Vol. 4, No. 1 MAY 24 -MAY 30,1995 New fee structure in effect at Waterton Longer lines at the Park The definition of group is gates, some confusion over ter­ part of what has Waterton ad­ minology and frustration over ministrators worried. Syroteuk fee increases are being antici­ says a group is meant to be the pated by Waterton Lakes same family group each time an National Park superintendent, annual pass is used, for exam­ Merv Syroteuk, as Parks Cana­ ple, but he realizes it will be da's new fee structure goes into difficult to enforce. place. For the time being, at least, "I'm trying to be realistic entry gate staff will be selling about the problems," Syroteuk group passes to any people com­ said, "I think eventually things ing through in the same vehicle, will get worked out, but it may with the exception of buses and be a little difficult at first." other 'groups' where the parties The new fee structure of­ are obviously unrelated. fers 29 separate entry charge Park residents, leasehold­ options for Waterton visitors, ers and employees will receive ranging from a $2.00 pass for a special free passes, for this year single visit by a child, to a at least. An automatic gate will $60.00 pass that allows unlim­ be installed in the next month or ited entry to all the National so, and those holding the special Parks in western Canada for a passes win have to insert their Waterton Glacier Views year. passes to get through. Syroteuk stresses that the In a move to help American fees this year are based on peo­ visitors, in particular, gatekeep­ changes hands ple, not vehicles, "There Won't ers will be offering competitive be a sticker to put on your car. exchange rates for U.S. dollars.. As Mark Twain said, McNeill is the founder of Break­ the time of the transfer. It'll be a pass, and will depend Tollkeepers will also he aWe to "News of my death has been ing Ground Publishing which "We feel comfortable on whether you enter as an indi­ accept Visa and NtoesCaoidi a$ greatly exaggerated." So it goes produces a monthly news maga­ with their philosophy and will vidual person or as part of a all Park facihtiies im ttoe %st with the news that Waterton Gla­ zine ofthe same name. Kershaw continue it as the basis for the group." time. cier Views had come to a sud­ is a contributor to that maga­ way the newspaper treats its den end. zine, with a background in writ­ readers and advertisers," he con­ Users to pay for added services Only hours before going ing and biological sciences. tinued. "When we're settled in, It may be still fun to sit to press with the season's first we'll consider new ways of ex­ than station an attendant at the McNeill has lived in the around a campfire at night white issue, May 16, founding pub­ pressing that philosophy." door ofthe theatres. Statistics area for more than 20 years, in Waterton, hut the wood you lisher/editor Barb Grinder de­ (See page 4 for more informa­ show that most of the people with a stint away as editor of the burn win* no longer he provided cided putting out the paper was tion about the change.) attending the programs, do stay Golden (B.C.) Star and Gazette. free by the Park. more than she could handle this He was also the first editor and in the campgrounds, rather than Along with the change Bundles of firewood will year. general manager of the Western at area motels. in ownership, readers will no­ now be sold at selected retail Though the campground Though originally reluc­ Arctic Eskimo newspaper, tice a change in Waterton Gla­ locations in the Park, as Parks theatre programs will continue tant to sell the paper, in fears Tusaayaksat, in the mid-1980s. cier Views' banner, at the top of Canada moves further toward a much as in the past, the Park is that its quality would suffer, He's very familiar with and fond the front page. The graphic was user pays policy. planning far fewer guided hikes Grinder changed her mind when of southwestern Alberta and the conceived and developed by the The new policy will also approached by David McNeill northwest Montana area. this year and in the future. Offi- Grinders with graphic artist affect campground fees, though and Rob Kershaw. The two part­ cials hope the private sector will Kershaw has been visit­ Rosemarie Gascoyne, of no immediate increase in cost ners indicated their interest in make up the difference for visi­ ing the area since 1987 and Coleman, Alta.. for the sites themselves is continuing the newspaper with tors seeking interpretive walks. moved to the Pincher Creek area "We had been consid­ planned. A $1.00 per site fee the same approach and style and The International Peace a year ago. He worked two years ering putting colour on the front will be added as of June 23rd Grinder says she felt comfort­ Park hike will still be be offered in Malaysia in the oil and gas page for a while," says Barb this year, to go toward the cost able about the new ownership. as a joint venture by Waterton " business before moving back to Grinder. "But the colour regis­ of the Falls Theatre or other So Waterton Glacier Canada to obtain his Bachelor tration process with our printers and Montana's Glacier National campground interpretive pro­ Park, at no charge for partici­ Views enters its fourth year of of Science in ecology. wasn't good enough. They have grams. publication, only one week later "We're both excited at since corrected that, so we de­ pants. Superintendent Merv than originally planned, with taking over, and respectful of all cided to go with the colour." At "Under Glacier's current op­ Syroteuk says the decision was new owners and publishers. that the Grinders have accom­ the same time, she continues it erating guidelines, they're not made to add an across the board plished in creating such a won­ seemed right to revamp the front allowed to charge for guided McNeill and Kershaw campsite fee for the popular are both of Pincher Creek, Alta. derful paper," said McNeill at page banner. walks, so we can't charge for interpretive programs, rather this one," Syroteuk says. 2 May 24 - May 30,1995 WatertoWatert< n Glacier Views Fish trap to aid in bull trout recovery bybyJanet Janet Kanters operation of Waterton's To aid in nnooinff re- lation is in the stream, and own, which is more than most ways of measuring things on a operation To aid in ongoing re­ Tamarack Mall. how much of that population other bull trout populations regular basis, you don't notice search of Alberta's bull trout The province of Alberta's actually spawns in the north have done in the last couple of things slipping away," says populations, Parks Canada, Fisheries Management En­ fork ofthe Belly versus other decades," he says. "At this Fitch. "And withthe bull trout, in cooperation with Alberta hancement Program will be the parts ofthe Belly system," he point, we're simply trying to until we just about lost it, we Fish and Wildlife and the source of the majority of the says. get a handle on the population, weren't even aware that there Blood Tribe, are erecting a funds needed to support the Van Tighem adds that and develop a baseline so we was a problem with the popu­ fish trap on the Belly River project. That money will be bull trout are lost off the Belly can start monitoring it." lation." system this summer. used for the fish trap, logisti­ River system for various rea­ The trap will be built by An interpretive exhibit at The trap will be used to cal support, and for half the sons, including past Parks Canada with help on the the fish trap site will alert an­ 'count the number of bull trout salaries for two project tech­ over-fishing practices and ir­ design from Fish and Wildlife glers and tourists alike to the 'moving upstream along the nicians. rigation diversions. As a personnel. It will be monitored trap and its purpose, and to the * J^elly River to their spawning The Blood Tribe has result, there have been ques­ several times per day. plight ofthe bull tiout. There i areas. According to Kevin agreed in principal to pay the tions as to how much effective Once in the trap, basic will also be an exhibit in the Jr^an Tighem with Parks other half of the salary of the habitat is actually available for measurements of size, length Belly River Campground, and :; Canada, the trap will be in two technicians, while Parks the population left. and weight will be taken ofthe a bull trout contest developed .'place by mid-July. Canada will pay for the salary "Right now, it looks like bull trout. According to Van by the Bull Trout Task Force "What we're interested ofthe senior technician. ;in doing is trying to get a there's a population in the Tighem, before they are re­ will be conducted with the co­ I -sense of what the total popu­ Belly River that's holding its leased, the bull trout will also be marked with small plastic strips that will be attached to Zake Monte a Memory Bull trout named the middle ofthe dorsal fin to monitor future movements of Cruise Beautiful Waterton jCake provincial fish emblem the populations.
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