Friday August 16, 2002 Kwajalein Hourglass THE KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS Volume 42, Number 65 Friday, August 16, 2002 U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands TRADEX upgrade final piece in KMAR By Jim Bennett and it was becoming difficult to main- by-50-foot room filled with rows of avo- Editor tain it,” said Henry Thomas, TRADEX cado-green racks of computers and TRADEX is celebrating its big 4-0 Kwajalein Modernization and Remoting equipment from the early days of the this year and receiving a state-of-the- integration lead. radar. Before, a single rack held the art upgrade. “For some of the legacy equipment computer processor for each sensor The radar shut down this month for being replaced, commercial suppliers signal going out. Two boards in a com- a six-month scheduled refit that in- hadn’t made replacement boards for 10 puter, mounted in what looks like a cludes hardware and software. years or more,” said Mark Schlueter high school locker from the back, now “We had reached a point where some TRADEX sensor leader. process all signals. Some components of the equipment had become outdated The project involves replacing a 50- (See UPGRADE, page 4) West Nile Virus in U.S. in 2002 West Nile Virus unlikely to hit Marshall Islands By Peter Rejcek Associate Editor The West Nile Virus that’s claimed at least seven lives in Louisiana and is spreading throughout the United States is not likely a concern here, according to local officials. Thanks largely to Kwajalein’s isolation and the virus’ mode of transmission, no one here is likely to get sick, said Mike Nicholson, Pest Management manager. “I don’t see a concern out here,” Nicholson said this Confirmed infections during 2002. week. Dr. Eric Lindborg, Kwajalein Hospital chief medical Pattern indicates human cases. (Graphic courtesy of CDC Web site) (See VIRUS, page 5) Moving up: Students ready to head to the next grade level By CJ Johnson elementary school. Contributing Writer Seventh-grader Shelly Kwajalein students Childers, 12, said, “I just are sharpening their went from being the top pencils, getting ready for of the school to the another school year. lowest. So people are Ashley Johnson, 9, is going to be treating me enthused about becom- differently, but I’m ing a fourth-grader this looking forward to new school year at meeting people and I George Seitz Elemen- expect it to be fun and at tary School. the same time learn “I’m older now. I’m things.” nine, and it’s probably Another upcoming going to be a lot of fun,” seventh-grader, Ben Johnson said. Fogg, 12, said, “I am The seventh-graders excited about being more are also ready to begin recognized, being older, their first year in the big and learning new stuff.” (Photo by CJ Johnson) leagues at Kwajalein Jr. Both Childers and Seniors, from left, Andrea Copeland, Patrick Casey, Nanelle Fellows, /Sr. High School after Fogg are eager about Megan Graham and Rachel Corrado enjoy one of their normal get- being at the top of the getting lockers in sev- togethers at Copeland’s house this week. The class of 2003 says its social ladder at the (See NEW, page 5) ready for the school year. See more back to school coverage in Tuesday’s Hourglass. www.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.html Friday Page 2 Kwajalein Hourglass August 16, 2002 Editorial opinion is offered for publication. Stereotypes do not Finally, to Mr. Coffey, chief, Host Na- What we really need tion office: Wake up and smell the coffee. inspire real change Yes, the Hourglass readers are a diverse and get is not always Let me first state that Mr. Bischoffs and sophisticated community, which is response to the Host Nation office-gener- why your response puzzled me so. I find stocked on the shelves ated article titled Beauregard and Latao it startling that a man in your position From time to time weve all been frus- dated July 30 scored a direct hit on poor would make the statement that stereo- trated with what we are not able to get on taste. Once again Host Nation has types evolve out of some basis of truth. Kwaj. I would like to share with everyone missed the mark in their reply to Mr. Webster defines stereotype this way: what I did get. Bischoff in the Aug. 9 Hourglass. Gross and often mistaken generalization. At midnight on July 2 my wife called As an African-American I have been the These portrayals can only serve to polar- 911 because I was having a heart at- subject of stereotypical behavior or com- ize our community, not bring us closer tack. Because of the immediate re- ment, and at no time did I feel inspired by nor clear up misconceptions. sponse of the EMTs and the life-saving it. I have also never witnessed it advance As a community, both American and treatment of the Kwaj Hospital medical anyones understanding, compassion