This electronic version (PDF) was scanned by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Library & Archives Service from an original paper document in the ITU Library & Archives collections. La présente version électronique (PDF) a été numérisée par le Service de la bibliothèque et des archives de l'Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT) à partir d'un document papier original des collections de ce service. Esta versión electrónica (PDF) ha sido escaneada por el Servicio de Biblioteca y Archivos de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT) a partir de un documento impreso original de las colecciones del Servicio de Biblioteca y Archivos de la UIT. (ITU) ﻟﻼﺗﺼﺎﻻﺕ ﺍﻟﺪﻭﻟﻲ ﺍﻻﺗﺤﺎﺩ ﻓﻲ ﻭﺍﻟﻤﺤﻔﻮﻇﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﻜﺘﺒﺔ ﻗﺴﻢ ﺃﺟﺮﺍﻩ ﺍﻟﻀﻮﺋﻲ ﺑﺎﻟﻤﺴﺢ ﺗﺼﻮﻳﺮ ﻧﺘﺎﺝ (PDF) ﺍﻹﻟﻜﺘﺮﻭﻧﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻨﺴﺨﺔ ﻫﺬﻩ .ﻭﺍﻟﻤﺤﻔﻮﻇﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﻜﺘﺒﺔ ﻗﺴﻢ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﻮﻓﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﻮﺛﺎﺋﻖ ﺿﻤﻦ ﺃﺻﻠﻴﺔ ﻭﺭﻗﻴﺔ ﻭﺛﻴﻘﺔ ﻣﻦ ﻧﻘﻼ ً◌ 此电子版(PDF版本)由国际电信联盟(ITU)图书馆和档案室利用存于该处的纸质文件扫描提供。 Настоящий электронный вариант (PDF) был подготовлен в библиотечно-архивной службе Международного союза электросвязи путем сканирования исходного документа в бумажной форме из библиотечно-архивной службы МСЭ. © International Telecommunication Union INTERNATIONAL RADIO CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE C.C.I.R. Xth PLENARY ASSEMBLY GENEVA, 1963 VOLUME VI LIST OF PARTICIPANTS REPORTS TO THE PLENARY ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS OF A GENERAL NATURE PLACE OF THE Xlth PLENARY ASSEMBLY PARTICIPATION IN THE WORK OF THE C.C.I.R. STUDY GROUPS OF THE C.C.I.R. JOINT STUDY GROUPS LIST OF TEXTS OF THE C.C.I.R. LIST OF DOCUMENTS Published by the INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION GENEVA, 1964 INTERNATIONAL RADIO CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE C.C.I.R Xth PLENARY ASSEMBLY GENEVA, 1963 VOLUME VI LIST OF PARTICIPANTS REPORTS TO THE PLENARY ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS OF A GENERAL NATURE PLACE OF THE Xlth PLENARY ASSEMBLY PARTICIPATION IN THE WORK OF THE C.C.I.R. STUDY GROUPS OF THE C.C.I.R. JOINT STUDY GROUPS LIST OF TEXTS OF THE C.C.I.R. LIST OF DOCUMENTS C.C.I.R. Published by the INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION GENEVA, 1964 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE LAISSEE EN BLANC INTENTIONNELLEMENT s ARRANGEMENT OF VOLUMES I TO VII OF THE DOCUMENTS OF THE Xth PLENARY ASSEMBLY OF THE C.C.I.R. (Geneva, 1963) V o l u m e I Emission. Reception. Vocabulary (Sections A, B, K and Study Groups I, II and XIV). V o l u m e II Propagation (Section G and Study Groups V and VI). V o l u m e III Fixed and mobile services. Standard-frequencies and time-signals. International monitoring (Sections C, D, H, J and Study Groups III, XIII, VII and VIII). V o l u m e I V Radio-relay systems. Space-systems and Radioastronomy (Sections F and L and Study Groups IX and IV). V o l u m e V Sound broadcasting and Television (Section E, Study Groups X, XI and XII and the C.M.T.T.). V o l u m e V I Resolutions of a general nature. Reports to the Plenary Assembly. List of participants. List of documents in numerical order. V o l u m e V I I Minutes of the Plenary Meetings. Note. — To facilitate references, the pagination in the English and French texts is the same. PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE LAISSEE EN BLANC INTENTIONNELLEMENT — 5 — TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF PARTICIPANTS............................................................................... 9 REPORTS SUBMITTED TO THE PLENARY ASSEMBLY: Report by the Director, C.C.I.R. .................................................................................... 35 Report by the Finance Committee.................................... 73 Report by the Organization Committee.................... 81 Report by the Ad Hoc Group on Technical Cooperation........................................................ 87 RESOLUTIONS OF A GENERAL NATURE: Resolution 23: General graphical symbols for telecommunications.................................... 91 Resolution 24: Organization of C.C.I.R. work and reduction of preparatory documen­ tation ................................................................................................... 91 Resolution 25: I.T.U. Technical Assistance....................................................................... 94 Resolution 26: Technical apparatus .......................................................................... 95 Resolution 27: Bibliographies annexed to C.C.I.R. texts........................................................ 95 Resolution 28: C.C.I.R. texts to be presented to the E.A.R.C., Geneva, 1963 96 Resolution 29: Technical Cooperation ................................................................................... 96 PLACE OF THE Xlth PLENARY ASSEMBLY . 101 PARTICIPATION IN THE WORK OF THE C.C.I.R.: Categories of participants. ................................................................................................ 