Quarterly, Volume XXI (April - June) Research Journal 23 (2/2016) Volume Editor Beata Zatwarnicka-Madura HSS Journal indexed, among others, on the basis of the reference of the Minister of Science and Higher Education in The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH), ERIH PLUS and Index Copernicus Journal Master List 2015. Issued with the consent of the Rector Editor in Chief Publishing House of Rzeszow University of Technology Grzegorz OSTASZ Composition of the Scientific Papers Council of the Faculty of Management at Rzeszow University of Technology „Humanities and Social Sciences” Grzegorz OSTASZ – Chairman (Poland) Justyna STECKO – Editorial asisstant (Poland) members: Alla ARISTOVA (Ukraine), Heinrich BADURA (Austria), Guido BALDI (Germany) Aleksander BOBKO (Poland), Zbigniew BOCHNIARZ (USA) Viktor CHEPURKO (Ukraine), Zuzana HAJDUOVÁ (Slovakia) Wilem J.M. HEIJMAN (The Netherlands), Tamara HOVORUN (Ukraine) Beatriz Urbano LOPEZ DE MENESES (Spain), Nicanor Ursua LEZAUN (Spain) Józef MANDZIUK (Poland), Aleksandr MEREZHKO (Ukraine) Nellya NYCHKALO (Ukraine), Annely ROTHKEGEL (Germany) Josef SABLIK (Slovakia), Henryk SKOROWSKI (Poland) Mykoła STADNIK (Ukraine), Beata SZLUZ (Poland) Anatoliy TKACH (Ukraine), Michael WARD (Ireland) Editor in Chief Grzegorz OSTASZ (Poland) Editorial Committee (Thematic editors) Stanisław GĘDEK (Poland), Aleksandr GUGNIN (Poland), Eugeniusz MOCZUK (Poland) Krzysztof TERESZKIEWICZ (Poland), Grzegorz ZAMOYSKI (Poland) Editorial assistant Justyna STECKO (Poland) Statistical editor Tomasz PISULA (Poland) Members of editorial staff Tadeusz OLEJARZ (Poland), Marta POMYKAŁA (Poland) Hanna SOMMER (Poland), Beata ZATWARNICKA-MADURA (Poland) Volume editor Beata ZATWARNICKA-MADURA (Poland) Language editors Glyn David GRIFFITHS (The United Kingdom), Tatiana GUGNINA (Poland) Alewtina ŁAWRINIENKO (Russia), Ruth MALOSZEK (Germany) Magdalena REJMAN-ZIENTEK (Poland), Anna ROMAN (Poland) Project of the cover Damian GĘBAROWSKI The printed version of the Journal is an original version. p-ISSN 2300-5327 e-ISSN 2300-9918 Publisher: Publishing House of Rzeszow University of Technology, 12 Powstanców Warszawy Ave., 35-959 Rzeszow (e-mail: [email protected]) http://oficyna.portal.prz.edu.pl Editorial Office: Rzeszow University of Technology, The Faculty of Management, 10 Powstańców Warszawy Ave., 35-959 Rzeszów, phone: 17 8651383, e-mail: [email protected] http://hss.portal.prz.edu.pl Additional information and an imprint – p. 279 SPIS TREŚCI Od Komitetu Redakcyjnego ............................................................................................. 7 Arkadiusz Adamczyk: General Władysław Sikorski as a Prime Minister of Polish Government in exile. Honest democrat or heir of authoritarianism .................................... 9 Marta Borowska-Stefańska: Assessment of financial losses on flood-prone areas in the Łódź province ......................................................................................................... 33 Lidia Gawlik, Tomasz Mirowski: Strategic directions of development of the polish power sector in the light of climate and energy policy of the European Union………….49 Paweł Grata: Zmierzch koncepcji socjalistycznego rolnictwa w Polsce na przykładzie polityki rolnej w województwie rzeszowskim w latach 1975‒1989……………………..63 Mirosław Kłusek: Dekret z 27 lipca 1949 r. o nadzwyczajnym podatku od wzbogacenia wojennego .............................................................................................. 77 Mariusz Krzysztofiński: Arcybiskup Ignacy Tokarczuk wobec ateizmu. Zarys zagadnienia ....................................................................................................................... 89 Anna Kurzydłowska: Leadership in project management ............................................ 103 Grzegorz Lew: Ogólny model rachunku kosztów klienta ............................................. 113 Karolina Łatka: Forecast for development of polish exports in France on the basis of the actions by dedicated institutions ........................................................................... 123 Paulina Matera: The question of war debts and reparations in French-American relations after WWI ......................................................................................................... 133 Maria Nieplowicz: The selection of measures for effective implementation of the strategy of the city ................................................................................................. 145 Mariola Nycz, Mirosław Śmieszek: Wielkość przewozów pasażerskich w relacji do wskaźnika motoryzacji w wybranych krajach Unii Europejskiej w latach 2008–2013 ....................................................................................................................... 