July 11, 1940 5c a copy THE WITNESS WORKER IN A CHINESE COOPERATIVE Showing the Product of His Spinning Wheel NEWS OF ALL THE CHURCHES Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. I SCHOOLS I CLERGY NOTES I SCHOOLS I ADAMS, C. W., was ordained deacon by Bishop Wing of Florida on June 23 in St. Andrew’s Church, Tampa, where he will be curate. CASEY, R. P., was ordained priest on June 24 by Bishop Perry of Rhode Island at Shattuck— MNBROOK St. Stephen’s, Providence, Rhode Island. He will continue on the staff of St. Stephen’s. an Episcopal Church school Preparatory sch o o l for CLARKSON, A. B., was ordained priest on preparing boys for college. 80th boys in grades 7-12. Post­ June 28 at the Church of Our Saviour, graduate course. Beautiful, modern build­ Trenton, South Carolina, by Bishop Gra- year; unit R.O.T.C. 640 acres; ings. Single rooms in fire-resisting dormi­ vatt of Upper South Carolina. He is to all sports. For information ad­ tories for all boys. Small classes. Strong be rector of Trinity Church, Edgefield; faculty. Graduates in over 60 colleges. Grace Church, Ridge Springs and Church dress Exceptional opportunities in arts, crafts, of Our Saviour, Trenton, all in South Caro­ The Rector, science, music. Broad program of athletics. lina. Near Detroit. Over night by train from DAVIS, FRANK D., Presbyter, was deposed New York, 6 hours from Chicago. For from the ministry by the bishop of Harris­ Shattuck School catalog address burg, having renounced the ministry. Faribault, Minn. The Registrar, Cranbrook School DECAMP, B. C., formerly of Cincinnati, Box W, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Ohio, since June 1 has been priest-in-charge of Christ Mission, Harlan, Kentucky, and St. John’s Mission, Corbin, Kentucky. His residence is Lewallen Hotel, Harlan, Ken­ tucky. ELLENBERG, J. S., was ordained deacon on “At the Nation’s Fully accredited college St. Katharine’s School June 26 by Bishop Gravatt of Upper South Shrine’’ preparatory and Junior Davenport, Iowa Carolina, at St. Mark’s Church, South College for young gentle­ Broad academic program. Music. Arts. Sports. Carolina. He is to be in charge of St. men 12 to 20. Highest Individualized Instruction. Primary Grades Mark’s, Chester and St. Peter’s, Great Falls, scholastic standards. 16 through High School. Zestful living that cul­ South Carolina. modern fireproof build­ tivates physical, mental and spiritual resources. ings. All sports. Motor­ GILBREATH, J. E., formerly a minister in ■I ized Field Artillery, Cav­ Moderate Tuition. 3 Hours from Chicago. the Methodist Church, was ordained deacon Under direction of Sisters of St. Mary. alry, Infantry, R .O .T .C . by Presiding Bishop Tucker on June 7th Band. For Catalog ad­ Established 1884 at Virginia Theological Seminary. He is in dress: Box W , Wayne, Pa. For catalog write, The Sister Superior, Box W. charge of Trinity Church, Clarksville, Ten­ I nessee. L Military Academy GOODWIN, C., was ordained priest by Bishop Budlong of Connecticut on June 18 in St. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF Paul’s Church, New Haven, Connecticut. APPLIED RELIGION GRANNIS, A., recently rector of St. Paul’s Church, Rome, Italy, has returned to this Sf. 634 Oak St. Cincinnati country due to conditions abroad. He is re­ Catherine’s School ceiving mail at 1 Joy Street, Boston, Mas­ Richmond, Virginia On the quarterly system: Summer session, June sachusetts. An Episcopal Country School for girls. College to August; Winter session, September to June. HALL, T. E., who has been priest in charge preparatory course with graduates in leading Social training for the pastoral ministry. Clini­ of St. James’ Church,- Mobridge, South Eastern colleges. General course also with music cal training and interneship for seminarians, Dakota, has resigned because of age and and art. Attractive buildings. Riding and other deacons and junior clergy. Geared to the needs plans to retire from the active ministry. outdoor activities all year. Swimming pool. and problems of modern ministry. HAMILTON, F. M., was ordained priest by Catalogue. Write the Dean Bishop Capers of West Texas on June 17 LOUISA DeB. BACOT BRACKETT, A.B. in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Corpus (Mrs. Jeffrey R.), Headmistress Christi, Texas, where he will act as assis­ tant to the rector. M O R A V IA N b i n a r y HARRISON, H., was . ordained deacon by , _______________________ COLLEGE Bishop Mikell of Atlanta on June 23 in Traditions of scholarship and character St. Philip’s Cathedral, Atlanta, Georgia. development covering two centuries. SEM­ He will be in charge of Grace Church, INARY : grades 1-12, college preparatory Gainesville, Georgia. Jane Ivinson Memorial Hall and general courses. COLLEGE: certifi­ JENNING, W. W., rector of St. Luke’s cate