PUBLISHED BY THE R OCKY M OUNTAIN D ISTRICT A SSOCIATION OF C HAPTERS PROUD MEMBERS OF PROBE AND THE B ARBERSHOP H ARMONY S OCIETY Classic Collection, 1982 - International Quartet Champions - Storm Front, 2010 Vol. 32, No. 5 District website: www.RMDsing.org Nov/Dec 2010 Four Keeps Spring Thaw Longmont, Colorado RMD Quartet Champions Colo. Springs, Colorado RMD Senior Quartet Pikes Peak Champions The Elements Quartet RMD Novice Quartet Wasatch Front, Utah Champions Sound of the Rockies 2010 RMD Chorus Champions DarinDarin Drown,Drown, DirectorDirector RMD Vision Statement — Enriching lives in the Rocky Mountain District through singing in harmony RMD RMD Vocal Expressions magazine published five times yearly Two issues are printed for all members — Jan/Feb and Aug/Sept issues and three issues are posted online: March/April, May/June, and Nov/Dec Send articles, photos, ads, business cards, news, etc. to editor by posted deadline, please , in ASCII text, jpgs, text only, pdf, or Word documents. Original copy is preferred. You can also mail CD’s. Non-member subscription price is $5.00 per year. Member subscription rate is $3.00 (paid for by RMD dues). Unless carrying a byline, all articles are by editor and may or may not reflect the views of the District. VE deadlines Jan/Feb: Dec 20 March/April: Feb 20 June/July: May 20 Aug/Sept: July 20 Nov/Dec: Nov. 20 Editor Advertising Rates Per Issue Webmaster Steve Jackson Business Card 1.75 x 3.25 $ 5.00 James Harper 215 Cheyenne St. Lot 18 Center spread Two pages $200.00 303 664-1796 Golden, CO 80403 Full page 7.25 x 9.75 $125.00 [email protected] 303 384-9269 1/2 page 4.75 x 7.25 $ 75.00 [email protected] 1/3 page Ver/Hor 7.25 x 3.50 $ 50.00 1/4 page Ver/Hor 3.50 x 4.75 $ 40.00 BOARD OF DIRECTORS and OPERATIONS TEAM (VP’S) President Immediate Past President Executive Vice President Secretary Treasurer Woody Woods Mike Deputy Lee Taylor Dick Stark Dave Myers 719 528-8702 801 733-0562 801 576-9384 303 986-3026 303 448-9422 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Chapter Support Chorus Director Contest & Judging VP Events VP Financial Services Leadership Training Development VP John Coffin Duane Bosveld Member Services CARA Coordinator John Elving 303 922-3804 303 469-9437 Dr. Tony Pranaitis Brett Foster 605 381-9680 [email protected] [email protected] 303 233-6234 406 661-1538 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Marketing/Public Relations Music & Performance VP Youth In Harmony Int’l Rep., RMD & SWD Daniel Clark Dr. Dan Clark Paul Dover 303 665-1524 308 436-5548 303 520-7466 Rod Sgrignoli International President [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Bill Biffle [email protected] RMD VOCAL EXPRESSIONS PAGE 3 NOV/DEC 2010 District President Contest & Judging VP Woody Woods John Coffin [email protected] [email protected] Please note: to all Rocky Mountain Dis- trict barbershoppers who compete. “Changing of the Guard” By district policy, the contest entry dead- The Fall Convention has passed with outstanding numbers as line for a competition is four weeks. This means a quartet far as attendance goes; the RMD House of Delegates have duly or chorus competitor's CJ-20 entry form must be received elected new officers for 2011. by the RMD VP C&J on or before the Friday four weeks President: Lee Taylor prior to a published contest start date. Executive Vice President: Kevin Pape This policy can be found in the RMD Operations Manual in Immediate Past President: Woody Woods Secretary: Dick Stark sections 20 (Competions) & 21 (Conventions). Treasurer: Dave Myers Incoming President Lee Taylor has made the following ap- pointments to the nine District Vice President (DVP) positions: How Can You Help Introduce Barbershop Contest and Judging: John Coffin to a Whole New Generation? Events: Duane Bosveld Chapter Support and Leadership Training: Brett Foster The answer is "YEP" Chorus Director Development: Bob Fox Marketing and Public Relations: John Elving Could you invest a little time to positively influence a Financial Support for Harmony Foundation: Tony Pranaitis whole new generation of young singers? With schools Membership Development: Tony Pranaitis back in session, the time is ripe for getting into the Youth Music and Performance: Dan Clark Enrichment Program (YEP). The goal of YEP is for bar- Youth In Harmony: Paul Dover bershoppers to develop relationships with their local music educators by volunteering their services wherever needed. During the planning phases for the Fall Convention of 2011, the dates identified by the RMD and approved by the Society By showing your interest, you will encourage the students were October 7-9. We signed contracts with both the performing to become