen, representing session got under way. Sandman's telegram read to the court each county, regardless of size. The Assembly is apportioned court decisions. But he asked the court to state in its opinion the Assembly speaker, urged the court not to decide the case by Jones, said no formal action would be taken, but both on population lines, except that five counties have one mem- (See DISTRICTING, Page 3) Candidate to Arrive Early for Parley Area GOP Chiefs to 'Brief Barry By WILLIAM HENDERSON boring Ocean, Middlesex and decision to arrive two hours 10:55 a.m. — Arrives at airport know from the horse's mouth just Shanley and Marcus Daly, can- ASBURY PARK — Monmouth Mercer Counties, also will pledge earlier than planned had the Re- here. how his campaign is faring in didate for Congress in the 3d Dis- County Republican chiefs will their full support to Goldwater as publicans in a dither yesterday. 11 a.m. — Motorcade lines up this section of New Jersey. trict (Monmouth and Ocean give presidential candidate Barry the campaign nears a climax. Plans and appointments had to for ride along Cookman and Has the Data counties) get off their speeches. Goldwater "the lowdown" on the County Chairman J. Russell be changed as well as the whole Ocean Aves., to hotel. WooHey, armed with reports of Workmen were busy last night campaign in this area when they Woolley, who swung the deal that routine. Goldwater originally 11:20 a.m. — Reaches the registration and rallies from arranging the hall for the meet- meet tomorrow at a hastily ar- will bring the Arizona senator was to land in his helicopter at Berkeley Carteret. other leaders, will be able to ing. ranged private luncheon confer- here, will lead the politicos to the Asbury Park air terminal at give Goldwater the "inside 11:35 a.m. — Keeps appoint- Chairs Placed ence. the gathering at the Berkeley precisely 1 p.m. ments. dope." The group, which may also in- Carteret Hotel. New Schedule 12:15 p:m. — Lunches with Goldwater will receive more Loudspeakers were installed on clude party chairmen from neigh- The presidential nominee's late Here is the new timetable: county leaders." information about his contest each end of the stage and chairs 1 p.m. — Rally starts at Con- against President Johnson when were placed on the main floor, vention Hall. he goes, in the evening, to rallies which is also used for dancing, 1:30 p.m. — Goldwater speaks. in West Orange and Teaneck. basketball and various exhibits. 2:15 p.m. — Leaves the hall. State Sen. Richard R. Stout, If Goldwater's motorcade re- 2:35 p.m. — Takes off in heli- West AHenhurst, will be the mas- turns to the Asbury-Neptune Air- copter for Newark Airport. ter of ceremonies at the , hall. port he will be passing the John- Inasmuch as Goldwater's ap- There will be a band and organ son - Humphrey - Williams head- Probe at Fort pearance probably will be his music for entertainment. quarters on Cookman Ave., about only one in the state, he will, ac- Goldwater will address the ex- the time the New Jersey senator cording to his campaign mana- pected 4,000 persons after U. S. will be making one of bis re-elec- But Not on 7 Civilians' Case ger, Daniel Kitchell, want to Senate candidate Bernard M. tion FORT MONMOUTH — Staff The committee is conducting mittee is investigating here, ex- members of the powerful Senate what is described as a "very pre- cept to say that it is interested permanent subcommittee on in- liminary investigation" into the "in several phases of electronic vestigations (the McClellan com- awarding of contracts at the U.S. procurement." Williams to Be in County, mittee) are at Fort Monmouth Army Electronics Command, The spokesman pointed out that GATEWAY TO FREEDOM — A photographer peers in- today—and have been for more here. the case against the seven men The spokesman declared flat- charged with negligence is now to West Berlin exit of a long tunnel under the Red wall than a week — a committee spokesman in Washington said ly, it is not now probing into the under administrative review. through which 57 East Germans escaped this week. It case of the seven civilians "We have no present interest Too, on 'Goldwater Day' yesterday. was called one of the biggest escapas since the wall was charged with gross negligence for in that case at all," to declared. Sen. John McClellan (&Ark) allegedly preparing faulty speci- We will stay out of ftat until 4 p.m.—Campaigning in Free- put up in 1961. (AP Wirephoto) is committee chairman. RED BANK - It's a pure co- in John F. Kennedy Memorial ications leading to a $1.9 pur- after the administrative review. incidence that tomorrow is Gold- 'ark. hold area; drop in to say "hello" chase of defective battle radia- As long as it is under review, water Day as well as Williams Here is what the the senator to workers in the Nescafe plant. tion detectors. we don't even want to know the Day in Monmouth County. vill be doing from early morn- 5 p.m. — Outdoor speech in Neither, he stated emphatical- facts." But while the Republican presi- ng on: Howell Township. ly, is it now looking into the After final action in the case denial nominee is talking to par- 9:30 a.m.—Meeting at Demo- 7 p.m.—Motorcade halts in In- Portaupeck School Plan bribery-conspiracy case which re- "we will review it and then de- cratic county headquarters, Mon- terjaken. Party at private hqnie. ty voters in Asbury Park's Con- sulted earlier this year in a fed- cide whether it is of any interest vention Hall, Democratic Sen. mouth St., Red Bank. 9 p.m. — Speech in Holmdel. ral court conviction of two ci- to us," the committee spokesman Harrison A. Williams will also be 10 a.m. — Visit with students 10 p.m. — Rally in Matawan vilian employees. said. busy touring the county in his t Monmouth College. Borough. The spokesman noted that the 10:30 p.m. — Meeting in Vet- . Going to Voters Tonight 'Procurement' search for votes. 10:45 a.m. — Monmouth Re- three men—two of them civilian erans of Foreign Wars Build- The spokesman would not in- In the afternoon, Williams will ;ional High School, New Shrews- OCEANPORT - Borough vot- arts, music, home economics and school auditor.
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