July 15, 1985 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 18955 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, July 15, 1985 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. on the disagreeing votes of the two Arizona owes a tremendous debt of The Chaplain, Rev. James David Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. gratitude to Carl Hayden and John Ford, D.D., offered the following GOLDWATER, Mr. THuRMOND, Mr. Rhodes. Designating the Granite Reef prayer: wARNER, Mr. HUMPHREY, Mr. COHEN, portion of the central Arizona project We offer this word of gratitude, O Mr. QUAYLE, Mr. EAST, Mr. WILSON, as the Hayden Rhodes Aqueduct is gracious God, for the abiding presence Mr. DENTON, Mr. GRAMM, Mr. NUNN, only a small token of the appreciation of Your spirit. Though we may seek to Mr. STENNIS, Mr. HART, Mr. EXON, Mr. that all Arizonans feels toward these depart from You, You do not depart LEvIN, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. BINGAMAN, two great Americans. It is only appro­ from us; though often we do not wish Mr. DIXON, and Mr. GLENN to be the priate that the Aqueduct which carries to face our faults, You forgive us and conferees on the part of the Senate. the waters of the Colorado River to grant us new life. Our hearts are ap­ the district that these men once repre­ preciative, that though we often CONSENT CALENDAR sented be named in their honor. forget Your providence for us and we I urge your support for this legisla­ seem to turn away, You continue to The SPEAKER. This is the day for tion. surround us with Your love and com­ the call of the Consent Calendar. The Mr. Speaker, I withdraw my reserva­ fort us with Your presence. For Your Clerk will call the bill on the Consent tion of objection. external faithfulness, 0 God, we offer Calendar. The SPEAKER. Is there objection this our prayer of thanksgiving. Amen. to the present consideration of the HAYDEN RHODES AQUEDUCT bill? THE JOURNAL The Clerk called the bill <H.R. 2340) There was no objection. The Clerk read the bill, as follows: The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ to designate the Granite Reef aque­ amined the Journal of the last day's duct of the central Arizona project as H.R. 2340 proceedings and announces to the the "Hayden Rhodes aqueduct.'' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of House his approval thereof. The SPEAKER. Is there objection Representatives of the United States of Pursuant to clause l, rule I, the to the present consideration of the America in Congress assembled, bill? SECTION I. DESIGNATION OF GRANITE REEF AQUE­ Journal stands approved. DUCT AS "HAYDEN RHODES AQUE­ Mr. McCAIN. Mr. Speaker, reserving DUCT". the right to object, on November 15, The Granite Reef Aqueduct of the Cen­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE 1985, the first major portion of the tral Arizona Project, constructed, operated, A message from the Senate by Mr. central Arizona project, the Granite and maintained under section 301Ca><l> of Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced Reef aqueduct is scheduled to be dedi­ the Colorado River Basin Project Act <43 that the Senate had passed without cated. On that day, Arizona history U.S.C. 1521(a)(l)), hereafter shall be known amendment a joint resolution and con­ will be written. Colorado River water and designated as the "Hayden Rhodes Aq­ current resolution of the House of the will begin flowing into the Phoenix ueduct". following titles: metropolitian area. The occasion will SECTION 2. REFERENCES TO AQUEDUCT. H.J. Res. 198. Joint resolution providing be marked by celebrations of this long Any reference in any law, regulation, doc­ for appointment of Barnabas McHenry as a awaited triumph over time and nature ument, record, map, or other paper of the as well as many engineering, funding, United States to the aqueduct referred to in citizen regent of the Board of Regents of section 1 hereby is deemed to be a reference the Smithsonian Institution: and and political obstacles. to the "Hayden Rhodes Aqueduct". H. Con. Res. 59. Concurrent resolution Mr. Speaker, it will be the culmina­ commemorating the lOOth anniversary of tion of the work of many. However, The bill was ordered to be engrossed the death of IDysses S. Grant, the 18th the names of Carl Hayden and John and read a third time, was read the President of the United States. Rhodes, whose public service careers third time, and passed, and a motion The message also announced that spanned 70 years, are two names that to reconsider was laid on the table. the Senate had passed with an amend­ we must indeed pay tribute to on that The SPEAKER. This concludes the ment in which the concurrence of the day. call of the Consent Calendar. House is requested, a bill of the House Carl Hayden