V-..' \ -•'V' ■ ■'/ ■ A'viEn^e D aily N et lY e m ]Riin The Weather f k i i t r m x m * ■ ' FRIDAY; SEPTKMBER T, 1962 . For Um Week Ended Forecart of D. 8. Weather Bureau t Juno SO, 1962 --- ■ iKaturbrater lEtt^tiing H^raUt Fatr„ not w> cool tonight. ' Lort around SO with Mime 40.; In the' . Phebe Circle, Binanuei Church Grove. Mrs. PhyliB>e(;ymkowski Daiiiei T. Miller aim Mrs. George ^ 1 3 ,6 0 1 i normally, cooler MCtiona. Sunday A bou t Tow n Women, will meet Tuesday at 8 will« sinf, and a barbersttop quar­ A, Krivlck are co-chairmen of the Member o f Oie Audit fair and a Uttle warmer with in­ ■ j— 1. V . -P tet will entertain after oiMer. •upper committee. National con­ Board Okays Borera of Oircniailim creasing afterncMn ckmdineao. pvmi in tiUther Hall. After a busi­ M anche$ter— rA[ CUy o f Village Charm MIm Nancy Oopley, i t i High- Mrs. John Conner is p rofr__ vention reports will be made by ness session members .will fold chairman, assisted by Mrs. Prank '■[rs. Raymond U IVibelhom smd laiwi St., a itudent tiura* at Ore«n- cancer bahdafea and work on Tuition Ifupil with Hospital; M iss' BarBara Phllopena. Mrs. Charles Ponticel- Noel Preston. I '! Christmas stocklnfs. 'Mrs. Ed­ t Dunn, i Hartland Rd., a student at 11 Is ticket chairman, and Mrs. VOL. LXXXL NO. 288 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1962 (CteaaUied AdverUrtog on Page 8). PRICE n V E CENTS .*«■ ward Werner will lead devotions, James DeROcco is in charae of The board of education .Wednes­ ' St. f^ n d s Hospital,' Hartford; Hostesses will be Mrs. Thora Ma­ The bba^ of directors of the and Miar Dianne C: Gee, M Pos­ decorations.' Women’s AilxiUary of Manchester' day night granted permission for loney, Mrs'. Helen Johnson and a Vernon girl to attend school in ter St., a student at Hartford Hos- Mrs. Viola Miffitt, Memorial Hos^thT will" meet Mon­ tal, have atarted a 12-week affil- Members of Manchester Area day at 9 p.m. in tni^iospital board Manchester on a tuition basis. Alumnae Club at Pi Beta Phi will Flora Jean Godes’ parents con-> Dispute M ay Military Aide^ Sted prodram in psychiatric nut^- T he'tadies of St. James will room. Atty. Roberi'SB^ch, vice Inf at the Institute o f U vinf, meet for a potluck Monday at 7 president of the. board ofNteustees tacted the office of the superin­ Soblen Improved^ have its annual harvest dinner p.m. at the home of Mrs. Edward’ tendent of schools recently asking Hartford. Monday at, 6:30 p,m. at Garden of the hospital, will speak ohs,“ Re- M. Weiss. 323 Spring St. Mrs sponsibllities of Trustees.” tiist the girl be permitted to enter Postpone" Vote Fear Effect of tlie ninth grade in Manchester. The Godes live on'the^ Vernon side of Llynwood Dr. F or A lgeria But Still in Coma R eserve Call According to Mrs. Godes, all Main. St., Manchester Rhone Ml 3-4123 her daughter's friends are going ALGIERS CA P)—A>. new By FRED 8. HOFFMAN to Manchester schools. The family By RAYMOND E. PALMER fSoblen’s leukemia had qot been lived in town until 1958. dispute over candidates 'for LONDON (A P )-D r. Rob­ aggravated and that there was no AP MlUtory Affairs Writer sign of lung congesUon, which 'he WASHINGTON (AP) — Only one board member was op­ Algeria’s constituent assem­ ert A. Soblen remained dan­ said was always a risk with elder­ Some top officers voic^ied con-* ■ |i posed to the request. Frank Shel bly threatened today to force gerously ill in a drug-indi^ced r*tiM d w repeated the complalqt he ly patients. cem today that the “ yo-yo” HOUSE a' HALE ill p^tponement of national elec- coma today, but doctors re­ He said an indicaUon that the viwes when such cases arise — tions for the sixth time since coma had lifted somewhat came effect of recurring moves to that if a child’s parents decide ported some signs of improve­ OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY 9:30 to 5:48—THURSDAY Tl|Jj 9:001 E n g a g e d French rule ended July 3, when Soblen’s breathing tube was call up military reservists want to live in another town, ment. removed and he made reflex thej^whould send their children to Deputy Premier Ahmed Ben Medical spokesman said even would make it difficult to re­ The .engagement of Miss Rose Bella’s Political Bureau and the movements. Mary Lovejoy to Richard J. Coyle school thqre. if the 61-year-old fugitive spy re­ cruit volunteers for the Na­ AMPLE FREE PARKING at rear of store . Permissibn^^^was granted for a leaden of the rebellious guerrilla' “ As for his heart, we have used is announced by her •parents, Mr. gained consciousness immediately, cardiac stimulants to fortify it,” tional Guard and Reserve. Berlin Held one-y^ar peribd,. eubject to reap- forces .controlling the capital he could not be moved for at least By yo-yo- effect they meant and Mrs. J. T. Lovejoy of 94 Del- failed to agree on the candidate the doctor said. Doctors had re­ mont St. provai for subse^uqnt years. 