See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/289601261 Initiation of large-volume silicic centers in the Yellowstone hotspot track: insights from H2O- and F-rich quartz-hosted rhyolitic melt inclusions in the Arbon Valley Tuff of the S... ARTICLE in CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY · JANUARY 2016 Impact Factor: 3.48 · DOI: 10.1007/s00410-015-1210-z READS 26 4 AUTHORS, INCLUDING: Dana Drew Ilya Bindeman University of Oregon University of Oregon 3 PUBLICATIONS 14 CITATIONS 175 PUBLICATIONS 3,108 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Matthew W. Loewen University of Oregon 10 PUBLICATIONS 21 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Dana Drew letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 14 January 2016 Contrib Mineral Petrol (2016) 171:10 DOI 10.1007/s00410-015-1210-z ORIGINAL PAPER Initiation of large‑volume silicic centers in the Yellowstone hotspot track: insights from H2O‑ and F‑rich quartz‑hosted rhyolitic melt inclusions in the Arbon Valley Tuff of the Snake River Plain Dana L. Drew1,2 · Ilya N. Bindeman1 · Matthew W. Loewen1 · Paul J. Wallace1 Received: 8 February 2015 / Accepted: 12 November 2015 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015 Abstract During the onset of caldera cluster volcan- and low Cl concentrations (~0.08 wt%), H2O contents ism at a new location in the Snake River Plain (SRP), ranging from 2.3 to 6.4 wt%, CO2 contents ranging from there is an increase in basalt fluxing into the crust and 79 to 410 ppm, and enrichment of incompatible elements diverse silicic volcanic products are generated. The SRP compared to the late erupted AVT, subsequent Picabo contains abundant and compositionally diverse hot, rhyolites, SRP rhyolites, and melt inclusions from other dry, and often low-δ18O silicic volcanic rocks produced metaluminous rhyolites (e.g., Bishop Tuff, Mesa Falls through time during the formation of individual caldera Tuff). We couple melt inclusion data with Ti measure- clusters, but more H2O-rich eruptive products are rare. ments and cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging of the We report analyses of quartz-hosted melt inclusions host quartz phenocrysts to elucidate the petrogenetic from pumice clasts from the upper and lower Arbon evolution of the AVT rhyolitic magma. We observe com- Valley Tuff (AVT) to gain insight into the initiation of plex and multistage CL zoning patterns, the most criti- caldera cluster volcanism. The AVT, a voluminous, cal- cal being multiple truncations indicative of several dis- dera-forming rhyolite, represents the commencement of solution–reprecipitation episodes with bright CL cores volcanism (10.44 Ma) at the Picabo volcanic field of the (higher Ti) and occasional bright CL rims (higher Ti). 18 Yellowstone hotspot track. This is a normal δ O rhyo- We interpret the high H2O, F, F/Cl, and incompatible lite consisting of early and late erupted members (lower trace element concentrations in the context of a model and upper AVT, respectively) with extremely radiogenic involving melting of Archean crust and mixing of the Sr isotopes and unradiogenic Nd isotopes, requiring that crustal melt with basaltic differentiates, followed by ~50 % of the mass of these elements is derived from multiple stages of fractional crystallization, remelting, melts of Archean upper crust. Our data reveal distinctive and melt extraction. This multistage process, which we features of the early erupted lower AVT melt including: refer to as distillation, is further supported by the com- variable F concentrations up to 1.4 wt%, homogenous plex CL zoning patterns in quartz. We interpret new Δ18O(Qz-Mt) isotope measurements, demonstrating a 0.4 ‰ or ~180 °C temperature difference, and strong Sr Communicated by Timothy L. Grove. isotopic and chemical differences between the upper and lower AVT to represent two separate eruptions. Similari- Electronic supplementary material The online version of this ties between the AVT and the first caldera-forming erup- article (doi:10.1007/s00410-015-1210-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. tions of other caldera clusters in the SRP (Yellowstone, Heise and Bruneau Jarbidge) suggest that the more * Dana L. Drew evolved, lower-temperature, more H2O-rich rhyolites of [email protected] the SRP are important in the initiation of a caldera clus- 1 Department of Geological Sciences, University of Oregon, ter during the onset of plume impingement. Eugene, OR, USA 2 Present Address: Department of Geological Sciences, Keywords Arbon Valley Tuff · Picabo · Snake River University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA Plain · Caldera · Rhyolite · Melt inclusion 1 3 10 Page 2 of 20 Contrib Mineral Petrol (2016) 171:10 Introduction interpreted to be more H2O-rich and to have lower pre- eruptive temperatures (Nash et al. 2006). Snake River Plain silicic volcanism and caldera cycles Almeev et al. (2012) demonstrated based on phase rela- tions that the