LADY BEARS INK MUSIC TO YOUR LIVER: DID ‘FEARLESS’ 6-F00T-8 PLAYER ‘LOLLA-NO-BOOZA’ EDUCATES STUDENTS TAYLOR SWIFT MAKE BRITTNEY GRINER ABOUT ALCOHOL AWARENESS THE GRADE? PAGE 5 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2008 Staff Praying for council a change requests Jade Ortego said that some may have been input in Staff Writer hasty with their words or with angry e-mails. About 70 students met There were three prayers president Wednesday in Miller Chapel to for the Baylor community, the pray for healing and unity in the nation and the faith community, aftermath of on-campus racially all ending in a plea that God charged events that occurred on would “hear now our silent pay- search Election Day. It was reported that ers.” confrontation broke out after Christopher Mack, coordina- President-elect Barack Obama tor for off-campus ministries, By Ashley Corinne Killough was announced the winner. and led the prayer for our nation. Staff writer racial slurs were exchanged and “Let us not seek to satisfy our a rope in the shape of a noose thirst for freedom by drinking After passing a resolution of was found in a tree. from the cup of bitterness and inclusion Tuesday, Baylor’s Staff The events of last week were hatred,” Mack said, quoting Dr. Sarah Morris/Lariat Staff Photos Council became the universi- not named but implied during Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have ty’s fourth constituent group to the meeting. Dub Oliver, vice a Dream” speech. openly request participation in president for student life, began Everyone gathered to shake the presidential search. with a short introduction and a their neighbor’s hand and said Since September, the Alumni prayer. “peace to you,” at Burleson’s Association, Faculty Senate and “It is evident to all of us why request. He asked as everyone Student Government have each we are gathered to pray,” he left to be aware of their actions. set forth statements suggesting said. “Don’t take yourself too light- that the groups have representa- “People might say that we ly,” he said. tives on the search committee. should do more, and that may Burleson and Oliver said that The last search process be true, but we certainly should community prayer meetings involved a search committee pray first,” Oliver said. should be held outside of Cha- made up of regents and an advi- The group sang together pel more often. sory committee with members “Come By Here, Lord,” and med- “I’m just thankful for the from various constituencies, itated silently. opportunity to gather together including Baylor staff. While University Chaplain Burt to pray,” Oliver said. “We can’t the advisory committee sat in Burleson led the group in con- always get together as a commu- on interviews and offered feed- fession. nity and we could do this more,” back and suggestions, the search “If you’ve ever even thought he said. committee had the right in rec- something hateful, you’re just as Burleson said that the prayer ommending a candidate to the guilty (as those responsible for meeting was held after the chap- entire Board of Regents. the events last week),” Burleson lains met to discuss the feeling Unlike the other proposals, said. of upset on campus. Seventy people were in attendance Wednesday in Mill- however, Staff Council did not He emphasized that racism “We were exposed to a lot er Chapel for a prayer meeting in response to racially specifically ask for representation or hatred is something in every- charged incidents that occurred on campus after Presi- with voting rights on the search one that has to be tackled, and Please see PRAYER, page 6 dent- elect Barack Obama won the election. committee, saying it would will- ingly “appoint members to serve on a University committee or other advisory board” involved in the presidential search pro- Staph research conducted on campus cess. “By passing a resolution, we umented in a healthy popula- and high schools. Each student fills out a sur- mate that 30 percent of the wanted to make it clear that we’re By Sommer Ingram tion, meaning there hasn’t been “The set-up they were using vey of questions including how population in the United States not trying to make a demand,” Staff Writer an outbreak prior to beginning to document this disease was often they use public facilities, carries staph and nearly 1 per- said Angela Funai, chair of Staff research. not ideal,” Hartman said. “The health-associated factors, if cent carry MRSA. Council. Methicillin-resistant Staphy- “We just want to see the diagnoses they made were just they live on or off campus, and Based on the preliminary With 1,288 full-time staff lococcus aureus, or MSRA, a background of this disease, based on whether something race. results, the student carriage members employed by Baylor, disease dating back nearly 50 what the reservoir looks