![1944-02-24, [P PAGE SEVEN]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Friday, February 25, 1944. THE CARBON COUNTY NEWS, RED LODGE, MONTANA PAGE SEVEN CLASSIFIED Kathleen Norris Says: fij DEPARTMENT à SEWING ORCLE<J/ FARM EQUIPMENT Î Picnics at Home A FARM ENGINES—3 TO 10 II. P. Gasoline Bell Syndicate.—WNU Features. or Diesel. Also Farmlight Plants. Write STÀGECÏCREEjN radio5 J. MESSELT, Factory Itcpresentalive 420 Alderson Avenue, Hillings, Monlana. til is required in filling orders for a few « By VIRGINIA VALE the most popular pattern numbers. Released by Western Newspaper Union. Send your order to: n -, TRAPPER’S SUPPLIES T WAS rumored some time I SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. ami Coyote Exter­ a ago that Frank Sinatra 530 South Wells St. Chicago Edwards’ Wolf minator Capsules I didn’t like his role in his first Ü1899 got nine coyotes SB.. _ Enclose 20 cents In coins for each ono night that bronchi tfl.21.50. Free formulas f. and instructions, t»«" Edwards’ real Coyote Scent. * picture, “Higher and High- 1-5 yrj. pattern desired. 1 ) & GEORGE EDWARDS, LIVINGSTON, MONT. w- er, and therefore didn’t kW Pattern No. .Size. AID ckz want to do it. For all anybody Name ............ ' A r ■■ “to the 1 tr % knows, the lad may have Address ........ PIPES 4n AILING HOUSE dramatic talents that will "'S' Pipes, make yourself. Sweet, cool Man­ & bring him success equal to <es kind! Burl. Blocked and bored $1.00 post­ / paid. Pap the Piper, San Jose, California. by Roger B. Whitman the fame he’s won as a singer. 4 TRY OVERMIGHT CARE sr, The picture “Wake Up and Live,” c ’ p Hoger B. Whitman—WNU Features. which Ben Bernie and Walter Win­ FOR MISERABLE C0LDS- HOTEL ! the way grandma did. She used mutton ched made some years ago, seems a . FIRE GOES OUT mss.H* euet she medicated herself to reliev» perfect vehicle. Now that Sinatra colds’ coughing and muscle aches. Now ■ rnniiT »LOCATED in the Heart of has replaced Bing Crosby’s horses LtlluHl Butte’s Business District. I mothers just rub on Penetro. Has base RATES —Comfort Question: My domestic water sup­ as the leading topic of most of the containing old reliable mutton suet, with AND & m HOTEL $i.5Ö —Courtesy ply heater does not maintain a fire radio comedians, it’s only fit and I modern scientific medication added. Ul* y/ w 25c, double supply 35o. Get Penetro. longer than 24 to 36 hours. The IV proper that Bing and he are arrang­ fire goes out from the grate up. A « 1892 V Y \m ing to appear on each other’s broad­ new fire burns well. The pipe damp­ casts. 10-20 Nurses’ Training Schools er is then left fully closed; the check / A ■ MAKE UP TO $25-835 WEEK as a trained in the upper door has been tried i r. Wi Phil Baker’s “Take It or Leave practical nurse! Learn quickly at home. ffjwngSah* ÄMfiMSi filH -, ooklet free. CHICAGO SCHOOL OF both open and closed, and the lower rimÄ It” is about to become a motion ■ s NURSING. Dept. CW-2. Chicago. draft is left closed. By evening the » ■- ■4 a picture. Twentieth Century-Fox has J Wit m •v • fire has gone out. One questionable -V ■% signed Baker to star in a comedy H a DELCO LIGHT PLANTS point in the layout is the presence N, built around and named for the CBS m i of a row of tall trees about 20 feet Sunday night quiz. “Take It or Rebuilt Delco Light Plants with new plant east of the chimney. Since then her mother-in-law will agree to anything, “everything, that she guar. Large stock Delco Light service parts. Write A. N. McCranie, 2405 Montana Ave., Answer: If the trees were the suggests to lighten an almost unbearable load. * Billings, Mont., across from N. P. depot. cause of trouble you would always have difficulty getting a fire started. By KATHLEEN NORRIS When KIDNEYS need diuretic aid STREAMLINE YOUR TIRES I believe your trouble is caused by Y CHILDREN are When overstrain or other non-organic, improper control of the turn damp­ six, four and less HOUSEHOLD DURING non-systemic cause slows down kidney GRADE III TIRES. Recaps and used. er and the ash pit damper, lt • function, the back may ache painfully. WARTIME Naturally, urinary flow may be lessened— Nearly all sizes. Send certificate. seems that you shut off all drafts, than one years of r M1 > Two Pinafores. WALLY FOR TIRES frequent but scanty—often smarting. "Gel* Great Falls, Billings, Butte, Malta, Mont. age, writes Margaret Fül­ causing the fire to die out because i > Mothers cannot expect to run Ü NE is just as cute as the other; ting up nights” may ruin sleep. ton from Philadelphia, We I i of lack of air. You will