48 hours. , ” the call up of Reservists to meet Usta Friday after several hours of ported Friday that Soblen’s heart \ 1 Her fiance is the son of Mr. and The board also tablqd two re­ A hospital bulletin • said: showed signs of -exhaustion. a crisis such as in Berlin, the ports and consideration © (correc­ discussion. release of these Reservists when B ig C ause Mrs. James H. Coyle of Madison- “ Although Dr. Soblen remains Soblen’s Wife spent five hours Ave., Bridgeport. tion to the last meeting’a.nthuites, ’The backstage talks resumed to­ unconscious he has shown signs the crisis abates and then moves day at the Political Bureau's head­ at the runaway spy’s bedside Fri­ BOYS' REVERSIBLE JACKETS Miss Lovejoy, a 1961 j^addate The report from th e personn^ * ^ that his coma is becoming less. to muster more Reservists when latiohs committee, reviewing ^ . quarters. Tha state-owned Algiers day. She wa'tch^ in the small, new crises loom. of Manchester High School; is a ■lis' cardiac condition has im­ closely guarded room as her hus­ O f Concern ■ma proposed handbook on personnel radio said there was no agree­ proved in the last 24 hours.” These officers stressed thqy junior at the Grace-Neyf Haven ment either on the lists or on the band was given oxygen and fed Hospital School of Nurefng, New policy, was put off until a future were not suggesting that military meeting. date of elections. Soblen has been unconscious liquids through a tube. Reservists are inclined to/shirk By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Haven. Mr. Coyle, a,-graduate of ' The PoliUcal Bureau announced sinc^ he knocked himself out 'two She sometimes wept duripg her duty; / Manchester High School in 1961, is A report on administrative poll' WASHINGTON (AP) — ^eompDrable value 7,99 cies governing art, music, and Thursday that the elections would days ago with an overdose of bar­ vigil, and was reported to- have But they indicated th«^ thought an Airman second -class in the U.S. biturates as he was being de­ said; “ I can only pray all the time periodic moves signoUng possible Congressional leaders predict Air Force. He is stationed at Kirk physical educatlbn was also, put off. be held Sept. 16. that my husband will live through 5.99 A report on the possibly .incotrect A list of candidates was drawn ported to the United States where calls to active sem ce keep Re­ spe^y approval of President Newton Air Force Base in Scot­ he . is under life Wntence as a spy this terrible ordeal.” land. / wording of a motion which covered up last month after long negotia­ servists on tenterhooks and create Kennedy's request for stand­ • many wash and wear for the Soviet Union. Mrs. Soblen, known profession­ a morale prqblem. No date has been set for the the appointment of-Donald Richter tions between the rival factions, by power to call-150,000 mili- to succeed Robert Barnes was not but this was scrapped when rebel Dr. C. G. Barnes, head of the ally as Dr. Dina Soble, flew to If this a ^ ^ of pattern continues, weddingr. London from New York on Fri­ ta.ry reserviists to active duty • solid color poplin or ehino-^reversible to gay check or plaid yet ready. Wilaya 4 temporarily overthrew medical team attending Soblen, these ofdbers said, the Reserve the Political Bureau. said the coma had lessened,- but day. Like Soblen, she is a psychi­ and National Guard may find if necessary to deal with a that its duration raised the possi­ atrist. theipOelves hard put to . attract new East-West crisis. • heavy duty double zippkr Comet’ s Signs ■The quarreling leaders agree Before the visit began, she was that the election should be held bility of brain damage. He said vohinteer recruits and' may have Primary concern in high official O PTICA L It was too early to determine searched by * a nurse and her ,tb rely on men. with Reserve ob­ quarters here centers bn the pos­ • hip length with elasticized bottom Appearance of Halley’s Comet under a single-party system, leav­ whether such damage. had oc­ purse was examined by a detec­ ing the voter a choice only of say­ ligations to nil their ranks'.
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