I THE BOSTON SUNDAY GLOBE-JUNE 25, 1922 THREE NEW SUBWAYS PLANNED BOTTOMLY, IN PRISON AS SWINDLER, B A BY WASHER DOWN— Meanwhile the L Will Double Platforms at Harvard Sq and Also Run ONCE ASPIRED TO PREMIERSHIP $ Special Terms to Edison Service . .1 Trains From Lechmere Sq to Allston , jjt j , Wanted to Hang Kaiser, Knocked Everything American, Both in 10. Customers House of Commons and in His Paper "John Bull," This Wonderful Washing Ma- ,; Brought to Justice at Last J^ chine has been in successful service in thousands of homes for nearly 15 years. LONDON—Horatio Bottomley, the ing could have been of greater ben?flt a racing stable, was n high roller In the to him at this time than the "too proud West End and drinking his five bottles most picturesque crook to be jailed to fight" enunciation. But the' pride of champagne dally with a gang of IT IS A in old England In the last half-cen- was, so Bottomley thought, dictated by sycophants hanging on to defend him tury, Is now serving a sentence ot a love of dollars. whenever necessary and applauding him When the /blockade controversy 'as one of the greatest of all English- MARWRD seven years' penal servitude (or the with England Became acute the Gov- men. SAFE INVESTMENT greatest of all the swindles wMch ernment was' embarrassed by his . They had the nerve shortly after he perpetrated in his strange career. weekly fulminatlons against Ameri- 'tthe war to throw' Bottomley's hnt ca, particularly as Bottomley had Into the Premiership rlnpr. liottom- The EASY will do work many machines cannot do. His Bottomley's last venture, the one come to have an enormous Influence Icy really believed, too, tlmt he had Superlative Electric Washer that finally landed him In jail, was a wTTh the men In the trenches, who nil the potentialities of a Premier, PROPOSED EXTENSION OF THE HARVARD-SQ LOADING PLATFORM gigantic war bonds swindle. There looked upon him as their champion, and ho cot certain politicians In the were three angles to it. There was and 'Bottomley used his position for HOIIHU of Commons to Join Ills "in- PRINOWM5—The "BAST" dlrfere radi- OPERATION — Tho "EAST" Is tally to all it was worth. dependent party" banner, and oven cally from other washing machines bo- understand nnd to operate. Because of its sim- the War Stock Combination, the Vic- He was for hanging the Kaiser early helped to eleeP others on nil inde- oauae it washes by means of »lr pressure ple construction, it consumes the minimum theories with such rapid-fire action and that problem, too. Then, of course, . Future development of the Elevated tory Bond Club and the Thrift Prize in the war. He was for collecting an pendent ticket. and Ruction and eliminates the rubblnB amount of current. In one hour It will irasb staccato emphasis that you are not some day there must be another subway indemnity f:'om Germany of $10,000,000,000, ana friction which nhortonn the life of the ns mucb as a good lanndrcflfi would washlnfonr Is likely to include two or three 'uew always sure whether you caught him In the direction now served by Hunttng- Bond. In all, Bottomley managed to The Crown, all during this time, was saying she had staked everything and ferreting around for the evidence that clothes. iflxtremely simple and free from hours by the old nib-board method. Only ten subways. ' . ' exactly right. But here! goes, on our ton-iv surface lines." collect more thian $4,000,000 of hia lost, and the loser should pay. finally caused his arrest and conviction; complication, there Is nothing about It to to fifteen minutes are-TCqulred to get remits memory and his responsibility, as O. that iwlll satisfy the most ficrupalOTis honsewlfe Official and railway traffic experts countrymen's money. He is supposed but not until one of the most dramatic wear or tear the daintiest garmenta. It who takes pride In the snow-white appearance are now working out plans, not for Henry wrote. Twice as Much Room to have paid back all but about $700,- episodes in Bottomloy'a whole career oleans rapidly and thoroughly and with "Now see how far those Arlington To the Last Man—but Himself the least possible attention on the part of of her washing. Mr Dana returned to the Harvard-sp. occurred. That was his break with immediate changes, but for "the more people have to go out ot their way to 000, The Government did not want to take ihe operator. , subway problem and explained the pro- Reuben Bigland, best known on the SPECIAL FILATURES are: Its •Im- or less distant future." get home," said he. "The normal flow In his defense during the trial he him seriously a-t first, but when, it wan posed changes in detail. At