M init-Ed Is there in nature anything more beautiful than a tree? Joyce Kilmer may have closed the book in praise of trees, but there are few who can ride up and down the streets of our communities without paying tribute to their beauty? At this point of the summer they are at their fullest, their limbs weighted by the luxurious burden of leaves. Ridge Road, Commercial 'Eeahcr Rutherford, has great trees which arch above the macadam. In North Arlington, many streets are lined with trees whose top limbs touch and form a tunnel of green. Our and SOUTHT BERGEN REVIEW trees are resources of great value. We must be sure they get the constant care they Second-Class postage paid at Rutherford, N.J. VOL. Gl NO. 03 25C THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1982 Published at 251 Ridge Rd., Lyndhurst merit. USPS 125-620 Subscription $8.00 Published Weekly Public Drinking Brings Fines Three of six youths and let him go without pen­ so the surveyor could do to sell gold and silver in his charged by Conrail police alty. his job easily and the gift and metals shop on with drinking in public on Bill Sa lentino. 49 stakes just outlined his Valley Brook Avenue He the Stuyvesant Avenue sta­ Teaneck Rd Ridgefield own property line wa represented by at­ tion enbankment on July 19 Park, Donald J Kasyan. tornev Gabriel Ambrosio appeared at Lyndhurst 164 Hasbrouck Avenue. In finding Kirk not guilty Breslin said. No matter Municipal court's session Hasbrouck Heights, and Joseph S Farulla. 272 what I decide here tonight of last Thursday night, two Brian K. Hendricks. 328 C astle Terrace, re p re ­ the problems will not be sented by Paul Spina, pub­ pleaded guilty and paid Fifth Street. Ridgefield fines of $25 and costs of $25 Park, were the three who solved.This feud has been lic defender was before each, one pleaded not guil­ failed to appear and had going on for years the court on several charges of theft filed by ty and three, not appearing warrants issued against Kirk was represented b\ l*tl Henry Kelly and Ptl had warrants issued for them. attorney Donald Newmark Jerry Onnembo their arrest and bail set at In a second appearance and Lam anna by attorney $75 for each. before the court on I^awrence Brady Breslin told the youth he charges brought by a would order a pre-sentence The two pleading guilty The representative of neighbor. Joseph Kirk. 423 report before pronouncing are Charles J Southard. Five Brothers Carting. Third Avenue, was found the penalty 492 Wilson Avenue. Lyn­ Jersey City was assessed a not guilty on four com­ dhurst and Mark Ivanovic total of $75 on pleading to Glenn F Beard. 66 Cot­ plaints filed by Ida Laman- of 30 Hasbrouck Place. Ptl James O'Connor's t a g e Place. Fast na. two on June 1 and two Hutherford complaint that the Rutherford, having vio­ on July 10 v company's truck was lated his parole, was sen­ After testimony by Of­ Complaints included loaded so as to spill when tenced to three months in ficers George C. Kuhn and trespass and malicious observed on July 3 The the County jail, the sen­ A Capitano of the Conrail damage. Lamanna ac­ representative noted that tence to be served on police force. Judge James cused Kirk of tearing down he was not the operator of weekends beginning Au­ Michael S Ungar Seaman Steven Kelly A . Breslin said he gave a fence between their ad­ the truck on that occasion. gust 13 ‘ the benefit of the doubt joining properties. She John A Callandrello. And if you're not there to Michael A. Barrows of said he then drove red 509-510 Valley Brook Ave­ to begin serving your sen­ In Their Country’s Service 127 West Pasaic Avenue. stakes into her grounds. nue, paid a total of $100 on tence on that date you'll go Rutherford, who said he Kirk said he was going to two of 10 charges by Ptl to jail for three months Seaman Recruit Steven in San Diego Naval Train­ Michael S. Ungar, son of was walking away from have his land surveyed and Robert Sibilio that the man straight, understand’ spent some time at Kelly, son of Detective ing Center where he will be Mrs. Irene Ungar, Lyn­ the group and not drinking. the fence was taken down failed to renew his license said Breslin Lajos Field, in the Azores, Sergeant and Mrs. Harry going to MS Class A Cook­ dhurst. recently completed Portu gal. Kelly and a lifelong resi­ ing School for six weeks a four-year enlistment in dent of Lyndhurst, has suc­ the U.S. Air Force. Ungar and upon completion of Ungar has accepted an cessfully completed his school will be reassigned Student Screenings To Be Held offer of employment with U.S. Navy Recruit Train­ to a duty station. attained the rank of Staff Satellite Business Systems Sergeant and was a shift ing at Recruit Training By John