Bruneau Jarbidge rhyolite can contain as little The Yellowstone hotspot track has recorded a comprehen- as 1–0.6 wt% H2O, yet biotite- and amphibole-bearing SRP sive 16 million year history of voluminous silicic volcan- units can reach up to 4.8 and 2.9 wt% water, accordingly. ism and preserved a series of caldera clusters and eruptive This large range of water contents has implications for how centers throughout the Snake River Plain (SRP). The vol- we view rhyolite formation in the SRP. Recent work on canic fields we discuss from east to west include the Yel- rhyolite generation has also demonstrated that there are a lowstone Plateau, Heise, Picabo, Twin Falls, and Bruneau variety of petrogenetic and thermomechanical mechanisms Jarbidge (Fig. 1). These volcanic fields represent a con- for magma genesis in different tectonic environments, veyor belt-like, spatially and temporally separated, record resulting in rhyolites that range from crystal-rich and near of volcanism. An abundance of hot, dry, nearly aphyric, solidus to crystal-poor and near liquidus (e.g., Dufek and and densely welded rhyolites are observed and consid- Bachman 2010; Simakin and Bindeman 2012; Brueseke ered characteristic of these volcanic fields and of rhyolite et al. 2014). In this paper, we focus on the generation of the genesis along the Yellowstone hotspot track (Williams first-erupted rhyolites from the Picabo volcanic center in 1941; Branney et al. 2008; Bonnichsen et al. 2008; Ellis the SRP and their implications for caldera cluster initiation. et al. 2013). However, less common crystal-rich and less Rhyolitic volcanism in the eastern SRP and extending into densely welded rhyolites are also associated with many the western SRP is predominantly multicyclic, with calde- of the volcanic fields in the SRP, including Picabo, Bru- ras forming repeatedly at each location. Recent work (Watts neau Jarbidge, Heise and Yellowstone; these have been et al. 2011; Bindeman et al. 2007; Drew et al. 2013) has Fig. 1 Map of the Yellowstone hotspot volcanic fields and inset map from Drew et al. 2013). The yellow star is the Cove locality, where of the AVT caldera (Drew et al. 2013) and Picabo caldera complex the samples for this study were collected. Juniper Mountain and Jar- (modified from Drew et al. 2013), observed localities of the Arbon bidge Rhyolite locations are from Colón et al. (2015a) Valley Tuff (dark gray squares) at the Picabo volcanic field (modified 1 3 Contrib Mineral Petrol (2016) 171:10 Page 3 of 20 10 demonstrated that these eruptive cycles in the eastern SRP Interestingly, similar patterns are observed in the earliest begin with the eruption of normal-δ18O rhyolites and end with ~31 Ma manifestation of the Yellowstone plume beneath the eruption of low δ18O (<5.6 ‰) rhyolites with diverse δ18O Oregon, with the exception that previously erupted rhyo- in zircons and occasionally quartz. In particular, rhyolites of lites are being cannibalized there (Seligman et al. 2014). the eastern SRP (Heise, Yellowstone, and Picabo) display these signatures due to the progressive recycling of volcanic Defining chemical characteristics of early rhyolites products affected by hydrothermal alteration. In the western of caldera cycles and the AVT SRP, an overabundance of low-δ18O magmas is observed in the Picabo, Twin Falls, and Bruneau–Jarbidge centers, and the The AVT is biotite bearing, and chemically and isotopically exact temporal isotopic relations are less certain. Boroughs zoned. The zoned tuff consists of two main parts: the lower et al. (2005, 2012) and Ellis et al. (2013) favor contribution of tuff including the fallout tuff (PC-12; Drew et al. 2013) and a preexisting low-δ18O source, while Drew et al. (2013) sug- the upper tuff (PC-14). Furthermore, the distinct isotopic 18 gests the facilitation of Basin and Range extensional tectonics characteristics of the AVT include normal to high δ Omelt 87 86 to accelerate the recycling of hydrothermally altered volcanic (7.9–8.3 ‰), extremely radiogenic and zoned Sr/ Sri products (dates of extension confirmed by Konstantinou et al. ratios (ranging from 0.72520 to 0.71488), and extremely 2012). Colón et al. (2015a, b) also suggest that the heat of low ε and ε ratios ( 18 and 28, respectively, in the Nd Hf − − the Columbia River Basalts could have allowed deep hydro- upper tuff; Drew et al. 2013). Isotopic mixing models by thermal alteration in the western SRP, providing an alternate Drew et al. (2013) suggest that greater than 50 %, by mass, mechanism to caldera collapse for incorporation of low-δ18O of the AVT was derived from melting of Archean upper material into magmas. crust. Such high proportions require an equal or larger Improved geochronological work has made the erup- amount of isotopically normal (mantle-like) basalt to melt tive cycles increasingly well constrained at each volcanic the crust. The proportions of crust and mantle provide con- center (Watts et al.
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