Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 1976 UA19/17/1/4 WKU Football Media Guide WKU Athletic Media Relations Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the African American Studies Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, and the Sports Studies Commons This Book is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1976 HILLTOPPER SCHEDULE 1976 HILLTOPPERFOOTBALL Series Record Dile Opponent Site lime•• w L T INDEX Sept. 11 Troy (Ala.) State Bowling Green 1:00 p.m. 0 0 0 Sept. 18 PRESS BOX INFORMATION ..... .. ... .... .. .............. 2 UT-Chattanooga Chattanooga 6:30 p.m. 0 I 0 Sept. 25 • Austin Peay ATHLETIC STAFF' DIRECTORY.. ............. ....... .. 3 Bowling Green 1:00 p.m. 18 2 1 1976 SCHEDULE . .Inside Front Cover, Back Cover Oct. 2 •East Tennessee Johnson City 6:30 p.rn. 16 s 2 1975 RESULTS AITENDANCE. ..... Inside Front Cover Oct. 9 Open Date PRESS, RADIO: T V OUTLETS. ....... ."..... 4 Oct. 16 •Tennessee Tech Cookeville l :30p.m. 20 18 I 23 Oct. • Eastern Kentucky Bowling Green 1:00 p.m. 31 16 2 Dormitory Accommodations ............... ... 12 Oct. 30 •/',forehead State Morehead 12:30 p.rn. 29 4 I WESTERN General Information . ....... .... 6, 8-9 Nov. 6 • Middle Tennessee Bowling Green 1:00 p.m. 2 1 KENTUCKY Nickname . ... 6 20 1 President Dero G. Downing .....................7 (Homecoming) UN IVERSITY Nov. Pages 5-12 Red Towel Tradition .................... .... 6 13 Akron Bowling Green 1 :00 p.m. 0 1 2 Stadium Information . ... .. ........... 10-11 ov. 20 •Murray State Murray I :30 p.rn. 22 14 6 Athletic Director John Oldham . ... 14 1975RESULTSandATTENDANCE Coaches' Sketches. ... .... .. ..... 15-18 Depth Chart . ..... ........ 32 Overall Record: 11 -2-0 OVC Record: 6-1-0 {1 st, lie) PERSONNEL Experience Analysis. ... 33 OPPONENT (Crowd) WKU-Opp. AND Freshmen. ........... ....... 38 at Dayton (1 1,300) .........27-7 PROSPECTS Outlook, 1976 ... : . ......... 31 Pages 13-38 Players' Sketches. ..19 -30 at Louisville (34,700). 2 1-1 7 Pronunciation Guide . ... ......... ....... 36 IUinois State (15,300) .................................24 -14 Roster. ..... ..... ..... 36-37 •at Austin Peay (6,800) . .30- 3 Travel Plans ......... ..... .. .. ............ 34 • East Tennessee (14,400) . ........... 17. O •Tennessee Tech (9 ,000) . 20- 7 OPPONENTS Opponents' Sketches .. ...... .... .. .... .. 40-49 Series Records . ........ ....... 50 •at Eastern Kentucky (24,200) . 7-13 Pages 39-50 • Morehead State (20,100). .... 14-1O •at MiddJe Tennessee ( 11.300). 24-1 0 • Murray State (15,300) . 19- 0 All-Americans. 54 Total 203-81 RECORDS All-O VC Players . 55 AND Lettermen (1914-1975) . ........... 62-68 Attendance• 162,400 (llorne 74,100; Avg. - 14,820) HIGHLIGHTS Records. .......56-58 Pages 51-68 Results, AH-Time.......... .... ... ... ... 59-61 Statistics, 1975 . 52-5 3 NCAA DMSION II PLAYOFFS First Round Finals All-OVC Team, 1975 . .... 72 (At Cedar Falls, Iowa) OHIO Champions ............................... 71 (Camellia Bowl ; Sacramento, Calif.) VALLEY History .. .. ............................. 70 CONFERENCE Mileage Chart . ....... ... ........... 72 Western 14, Northern Iowa 12 Western 14, Northern Michigan 16 Pages 69-72 Standings, All-Time .............. ... ... ... .. 71 Standings, 1975 . ... .... ............. 