STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE [Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents in SMALL CAPS; Resident Commissioner and Delegates in boldface] [Room numbers beginning with H are in the Capitol, with CHOB in the Cannon House Office Building, with LHOB in the Longworth House Office Building, with RHOB in the Rayburn House Office Building, with H1 in O’Neill House Office Building, and with H2 in the Ford House Office Building] Agriculture 1301 Longworth House Office Building, phone 225–2171, fax 225–0917 http://www.house.gov/agriculture meets first Wednesday of each month Larry Combest, of Texas, Chairman. John A. Boehner, of Ohio, Vice Chairman. Bob Goodlatte, of Virginia. Charles W. Stenholm, of Texas. Richard W. Pombo, of California. Gary A. Condit, of California. Nick Smith, of Michigan. Collin C. Peterson, of Minnesota. Terry Everett, of Alabama. Calvin M. Dooley, of California. Frank D. Lucas, of Oklahoma. Eva M. Clayton, of North Carolina. Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia. Earl F. Hilliard, of Alabama. Jerry Moran, of Kansas. Tim Holden, of Pennsylvania. Bob Schaffer, of Colorado. Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., of Georgia. John R. Thune, of South Dakota. Bennie G. Thompson, of Mississippi. William L. Jenkins, of Tennessee. John Elias Baldacci, of Maine. John Cooksey, of Louisiana. Marion Berry, of Arkansas. Gil Gutknecht, of Minnesota. Mike McIntyre, of North Carolina. Bob Riley, of Alabama. Bob Etheridge, of North Carolina. Michael K. Simpson, of Idaho. Leonard L. Boswell, of Iowa. Doug Ose, of California. David D. Phelps, of Illinois. Robin Hayes, of North Carolina. Ken Lucas, of Kentucky. Ernie Fletcher, of Kentucky. Mike Thompson, of California. Charles W. (Chip) Pickering, of Mississippi. Baron P. Hill, of Indiana. Timothy V. Johnson, of Illinois. Joe Baca, of California. Tom Osborne, of Nebraska. Rick Larsen, of Washington. Mike Pence, of Indiana. Mike Ross, of Arkansas. Dennis R. Rehberg, of Montana. Anı´bal Acevedo-Vila´, of Puerto Rico. Sam Graves, of Missouri. Ron Kind, of Wisconsin. Adam H. Putnam, of Florida. Ronnie Shows, of Mississippi. Mark R. Kennedy, of Minnesota. 387 388 Congressional Directory SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and ranking minority member are ex officio (voting) members of all subcommittees on which they do not serve.] Conservation, Credit, Rural Development, and Research Frank D. Lucas, of Oklahoma, Chairman. Jerry Moran, of Kansas. Tim Holden, of Pennsylvania. John R. Thune, of South Dakota. John Elias Baldacci, of Maine. Doug Ose, of California. David D. Phelps, of Illinois. Tom Osborne, of Nebraska. Mike Thompson, of California. Sam Graves, of Missouri. Joe Baca, of California. Adam H. Putnam, of Florida. Collin C. Peterson, of Minnesota. Mark R. Kennedy, of Minnesota. Eva M. Clayton, of North Carolina. Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition, and Forestry Bob Goodlatte, of Virginia, Chairman. Richard W. Pombo, of California. Eva M. Clayton, of North Carolina. Jerry Moran, of Kansas. Marion Berry, of Arkansas. John Cooksey, of Louisiana. Anı´bal Acevedo-Vila´, of Puerto Rico. Michael K. Simpson, of Idaho. Tim Holden, of Pennsylvania. Dennis R. Rehberg, of Montana. John Elias Baldacci, of Maine. Adam H. Putnam, of Florida. Ronnie Shows, of Mississippi. General Farm Commodities and Risk Management Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia, Chairman. John A. Boehner, of Ohio. Calvin M. Dooley, of California. Nick Smith, of Michigan. Bennie G. Thompson, of Mississippi. Terry Everett, of Alabama. Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., of Georgia. Frank D. Lucas, of Oklahoma. Marion Berry, of Arkansas. Jerry Moran, of Kansas. Mike McIntyre, of North Carolina. John R. Thune, of South Dakota. Leonard L. Boswell, of Iowa. William L. Jenkins, of Tennessee. David D. Phelps, of Illinois. Gil Gutknecht, of Minnesota. Ken Lucas, of Kentucky. Bob Riley, of Alabama. Baron P. Hill, of Indiana. Doug Ose, of California. Joe Baca, of California. Robin Hayes, of North Carolina. Mike Ross, of Arkansas. Charles W. (Chip) Pickering, of Mississippi. Rick Larsen, of Washington. Timothy V. Johnson, of Illinois. Ron Kind, of Wisconsin. Mike Pence, of Indiana. Ronnie Shows, of Mississippi. Dennis R. Rehberg, of Montana. Collin C. Peterson, of Minnesota. Sam Graves, of Missouri. Bob Etheridge, of North Carolina. Mark R. Kennedy, of Minnesota. [Vacant]. Livestock and Horticulture Richard W. Pombo, of California, Chairman. John A. Boehner, of Ohio. Collin C. Peterson, of Minnesota. Bob Goodlatte, of Virginia. Earl F. Hilliard, of Alabama. Gil Gutknecht, of Minnesota. Leonard L. Boswell, of Iowa. Bob Riley, of Alabama. Rick Larsen, of Washington. Charles W. (Chip) Pickering, of Mississippi. Mike Ross, of Arkansas. Tom Osborne, of Nebraska. Gary A. Condit, of California. Mike Pence, of Indiana. Calvin M. Dooley, of California. Adam H. Putnam, of Florida. Bob Etheridge, of North Carolina. Committees of the House 389 Specialty Crops and Foreign Agriculture Programs Terry Everett, of Alabama, Chairman. Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia. Gary A. Condit, of California. Bob Schaffer, of Colorado. Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., of Georgia. William L. Jenkins, of Tennessee. Mike McIntyre, of North Carolina. Michael K. Simpson, of Idaho. Bob Etheridge, of North Carolina. Robin Hayes, of North Carolina. Ken Lucas, of Kentucky. Ernie Fletcher, of Kentucky. Baron P. Hill, of Indiana. Dennis R. Rehberg, of Montana. Bennie G. Thompson, of Mississippi. Adam H. Putnam, of Florida. Mike Thompson, of California. STAFF Committee on Agriculture (1301 LHOB), 225–2171, fax 225–0917. Chief of Staff.—Bill O’Conner. Deputy Chief of Staff.—Tom Sell. Chief Clerk.—Callista Gingrich. Administrator.—Diane Keyser. Printing Editor.—Jim Cahill. Director, Information Systems.—Merrick Munday. Assistant Clerk.—Susanna Love. Chief Counsel.—Lance Kotschwar. Associate Counsels: Jeff Harrison, Anne Hazlette, Stephanie Myers. Legislative Clerk.—Debbie Smith. Communications Director.—Keith Williams. Deputy Communications Director.—Elizabeth Meyer. Chief Economist.—Craig Jagger. Senior Professional Staff: Dave Ebersole, Lynn Gallagher, Alan Mackey, Pete Thompson. Professional Staff: Dawn DeBerry, Kathleen Elder, John Goldberg, Elizabeth Parker, Jason Vaillancourt. Legislative Assistants: Claire Folbre, Ryan O’Neal, Pam Scott, Tyler Wegmeyer. Congressional Fellow.—Tom Zinnen. Subcommittee Staff Directors: Brent Gattis, Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition and Forestry; Chris D’Arcy, Livestock and Horticulture; Christy Cromley, General Farm Commodities and Risk Management; Pelham Straughn, Specialty Crops and Foreign Agriculture Programs; Ryan Weston, Conservation, Credit, Rural Development and Research. Minority Staff Director.—Stephen Haterius (1305 LHOB), 5–0317. Minority Deputy Staff Director / Press.—John Haugen, 5–6872. Counsel / Legislative Director.—Vernie Hubert, 5–0317. Deputy Counsel.—Andy Baker (1002B LHOB), 5–3069. Economist.—Howard Conley (1041 LHOB), 5–2349. Professional Staff: Andy Johnson (1002B LHOB), 5–6395; Anne Simmons (1002A LHOB), 5–1494; Danelle Farmer (1002A LHOB), 5–4453; John Riley (1305 LHOB), 5–7987; Walter Vincent (1002A LHOB), 5–8903; Russell Middleton (1002B LHOB), 5–1496. Office Manager.—Sharon Rusnak (1305 LHOB), 5–0317. 390 Congressional Directory Appropriations H–218 The Capitol, phone 225–2771 http://www.house.gov/appropriations meets first Wednesday of each month C.W. Bill Young, of Florida, Chairman. Ralph Regula, of Ohio. David R. Obey, of Wisconsin. Jerry Lewis, of California. John P. Murtha, of Pennsylvania. Harold Rogers, of Kentucky. Norman D. Dicks, of Washington. Joe Skeen, of New Mexico. Martin Olav Sabo, of Minnesota. Frank R. Wolf, of Virginia. Steny H. Hoyer, of Maryland. Tom DeLay, of Texas. Alan B. Mollohan, of West Virginia. Jim Kolbe, of Arizona. Marcy Kaptur, of Ohio. Sonny Callahan, of Alabama. Nancy Pelosi, of California. James T. Walsh, of New York. Peter J. Visclosky, of Indiana. Charles H. Taylor, of North Carolina. Nita M. Lowey, of New York. David L. Hobson, of Ohio. Jose´ E. Serrano, of New York. Ernest J. Istook, Jr., of Oklahoma. Rosa L. DeLauro, of Connecticut. Henry Bonilla, of Texas. James P. Moran, of Virginia. Joe Knollenberg, of Michigan. John W. Olver, of Massachusetts. Dan Miller, of Florida Ed Pastor, of Arizona. Jack Kingston, of Georgia. Carrie P. Meek, of Florida. Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, of New Jersey. David E. Price, of North Carolina. Roger F. Wicker, of Mississippi. Chet Edwards, of Texas. George R. Nethercutt, Jr., of Washington. Robert E. (Bud) Cramer, Jr., of Alabama. Randy (Duke) Cunningham, of California. Patrick J. Kennedy, of Rhode Island. Todd Tiahrt, of Kansas. James E. Clyburn, of South Carolina. Zach Wamp, of Tennessee. Maurice D. Hinchey, of New York. Tom Latham, of Iowa. Lucille Roybal-Allard, of California. Anne M. Northup, of Kentucky. Sam Farr, of California. Robert B. Aderholt, of Alabama. Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., of Illinois. Jo Ann Emerson, of Missouri. Carolyn C. Kilpatrick, of Michigan. John E. Sununu, of New Hampshire. Allen Boyd, of Florida. Kay Granger, of Texas. Chaka Fattah, of Pennsylvania. John E. Peterson, of Pennsylvania. Steven R. Rothman, of New Jersey. John T. Doolittle, of California. Ray LaHood, of Illinois. John E. Sweeney, of New York. David Vitter, of Louisiana. Don Sherwood, of Pennsylvania. VIRGIL H. GOODE, JR., of Virginia. SUBCOMMITTEES [The chairman and ranking minority member are ex officio (voting) members of all subcommittees on which they do not serve.] Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Henry Bonilla, of Texas, Chairman.
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