have to ex­ their households as smoothly * O both are ruffled, both button To relieve such symptoms, you want periment with the turn damper to have a nine-room house on a quick stimulation oj kidney action. To help FEATHERS WANTED as in the prewar days when down the back. Little sister’s how­ attain this, try Gold Medal Capsules. Thx* find the point of setting where the large lot on the outskirts of capable help was easily ob­ ever, has matching panties! easy-to-take diuretic has been famous for coal will burn slowly and continu­ 30 years for such prompt action. FEATHERS WANTED, NEW OR OLD town. We have big trees and tainable. Particularly where • • • over Ship or write to Sterling Feather Company, ously. When this point is found, a m Take care to use only as directed on pack­ Ü09 N. Broadway. St. Louis. Missouri. big porches, which seem to there are several children is it U mark should be made on the smoke Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1899 Is de­ age. Only 35g at drug stores. Accept no me, today, to say nothing but necessary to keep to the vital P signed for sizes 1, 2. 3. 4 and 5 years substitute. Get the genuine Gold Medal pipe so that the turn damper will the one word ‘sweeping.’ My Size 2 pantie and pinafore require 2% Capsules today. They act fasti necessities—food, shelter and 5 RANCHES FOR SALE be returned to that same position husband works hard, is paid yards 35 or 39-inch material. when the fire is to be banked. warmth. This is Kathleen Nor­ Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1892 is de­ Free Catalogue—Write for our new 1944 The ash pit damper may fiave to $65 a week. We love each signed for sizes 10. 12. 14, 16. 18 and 20. catalogue of ranches for sale. Read the ris' advice to a woman ivith DON'T LET complete description of these ranches at be left slightly open to accomplish other, and we adore Bill, three small children, a hus­ Corresponding bust measurements 28, 30. your leisure in your own home. Orval E. 32. 34, 36 and 38. Size 12 (30) requires Mason, 13M- 4th St. S., Great Falls, Munt. the desired results only as a last Bruce and Finn. band and a nine-room house 31/j yards 32 or 35-lnch material. CONSTIPATION PHIL BAKER resort. If there was anything wrong “What I am asking you is, to take care of. The burden of Due to an unusually large demand and SLOW YOU UP with the draft your coal would not how can I take care of them trying to run this menage on a Leave It” departs for Hollywood fol­ current war conditions, slightly more time • When bowels are sluggish and you Battle Posts Below Deck burn properly at any time. all, and the house, and the lowing the February 27 broadcast, feel irritable, headachy, do as million» prewar standard is running do — chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modem meals, and the marketing, to start work on the film—with Brian chewing-gum laxative. Simply chew Stain From Cologne her ragged. These are not nor­ Greatest Object Few men on American battle­ and keep myself always good- mal times and it fs impossible Foy directing, the picture should be FEEN-A-MINT before you go to bed, ships ever see their vessel in Question: Something — probably worthy of the air show. taking only in accordance with package natured, sweet and fresh? to live completely normally. directions — sleep without being dis­ action because most battle stations cologne—was accidentally spilled on The greatest object in the uni­ my walnut dresser, leaving white Little Bril is in school, five The woman is advised to live turbed. Next morning gentle, thorough are below deck or under cover. In RKO’s “Marine Raiders” (Pat verse, says a certain philosopher, relief, helping you feel swell again. Try spots. Soap and water do not re­ blocks away; he can’t be permitted as though she and her family For instance, when the new USS to cross two arterial streets alone, O’Brien, Bob Ryan and Ruth Hus­ is a good man struggling with ad­ FEEN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is handy Iowa goes into her first encounter, move the spots. Can you help me? were in one of the war-torn sey), eight men of the cast have re­ versity; yet there is still a greater, and economical. A generous family supply Answer: Removal depends on the I ’ve got Bruce in quarantine because at least 2,200 of her 2,500 officers she was exposed to whooping cough. countries and to consider only ceived honorable discharges after which is the good man that comes and men will be able to follow nature of the finish.
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