72 Semifinals (Granrland Rice Bowl; Baton Rouge, La.) CO VER: Tailback Jimmy woods cuts back to "daylight" as he romps 22 •Ohio Valley Conference ga me yards for a touchdown in last fall's 14-10 victory over Morehead State. His Western 14, New Hampshire 3 ••central Time blockers include Chip Carpenter (65), Arnold Snardon (33), Billy Lindsey (19) and graduated Bob Hobby (25). ......... TO WORKING PRESS, RADIO, TV WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY Here is your copy of the 1976 Hilltopper Football Brochure which we ATHLETIC STAFF DIRECTORY hope will supply you with the basic information needed in your coverage of this year's Western gridders. It is our pleasure to welcome you again to (Listed Alphabe tically) I 'Topper games and practice sessions. I PHONE (Area 502) Press coverage at Western games, like the University's entire football program, entered a new era in 1968 with the opening of 19,250-seat L.T. Name, Position Office Home Smith Stadium. The structure is topped by a press box designed to meet the needs of nearly one hundred writers, broadcasters and photographers. Our press box s taff will supply you with game and player Clarence (Stumpy) Baker, Asst. FootbaU Coach .745-3347 748-4324 information, quarterly play-by-play, halftime and final s tatistics and Sam Clark, Asst. Foot ball Coach ...... ..7 45-3347 781-6823 scoring summary. Soft drinks, coffee and other refreshments are also 843-6389 available in the press box for your convenience. Carla Coffey, Women's Track Coach. ....7 45-3347 Ron Dunn, Asst. At hletic T rainer .. 745-4797 781-6561 Jimmy Feix, Head Foot ball Coach . ..745 -3347 843-9635 PRESS BOX COVERAGE: Admittance to the press box will be granted only to authorized persons with press box tickets for that specific game. Butch Gilbert, Asst. F ootbaU Coach . .745-3347 78 1-2944 Tickets must be secured IN ADVANCE from Assistant Public Relations Ed Given, Sports Info rmatio n . .745-4295 842-4661 Director Ed Given. Newspaper press passes and sideline passes will not 843-4988 be honored. Each ticket will carry a seat or booth assignment and will Frank Griffin, Golf Coach ....... .745-3347 entitle the authorized staff member to the full courtesies and complete Bill Hape, Asst. Football Coach. .745-3347 842-6498 service of the press box. Press box tickets are non-transferable. Del Hessel, Track Coach . ... .7 45-3347 Adele Hosmer, Gymnastics Coach. 745-3347 PHOTO COVERAGE: Photographers requiring press box space will need a press box ticket. Sideline passes will be issued to authorized Dr. Shirley Laney, Coordinator of Women's personnel representing news media on the field and mus t be displayed at Athletics & Women's Golf Coach . .745-3347 842-7020 all times. Betty Langley, Women's Tennis Coach .745-3347 842-7544 78 1-26 10 RADIO COVERAGE: Radio broadcast permission should be obtained Russell Miller, Athletic Trainer . ... 745-3347 in advance, along with press box tickets, from Assis tant Public Relations Lee Murray, Asst. Football Coach . 745-3347 781-2 173 Director Ed Given. Arrangements for installation of broadcast loops 843-8793 should be made well in advance with South Central Bell Telephone Jo hn Oldham, Athletic Director . .745-3 542 Company. Bill Powell, Swimming Coach . .. 745-3542 842-5 120 Bobby Rascoe, Asst. Basketba ll Coach .. ... 745-3542 842-2360 TELECOPIER-~ELEPHONES: Wes tern will have one Telecopier and Jim Richards, Head Basketball Coach . 