. ' ·i Winner or 1954 Michigan Press '"a- bn. Dollar Days Ganoral Excellence Award The ·Ingham County NeWS~' March 12 and 13 4 Sections - 26 Pages Ninety-Fifth Year, No. 9 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, March 4, 1954 /lave Yoll Met? FFA Sweet/wart Dairy Farmers Mr. nnd Mrs, Vnn Wood· Winter Makes School Board mugh anrl family of 2fl~ North OlwmoH street'? '!'he Wood· Feel Pinch of roughs rnovr.cl to Mnson from Sudden Return Wants to Hear Lan~mg ahoul a year· ago. The Woorlrough ciuldrr.n arr. Mill( Surplus La1·ry, 7; Jaci<, 1J; Wancln, 2; To Nip Spring About Merger ami Brenrln, 7 months. Woorlrough Is crn[Jioyecl People fol' ot• against. m· Ingham fm•mers have done with the New Yorl' Central No cllsas1cl', just surprise such a good job of pl'oducing Railroad In Lansing. '!'he fnm· and cliRcomrort, 1'rsul1cd fmm organization of the Mm;on milk thnt 1hey a1·e now won­ lly lived In Chicago llcfore 1he sudden return of win tel' school disll'icl may ila\'e their they moved to Lansing. Tue:-;rlny night. say on Fl'iday nigh1 of next del'ing if they pl'Oduced too Many t'mt.is we•P pnt·lilllly much. At least that's the way ll!nd<r>rl Werlnr>sday :mrl sr'ot'(OS of week, Mat'l'h I :2, Those who it appem·s this wee!\ us the r•ars wr.re marooned, ~nmr. in want to secUI'l! nil l},e avail­ pt'ice clt·oppecl off. Footprints Lead rloo"Yill'rls a ncl mmr. nlongsirlf' able facts before 1hey reach a lhr. hl~.:hwa~•s. l\1r•st rum! JHtpll,, Anrl the mlllt prorlucllon pre· anrl somro llllr'!lrlim: r·nn<ollrlalr.d conclusion on l'l'ot'ganization dlcamenl has !wen agGrHVfttect l1y Officers to Home Sf'hools had holiday~. A lot of at'c also asked 1o n11end lht.! a low beef m:rrl<el anrl high re· IlFD patrons wt•nl without mnil lall prices of dairy products. public nwPI ing cnllt•d by the Of Rape Suspect rnrrntv anoll'il~ marl HtHI str·Prt Ingham dairymen arc gelllnr:­ r•rrows hml no lwllday. 'I'Jwy board or education. II will bt! anywheJ'cs from $3.90 to $~.15 IIcld in jail awaiting ar rnlgn· w o I' I< e rl lhrotrr~hottl Tuesrln~· held in 1he sc·hool :u1dtm·ium, pl'r hunrlrerlwelght for 3.. 3'/ro menl in circuit .court on .t r~• pc night, from mlrlnlrrht on, 11nrl beginning at S o'clol'!:. mrll1. Some mill> buyers cut their charg<' Iii Pia Ledesma, 30, Ilolt. l\lni'Y Lon llohnl't mnnv of them worl<cd Wedne~· AH expl:llnf'ri by Supt. ,Janws wholesale prtces this wcclc Mrlre He was ancstcrl Mrmrlny when day nigh!, tno. • Mary Lou Bohnet Is "Chapter II. Vander VPn, lhP Jl.l.twn lm.ml cuts arr. planned soon whether oiTiccrs followed footprints in the County Erwineer· Frani< I\ Swcctlwart" of' tlw Dansville Fu· of educntlon has !)('ell r·on~tr!roring or no! Iii<' federal parity prir:e sno1v, prints leading from n IIoll l~vnns repnrlf'ri 'l'lntrsd,ry morn !lu" l'.trmPrs of Amcriea l'imp· reorganization Its >'OlllPihln~.: !1('{'· cut goes lnln effect In April, lng thai all county roads would girl'~ house tn the Ledesma rest· lr>r. Tlw Wchhcrvlllc gtrl rs ,t essary .rnrl dPsrrabiP fnr· llw fu. milk producers believe. I clcnce al 1779 Cedar street. he O[lf'n for !ravel by noon :rnrl Junior· at the Ingham Township lure. Surlclen jumps in tlw sr·lwol "There's jus! too much milk," T:rken before Delhi Juslrcc of lhat suhurlmn ~·troels would he Agricullural sr hool. f'eilSUS, C'OttpJerl WII h SltilUrhlltl NPIHm Jlouse of the Mason Dairy cleared hy nlghlf~tll. the Peace John .J. Rll'iwrcls Tuc,;. Tl's tile flrsl time thai IIH' rlevr.lo[Jmenl Itt Alall'rlon town· said Wednesday. "We clrop[Jed Thr.n' were• some •1-fonl drifts dny mol'lling, Lcdc:;ma waived l'impiPr h,rs riesigna!Prl a HWPCI· ship anrl rn 1111' !lawley rltsl r icl, our price lo producers this week In Alaiedon ami Whcatfielrl town· cx,unination anrl was hound nvPr IIcari. II w.ls Miss Bohnet's havr. arlvatH'f'ri ll~t• tunc of ric· because it is geltmg to the point to circurl court on bond of $1,!ifJO. ships. rovf'n one rcporiPrl :11 (i r:rsron, he said. wlwre we flrc having a surplus feel, but lhr. snow was fluffy ancl sl'!tnl.tsltr· ahtlily, pr.rsonalrty, A 1G yc.tr·old Holt :;irl was lcfl Tlw Ala!Prlon Township unit oursQJvcs. We arc now forced to comparattvcly easy to rnovr.. c·tlizen~llip anrl