.WI r v!1 1 ^ ^m,,. .. R^ .^m^ ^ •7 ú¡.i^^^ :: ► ^ nl-;. ^. ¡;. :l^^ ^ü1^^11II: flfll ^11(NV ^^ 11 ^^1i , -7 ^c ;^r,.g ^ _ ^ ^•^_ . , • ^ ^ . ^ ; ^-- - r=• ac _ • • `;^^^ .^ -^. 'In,. -r - • ^^ —f= _ TELL THE BOYS TO PULL TOGETHER ,aa-.,.a The Official Organ of the Victorian Division of the Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen. Registered at G.P.O., Melbourne, for transmission by Post as a Newspaper. JULY-AUGUST, 1931 V , ol. 14 No. 7 MELBOURNE, AUGUST 6, 1931. Price, 2/- Per Annum, Post Free . J THE LOCO TEM A iL R E Cleanliness Comfort Good Orchestra Perfect Pictures Our Programs may be equalled but Cannot be Beaten UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL UNIONISTS, you know what the above means. Whether you are in the Railways Service or any other calling, UNIONISM and all it stands for de- serves your UNITED SUPPORT. If you do not give it, then you are help- ing the other side and all it stands for, i.e., Cheap Labour and Sweated Conditions. The Theatrical Em- ployees' Association have fought hard in the Arbitration Court for what it has got; help them to keep it. Never in the history of Australia has the necessity for Unity been greater. So pass the word to the boys and your families to Support The Loco. PROGRAMME CHANGED TWICE WEEKLY Victoria Street, NORTH MELBOURNE August 6, 1931 114 July-August, 1931 THE FOOTPLATE. The Premiers Plan The Footplate Rejected by the Industrial and Political They are slaves who will not dare All wrongs to right, Labor Movement All rights to share." The plan agreed to at a conference represented by Messrs. R. Matheson MANAGERIAL NOTES of the Premiers of the various States and C. Franklin, who voted for the "The Footplate" is published and the Prime Minister of the Co rn- .. following resolution, which was carried by an overwhelming monthly. monwealth, for the alleged purpose of All Branch Secretaries and Execu- restoring prosperity to the Common- majority :—"That this Conference re- pudiates the so-called 'Premiers' Plan,' wealth is not meeting with the tive Officers are empowered to act as approval of the vast body of workers and rejects with scorn the attempt of agents for this journal. Hand your who have expressed emphatic hostility Federal and State Parliamentarians to contributions, name and address to towards the plan, through the indus- force this inglorious surrender of - them. We do the rest. trial and political conferences. Labor principles upon the working class of Australia, and calls upon the 'Phone, F. 2235. The main features of the plan pro- Federal and State Executives of the Literary.—To ensure publication vide for a 20 per cent. reduction in A.C.T.U. and A.L.P., to imme- contributions must be in not later all adjustable Government expendi- diately take action to meet this ture, including the salaries of Govern- than 19th of each month Branch onslaught on the standard of living of ment servants, pensions and social reports should be in the hands of the workers by a counter offensive °services, also reduction of interest Editor as soon as possible after the for the socialization of industry, and upon all Government Securities. monthly meeting. Write on one sido further calls upon the Federal and Your Executive, after giving the State Executives of the A.L.P. to can- of paper only. matter careful consideration, decided cel the endorsement of those Parlia- Subscribers should see that "The to instruct its delegates to the con- mentarians supporting the anti-Labor Footplate" is sent to their private ad- ference to oppose any motion or program of the Premiers' Conference. amendment which had for its object dress, and not to Loco. Sheds. Sub- At the Conference convened by the introduction of the Premiers' scribers will be held responsible for A.L.P. Executive, held on 25th and Plan. The opinion of the Executive any failure of delivery due to change 26th July, the Union was represented is that the Plan will further reduce Y of address. They should notify Postal by Messrs. N. Pout, C. Franklin, W. the wages and standard of living of tl Lewis, and A. S. Drakeford, M.L.A. authorities of any altered address, the workers in general. Both directly g (The President, Mr. R. Matheson, was and forward same also • to their' and indirectly, the workers will carry it unable to attend on account of being Branch Secretary. practically the whole burden of the es confined to his bed through illness.) proposed 20 per cent. reduction in all ti adjustable Government expenditure, The following resolution was sup- tc JOIN THE and the number of unemployed will ported by our delegates, and carried C be increased. by a large majority:—"That this Con- t^ ference endorses the action of the a Those who have been thrifty all Loco Self--Denial Fund Central Executive