DiLascio, accentuated by weather p le a s e d with the im­ to students, parents and all Command, Naval Training Steven is a graduate of Commissioner of conditions and recrea­ mediate response and total concerned citizens supervisor in the Defense in McLean. Virginia as a Center, San Diego, Califor­ Jefferson Elementary tional activities of this cooperation of all con­ Communications Systems Network Controller. He Public Affairs I will endeavor to ce­ nia. Company 064, the School, Lyndhurst and As the new school year time of year As a precau­ cerned ment this type of relation will take up residence in company to which Steven Bergen Tech Vocational Automatic Switching Cen­ approaches. I believe our tionary measure. I have A meeting was held last between m\ office and the the Northern Virginia area was attached was named High School Hackensack, ter Patch and Test Facility Health Department has a asked our health officer. week with myself. Mr Board of Fducation with Honor Company. where he completed 4 at McClellan AFB. Sacra­ after his present visit with deep responsibility to offer Mr. Forte, to send a letter Forte, and M r .Travisano the understanding that al­ years of cooking classes mento. California. He also his mother in Lyndhurst. Steven is now stationed any cooperation to the to the Board of Fducation Mr Travisano and Mr though we are autonomous Board of Fducation re­ and Mr Travisano. Super­ Forte will be setting into bodies, we both have one garding the health and intendent of Schools, to motion the necessary steps function, to serve the peo­ ‘C ollection’ O n D isplay A t L ib rary welfare of our student pop­ discuss the feasibility of a to accomplish this screen­ ple of Lvndhurst ulation. Our first concern screening program con­ ing during the first lull Mr Travisano will for­ is prevention of a possible ducted on the elementary school week in September A series of small dis­ county by county, to parks, also, is a valuable guide nature lovers, vacationers, mal h announce the exact problem with Lice and-or school students in early along with the dissemina­ plays which accent re­ forests, historical sites, put out by tb* State En­ and those planning one day time and procedure as Scabbies. which is usually September I was very tion of pertinent materials gional wildlife and access recreation areas, etc., vironmental Protection summer outings. soon as the\ are finalized to vacation spots dot the complete with phone num­ Agency entitled “Public rooms of the North Arling­ bers. hours, and direc­ Access to the N.J. Shore.” I n d e x ton Public Library tions. A complete list of beaches, .... 6 Raccoon figures, in a va­ For outdoor enthusiasts together with fees, facil­ Meadowlands Cable. .... 6 Drug Committee Formed riety of artistic designs, who travel to Pennsylva­ ities, amusements, and a . 13 By Amy Divine educators. PTA members, and Clerical employment principals were also en­ Obituaries................. from the collection of Mr nia, “The Poconos” by description of public trans­ ... 19 The Board of Fducation officials and laymen will areas This w ill create em ­ gaged as per negotiations and Mrs. Eric Lehmann of C.B Tyson includes plenty portation to each beach is 22,23 met in its new quarters in be invited to serve on the ployment for the young as weil as 132 tenure teach­ Real Estate............. Lyndhurst, fill the display of photos and offers a fine included. 20,21 Lincoln School Monday committee people and at the same ers Vagabonding............ case. Collected over the overview of the wildlife Many other books and ... 10 night with a large atten­ Travisano announced time give them practical The board also accepted Medical Directory... .. 14 years from travels across and history of that attrac­ magazines, such as “N.J. dance eager to see the new that Open House at the experience in their chosen the salarv guide f or Dining Out............... the U.S. and as gifts from tive region. Monthly” and “N.J. Out­ . .. 10 offices and to participate new quarters will be held studies and line of work clerical employees as ne­ .... 8 friends, the couple’s Posted at the library. doors” are available for in the new procedure of some tim e in September The board voted to re- gotiated lfi possessions include a asking questions on sub­ He also said an advance in hire six teachers and a The board authorized Bridal Guide................ Lenox and Boehm 11 jects on the agenda before Math studies in upper nurse going under tenure Frank Gagliardi to con­ collector’s item “ Wood­ the board members voted grades will be made and to reh ire six non­ tinue as administrator in land Wildlife” plate and a on them.
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