like, if looked like an MRSA infection The results are then com- rate at Baylor has been almost Funai emphasized the need for years, is becoming a prevailing healthy individuals are less like- and weren’t backed up with any piled in statistical form. synonymous with CDC esti- staff to have a voice at the same community concern in areas ly to carry the disease,” said Dr. lab data. My initial thought was “From there we look at the mates. level as the Alumni Association, outside of hospitals. In a new Tamarah Adair, senior lecturer that we could do better than answers for students who are “We are basically trying to Faculty Senate and Student Gov- study, Baylor researchers and of biology and lead researcher. that.” carriers and try to determine figure out where risk factors ernment. undergraduate students have Diane Hartman, microbiol- Student volunteers partici- if there is anything statistical- may lie for students and teach “If it’s going to include those traced the behavior of MRSA, as ogy lab coordinator for Baylor, pating in the study swab their ly significant that stands out,” them healthy habits,” Hartman three groups then we feel like well as staphylococcus aureus, got the idea to conduct this nostril with a sterile swab. The said China Springs senior and said. “Like don’t leave your stuff that Staff Council needs to be in in a healthy undergraduate stu- research after attending anoth- results are then assessed and biology student Amanda Hart- laying around in a communal that conversation, as well,” Funai dent population. er conference and hearing from fermenters are evaluated for the man. restroom, don’t share towels, said. This is believed to be the first researchers who were attempt- sensitivity to a variety of anti- The Centers for Disease The 36-member council, time the disease has been doc- ing to study MRSA in prisons biotics. Control and Prevention esti- Please see RESEARCH, page 6 which passed the document unanimously, represents tech- nical, clerical, professional and executive staff from every divi- sion of the university. Obama 2.0: Plans set in “We are just asking for the same level of inclusion as the oth- ers are included,” Funai said. “If they have a vote, then certainly motion to rally network we ought to also, but we’re not pressing for it.” By Beth Fouhy outreach that appears overly machine. Staffers are reluctant Dr. Georgia Green, chair of The Associated Press political. to discuss specifics, but Obama Faculty Senate, expressed sup- “Hopefully, Obama will be a clearly is poised to become the port for Staff Council’s resolu- NEW YORK – Transition president for all Americans, not first truly “wired” president of tion, calling it a positive step in officials call it Obama 2.0 — an just the political supporters on the digital age. moving toward the upcoming ambitious effort to transform his e-mail list,” said Republican For legal and privacy reasons, search. the president-elect’s vast Web National Committee spokes- Obama’s campaign list must “I’m pleased that the Staff operation and database of sup- man Alex Conant. be kept separate from White Council has voiced their opinion porters into a modern new tool Obama’s people know they’ll House operations. Aides are and that it brings every constitu- to accomplish his goals in the have to extend their reach. figuring out if that list should ent group of the Baylor family to White House. During his 21-month cam- be run through the Democrat- the same table to work together If it works, the new president paign, Obama built a list of 3.1 ic National Committee or as a in selecting the next president,” could have an unprecedented million contributors and over 10 freestanding political entity that Green said. ability to appeal for help from million supporters who helped will eventually become his 2012 Funai also received positive millions of Americans who power his victories over Dem- re-election committee. feedback in an e-mail from Inter- already favor his ideas, bypass- ocratic rival Hillary Rodham But transition officials have im President David Garland, who ing the news media to pressure Clinton and Republican John already begun a new digital remarked that the resolution Congress. McCain. In addition to helping outreach effort, based on the “makes sense” and, as a veteran, “He’s built the largest net- raise a staggering $660 million, campaign model, aimed at sup- he also appreciated a separate work anyone has ever seen in the campaign’s Web effort rein- porters and others interested in resolution passed by Staff Coun- politics, and congressional forced his message and themes, being connected to the activities cil Tuesday in support of Vet- Sarah Morris/Lariat Staff Republicans are clueless about responded to political attacks of the Obama White House.
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