or Marshallese, we look to your office for staff I am here today writing this letter of tolerance for others. solutions when it comes to better rela- appreciation. I also feel that the Hourglass should not tions between our hosts and us. The Host So, to those involved in that unforget- be used as a forum for fictitious characters Nation office personnel and the RMI gov- table evening, I will forever be grateful to with fabricated opinions. You will note at ernment are the professionals. Step up to you all for saving my life. Thank you all the end of this letter my name will appear, the plate, folks. very much from the bottom of my new and and I am totally responsible for its content. Sincerely, improved heart. This is and should be required when any Donald P. Hall Al Gregoire With just one question the relationship transmutation begins Well, I finally did it. tionship, I got that look: The look that I finally sold that PalmPilot that I just says, You will do this my way, there is no knew I couldnt live without only a few way out, you are doomed, my friend. months ago. About a thousand (no exaggeration) Oh, and I got engaged a couple of Web searches later, we found the perfect weeks ago as well. card. Yes, ladies, the lamenting may begin. Do you love it? she asks me. Gentlemen, you may now unboard your Pummelled into submission by now, I windows. Im officially off the market. reply, Im prepared to found a new reli- Seriously, though, when Andrea said, gion around it, I love it so much. Right The Kwajalein Hourglass Yes, I was very happy, because she is answer. Commanding Officer.............Col. Jerry Brown a wonderful lady and I love her. Also, at Of course the cards are produced by Public Affairs Officer..........LuAnne Fantasia least I thought at the time, she is not one some company in India, so an e-mail Editor..........................................Jim Bennett of those women who are so girlie about flurry begins. Its about a six-hour time Associate Editor...............................Peter Rejcek Feature Writers....................Barbara Johnson some things, such as painting other girls difference between the Marshall Islands KW Hillis toenails, making regular trips to her Mary and wherever it is our new friend actually Graphics Designer ...........................Dan Adler Kay supplier and the other activities that lives and works. magazines like Maxim offer loads of ad- Why hasnt Rahul responded? she vice about. My fiancé is different ... asks the computer, though Im expected The Hourglass is named for the insignia And then she told me it was time mind to answer. of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, which you, with the wedding nearly a year away He did five minutes ago, I say, hiding liberated the island from the forces of Impe- behind my new book, Marriage for Dum- rial Japan on Feb 4, 1944. and less than a week into the engagement The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized to order the wedding invitations. The mies. publication for military personnel, federal em- mother of all Internet searches began. But I responded. Why hasnt he? This ployees, contractor workers and their families Apparently buying wedding invitations from someone who said she figured we assigned to USAKA. Contents of the Hour- is not like shopping for Christmas cards. would get married when it was conve- glass are not necessarily official views of, or There is an entire protocol and subculture nient, like when we tried to buy our first endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Depart- involved, from whose name goes first to home stateside. Now its the Prince ment of Defense, Department of the Army or whether or not we want a host of different Charles and Princess Diana wedding of USAKA. It is published Tuesdays and Fridays RSVP cards, inserts, etc. the 21st century. using a network printer by Raytheon Range Couldnt we just send out a mass e- And you wouldnt believe what it costs Systems Engineering editorial staff, P.O. Box to ship from India ... So, my Kwaj friends 23, APO AP 96555. Phone: Autovon 254- mail, I asked, which is, I realized later, 3539; local 53539. like asking a woman, Youre going to and neighbors, consider yourselves in- Printed circulation: 2,000 wear that? vited: June 21, Bali, Indonesia. For the first time in our three-year rela- Dang it, now I need that PalmPilot. Friday August 16, 2002 Kwajalein Hourglass Page 3 Automotive keeps employee skills up to standards Kwajalein now an approved official ASE test site By CJ Johnson Chris Slota, Contributing Writer Truck Shop The National Institute for Auto- supervisor, is motive Service Excellence skill now a master testing, training and certification automobile program continues to improve on mechanic Kwajalein.
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