![I Republican](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Read the Ads for Profit This, Is Your. Newspaper Tho advcrtisctocnts hi this news­ This, n«jvirspaper';,'ftppreelates tbe^ papoi' arc of value to you. Jiy Ink- co-operatton off its reftders In'i iiiy<^ b\g >idvanlagc of them you can tngf as items of interest ait>,ont tbe)pa>- save (ar , iKiore than the price of selves, their i| quests',or command ft year's subscription to the paper. ity bappeMn^rs. jrt to make •mm Ucaul thera and compute your sav- your . commibntty ;nei^ news-; Van Buren County's Moat Interesting Newspaper Ingfi. Do it roRularly, ler and more interesiiRf* VOlAJMi;: lX\'l NO. 1 WNU and PAS News Services HARTFORD. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1936 4 E. Main St.' — Phone,25 ,5:Ct«.; ByMailftft.SO Per Yk Viewing the News t-rv-^-^ By Don I'. Cochnmc ^^^^ • * NEiGHBOR EDITOR JU^IMA'KV WHIRLWIND SEEKS LIEUTENANT ' TRIPLE HOLIDAY COVERNOR'3 POST .M.;rHOUGM theie has been Urss lunu'.lUious sKoutijiu frotn TO BRING HUGE house lops au'.l voi^trums ivtvi les.*^ ypuushini; of printer's ink Loyalists in Firing Line at Giiadarrama ihan ni some fornicr polilical T ye.us, the Iwe.Kc days rcuKxiu- ing het'oro the jrinuiiy election Sifttc HigJiway Department Preyue of New Yamtifes at on S.optonber 1 3 bid (aiv to bo Predicts Auto Crush Over Sduth HavehTBrings Praise converted into a whirlwind fin­ ish oi a pl.\cid canipaij^n. Coming Wcek-End Frbrn Fruit Men 0)^0 ol the livohcst ol local SEPTEMBER 11 rontcst.s is tliat loi ihc Ixoi^ub- KEEP TRUNKLINES OPEN i IMF*RQVE COLOR, FLA^VC^ )i*:<\n nojnii.alioM to)' .*<lati' icn- Program Celebrating Harvest,; ator. in which Senator hrank Nevir Peaches, Still Unnamed Hartford to See Heaviest Traf­ In Van Buren Vineyards To R. .Mo.^icr of .AllcLran <'ounly is fic Stream of Seasor.*, Say I, May Reyolutibnize .Fruit' oj-^poiscd by Attorney I'.arl 1... Run Three Days Highway Officials Industry Hereabpuisv^r^^ Burhans of l^wv i\'i\v. Both PAGEANTRY IS PLANNED are veteran canipair/iuus, an<l 'I'iio jH^iik ij-.iflic load Vlie ye.ni. (,By'"i:).'L, :i^.unnelLs in thoKalan^fif-•';' both arc (loin.v'. a stienuous job • ' •• ;:oo Gazetted), " : • idio )H-r)iiii.>s a JK-\v pi ,ik Ior , Ihi.' It, Two Parades On Saturday Will • SOUTH ,HAVBN~-Consumcrsm:ay p.i.<*. st"\'t.;,'i) yvwi'.i. ;.s pj't.'dicled by Kepublic.Miv.^ in Barry coiuity, Be Colorful Feature of Fes­ think Ihcit Michigan pc'«ches. .virlth • ;!K' SU'.'.C hi.^h'*\ay tii.'p;.u tmer.t over the third county in the st-natov- tival In Grape Area LI-:ON D, CASV.'- ' their highly painted' cheeks'^'this; !h(.' J..ab(.);- \^,\y wcok-end. ^vhlch .v.i>ar • vrp^ the A\'.arld's prHtJ^st, vbij^:^'^ ial district, initiat^xi the "draft- Fditor ol^ the Watervliet Rcc- nu\i;i.< iha! L'S-12 '.hrciUKh llni'lford .scy.'eVJil hundred ,gro,wers,;whb'knov^; inv; ' of ,\ttorney Burhajis in \\\\\ c^irry the hrax^f.^'. '.rail.i;'.stream Piuv Paw W'ill conduct its annii:ii n rd, l;I)cnKH.ratic floor leader their 'peaches,. aiJviSo'' houW'wtlyes.