smllin~.: ways alone in the house Monday dlst r·tr:l rlir ~r·tors appro:u·hprJ tlw sell It at a sacrifice. Mrlk pro· Chanr,es in wind dircl'tion whlf'h inspir I'd till' clw[Jtcr· boys, morning when her· mother went 1\!ason sdrool hoard on d meri.:Pl' r•r.ssors arc buying more milk ham[Jerrorl snow removal. Dunnr, they sairl. to work about li o'clocl{, Lt. Vcr· nf lhr. :l rltslrif'ls. J<:xc•cpiPd frnm than they can sell. The price just ll1ro stnnn the Wille! veered from '!'he J•'Jo'A qucPn will be honor·cd sile Eahcor•k of the sherift"s slaiT llw mrorger· probably would IJ[O IIH• lws tn C'Ome down under such norlhrast to r.nst, then smrlheasl at a banquet in Aprrl. said. The doors were Jod,erl, ac· German :mel Brrllon arr.ns 111 condl lions" nnd finally to 1he wcsl. Miss Bohnet has been active In cording to the mother, but the Alairrlon. Heslrlronts in !hose :l From an agncult ural sl and· •I II nnrl l'uturc llomcmllilcr·s of None of the dairies scrvrng Ma· mtruder forced a door open about ser•llons prf'fl'l' mel gPr wilh \Vii· son predicted any immediate drop porn!, the ~now was welcome. II Anrcrim .tf'livittes whilr al tht> 7 o'elocll ami then entered the heir! haek the hurgeonin~ of Jiamslun, Ma~on clrn•r·tors were in I he retail price of mili>, when Dansville school. Sh.:! ts :1 daugh bedroom where the girl wa, hpl'lng. The weal iter had been un· tolrl. questioned Wcdnesr!ny. ,;leeplng. ter of Mr anrl Mrs. J. C. Bohnet seasonably warm. of Wcilhcrvrllc. With the M:ts<llt Al:riroclon mc•t· Dorn Diehl of Dansville knows The girl said her a ttaclwr wore Mason pupils had no holiday. gcr undl•r crmsirlcr·atton, lllc' Ma· the same conditions of surplus a handkerchief over his fncc. All llus trr[ls were mmlc, re· son sdwol bo,ml rnvriPrl Wilson milk Only hr. knows it from She put up a furious struggle, [lorlcd Supt. James H. Vander and ll:rwiPy rlirP<'Iors lo ~II In at IIH' ol her sr<le of the picture. He's she told officers, nnd struck her Ven. Bus runs at the Slnekbriclgr. 11 mnfcrcnc!' Wrlson pupils have a dmry farmer. attacltcr repeatedly with a !Jotllc anrl Leslie schools wcrf' cnllf'd Mason Courtroom been c·omrng lo Jl.!:rson srnr·e tltf' "Sure. wr.'rc producln~.: too of Vicl-;'s ointment. She said she off, as they wr>rc :tt Olwmos nnri burning of lite Wibon sclwol 20 fls.'=imwries Tom Dunton, 2 years old, helps operate the Japanese toy held by his much milk," Diehl stated. "But cut his face with a fragment of Wrllramston. Holt, Dansville anrl Will Be Vacant years ago. [ faWJQy IS lac eel Wllir A " - fathe1·, Rupert Dunton. Mt·s. Dunton (the formet· Joan Davis of Ma· we Pan't let the government go the bottle. She made her escape Webberville buse~ c:nvcrcrl their• nn cmcrgt'ttr•y I'Psulling fmm the• on pnying our way while we try tPJTitories At JTa~IPtl and some influx of many new rewlents. son) looks on with another Dunton boy, Ray, 3 months. The Duntons through a bedroom window, !lee· Rcll"iJ'7"J. Hol•le to produce even more mill,. I o[ I he other selwols the hu~es Until May Term · " " • nre spending a month with Mrs. Dunton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nate lng lo the home of n neighbor The !Iarper rlrslrif'l in Delhi is think that it's a necessity to low· when her attacker rctrcatcrl to made return trips early in the also in a r'!'ilif'al silualinn he· DaVIS or Mason. This is the first trip to the United States for the 2 boys. They were bom cr the parity price. If we can get Offrcials who f,lVor the holrling the l>rlchen. afternoon. 'cause of llw enrollment t !ten~. in .Japan. The Duntons have served 3 years in Japan as missionaries. They returned on the retail price of milk down Mason rural marl r•arriers elf' of federal court in Mason have the empty r•ourtroom to hack AI a joint mectrng of Alarcdon ' . mecliC"al leave. (Ingham County News photo). where people cnn afford to buy Tracl\s led from tire gtrl's ltvcred about 8'5'•' of their mail and Mason school hoards il was them. There wcm Jess than .3 it, this surplus picture may house to the Ledesma home, said Wednesday. Most of them marie agreed t hal in cvPnl of merger, weeks of tirr·url c·ourl trrnls held chnngc.
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