*ff~. ______ ~ __ISS_N_05_71_-0_47_2 --~1-* I', ~ ?~ I; TOr; ARKANSAS fAMILY HISTORIAN :-; . Arkansas i:'., Genealogical Sodety ~ ~ Volume 28, tl March, 1990 . '~..m., *"'~~ ~~"'7b· 1990 Officers and Directors President Desmond Walls Allen Vice President Carolyn Earle Billingsley Treasurer Bobbie Jones McLane Corresponding Secretary Frankie Y Holt Recording Secretary Frances Jernigan HistOrian Lynda Suffridge Herald Wensil Clark Parliamentarian Ed Sanders Editor Margaret Harrison Hubbard Russell P. Baker David Malone Beth Brownlee Freda Massey Juanita Carlon Edwin Moss Jan Eddleman Johnita Glover John Sanders, Jr. Teresa Harris Virginia Wright Roberta Hollis Kathy Buchanan THE ARKANSAS F AMILY HISTORIAN is the official publication of the Arkansas Genealogical Society. It is published Q\W1erly by the society and entered in the mails under Third Class Permit No. 509. Membership rate is S15.00 per calendar year. Four issues constitute one year's member­ ship. Membership may be entered by submission of dues and enrollment data to Arkansas Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 71902-0908. Neither the Arkansas Genealogical Society, the Board of Directors thereof, nor any indi­ vidual or committee assume any responsibility for information or materials included herein. Contributors of material are indicated and correspondence should be directed to the con­ tributors. Notify the Society of any corrections that are needed. - CONTENTS President's Page I Treasurer's Report 2 Box 908 3 Current State BIrth Certificate Fees 4 Reunions 6 :,bre FlowerslAnderson Family Thita 7 Early Arkansas Suprane Court Records 8 News in Rhyme Yellville Mountain Echo 11 List ot Families or Imag~nt Soldiers Dallas County 14 Zella M. Hargrove Gaither 17 The History ot the Old Military Road and Indian Trails in ArkallSAA 17 Roster ot Confederate Prisoners at Johnson's Island 21 Coulter Bible Record 26 Descendants ot Jessee Springer 30 Book Reviews 32 ~eries 38 Index 50 Volume 28, No. 1 March, 1990 - Presi.den.t·s Page It's springtime, a time of new beginnings. For genealogists. it's a time to start again on some difficult family line. I want to offer a suggestion to help your research: take a genealogy course and learn more about HOW to search for your family's history. Samford University in Birmingham. Alabama, hosts the week long Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research each year in June. Prominent lecturers teach genealogists at all levels, beginning with a fundamental course. Participants can stay in a college dormitory for a nominal fee and tuition is inexpensive. Write Mrs. Marilvn Miller Morton. IGHR, Samford University Library. 800 Lakesho~e Drive. Birmingham. AL 35229. for a brochure about this year's Insti­ tute. Brigham Young University in Provo. Utah. offers degree and certifi­ cate programs for genealogists. They have an on-Campus genealogy seminar each summer. Write Brigham Young University. Department of Independent Study, 206 Harman Building. Provo. UT 84602. for more information and a catalog. National Genealogical Society is hoating A Capital Conference. 6-9 June 1990 in the Washington. DC area. Why not recruit a group from your local genealogical society. rent a van. and make yourself a memory? Write NGS. 4527 17th Street North. Arlington, VA 22207-2399, for a conference registration form. If travel isn't in your plans. NGS offers a tape loan program to it's members and has created a home study course. American Genealo­ KYl A Basic Course. to teach the fundamentals of research. Many of the lectures from NGS conferences are available on cassette tapes from Triad. PO Box 120. Toulon. IL 61483. Request information from NGS about member benefits and the home study course. and write Triad to request catalogs of recent NGS conference lectures. Check your local community colleges and universities to see if they are offering non-credit classes in genealogy. If you are a self­ directed learner. order yourself a good. basic genealogy textbook and get serious about reading it! Is Val D. Greenwood's The Researcher's Guide to American Genealogy on your bookshelf? Treat yourself to a copy.-- I hope I have encouraged you to learn more about this fascinating hobby and I wish you the best in your research endeavors. Desmond Walls Allen TREASURER'S REPORT =ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY ex l2.a.2 -, Submitted by Bobbie J. McLane, Treasurer BALANCE (CHECKING ACCOUNT) 12-31-88 $4,050.45 EXPENSES Quarterly AFH (Printing) $10,140.00 Miscellaneous Printing 2,486.12 (Includes $1,505.40 Reprint Twp. Atlas) Supplies 730.05 Postage 2,041.52 P. O. Box Rent 72.00 Misc. Expenses (Plaque, Computer Sem., etc.) 334.75 Mailing Services 496.93 Seminar Expense 1710.19 Refunds (Insufficient Check, etc.) 56.00 Equipment Repair (Copier) 183.75 Equipment Purchased (Computer & Printer) 2390.00 Telephone Expenses 289.19 Books purchased for AGS Library 18.00 Book Binding 16.20 Advertising (3 AGS Books, Seminar, Surnam.Dir.) 346.