life-long singers. You may be shining tubas or venue and the hotels with the usual guarantees. We were notified filing music, but as you get to know them better, the oppor- a month ago by one of our sharp-eyed members that October tunity to share our art form will come naturally. And, you 8th, 2011 is Yom Kippur, one of the holiest days of the year in will enjoy the personal satisfaction of being an inspiration the Jewish faith. Our Events team worked diligently to try to to young lives. For more information on YEP, contact change the date but without taking a significant financial loss in hotel guarantees we would not be able to change it. That loss Montana Jack Fitzpatrick would cripple the district financially to a point where many of the [email protected] services that the district provides to its membership would not be 406-777-0759 available for the foreseeable future. That being said, I hereby formally apologize to the members of the Jewish faith in our bar- bershop community. When was the last time you www.RMDsing.org invited a friend to join you at a chapter meeting? 2010 International Quartet Champions RMD VOCAL EXPRESSIONS PAGE 4 NOV/DEC 2010 Silverton Barbershop Festival Executive VP Take the steam train from Durango or drive up to true har- Lee Taylor mony elevated at the scenic and historic mining town of Silver- ton, Colorado. No contests here, just great singing, visiting and sight-seeing. Two full-participation afterglows, too! Harmony University Come to St. Joseph, Missouri and really learn the craft Barbershop Activities for the Society's top trainers. in a Nutshell Harmony in the Hills The Rapid City Chapter will host a VLQ with the Mount As we look ahead to the holiday season and the year beyond, there are many ways to enrich our lives through singing, to enjoy Rushmore heads (the world's largest quartet!) for a week- the fellowship of congenial men of good character, and to benefit end of patriotic, uplifting harmony. from education and sharing of our great hobby with the commu- Fall Convention nity at large. More great opportunities for your chorus and quartet to Leadership Forum visit with old friends, participate in friendly competition and Your District leadership team will meet with their counterparts renew your Barbershop fervor. from the other sixteen districts and the Nashville staff, to develop and coordinate the management of their districts for the maxi- Well, that spans a year, and barely touches the many mum benefit of all barbershoppers in North America. chapter events that will keep us all busy in between the Leadership Academies activities I've listed. The point of all this is that our hobby, really a way of life, is rich with opportunities to live better, Chapter officers meet with RMD trainers and share what be better and serve our communities through the magic of works and what can be improved in the management of chapters. harmony singing. Enjoy it! Holiday performances Great opportunities to share our music and impress our friends and families with our craft. Good way to attract new Monkey Magic Gets Sony Recording members, too. Deal for Christmas Installation banquet The 2008 BABS Champion and International Barbershop Har- Here you can renew old friendships (yes, inactive members mony Society Quarterfinalists and Collegiate Finalists Monkey should be welcomed) and recognize the chapter officers for the Magic have been signed to record a Christmas album by Sony coming year. You'll also want to present your chapter BOTY Music's new Arista UK label. Tenor Alan Hughes announced (Barbershopper of the Year) award to that deserving man. that Monkey Magic will be releasing "The Great British Bar- Mid-Winter Convention bershop Boys - Christmas Time" on December 6. In 2011, to be held in Las Vegas, so it should be pretty simple Monkey Magic is naturally extremely excited about this oppor- logistics for lots of RMD folks to travel down there. See the Sen- tunity, and is encouraging all fans and supporters of the quartet iors Quartet competition and experience the thrill of the Youth to pre-order the album on Amazon.co.uk. Strong pre-order Chorus contest. numbers obviously will help the album climb in Amazon UK's Rocky Mountain Harmony College album rankings and provide increased publicity for Drive up to Estes Park to enjoy the clean air and great har- barbershop! mony education. Whether you bring your quartet for coaching or Many Christmas titles are available for sale from the Harmony participate in the Everyman Chorus, you'll have opportunities to Marketplace. Get your music ordered now - avoid the last min- perform. A vast curriculum of harmony topics will round out the weekend.
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