in its emphatic m their lives and are now unable to opposition to the Premiers' Plan, as ai NO ENTRANCE FEE. work and who have invested their affecting wages, old age, invalid and di small savings in Government Loans soldiers' pensions, maternity allow- tlf 9d. WEEK or War Bonds, will lose, by proposed CONTRIBUTIONS ances and social services, and its conversion and reduction of interest, instructions to Victorian Parliamen - BENEFITS L2-10 WEEK because their power to purchase will tarians to vote against the plan. DEATH LEVY 1/- PER MEMBER be reduced. Further, Conference instructs Vic- The money invested in Government torian representatives in the Com - Over 1000 Members have joined this Securities by the State Superannua- monwealth Parliament to take all Fund. tion Board (£2,000,000), if converted, steps within their power to prevent will result in a loss of £30,000 in Get a RULE BOOK on joining. effect being given to those parts of interest for the first year, and for a the plan affecting wages, old ages number of years the average loss will invalid and soldiers' pensions, mater - fc be about £23,000 per annum. se DO IT NOW AND HELP nity allowances and social services." This may have the effect of in- YOURSELF. Notwithstanding the decisions el creasing contributions to the Fund, the industrial and political sections of and will certainly prevent desirable our Labor Movement, the State Labor or T. DAWSON. Secretary. improvements being effected. Government is proceeding to give 19 Tennyson Street, Seddon W 11 This money belongs to the con- effect to the Premiers' Plan, and it eL tributors, as the Government does will be a matter for future considers' ar not pay into the Fund until a con- tion as to what action can be taken ASSIST YOUR BRANCH ha tributor retires. to see that members of the State tr SECRETARY BY PAYING At the Conference convened by Mel- Parliamentary Labor Party carry out er YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS bourne Trades Hall Council, held on the decisions of the supreme govern" W, ing body of the Labor Movement. QUARTERLY 18th and 19th July, the Union was as to August 6, 1931 THE FOOTPLATE. July-August, 1931 115 Legal advice was obtained, and, act- Why Members should not Purchase the ing upon this advice, proceedings were instituted against the Department for "Herald" or "Sun'' compensation, under the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act. The following letter from the tion at the present juncture. Union The case was listed for hearing, in Trades Hall Council is published for and A.L.P. Secretaries are asked to the County Court, Melbourne, on 15th members' information by direction of keep this matter a live one, and to June, when an adjournment was the Executive Committee. urge shop and job stewards to propa- secured at the request of the Union's Re "Herald" and "Sun." gate it. By this method alone can we barrister, as the Commissioners, in I forward by direction a resolution counteract the insidious influence of their defence had stated that Kitto adopted by the Trades Hall Council at these journals. They led undis- had received in excess of £360 per its meeting on Thursday, the 7th May. guisedly the attack upon the wages annum for the last three years, and Resolution :- and living standards of our people— the Workers' Compensation Act pro- (a) "That all Labor speakers be they created the atmosphere of un- vided that any person who received directed to draw attention to the easiness, which has brought in its £360 per annum was not a worker attitude of the "Herald" and turn the more serious consequences. under the provisions of the Act, and "Sun" towards the Labor Move- They have injured the health of the it appeared that this defence would ment. body politic, and destroyed the confi- prevent the case being decided upon (b) That workers be urged to form dence upon which industry is carried its merits. newspaper clubs for the purpose on, and endeavour by subtle misrepre- Acting upon the advice of our legal of curtailing expenditure in the sentation to fasten the responsibility advisers, it was decided to open up purchase of newspapers. upon the workers. Political rogues negotiations with the Commissioners (c) That the workers be urged to are whitewashed,. honest men be- to see if a settlement could be purchase one paper only per day. smirched. Villification and insults to- reached. (d. That the "Herald" and "Sun" be wards the workers and their organisa- At the suggestion of our legal ad- written to and asked to withdraw tions fill their columns, cartoons of a visers, the Executive placed the their representatives from this despicable nature reflecting their matter of negotiations with the Com- institution.
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