East Asia and Pacific Region, Cambodia, Dod Regional Centers for Strategic Studies,FY04 Executive Course 2004-2 2 Asia-Pacific Center Army U.S

East Asia and Pacific Region, Cambodia, Dod Regional Centers for Strategic Studies,FY04 Executive Course 2004-2 2 Asia-Pacific Center Army U.S

DOD East Asia and Pacific Region, Cambodia, DoD Regional Centers for Strategic Studies,FY04 Executive Course 2004-2 2 Asia-Pacific Center Army U.S. military staff and faculty $31,750 5/17/2004 8/5/2004 FY 04 Totals: 2 $31,750 Program Totals: 2 $31,750 DOD East Asia and Pacific Region, Cambodia, Miscellaneous, DOD/DOS Non-Security Assistance,FY04 HIV/AIDS Technical Trng 1 Bangkok, Thailand Ministry of National Defense Tripler Army Medical Center; Center of Excellence; $2,727 9/9/2003 9/12/2003 Headquarters PACAF TAT-TECH ASSIST TEAM 47 FT BRAGG NC 28307-5000 Cambodian Mine Action Center - 47 $37,036 8/3/2004 9/30/2004 TAT-TECH ASSIST TEAM 27 FT BRAGG NC 28307-5000 Cambodian Mine Action Center - 27 $42,552 10/1/2003 9/30/2004 FY 04 Totals: 75 $82,315 Program Totals: 75 $82,315 DOD East Asia and Pacific Region, Cambodia, Regional Defense Counterterrorism Fellowship Program,FY04 CSRT 2004C2 3 Asia-Pacific Center Army, Police U.S. military staff and faculty $21,285 8/23/2004 9/10/2004 FY 04 Totals: 3 $21,285 Program Totals: 3 $21,285 Country Totals: 80 $135,350 IV-36 East Asia and Pacific Region, Cambodia, Regional Defense Counterterrorism Fellowship Program, FY 04 Title of Training # Students/Activities Location Students' Units US Units Involved Cost Start Date End Date DOD East Asia and Pacific Region, China, DoD Regional Centers for Strategic Studies,FY04 Conferences 1 Tashkent, Uzbekistan Multiservice N/A $0 2/2/2004 2/5/2004 FY 04 Totals: 1 $0 Program Totals: 1 $0 DOD East Asia and Pacific Region, China, Miscellaneous, DOD/DOS Non-Security Assistance,FY04 SEARCH/RESCUE MARITIME 1 YORKTOWN VA 23690-5000 Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre $7,753 3/1/2004 3/18/2004 Hong Kong FY 04 Totals: 1 $7,753 Program Totals: 1 $7,753 Country Totals: 2 $7,753 DOD East Asia and Pacific Region, Cook Islands, DoD Regional Centers for Strategic Studies,FY04 Executive Course 2004-1 1 Asia-Pacific Center Ministry of Civil Aviation U.S. military staff and faculty $16,340 1/20/2004 4/8/2004 Executive Course 2004-2 2 Asia-Pacific Center Customs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs U.S. military staff and faculty $33,104 5/17/2004 8/5/2004 FY 04 Totals: 3 $49,444 Program Totals: 3 $49,444 Country Totals: 3 $49,444 DOD East Asia and Pacific Region, East Timor, DoD Regional Centers for Strategic Studies,FY04 Executive Course 2004-3 1 Asia-Pacific Center Department of Defense U.S. military staff and faculty $13,005 9/20/2004 12/9/2003 FY 04 Totals: 1 $13,005 Program Totals: 1 $13,005 DOS East Asia and Pacific Region, East Timor, International Military Education and Training (IMET),FY04 GENERAL ENGLISH ONLY 1 LACKLAND AFB, TX 78236 East Timor Defence Force English $20,240 10/27/2003 5/28/2004 Language School OBS PROF/ENG LANG TNG 1 LACKLAND AFB, TX 78236 East Timor Defence Force English $782 7/12/2004 7/23/2004 Language School FY 04 Totals: 2 $21,022 Program Totals: 2 $21,022 DOD East Asia and Pacific Region, East Timor, Miscellaneous, DOD/DOS Non-Security Assistance,FY04 HIV/AIDS Counseling Wkshop 