Greenberg, Raz. "Index." Hayao Miyazaki: Exploring the Early Work of Japan’s Greatest Animator. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. 165–169. Animation: Key Films/Filmmakers. Bloomsbury Collections. Web. 6 Oct. 2021. <>. Downloaded from Bloomsbury Collections, www.bloomsburycollections.com, 6 October 2021, 01:18 UTC. Copyright © Raz Greenberg 2018. You may share this work for non-commercial purposes only, provided you give attribution to the copyright holder and the publisher, and provide a link to the Creative Commons licence. I N D E X 3,000 Leagues in Search of Mother / Haha Betty Boop (animated character) 2, 4, o Tazunete Sanzenri (1976 128 television series) xii, 46–8, 119–22, Bewitched (1964–1972 television series) 130, 144 13 Bradbury, Ray 107 Aardman (animation studio) 1 Adventures of Mr. Wonderbird, Th e / La Calpis/World Masterpiece Th eatre Berg è re et le Ramoneur (1955 productions 31–50, 54, 56, 58, 65, fi lm) 10–11, 15, 21–3, 25, 32, 55, 82, 111–12, 117–18, 127 58, 65–6, 73–4, 81, 115, 142 Caniff , Milton 3 Aladdin (1992 fi lm) 67 Castle in the Sky / Tenk ū no Shiro Rapyuta Alakazam the Great/Saiy ū ki (1960 fi lm) 8 (1986 fi lm) ix, 110–17, 119, 121, Aldiss, Brian 90–1, 93 138, 143, 146–7 Ali Baba’s Revenge/Alibaba to Yonjubiki Chage and Aska (musical duo) 140 no T ō zuku (1971 fi lm) 25–26 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory All Nothing (1980 fi lm) 108 (novel) 133 Andersen, Hans Christian 10–11, 33 Chiba, Tetsuya 36 Animage (magazine) 77, 99, 110 Columbus, Chris 107 Animal Farm (novel) 7 Corben, Richard 87–8, 95–6, 98 Animal Farm (1954 fi lm) 7, 19 Crac! (1982 fi lm) 108–9, 111, 113, Animal Treasure Island / D ō butsu 121 Takarajima (1971 fi lm) 26–7 Crimson Pig: Th e Age of Flying Anne of Green Gables (novel) 40–1 Boat / Hika ō tei Jidai (1992 manga) Anne of Green Gables / Akage no Anne 129 (1979 television series) 40–4, Cyborg 009 (1964 manga) 22 46–8, 85, 103, 113, 118, 120, 122 Astro Boy/Tetsuwan Atom (manga and Dahl, Roald 133 anime character) 2, 16, 22 De Amicis, Edmondo xi, 45–7, 130, 144 Atamanov, Lev 11, 17–18, 88–9, 103, 112, Disney, Walt 2–3, 128 137, 145 Devil of the Desert / Sabaku no Ma ō (1949 Atlantis: Th e Lost Empire (2001 fi lm) 67 manga) 3, 15, 79, 91 Der Kongress tanzt (1931 fi lm) 150 Bakshi, Ralph 97–8 Doggie March / Wan Wan Ch ū shingura Bass, Jules 100–1, 145 (1963 fi lm) 13, 26, 37, 60 Batman: Th e Animated Series (animation Dog of Flanders (1975 television series) franchise) 67–8 48 Back, Frederic 108–9, 111, 113, 121, 132, Doyle, Arthur Conan 52, 71, 74 138 Dune (novel) 91–2 Beagle, Peter S. 101, 145 Dune (1984 fi lm) 104 n.15 165 166 Index Escape to Witch Mountain (novel) 80 37–49, 85, 103, 112–13, 118–22, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982 fi lm) 119 140, 150 Evslin, Bernard 84–6 Herbert, Frank 91–3 Hercules (1997 fi lm) 67 Famous Studios 4 Hiragi, Aoi 127 Fantastic Planet / La Planete sauvage Hitchcock, Alfred 64, 75 n.11 (1973 fi lm) 96–7 Hobbit, Th e (1977 fi lm) 101 Fleischer, Max and David 2–4, 14–15, 23, Honda, Ishir ō 22 55, 60, 68–70, 115, 128, 131–2 Hori, Tatsuo 149 Flying Phantom Ship, Th e / Sora tobu Hothouse (novel) 90–1 Y ū reisen (1969 fi lm) 22–4, 26, Howl’s Moving Castle / Hauru no Ugoku 37, 70, Shiro (2004 fi lm) 146–8 