745-3542 843-1220 several ~lephones _m the pres:5 bo~ for_ your convenience. However , if you Ray Rose, Tennis Coach .. 745-3347 842-1842 plan to file copy via Telecop1er, 1t w11l be necessary to notify Assistant Public Relations Director Ed Given IN ADVANCE to assure its Dr. Barry ShoUenberger, BasebaU Coach ... .. 745-3347 availability for your use--it will be available to visiting writers on a first Lanny Van Eman, Asst. Basketball Coach. .745-3542 78 1-5295 come-first serve basis. Julia Ann Yeater, Wo men's Basket ba ll Coach . .745-3347 2 3 Area Press, Radio, Television Outlets *CLARK HANES GEORGE HACKETT *CA WOOD LEDFORD Sports Editor Associated Press Sports Director Park City Daily News Courier-Journal Bldg. WHAS, Inc. Bowling Green, KY 42101 Louisville. KY 40202 Lousville, KY 40202 *KEITH OVERPECK SPORTS DESK *ED KALLAY I The Courier-Journal United Press International Sports Director Louisville, KY 40202 Frankfort State-Journal Bldg. WAVE-TV 321 W. Main St. Louisville, KY 40202 Frankfort, KY 40601 *SPORTS DESK The LouisviUe Times *M IKE SMITH Louisville, KY 40202 SPORTS D IRECTOR Sports Director WLBJ Radio WTVF Television *JOE CALDWELL Bowling Green, KY 42101 Nashville, TN 37219 Nashville Banner 1100 Broadway WES STRADER *PAUL EELLS Nashville, TN 37201 Sports Director Sports Director WKCT Radio WSM-TV and RAD IO *LARRY WOODY Bowling Green, KY 42101 5700 Knob Road Sports Department Nashville, TN 37209 Nashville Tennessean BUD TYLER 1100 Broadway Sports Director *BOB BELL Nashville, TN 37201 WBGN Radio Sports Director Bowling G reen, KY 42101 WNGE' SPORTS DESK 441 Murfreesboro Road Associated Press *SKIP CHURCH Nashville, TN 37210 Box 990 Spor ts Director Nashville, TN 37202 WBKO Television *Will use photos 537 E. I 0th St. DUREN CHEEK. Jr. Bowling Green, KY 421 OJ United Press International Box 2706 Nashville, TN 37219 Radio Play-By-Play o f Hillto pper Football Games Will be Heard T his Season o n the FoUowing S tations: Originating Stations Affilia ted Network S tations WBGN, Bowling Green WKCT, Bowling Green Undetermined at press time • 4 ... -- QUICK FACTS ABOUT WESTERN Location: BowlingGreen,Ky.42101 Founded: 1906 Enrollment: 13,500 (est.) President: Dr. Dero G. Downing I Nickname: Hilltoppers Colors: Red and White Conference: Ohio Valley llome Field: L. T. Smith Stadium (19,250) University Athletic Committee: Dr. John D. Minton (Chairman), Bennie Beach, William E. Bivin, Dr. Tom Dunn, Dr. Wilburn Jones, Dr. Peggy Keck, Harry Largen, Owen Lawson, Gretchen Niva, Dr. Faye Robinson, Dr. John Scarborough, Dr. Jack W. Thacker Jr., Richard Watson. President DERO G. DOWNING Dr. Dero G. Downing became Western Kentucky University's fourth president, Ori~in Of 'Hilltopper' Nickname succeeding Dr. Kelly Thompson, in 1969. He is recognized as one or lhe lop The evolution of the team nickname, "Hilltoppers," is obvious to those who educators and leading administrative officers to be found anywhere. have seen Western Kentucky University's campus. The operations of Western Before being named president, Dr. Downing served as Weslern's vice president for administrative affairs since that post was created in 1965. He had held various Kentucky State Normal School were moved from the site of its forerunner other positions on the Western faculty and administrative staff since 1946.
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