July 31, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S9613 open up more employment opportuni- May 18, 1998. ing time in this fight and our remaining ties to individuals with disabilities. THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE UNITED time together is limited. It would honor us They will also provide state vocational STATES SENATE: My name is Bill Tuttle. I greatly if you, as the distinguished elected hope that some of you remember me as a rehabilitation agencies and other agen- leaders of our country, would commit to an former Major League Baseball player who aggressive course of action against spit to- cies and organizations that offer em- played with the Minnesota Twins, Detroit bacco. That would be a big league accom- ployment-related assistance to individ- Tigers, and Kansas City Athletics. But, I plishment and one for which you would never uals with disabilities with the tools hope more of you know me as a staunch anti- be forgotten. they need to give appropriate, timely spit tobacco fighter who, at this very mo- Sincerely, help to individuals with disabilities ment, is literally fighting for his life. Little BILL TUTTLE.· who want to work. These provisions did I know when I started experimenting f with spit tobacco some forty years ago at bring us closer to a seamless system the invitation of a fellow ballplayer, that THE NATIONAL TRAINING CENTER for job training and employment as- spit tobacco would become such a major part sistance for individuals with disabil- of my life and death. I chewed every day for · Mr. KEMPTHORNE. Mr. President, I ities. many years, right up until the time I was di- rise today to talk about a national re- The Workforce Investment Act lays agnosed with oral cancer five years ago. I source that is training the military the groundwork to establish an out- have undergone numerous operations to re- leaders of today and tomorrow. It is standing employment and training sys- move cancerous growths in my head and the National Training Center at Fort tem nationwide that will meet the eco- neck. I have endured unimaginable pain and Irwin, California. disfigurement from the surgeries and treat- nomic demands of the next century. The commanding officer of the Na- ments and I have been literally cut apart and tional Training Center, Brigadier Gen- The business community and the Ad- patched back together. My family has suf- ministration have been very helpful in fered with me every step of the way. Life has eral Dean Cash, is a soldier's soldier. this endeavor. I want to especially been a living hell for several years now. He is dedicated to developing leaders, thank Secretary Herman and Secretary I have been blessed, however, with the op- and he leads by example. General Cash Riley and their staffs for their work portunity to talk to others about the dan- is also dedicated to the soldiers' fami- and who literally worked on this legis- gers of spit tobacco, particularly young peo- lies. Despite the long hours and tough ple. I know that the temptation to try new lation up to the last minute. The pas- duty, General Cash makes sure none of things, especially forbidden things, can be the soldiers or officers in his command sage of H.R. 1385 means that this na- tough for young people. In my message to tion will have a better skilled work- the thousands of youngsters that I have misses the birth of their child or a force.· talked to, I have emphasized that they just birthday celebration. He believes those f should not start using any form of tobacco. are significant events that cannot be If you don't start, you'll never need to stop. missed. BILL TUTTLE, 69, VICTIM AND OP- But once started, tobacco use can literally And General Cash wants to make PONENT OF SMOKELESS TO- addict you to a substance that stands a good sure the families are cared for. Wheth- BACCO chance of killing you. Even after enduring er its child care, shopping or support several surgeries and having half of my face groups, the families of the soldiers as- · Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, a base- cut away, I hate to admit that I still have a ball star died this week. Bill Tuttle, craving to try spit tobacco. That's how ad- signed to Fort Irwin get the best avail- centerfielder for the Detroit Tigers, dicting spit tobacco can be. able. The base takes an active role in Kansas City Athletics, and Minnesota I have had some excellent partners in the the schools and also has extended its Twins over a period of 11 years, suc- fight against spit tobacco. Joe Garagiola, reach to at-risk children in the Los An- cumbed to oral cancer after a five-year Oral Health America, The Robert Wood geles basin. battle. Among baseball fans, Mr. Johnson Foundation, Major League Baseball, The soldiers at Fort Irwin and the Tuttle's baseball card picture, with a the Major League Baseball Player Associa- National Training Center are profes- tion, the Professional Baseball Athletic sionals. They present the greatest chal- bulging cheek full of chewing tobacco, Trainers Society, and others have supported is well-known. Unfortunately, that me in many ways. But my most ardent sup- lenge for units training at the center. ever-present wad of tobacco was his porter and best friend is my wife Gloria. She This is their mission, and they do it undoing. Over the past five years, it has accompanied me on my visits to schools, well. cost him part of his jaw, his cheek, a community meetings, and spring training. I believe, Mr. President, that the rea- number of teeth, his taste buds, and ul- She has become an expert on spit tobacco, son our forces were successful against timately his life. particularly what it can do to destroy lives Saddam Hussein in Operation Desert and families. Storm was the training they received To his credit, when Mr. Tuttle real- I am sorry that I can not meet you in per- ized what spit tobacco, as he accu- son to talk about his matter as my physical at NTC. They were in an environment rately called it, had begun to do to condition just won't permit it. But I wish to very similar to conditions in the Mid- him, he devoted the last years of his implore you to become a partner in the fight dle East. They were fighting against life to warning other ballplayers about against spit tobacco. So many of you have forces simulating the style of the what might happen to them if they too already done so much to move badly needed former Soviet bloc. And they were use spit tobacco. But he did more than tobacco legislation forward that we must not fighting against tanks, artillery and reach out to his fellow ballplayers. He stop short of the goalÐthat is to make to- infantry units with a ``home field'' ad- bacco products, including spit tobacco, as vantage. The permanent opposition spent many hours and days working to unavailable and unattractive to young peo- prevent young people from starting to ple as possible. I urge you to take the nec- force at NTC knows every rock, every use this addictive product. essary action that will address spit tobacco hill and every ravine. That is a tremen- I ask that a letter be printed in the as aggressively as you will smoking. We need dous advantage, and really tests the RECORD that I received from Bill Tuttle taxes that make all tobacco equally unat- leadership skills of the training forces. during the debate on the tobacco bill tractive for young people. We need to mon- As we see the downsizing of our ac- earlier this year. It describes his first- itor not just highly addicted daily users, but tive Army force, we must have a Na- hand experience of the ravages of spit also experimenters, if we are to practice pre- tional Guard and Reserve component tobacco and his efforts to educate chil- vention and be able to measure progress. And acting as an integral part of our mili- we need to tell people the truth about the dren, as well as Major League players, addictive nature of spit tobacco, including tary if we have a significant crisis any- about the dangers of spit tobacco use. putting the nicotine content on labels. None where in the world that we have to deal Spit tobacco is addictive, causes can- of us wishes to see spit tobacco become the with. That is why, Mr. President, I am cer and other serious illnesses, and bargain basement pathway for young people so pleased that the Idaho Snake River leaves a trail of devastation among its into a lifetime of tobacco addiction. Brigade is able to train at NTC. We victims and their families. It is essen- On May 19, 1998, my wife Gloria and I will need to make sure they're ready if tial that we listen to the words of Bill be honored at the Metrodome in Minneapolis called upon. as the first recipients of the Bill Tuttle The facilities at NTC are, to say the Tuttle and others like him, and con- Award. This recognition of our efforts to try tinue to fight to prevent the use of to save American children from hazards of least, very impressive. Using the latest smokeless tobacco by our Nation's tobacco use is greatly appreciated. At the state-of-the-art computer, laser and kids. same time, however, this is a very sad occa- satellite technology, the instructors The letter follows: sion for us.
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