^ tf' • opposition to Senator iMosier. ul' tlK' .^e.U'^on. Grape Fe.'^tis'al on Septenibe.' 1,1 In in the SuUe Senate, who is a wait .lintjl,, thejj'lay .,eye^ On scores; In t^ovv>;papcr advertisements Lub(.-;' Day \< ihi.- Jir;.'t huliday in .13. with tho Hartfoj'd high scliool • caiididale lor IJ cut en ant Gov- of- new oncv^'\ dcVcJ'^ped at tlie Sdtith ' last wt'C'k they recited that the ItKUl U) tall on Mi.nday Other band among i\s cntertainfTietU feaj- ernor!.. H li von' h 05; ticullui'-a'l' experiment sta- jj piiiici)')ul h<>]!f|;.ys. Me:noi'ia! Day senatorship had been lodj^^ed in vn-es. according t(,>' the program! •'tion'« peach breedipjg'farni:ftt;JiI#ltvX .inci !!u' Fcui! fe]; on Saiurday, Grbve,.'.near here,,' ' '' [A}.A''-'^A Allei^an county for fourteen v.hieli gave i)-!o;ui'i,><L.-i a two-day announced by Supervisor .lay, 'The new ppachC)!}, still unnanied. ; years. The advertisement wa.s \'.K\'r.i(>j) '.period and b:'i)uj:ht heavy Hinckley, chairm.'m' of the fete. SNAPPY PROGRAM and only identiAcd by; numbers' ,<)n,: 5u<^nod by every Republican trniru' l')ads. Bui with tlie Saturday The ;iV>-tival will open at 10 their rnela,!' iKgs,' ntake. tlio' ord'.'v!a-;:.y; ntenibor of the Barry board of vaeaticn custom prevailin;^ \w many o'clock FridaV morniiig, Septernb'-i ; riches'j^ok div>b,' *in coinpar)son'.V'•<'; il, w.'ith an, address of weleorno by ' AT VAN BUREN'S^ supers isors.. endorsing,' Mr. IKir- e;'. a'.'^, J./.ibor D.'jy wi U brin^' a three Their color-' ,vch,eiVio :Js gr/rgcous',;..The;'; Ai I diiy-^ respilv tor n-iaiiy c'ty • dwellers Mayor Harry Kowe. The Decatvn-; i^.ans. Acsh 'uiKlernc-atb t^^e bpauttfiil.', sic^n ; : and i.- cxpf-etix-l to send an incroai.- An excelJcnt closcup view oi the firing line during the attitck on Guadarrama, Spain. These leftist rille-' and Paw Paw bands will rurni.- ,) j 1 iUe\yise ^has*;-'.been.-' improved,^.^ by . \ , .Another spirited battle in ' cd Nolume of nni-sta;c traflie into men aided iihchecking the rebel advance on -\Iadrid at the mountain town. the music -on f^'iday. • FAIR in;KARTFORD eom'bining- the 'good^ ciualitlcslvof-,, Van Iniren involves the Repub­ Mio!n,u.in lc>2' 1)H- Jinal celebration Judging of Ihe fruit di.'-;piay.'^ wil!,; le.'tcling comincrciaJ' varieties Jn to <"^-en", of tiic j-.urniner toucinK season. t.ake place from 1,0:30 until noon. ' lican nonunalion for sherifT. ' Official^ of Show ., Lools For­ tlie. new. ohe^.,; EVen'the. size of.the, In antic:jK;'.;oii of the Ira/Iic .iam, A iniique feature al 1:30 in ll\o i i peaches', has been. chaiTg<Kl—'CnJiarg-; • Sheriff Warren j. f3odi,'e ir. one the ."^talo I'li^hway depaj-tnient ha.^ ajtternoon \\'ill be ;i home •innde' ward To Largest Attend- HARTFORO BALL Neu? ^ I ,ed-M-hy"\tJie •pdmolpgists^ ; ..,';:;.