Fujika, Yutaka 32, 107 Fukushima, Tetsuji 3, 4, 15, 79, 91 I am Son Goku / Boku no Son-Gok ū Fukazawa, Kazuo 17 (manga) 8 Future Boy Conan / Mirai Sh ō nen Conan Ikeda, Hiroshi 24, 26 (1978 television series) 42, Incredible Tide, Th e (novel) 80 80–3, 94, 103, 111–12, 139–40, Ishinomori, Sh ō tar ō 22–3 142–4 Jansson, Tove 31–2 G é rard, Jean Ignace Isidore 116, 124 n.7 Japoteurs (1942 fi lm) 68–70 Gertie the Dinosaur (1914 fi lm) 129 Johnston, Ollie 108 Gigantor /Tetsujin 28-g ō (1963 television Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959 series) fi lm) 116 Giraud, Jean 95–9, 107, 141 Journey to the West (novel) 24 Gods, Demigods and Demons (book) 84–5 Kadono, Eiko 118 Godzilla / Gojira 22 Kamen Rider (1971–1973 television Goldfi nger (1964 fi lm) 58 series) 23 Goonland (1938 fi lm) 60 Kat ō , Kazuhiko 51–8, 61, 63, 66 Great Mouse Detective, Th e (1986 fi lm) 67 Key, Alexander 80 Gulliver’s Travels (novel) 4, 14, 115–16 Kiki’s Delivery Service / Majo no Gulliver’s Travels (1939 fi lm) 4, 15 Takky ū bin 117–18, 121–4, 127, Gulliver’s Travels Beyond the Moon / Garib ā 141–2, 146–8 no Uch ū Ryok ō (1964 fi lm) 14–16, Kimba the White Lion (manga and 19, 23, 31, 111, 114–15 anime character) 2, 14 Grave of the Firefl ies / Hotaru no haka Kitten’s Graffi ti, Th e / Koneko no Rakugaki (1988 fi lm) 127 (1957 fi lm) and Kitten’s Studio, Grimault, Paul 10–12, 15, 21–5, 28 n.26, Th e / Koneko no Studio (1959 fi lm) 55, 58–9, 65–6, 74, 81, 96–7, 5–6, 22 113–15, 136, 142–3, 146–7 Kond ō , Yoshifumi 42, 107–8, 119, 123, 127, 149 Harry Potter (fi lm series) 107 Kotabe, Y ō ichi 37–40, 42, 47, 100 Heart (novel) xi- xii, xv, 45–8, 130 Heavy Metal (1981 fi lm) 98–9, 101, 103 Lady who Loved Insects, Th e (short story) Heidi, Girl of the Alps / Arupusu no Sh ō ujo 83–6, 139 Haiji (1974 television series) Laloux, Rene 96–7 Index 167 Lasseter, John 67 109–23, 127, 129, 137–40, 145, Last Unicorn, Th e (1982 fi lm) 101, 145 147–9 Leblanc, Maurice 51–2, 54, 58–9, 64–5, work as a feature- fi lm director 62–74, Levin, Henry 116 99–151 Lindgren, Astrid 32–5, 37, 40 work as a manga artist 77–103, 107, Little Mermaid, Th e (1989 fi lm) 67 129, 137–8 Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland work at T ō ei Animation 8–27, 31–2, (1989 fi lm) 106–8, 119, 123, 35, 37, 44, 47–8, 52, 60, 64–5, 128, 149 69–70, 79, 101, 111–15 Little Norse Prince, Th e / Taiy ō no Ō ji work on adaptations of classic Horusu no Daib ō ken (1969 fi lm) children’s literature 31–50, 54, 16–20, 24, 32, 42, 47, 79–80, 135 56, 58, 65, 82, 111–12, 117–18, Little Prince, Th e (novel) 133–4 127 Long Tomorrow, Th e (comics) 141 Miyazawa, Kenji 45, 144–5 Lucas, George 93, 116 Momotaro: Sacred Sailors / Momotar ō no Lupin III (animation franchise) Umi no Shinpei 2–3, 131 First Television Series 53–61 Momotaro’s Sea Eagle / Momotar ō no origins in literature and manga 51–9, Umiwashi (1943 fi lm) 2–3, 131 64–6 Moomins (1969 television series) 31–2, Second Television Series 61, 68–70 36–7, 39, 107, 118–19 Th e Castle of Cagliostro / Rupan Sansei: Montgomery, Lucy Maud 40–1 Kariosuturo no Shiro (1979 fi lm) Mori, Yasuji 5–6, 16, 22 62–73, 77, 80–1, 100, 111–13, Mushi Production 8–9, 25, 101 136, 146 Musker, John 67 Th e Mystery of Mamo / Rupan Sansei My Neighbor Totoro / Tonari no Totoro (1978 fi lm) 62 117–23, 138, 142, 147–9 McCay, Winsor 107, 129 Nausicaa (character in Homer’s Odyssey ) Magic Mountain, Th e (novel) 150 84–6 Male / Osu (1962 fi lm) 9 Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind /Kaze Man who Planted Trees, Th e (1987 fi lm) no Tani no Naushika (manga) 108–9, 131–2, 138 77–103, 107, 129, 137–8 Mann, Th omas 150 Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind /Kaze Masaoka, Kenz ō 4–5 no Tani no Naushika (1984 fi lm) Memoirs of Arsene Lupin, Th e (novel) 99–103, 109–14, 121, 124, 138–40, 64–5 145, 148 Mighty River, Th e (1994 fi lm) 108 New Treasure Island / Shin Takarajima 2 Mechanical Monsters (1941 fi lm) 15, 23, Night on the Milky Way Railway (novel) 69–70, 114–15 45, 144 Mickey Mouse 2, 128 North, Sterling 48 Miyazaki, Hayao “Civilized boy in the Jungle” theme in Only Yesterday / Omoide Poro Poro (1988 his works 12–13, 18–19, 48, 66, 80, fi lm) 127 111, 135, 138 On Your Mark (1994 music video) early life and infl uences 1–8 140–1 female characters in his work 31–50, Otsuka, Yasuo 5–6, 9–10, 13, 16, 32, 37, 54, 56, 58, 65, 77–103, 107, 52–3, 62, 107 168 Index Orwell, George 7, 19 Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964 Osumi, Masaaki 75 n.9 animated television special) 101 Over to You (literary anthology) 133 Saint-Exup é ry, Antoine 133–4 Panda and the Magic Serpent / Hakujaden Sally the Witch / Mah ō tsukai Sari (1964 xiii, xv, 1, 4–9, 12–15, 19, 26–7, 33, television series) 13, 26, 122 85, 137, 140, 148 Seo, Mitsuyo 2, 13, 131 Panda, Go Panda! / Panda kopanda (1972 Shidara, Hiroshi 25 fi lm) and Panda, Go Panda! Rainy Sherlock Hound / Meitantei H ō muzu Day Circus / Panda kopanda: (1981 television series) 42, 70–4, amefuri sakasu no maki (1973 113, 130–2, 150 fi lm) 33–7, 42, 48, 52, 54, 107, Shuna’s Journey / Shuna’s Journey 137–40, 118–20 144 People of the Desert / Sabaku no Tami Silent Running (1972 fi lm) 93, 114, 139 (manga) 79–81, 91, 137 Snow Queen, Th e / Snezhnaya koroleva Perrault, Charles 20–2 (1957 fi lm) 11–13, 17–20, 88–9, Pippi Longstocking (book series) 33–5, 103, 112, 137, 145 40, 122 Spider and the Tulip, Th e / Kumo to Pixar (animation studio) 1, 67, 93 Ch ū rippu (1943 fi lm) 5 Plane Crazy (1928 fi lm) 128 Spielberg, Steven 67, 116, 119 Pom Poko / Heisei Tanuki Gassen Ponpoko Spirited Away / Sen to Chihiro no (1944 fi lm) 127 Kamikakushi (2001 fi lm) xii, xv, 1, Ponyo /Gake no Ue no Ponyo (2008 fi lm) 141–7 147–8 Star Blazers / Uch ū Senkan Yamato Popeye the Sailor (animated character) (animation franchise) 93–5, 3–4, 55, 60, 131 114 Porco Rosso / Kurenai no Buta (1992 fi lm) Star Wars (1977 fi lm) 93, 116 128–34, 140, 149 Steamboat Willie (1928 fi lm) 128 Power Rangers, Th e (television franchise) Steampunk 116–17 23 Studio Ghibli xiv–xv, 6, 107–52 Prevert, Jacques 10 Suzuki, Yukio 68 Princess Mononoke /Mononoke Hime Swift , Jonathan 4, 14, 115–16, 124 n.7 (1997 fi lm) 135–43 Puss ’n Boots / Nagagutsu o Haita Neko Takahata, Isao (1969 fi lm) 20–2, 25–6, 31, 37, collaborations with Miyazaki xii, 65–6, 79, 113, 136 xiii- xiv, 10, 12–13, 16–20, 31–49, 53–61, 79–80, 100, 107, 110 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981 fi lm) 116 work as a feature- fi lm director 127 Rankin, Arthur
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