present the racetrack as "Telephone Jack," the plicit?, Its pleasing lines—-Its perfect balance of that northerly traffic would be1 by finally realized that he had such Influ- Two revolving: vacuum cups Inside the They predict that some day Boston loading platform for the Arlington and said that, If proved guilty, he would —Its compactness (It occupies llttlt more iface a more direct route. Probably some tnhte move up and down sixty times per than «n ordinary wasntnb and can be ewllj- •will need three new rapid transit North Cambridge cars Is 250 ft in be one of the most despicable.crea- minute, changing position with every down- day it will have to bo handled through ensued thru in ordinary door). For sfiw It ward stroke. On the down stroke, the air lines, whether through subways or Loohmere set on a straight-line route. length, has a maximum capacity of tures ever born of woman. Bottom- occupies it has larger washlnf capacity lhan contained In the cups flushes tho soapy some other device. "The end of the viaduct which now five cars at a time and covers an area •ny otlier washer can claim.- Fewest working ley was convicted and there are water through the meshes of the ffar- One of these would shoot out from serves Clarendon Hill and East Cam- of 4000 s« ft. ports, taut number of points reqntrUg oil, Under the plans now being consld- thousands of Britons who believe he mentn, and on the up etroko, suction draws making It eur to care for «nd giving greatest Boston proper toward the heart of bridge will have to be connected up the water again through the mesh, carry- with a further rapid-transit line, either ernd by the .Public Utilities Commis- gave about the best definition ot him- efndraer «nd satisfaction. Oorered *y guaran- Dorchester, a radial between the sion, the platform area will be exactly ing away every particle of dirt or foreign tee and patented In United States and all .for- by a new subway or else by connect- self that has yet been recorded. substance. The heaviest, garments or the doubled. The space will be extended in eign countries. present Dorchester Tunnel and the ing It with the Boston & Maine tracks daintiest laces, flannels or lingerie art Forest Hills Elevated line. and running out through Porter sn or the direction of North Cambridge 150 Believed He >Vas Beally Honc,st •washed quickly, thoroughly and safely. ETery ownej of an "BAST" is prort ot It. ft and' further etcavatlonH will be made Another would point toward Som- In that general direction. That's a To obtain such a- huge amount of problem that looks well into the future, to. make the platform much dwi>er. erville from the Viaduct lipe and money It was necessary that Bottomley and one whose solution cannot be clear- giving 8000 sq ft surface and n capacity should have had a great hold in his Lechmere sq, forming a radial mid- ly predicted, but our engineers are now. for eight cars to be loaded at the same country—and he did, despite the many The Edison Electric way between the Cambridge Tuunel working It out. time. times he narrowly escaped imprison- and the Sullivan sq-Everett "L." "Connecting the viaduct line with the The end of the platform will have a ment; despite his being declared , a A third would ainvtoward Brook- bankrupt In 1012, and despite many Bhady financial ventures with which he Illuminating Co. of Boston line, carrying the traffic now handled was connected in the last quarter of a over Himtington av. , • . century. Phone Beach 3300 Bdttomley not only lind the "gift Built Wrong in the First Place of ffab," but he liad the nJblllty to These facts wt-« learned by a Globe hypnotize hlmnelt into the bullet reporter during an interview with Man- that he was really honest. 16 District Offices o'sor Edward Dana of the Elevated He thundered his honesty for years in Hallway last week. the columns of "John Bull," the weekly "/$ •Mr Dana was explaining the changes which he founded, of which he was for to be made in the Harvard-sn Subway a long time editor. No ono was ever Distributors and '4? station to relieve congestion there- permitted to forget who Horatio Bot- changes which the Public UtlllUos tomley was — particularly what Bot- Guarantors Commission was authorized- to make by tomley thought himself to be. The a "Legislative enactment last month. word "modesty" meant nothing to Ho- The proposal is to enlarge the loading ratio. platform which serves the Arlington, He Is now 62 years old, still a member Horse of Margaret of Anjou Shod by One of North Cambridge and Huron av people, of Parliament until his appeal Is do doubling its capacity.
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