1 Bangkok, Thailand East Timor Military Tripler Army Medical Center; Center of Excellence; $2,708 3/22/2004 3/26/2004 Headquarters PACAF HIV/AIDS Technical Trng 1 Bangkok, Thailand East Timor (Metinaro) Tripler Army Medical Center; Center of Excellence; $2,727 9/9/2003 9/12/2003 Headquarters PACAF FY 04 Totals: 2 $5,435 Program Totals: 2 $5,435 Country Totals: 5 $39,462 DOD East Asia and Pacific Region, Fiji, DoD Regional Centers for Strategic Studies,FY04 Executive Course 2003-3 2 Asia-Pacific Center Army, Home Affairs and Immigration U.S. military staff and faculty $25,445 9/22/2003 12/11/2003 IV-37 East Asia and Pacific Region, Fiji, DoD Regional Centers for Strategic Studies, FY 04 Title of Training # Students/Activities Location Students' Units US Units Involved Cost Start Date End Date Executive Course 2004-1 2 Asia-Pacific Center Army, Police U.S. military staff and faculty $31,232 1/20/2004 4/8/2004 Executive Course 2004-2 2 Asia-Pacific Center Army, Ministry for Home Affairs U.S. military staff and faculty $29,794 5/17/2004 8/5/2004 FY 04 Totals: 6 $86,471 Program Totals: 6 $86,471 DOS East Asia and Pacific Region, Fiji, Enhanced International Peacekeeping Capabilities (EIPC),FY04 MULTI-NAT LOGISTICS 1 MONTEREY, CA 93943-5001 Republic of Fiji Military Forces $6,406 6/14/2004 6/25/2004 FY 04 Totals: 1 $6,406 Program Totals: 1 $6,406 DOS East Asia and Pacific Region, Fiji, International Military Education and Training (IMET),FY04 ARNG PRE-RANGER 1 FT BENNING GA 31905-5468 Republic of Fiji Military Forces $4,912 8/18/2004 8/20/2004 DVOT CONUS 5 Republic of Fiji Military Forces $27,122 5/2/2004 5/11/2004 Forces INTL CRISIS CMD/CTRL 1 YORKTOWN, VA 23690-5000 Republic of Fiji Military Forces $7,008 9/13/2004 9/24/2004 SR INTERNATIONAL DEF MGT 1 MONTEREY, CA 93943-5201 Republic of Fiji Military Forces $10,940 6/21/2004 7/16/2004 FY 04 Totals: 8 $49,982 Program Totals: 8 $49,982 DOD East Asia and Pacific Region, Fiji, Miscellaneous, DOD/DOS Non-Security Assistance,FY04 HIV/AIDS Counseling Wkshop 1 Bangkok, Thailand Fiji Military Forces Tripler Army Medical Center; Center of Excellence; $2,708 3/22/2004 3/26/2004 Headquarters PACAF FY 04 Totals: 1 $2,708 Program Totals: 1 $2,708 Country Totals: 16 $145,567 DOD East Asia and Pacific Region, Indonesia, DoD Regional Centers for Strategic Studies,FY04 Executive Course 2003-3 3 Asia-Pacific Center Navy, Air Force, Ministr of U.S. military staff and faculty $38,194 9/22/2003 12/11/2003 Transportation Navy, Air Force, Ministry of Transportation Executive Course 2004-1 5 Asia-Pacific Center Air Force, Army, Navy, Indonesia U.S. military staff and faculty $78,692 1/20/2004 4/8/2004 Saviour Alliance Executive Course 2004-2 4 Asia-Pacific Center Air Force, Navy U.S. military staff and faculty $63,084 5/17/2004 8/5/2004 FY 04 Totals: 12 $179,970 Program Totals: 12 $179,970 DOS East Asia and Pacific Region, Indonesia, International Military Education and Training (IMET),FY04 CCMR EXEC PRGM IN DEC MK 1 MONTEREY, CA 93943-5001 National Development Planning Board $7,923 6/7/2004 6/18/2004 DEF ACQUISITION MGMT 1 MONTEREY, CA 93943-5103 Supreme Audit Board (BPK - RI) $8,863 12/1/2003 12/12/2003 DEF ACQUISITION MGMT 1 MONTEREY, CA 93943-5103 Supreme Audit Board (BPK - RI) $8,863 12/1/2003 12/12/2003 DEF RES MGT CRS 1 MONTEREY, CA 93943-5201 PERSONEL STAFF ID