105 Financial conditions for participation ................................................................................... 105 Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 105 STUDY GROUPS OF THE C.C.I.R. AND THE JOINT STUDY GROUPS: C.C.I.R. Study Groups................................................................................................ 109 Joint Study Group administered by the C.C.I.R. (C.M.T.T.) . ............................................ I ll Joint Study Groups administered by the C.C.I.T.T. (Special Group C and the Plan C om m ittee).......................................................................... ' ........................... 112 TEXTS OF THE C.C.I.R.: . Definitions................................................ 115 Numbering . ............................................................................................... 115 List of texts valid at the close of the Xth Plenary Assembly............................ 117 LIST OF DOCUMENTS OF THE Xth PLENARY ASSEMBLY: Working (white) documents ................................... 139 Texts submitted for approval to the Plenary Assembly (pink documents)............................. 168 PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE LAISSEE EN BLANC INTENTIONNELLEMENT LIST OF PARTICIPANTS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE LAISSEE EN BLANC INTENTIONNELLEMENT LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Page A. Officers of the Xth Plenary Assembly ....... 9 B. Administrations: Members of the I.T.U................................................. 10 O b serv ers.................................................................... 26 C. Recognized Private Operating Agencies .... ; . 26 D. International Organizations............................................. 28 E. Scientific or Industrial Organizations . ................. 29 F. Specialized Agencies of the United Nations.................. 30 G. International Telecommunication U nion ..................... 30 H. Secretariat 31 ' A. OFFICERS OF THE Xth PLENARY ASSEMBLY Chairman Director, C.C.I.R. Dr. F. N ic o t e r a Dr. E. M e t z l e r Head of the Delegation of Italy Vice-Director, C.C.I.R. Vice-Chairmen Mr. Leslie W. H a y e s Mr. Hiro U y e d a Head of the Delegation of Japan Secretary Mr. Konrad K o z e o w s k i Mr. Robert V. L in d s e y Head of the Delegation of the Administrative Secretary, C.C.I.R. People’s Republic of Poland Mr. Jose H e r n a n d e z Head of the Delegation of Mexico — 10 — B. ADMINISTRATIONS MEMBERS OF THE I.T.U. SAUDI ARABIA Mr. C.M. C a r r o l l (Kingdom of) Postmaster General’s Department MELBOURNE C.2 Head o f Delegation Mr. J.M. D ix o n M r . I. Z a r a i Australian Broadcasting Control Directorate General for P.T.T. MELBOURNE r y a d Mr. E. S a n d b a c h Postmaster General’s Department Delegates MELBOURNE C.2 M r . S . A k k i Mr. M. S t r o h f e l d t Directorate General for P.T.T. Postmaster General’s Department RYAD MELBOURNE C.2 Mr. A.R. D a g h is t a n i Mr. C. W il h e l m Directorate General for P.T.T. Australian Broadcasting Commission RYAD SYDNEY ARGENTINE REPUBLIC AUSTRIA Head o f Delegation Head o f Delegation Mr. F . H e n n e b e r g Mr. L.J. C a s s in e l l i Direction generate des Postes Secretaria de Comunicaciones et des Telegraphes BUENOS AIRES WIEN I Delegate Delegates F . S c h m i d l Mr. L . C r a v i n o Mr. Secretaria de Comunicaciones Direction generate des Postes BUENOS AIRES et des Telegraphes WIEN I Dr. G. S k a l a r AUSTRALIA Osterreichischer Rundfunk (Commonwealth of) WIEN IV Head of Delegation Dr. H. S o b o t k a Radio-Austria A.G. Mr. R.W. T u r n b u l l Postmaster General’s Department WIEN I MELBOURNE C.2 BELGIUM Deputy Head o f Delegation Head o f Delegation Mr. E.L. B r o o k e r Mr. L. Ros Postmaster General’s Department Regie des Telegraphes et des Telephones MELBOURNE C.2 BRUXELLES III Deputy Head o f Delegation Delegates Mr. P.C.M. B o u c h ie r Mr. E. A p p l e t o n Regie des Telegraphes et des Telephones Overseas Telecommunications Commission BRUXELLES III SYDNEY Delegates Dr. W.G. B a k e r Mr. L. van D e e n e n Ionospheric Prediction Service Radiodiffusion-Television Beige SYDNEY BRUXELLES V Mr. E.G. B o r a s t o n Mr. E. F l a m m e Department of Supply Regie des Telegraphes et des Telephones MELBOURNE BRUXELLES III — 11 — M r . P . M a s s a u t CANADA Bell Telephone Head o f Delegation ANTWERPEN Mr. H.J. W il l ia m s o n M r . A. V a n c o i l l i e Department of Transport Regie des Telegraphes et des Telephones OTTAWA BRUXELLES III Deputy Head o f Delegation BIELORU SSI AN SOVIET Mr. W.J. W il s o n SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Department of Transport OTTAWA Head o f Delegation Delegates M r . L. P o d o r s k i Mr. C.J. B r i d g l a n d Ministere des Postes et des Telecommunications Canadian National Telecommunications MINSK TORONTO BRAZIL Mr. L.G. B u c k Telephone Association of Canada Head o f Delegation MONTREAL 1 Mr. L.M. N e y d a S il v a Mr. E.W. H o r r i g a n Ministere des Affaires etrangeres Department of Transport RIO DE JANEIRO OTTAWA Delegates Mr. D. J u n g Department of Transport M r . H . D o u r a d o National Council of Telecommunications OTTAWA BRASILIA a n d RIO DE JANEIRO Mr.
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