153 4 Monika Pepłowska, Dominik Kryzia: The assessment model of energy security in the road transport sector in Poland .............................................................................. 169 Katarzyna Pietrucha-Urbanik, Anna Nogaj, Justyna Stecko: Assessment of water supply infrastructure state in rural areas in Poland using multivariate analysis .............. 177 Сергей Прокопенко: Развитие реального образования в екатеринославской губернии во второй половине ХІХ – начале ХХ вв ................................................... 187 Ольга Сорочан: Олигархические интересы и «черный лебедь» по-молдавcки .... 201 Lenka Štofová, Petra Szaryszová, Lucia Bednárová, Artur Kottner: Environmental criteria of public procurement as an instrument of development sustainability of Slovakia ................................................................................................ 209 Krzysztof Surowiec, Aleksander Razin: Założenia geopolityki Iwana IV Groźnego i jej realizacja w Rosji w latach 1547‒1584. Cz. II ......................................................... 219 Krzysztof Tadej: Wydarzenia religijne w telewizji polskiej na przykładzie programów i transmisji z kanonizacji Jana Pawła II i Jana XXIII oraz wyboru papieża Franciszka ....................................................................................................................... 233 Edyta Więcławska: Integrating the needs of the local market in teaching legal translation ........................................................................................................................ 245 Łukasz Wojcieszak: Perspektywy pozyskiwania gazu ziemnego ze złóż niekonwencjonalnych na Ukrainie .................................................................................. 253 Magdalena Żardecka-Nowak: Philosophy and civic habitus in postindustrial society ............................................................................................................................. 271 CONTENTS From the Editorial Committee ......................................................................................... 7 Arkadiusz Adamczyk: General Władysław Sikorski as a Prime Minister of Polish Government in exile. Honest democrat or heir of authoritarianism .................................... 9 Marta Borowska-Stefańska: Assessment of financial losses on flood-prone areas in the Łódź province ......................................................................................................... 33 Lidia Gawlik, Tomasz Mirowski: Strategic directions of development of the Polish power sector in the light of climate and energy policy of the European Union ................ 49 Paweł Grata: The fall of the concept of socialist agriculture in Poland on the example of the agricultural policy in the Rzeszowskie voivodeship in the years 1975‒1989 ......... 63 Mirosław Kłusek: The decree of 27th July 1949 on the exceptional tax on martial enrichment ......................................................................................................................... 77 Mariusz Krzysztofiński: The Archbishop Ignatius Tokarczuk to atheism. Overview .... 89 Anna Kurzydłowska: Leadership in project management ............................................ 103 Grzegorz Lew: General model of customer costs accounting ....................................... 113 Karolina Łatka: Forecast for development of Polish exports in France on the basis of the actions by dedicated institutions ........................................................................... 123 Paulina Matera: The question of war debts and reparations in French-American relations after WWI ......................................................................................................... 133 Maria Nieplowicz: The selection of measures for effective implementation of the strategy of the city ................................................................................................. 145 Mariola Nycz, Mirosław Śmieszek: Size of passenger transport in relation to the automotive indicator in selected countries of European Union in the years 2008‒2013153 ................................................................................................................. 153 Monika Pepłowska, Dominik Kryzia: The assessment model of energy security in the road transport sector in Poland .............................................................................. 169 6 Katarzyna Pietrucha-Urbanik, Anna Nogaj, Justyna Stecko: Assessment of water supply infrastructure state in rural areas in Poland using a multivariate analysis ........... 177 Sergiej Prokopenko: Development of the non-classical secondary education at the Ekaterinoslav province in
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