> :,v of ;;e\'cral sherifTs in" the state iLfused all rcciuesi:- to close the Teachers Listed As tractor eontest. aiid at 2 • (./clock ;i ; I ', The .orchardists, .'gup.si'?;'- -'.of'thia;-^l horse pulling eoivtesl "villbc st:iged. ; ance In Recent Years who seek, third terms, and he ; t;u;)klmes for '.he celebrations; C'.)n- ..sla t i o]i over , t he, week - end;' gazed ^ The Smith <Sc Bosch i^uflball teioni mi has three opponents — Martin dueted 1>\-. many inunie:pa!.::le:^. "It TEAM TO PLAY AT .with '. a,n'ia/,"cni'Qnt 'and >,<dmn"at)lon ).< unfair lo penali'/c trunklino traf­ Rural Schools Open; High wilt play the .Riverside .-^uiad^ at- 4'i • .'\ntieipatinjt tliat the 1!13()' record -,.w.:v< \''an .Strien of Gables. Van upon, t)1 c beatjty of ,tiieighly, col-' lie '.(> acccinu'nedate a particula;' o'cldck. on Tyler field, and^a recep-| of etherMicliigan fan-s, all of'wldch' Knight of Paw f^aw and I'lo lion for visitors will clo.-ic the Fri­ tc; date h:iv.ci recorded the JargesV .ored fniit. ' For many ;c»f ^theni .Mt., • t nninicipaiily on the occ;..-'.i..>n of v, LAWRENCE FETE was their st>copd• prcvue,^: of,. .the' ;? • Hoodem.aker of .Almena. , celebi'aUon." .^-iated Highway Com- Schools To Start Monday day afternoon program, j crowd.s' in'recent• years, w'iil' • hold g.>i)d at thb Van Bur eft county'fivSr jxow pe,a'(^hes.: /fpicy •:foUnd"tli^^^ in llic con'^re.syional di.'?trict i mi.'-r.iora.'i' Murra.v D, Van Wagtrntv. Horse shoe pitohingmulchcs' will j prettier, than f'u'year a'gOi; •aSc-t^is- -d. Sister Village Will Stage Its The Ka.rtf-ord village schoo-l.^ and be staged at 7 Friday evcnin,g, foi-' !ti Hartford ^n' September 1.') to 'JO.- both Kepubhcans und Denio- j Lf the inlUix c>f vehicles from Healy ,school. BlocKmingdivle. season, luis been jliot ahd'.^ry, ymak-'i;; Other slates anticipated by the state a maioriy of the rural schools kiI lowed by a chicken cntchin}* coti- ! the managenient has'engaged more crats have merry scraps for; Annual Homecoming and Leroy L, Burrell. South Haven, ing' for betttn* color,, whilc-gast ..S'ear'\" !i'U;hway olTlcinls i.s realized, plus Van Bure.-i county will open next Deerllck school. South Haven. lo.'^t. Free attractions wil! furnish • andbo'tter i'e:ilur<.\s fur this year's con<j:res,^ional nominations. in Ox-Roast Next Monday Tuesday. September 8. while in a the entertainment dr.ring the bal-,: fOiow. wn'-f. wet. and'cool.,,, Then.: toi?, .•tbcj'' the Michii„'an owned cars that will Max Bailey. South Haven. Geneva gro\\'ors were siirpr.ised- lO; find .t'he •:•'' the Republican camp Con^'res.s- ; t.ike to the highways over the holi­ fev.- rurnl di.'Str.cts school be.^an last Center i-5chool. Geneva. ance of the evening, By way of entertainment, five Monday. ."foibr .scheme 'i.s ('being carj-ied ^ out:'.. ..; man Clare IdofFman of Allegan day, tlio traihc .stream that will HarUord's' All Star.< in their gnmf Kenneth Rhoades. South Haven, Piinidc On Saturday 'high gr.'ide Wiudeville act.s will bo quite uniformiy^ . in all, .secdllings'." That a record enrollment in the is bein^ opposed by Dr.
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