AF HQ – $9,870 7/19/2004 8/12/2004 CILANGKAP, JAKARTA - INDONESIA EXEC HLTHCR RES MGT CRS 1 BROOKS AFB, TX 78235-5123 ID ARMY HOSPITAL "GATOT $5,388 6/7/2004 6/18/2004 SUBROTO" JAKARTA EXEC HLTHCR RES MGT CRS 1 BROOKS AFB, TX 78235-5123 MINISTRY OF HEALTH REPUBLIC OF $5,388 6/7/2004 6/18/2004 INDONESIA IV-38 East Asia and Pacific Region, Indonesia, International Military Education and Training (IMET), FY 04 Title of Training # Students/Activities Location Students' Units US Units Involved Cost Start Date End Date INTL LAW OF MIL OPS I-LOMO 1 NEWPORT, RI 02841-1523 AIR FORCE LEGAL SERVICE AF $7,698 6/14/2004 6/25/2004 HEADQUARTERS INTL MARITIME OFF 1 YORKTOWN, VA 23690-5000 DIRECTORATE OF SEA $15,238 2/2/2004 4/9/2004 COMMUNICATION INTL SENIOR OFF STAFF CRS 1 NEWPORT, RI 02841-1207 SEA COMMUNICATIONS $9,228 4/19/2004 5/7/2004 DIRECTORATE GENERAL MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS MET DRMI (MIDMC) REGIONAL 1 GENERAL PLANNING SERVICE $4,749 5/17/2004 5/28/2004 INDONESIAN NATIONAL DEFENSE FORCES HEADQUARTERS MET DRMI (MIDMC) REGIONAL 1 INDONESIAN DOD $4,749 5/17/2004 5/28/2004 MIL & PCKEEP OPS IAW ROL 1 NEWPORT, RI 02841-1523 AIR DEFENSE ARTILLERY TRAINING $16,217 4/19/2004 5/27/2004 CENTER MALANG PK FOR DECISION MAKERS 1 NEWPORT, RI 02841-1523 DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN $11,198 7/26/2004 8/6/2004 AFFAIRS, JL. PEJAMBON NO. 6 - JAKARTA PK FOR DECISION MAKERS 1 NEWPORT, RI 02841-1523 TNI HQ – CILANGKAP, JAKARTA $11,198 7/26/2004 8/6/2004 PK FOR DECISION MAKERS 1 NEWPORT, RI 02841-1523 UNITED NATIONS – 325 EAST 38TH $11,198 7/26/2004 8/6/2004 STREET, NEW YORK. NY 10016 SR INTERNATIONAL DEF MGT 1 MONTEREY, CA 93943-5201 ABDULRACHMAN SALEH AIR FORCE $10,260 6/21/2004 7/16/2004 BASE MALANG SR INTERNATIONAL DEF MGT 1 MONTEREY, CA 93943-5201 NATIONAL AIR DEFENSE COMMAND $10,260 6/21/2004 7/16/2004 PAPUA TOEFL PREPARATION 1 LACKLAND AFB, TX 78236-5259 ASSISTANT FOR PERSONNEL STAFF $21,880 2/23/2004 6/11/2004 AF HEADQUARTERS TOEFL PREPARATION 1 LACKLAND AFB, TX 78236-5259 AUDIT BOARD REPUBILC OF $13,750 9/1/2003 12/19/2003 INDONESIA FY 04 Totals: 19 $193,918 Program Totals: 19 $193,918 DOD East Asia and Pacific Region, Indonesia, Miscellaneous, DOD/DOS Non-Security Assistance,FY04 HIV/AIDS Counseling Wkshop 2 Bangkok, Thailand Ministry of Defense; Air Forces Tripler Army Medical Center; Center of Excellence; $2,708 3/22/2004 3/26/2004 Headquarters Headquarters PACAF HIV/AIDS Technical Trng 2 Bangkok, Thailand Health Services Directorate; Tripler Army Medical Center; Center of Excellence; $2,727 9/9/2003 9/12/2003 Department of Defense Headquarters PACAF FY 04 Totals: 4 $5,435 Program Totals: 4 $5,435 DOD East Asia and Pacific Region, Indonesia, Regional Defense Counterterrorism Fellowship Program,FY04 689BSEC BLDG PST-CFLCT ENV 1 MONTEREY, CA 93943-5027 NATIONAL AIR DEFENSE COMMAND $61,690 9/30/2002 12/19/2003 689BSEC BLDG PST-CFLCT ENV 1 MONTEREY, CA 93943-5027 AIR FORCE TRAINING COMMAND $61,690 9/30/2002 12/19/2003 AIR COMD & STAFF COLLEGE 1 MAXWELL AFB, AL 36112-6323 3RD SQUADRON, ISWAHYUDI AIR $43,376 8/7/2003 6/7/2004 BASE MADIUN AIR COMD & STAFF COLLEGE 1 MAXWELL AFB, AL 36112-6323 AIR SQUADRON 14, ISWAHYUDI AFB $43,376 8/7/2003 6/7/2004 MADIUN AIR WAR COLLEGE 1 MAXWELL AFB, AL 36112-6323 IDAF

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