and John Rhodes were of the following title: truly dedicated to seeing the CAP TRANSFER OF CONSTITUTIONAL H.R. 1460. An act to express the opposi­ become a reality. Senator Hayden, as POWERS UNDER 25TH AMEND­ tion of the United States to the system of the long-time chairman of the Senate apartheid in South Africa, and for other MENT TO THE CONSTITUTION Appropriations Committee, was in the AND RESUMPTION OF SAME­ purposes. unique position to transform the con­ The message also announced that MESSAGES FROM THE PRESI­ cept of delivering Colorado River DENT OF THE UNITED STATES the Senate disagrees to the amend­ water to central and southern Arizona ments of the House to the bill CS. into a reality. His efforts culminated The SPEAKER laid before the 1160) "An act to authorize appropria­ in September of 1968 when legislation House the following messages from tions for the military functions of the was signed into law authorizing the the President of the United States; Department of Defense and to pre­ central Arizona project. which were read: scribe personnel levels for the Depart­ Senator Hayden's work in the THE WHITE HOUSE, ment of Defense for fiscal year 1986, Senate was matched by John Rhodes' Washington, July 13, 1985. to authorize certain construction at contributions in the House of Repre­ Hon. THOMAS P. O'NEILL, Jr., military installations for such fiscal Speaker, House of Representatives, sentatives. During his 30 years in the Washington, DC. year, to authorize appropriations for service of the people of Arizona, John DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I am about to undergo the Department of Energy for nation­ Rhodes displayed the leadership and surgery during which time I will be briefly al security programs for such fiscal the statesmanship necessary to forge and temporarily incapable of discharging year, and for other purposes," agrees the alliances that would ensure fund­ the Constitutional powers and duties of the to the conference asked by the House ing for the central Arizona project. Office of the President of the United States. D This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 18956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE July 15, 1985 After consultation with my Counsel and REPORT ON RESOLUTION WAIV­ COMMUNICATION FROM THE the Attorney General, I am mindful of the ING CERTAIN POINTS OF CLERK OF THE HOUSE provisions of Section 3 of the 25th Amend­ ORDER AGAINST CONSIDER­ ment to the Constitution and of the uncer­ The SPEAKER laid before the ATION OF H.R. 2959, ENERGY House the following communication tainties of its application to such brief and AND WATER DEVELOPMENT temporary periods of incapacity. I do not be­ from the Clerk of the House of Repre­ lieve that the drafters of this Amendment APPROPRIATIONS, 1986 sentatives: intended its application to situations such Mrs. BURTON of California, from WASHINGTON, DC, as the instant one. the Committee on Rules, submitted a July 12, 1985. Nevertheless, consistent with my long­ privileged report <Rept. No. 99-198), Hon. THOMAS P. O'NEILL, Jr. standing arrangement with Vice President on the resolution CH. Res. 221> waiving The Speaker, House of Representatives, George Bush, and not intending to set a certain points of order against consid­ Washington, DC. precedent binding anyone privileged to hold eration of the bill CH.R. 2959), making DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per­ this Office in the future, I have determined appropriations for energy and water mission granted in Clause 5, Rule III of the and it is my intention and direction that Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, development for the fiscal year ending I have the honor to transmit a sealed enve­ Vice President George Bush shall discharge September 30, 1986, and for other pur­ those powers and duties in my stead com­ lope received from the White House at 1:50 mencing with the administration of anes­ poses, which was referred to the p.m. on Friday, July 12, 1985 and said to thesia to me in this instance. House Calendar and ordered to be contain a message from the President printed. wherein he transmits a report pursuant to I shall advise you and the Vice President section 204 of the International Emergency when I determine that I am able to resume Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1703) and the discharge of the Constitutional powers REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO­ section 401Cc> of the National Emergency and duties of this Office. VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Act (50 U.S.C. 1641Cc». May God bless this Nation and us all, OF H.R. 8, WATER QUALITY RE­ With kind regards, I am, Sincerely, NEWAL ACT OF 1985 Sincerely, RONALD REAGAN.
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