and degree courses. Music, art, sec­ Church, San Francisco, California, for the The Cathedral School for Girls retarial, dramatics, technician courses. past eighteen years has presented his resig­ Happy, informal campus life. Near Phila­ nation, the same to take effect September 1. Laramie, Wyoming delphia. Specify catalog desired. Edwin J. LABARRE, P., was ordained deacon by Heath, M.A., D.D., President, Box W, Bishop Green of Mississippi on June 14 in Josephine W . Whitehead, Principal Bethelem. Pa. ____ Trinity Church, Yazoo City, Mississippi. He is to be assistant in Bruton Parish, Wil­ BBh¡MüttíhS0KSiM3iEI£ liamsburg, Virginia. LOUGHNAN, E. L., was ordained to the priesthood on June 24 by Bishop Perry of Hannah More Academy Rhode Island in St. Stephen’s, Providence, Rhode Island. He is professor in the de­ Est. 1832. Episcopal school for girls, ac- partment of romance languages of Brown ST. MARY’S HALL ™ the redited to leading colleges. Country environ­ University. Founded 1837. Delaware ment— near Baltimore. College Preparatory MALONE, E. C., JR., was ordained deacon and General Courses, Music, Art. All Athletics, on June 26th by Bishop Green of Mississippi. Burlington, New Jersey ----------- Riding. Modern Equipment. Reasonable rates He has been appointed in charge of at. Resident and day. Accredited College Prepara­ because the school is not run for profit. Paul’s, Woodville and St. Timothy’s, Cen- tory, General, and Secretarial courses. Music, L a ura F ow le r , A.B., Bryn Mawr, Principal, treville, Mississippi. Art. Separate Lower School. All sports. Easily R eisterstown , Md. MAXTED, A. C., was ordained priest by accessible to New York and Philadelphia. Bishop Green of Mississippi on June 25 in Florence Newbold, Principal. Epiphany Church, Tunica, Mississippi, where MBB—■ he will remain in charge until August 1 when he becomes assistant in Trinity Church, Galveston, Texas. Somerset Hills School MOHR, E. J., was ordained priest on June 23 at Grace Church, Plainfield, New Jersey, Far Hills, New Jersey by Bishop Parsons of California. He will IOLANI SCHOOL, a church continue on as assistant to the rector at A School for all grades from 1-12. Un­ Grace Church. school for boys. Day and boarding. usual record of scholastic achievement and ROBBINS, H. B., was ordained priest by College Preparatory and General a varied program of activities. Presiding Bishop Tucker on June 16, in Rev. James H. S. Fair, Director Christ Church, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Courses. The Rev. Albert H. Stone, ROBERTS, P. W., was ordained priest by Bishop Budlong of Connecticut on June 18 M .A., Headmaster. Honolulu, T. H. in St. Paul’s Church, New Haven, Connec­ ticut. SHUTT, P., was ordained priest ofi June 23 by Bishop McElwain of Minnesota in St. Paul’s Church-on-the-Hill, St. Paul, Minne­ sota. He will continue as curate of St. Paul’s. St. Michael’s School TRAUB, W. E., was ordained priest by Bishop Grades 1-12: Emphasis on sound academic Budlong of Connecticut on June 18 in St. Newport, Rhode Island training in all grades. Small classes with care­ Paul’s Church, New Haven, Connecticut. ful attention to individual growth and progress. WEEMS, C. L., was ordained deacon by A moderate price boarding Tuition $250-$350 (includes substantial hot Bishop Mikell of Atlanta on June 23 in St. luncheon). Full Scholarships for all boys sing­ Philip’s Cathedral, Atlanta, Georgia. He ing in church choir. will be curate in Christ Church, Macon, and day school for boys. Georgia. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Editor Assodate Editors I r v in g P . J o h n s o n F r a n k E . W il s o n Managing Editor W il l ia m P . L add W il l ia m B . Spofford THE WITNESS G eorge I. H ille® Literary Editor Clifford L. S t a n l e y A National Paper of the Episcopal Church G a r d in e r M . D a y A lbert T . M o llegen Voi. XXIV. No. 23. JU LY 11, 1940 Five Cents a Copy WITNESS is published weekly from September through June, inclusive, with the exception of the first number of January, and semi- monthly during July and August, by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscrip­ tion price is $2.00 a year; in Bundles for sale at the church the paper sells for five cents a copy, we bill Quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter, March 6, 1939, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Circulation Office: 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Editorial and Advertising Office: 135 Liberty Street, New York City. Chinese Industrial Cooperatives By JOHN B. FOSTER Episcopal Church Missionary to China TNTEREST in the fate of China seems to be on tories, the blockade of her entire coast, the seiz­ the wane if the public press is any indication.
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