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $21,210.70 DEPOSITS $22,686.00 Interest Earned 293.18 BALANCE IN CHECKING ACCOUNT AS OF 12-31-89 $5,718.93 BALANCE (First Asset Account) 12-31-88 $6,702.70 INTEREST EARNED 331.10 BALANCE IN SAVINGS ACCOUNT AS OF 12-31-89 7,033.80 TOTAL AMOUNT IN TREASURY 12-31-89 $12,752.73 2 BOX 908 Lora McVey Miller of P. O. Box 334. Nowata. OK 74048. asks that we print her letter of November 7.19B9. "WARN I NG :: OUTLAW GENEALOGY "On Oct. 5. 1892. the Dalton gang attempted the simultaneous robberv of Coffeyville. Kansas' two banks. Emmett Dalton was the only survivor of the gang. After serving time in prison for his part in the Cofffeyville raid.he met and married JUlia Ann (Johnson) Gilstrap/Lewis in Bartlesville. Oklahoma. on Sept. 1.190B. A lot has been written about the Dalton gang and much of what has been written and is now being written is nonsense or pure fiction. Early writers invented facts. did not research the records. wrote books and articles full of errors and inaccuracies. Writers after them only researched to past books and articles. repeating these original errors. The more these inaccuracies appeared in print. it began to go down as history. Emmett put out several books. arti­ cles and movies that contained a lot of fiction also. For the past few years,there has been a Dalton hoax going on. A new group of less-than-ethical writers have been exploiting the Dalton myths and legends and creating new ones as they go. The stories these writers put forth have no logic. no records to support any of their wild claims and propositions. Most of what they print is not substantiated. They substitute undocumented correspondence and interviews for primary research. They are doing more damage to true Dalton history and the history of connecting families than any other writers before them. Family files and pictures are "missing" from libraries. They are researching and writing about any and every family connected to the Daltons. weaving tales as they go. destroy­ ing true family histories. One of them "pretended" to be kin to the Johnsons in order to get information. and in turn twisted and turned what was said to make her own story. They are using any tactic they can to get information so they can blow it up and add to it to make a "juicy" story to sell. One source for their books came from a man in Mo. who claimed to be a Dalton descendant. He was a fake who had been in a mental institution. One writer in this group wrote a booklet based on information provided to him by this fake Da 1 ton descendant. One wri ter has d fake genea logy out on the Daltons. which he has three different Dalton families that are unrelated. pulled together as one. He has fake pictures in his booklet also. Readers and genealogists beware on booklets and articles coming out of Springdale. Ark., Waxahatchie. TX. Penn Valley. CA. and Tulsa. Okla, on Daltons and connecting families. They are very wrong and misleading. It is a hoax. They are NOT true histories on these families. They should be sold under FICTION instead of documented research." 3 Mrs. Miller states she found three outl~w querieb il' one of our recent issues and feels a lot of Arkansas families are affected. Emmett Dalton's sisters lived in Arkansas at aIle timH and the fake genealogy put out has Arkansas connections - and gives genealolY a black eye! CURRENT STATE BIRTH CERTIFICATE FEES Alabama S 5.00 Rhode Island 5.00 South Carol ina 5.00 South Dakota 5.00 Tennessee 10.00 Texas 7.50 Alaska 5.00 Utah 11.00 Arizona 6.00 Vermont 5.00 Arkansas 5.00 Vir~inia 5.00 Cal Hornia 11. 00 Washington 11.00 Colorado 10.00 West Virginia 5.00 Connecticut 3.00 Wisconsin 6.00 Delaware 5.00 Wyoming 5.00 District of Columbia 16.00 Florida S.OO 1/ Georgia 3.00 Hawaii 2.00 -. Idaho 6.00 Illinois 15.00 ARE YOU MOVING??? Indiana 6.00 Iowa 6.00 Kansas 6.00 If you are. please send us a notice Kentucky 5.00 of your new address and the effec­ Louisiana 8.00 tive date so your next issue of The Maine 5.00 Arkansas Family Historian will Maryland 4.00 reach you on time. Massachusetts 6.00 Michigan 10.00 It helps greatly if we have correct Minnesota 11. 00 delivery addresses BEFORE our MiSSissippi 10.00 quarterly mailings are entered in Missouri 4.00 the mails. Montana 5.00 Nebraska 6.00 Thanks for your help. Nevada 6.00 New Hampshire 3.00 New Jersey 4.00 New Mexico 10.00 ARKANSAS HERITAGE WEEK is May 12- New York (State) 15.00 20, 1990.
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