7HQWK6HULHV9RO91R :HGQHVGD\6HSWHPEHU8 %KDGUD 6DND /2.6$%+$'(%$7(6 (QJOLVK9HUVLRQ )LUVW6HVVLRQ 7HQWK/RN6DEKD 9RO9FRQWDLQV1RWR /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(:'(/+, 3ULFH5V CONTENTS [Tenth Series, Vol. V, First session, 199111913 (Saka)] No. 49, Wednesday, September 18, 1991/Bhadra 27,1913 (Saka) CoLUMNS Statutory Resolution Re: continuance of Proclamation 2-82 by President in Relation to the State of Punjab Shri Jaswant Singh 2-14 Shri George Fernandes 14-18 Shri Indrajit Gupta 18-25 Shri Ayub Khan 25-28 Shri Chandra Jeet Yadav 28-33 Shri Saifuddin Choudhury 33-38 Shri Madan Lal Khurana 38-43 Shri Ram Vilas Paswan 43-49 Shri Narain Singh Chaudhri 49-50 Shri A. Asokaraj 50-52 Shri Kodikkunil Suresh 52-53 Shri Pius Tirkey 53-54 Dr. Kartikeswar Patra 54-55 Shri P.C. Thomas 56-57 Shri Bhogendra Jha 57-59 Shri Imchalemba 59-61 Rao Ram Singh 61-62 Shri Sriballav Panigrahi 62-65 PMLlAMENT LIBRAR\ Shri S.B. Chavan 65-71 DIGITIZEb {») C o lu m n s Motion Rk International Situation 82-191 Shri Eduardo Faleiro 62-91 186-191 ShriAtal Bihar! Vajpayee 92-103 ShriSharadDlghe 103-109 Shri Chandra Jeet Yadav 109-120 Shri Indrajit Gupta 120-132 ShriP.V.NarasimhaRao 132-144 ShriSyed Shahabuddin 145-152 Shri Sudarshan Ray Chaudhuri 152-159 Shri Chitta Basu 159-162 Shri E Ahamad 162-164 Shri Bhogendra Jha 164-166 Shri Prithviraj D. Chavan 168-172 ShriM.V.V.S. Murthy 172-174 Prof. Prem Dhumal 174-177 Shri A. Asoitaraj 177-179 Shri Chandulai Chandrai<ar 179-181 Shri Inder Jit 181-186 Message from Rajya Sabha 192 Resignation t>y Member 192 Valedictory Reference 193-196 LOKSABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA SHRI NIRMAL KANT! CHATTERJEE (Dum Dum): Despite extensbnsof the House, no Committees have been formed. {Inter­ ruptions) Despite the extensions of the Wednesday, Septembw^ 18^1991/ Session, no House Committees or Finatxsial Bhadra27, 1913 ( S t ^ ) Committees have beenformed. It is unusual that after two months it has not been pos­ sible for the Government to form the Com­ mittees. The Lok Sabha met at Four Minutes Past Eleven at the Clock THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ TRY OF LAW, JUSTKJE AND COMPANY [English] AFFAIRS (SHRI RANGARAJAN KUMARAMANGALAM): We will finalise. SHRI MOHAMMAD YUNUS (SALEEM) .(Katihar); Mr. Speaker, Sir, we have no infor­ (Intem^hns) mation that the House has been extended. I know only this morning when the parliamen­ tary papers came that the Session has been extended by one day. 11.08 hrs. Sir, we should get some information. Suppose I was absent yesterday, I was not STATUTORY RESOLUTKJN RE-CON­ present yesterday, how shall I know? TINUANCE OF PROCLAMATION BY PRESIDENT IN RELATION TO THE MR. SPEAKER; We decided in the STATE OF PUNJAB- CONTD. House itself. {Interruptions) [EngBsh] MR. SPEAKER: We deckied on the MR. SPEAKER: Shri. Jaswant Singh may floor of the House. speak. SHRI MOHAMMAD YUNUS SALEEM: SHRI JASWANT SINGH (Chittorgarh): '. Sir, there must be come communicatnns to Mr. Speaker, Sir, We are taking up this the Members. Many Members have left discussnnon the ^utoryResolutton moved today. They have booked their seats earlier, by the honourable the Unnn Home Minister today they have left for different places. Sir, regarding continuance of Preskient's Rule in there must be some way by which we should relatk>n to the State of Punjab. And virtually know it earlier. we are taking up the discussnn from where we left it last evening wheh is, when the MR. SPEAKER: It was deckled on the House first became aware of the Govern- fkx>r of the House. mertt's Intenttons. It Is necessary for me. 3 SMM y R t to M o n SEPTEMBER 18.1991 byPnsid9nt A iw. oontitmtnoB €f Rnduiutkui InfMgaontoPunitb ISh.JaMvant Singh] njlefor as many times as eight or nine tbnes, then it is not an exercise that ought to be tlMnfora. to briefly state my otijections. taken up perfunctorily or as a routine. In­ deed, it then, becomes nrandatory for us to We hatve had a very extensive discus­ examine as to why is IT that with such . sion on the Demands for Grants and the sickening regularity we are so routinely and appropriation B « forthe State of Punjab, we so mindlessly extending Presktenf s njle in have also had a discussion on the annul­ Punjab every six months, as if It were a ment of the elections in P u i ^ and indeed in qfdicai movement of seasons-come the six the past years, since 1987, we have dis­ month season and we WIN extend the Presi­ cussed the State of P u i ^ so frequently and dent's rule, because in the preceding period wlh sudi sickening regularity that it is not nothing would have taken place. necessary for me to go into or delve into all the sociological or political aspects of the Sir. I put it to you that such r^ a te d continuing torment of the State of Punjab. extensfons of Presklent's rale are. cf course, What we are indeedengaged in an exami­ a denial of the democratic right of the people nation bythis House ofthe Resolution moved irrespective of the State ki whteh they are by the Union Home Minister extending Presi­ effected. But. in the tormented State of dent's Rule for a n o ^ six months. My Punjab, it is much more than a denial of difficulties are in agreeing with the Govern­ democratic right of the people to elect their ment or with the Resolution or with the intent own Government. It |s as If the people of of the Resolution are principally on four Punjab, by and large the totality, the large counts. I have difficulties on the principle of population of Punjab is in thai classificatton the extension of the Presidenfs Rule which of aHvadl or terrorists or lawless elemente I wil elaborate in a moment, and I have and it Is that collectivity of the people of difficultieswiththeprocedureadoptedbythe Punjab that appears to be. not just appears' Government to come fomvard with this very to be that a ^ . in effect, being punished for unacceptable measure. Then I have diffi­ the repeated faihires of the Government. culty with the Govemmenfs stand itself as ehjddaled in the Honourable Union Home Sir. I am constrained to point out and it .Minister's statement accompanying the pains me to point out that It is on account of Statutory Resolutnn. That is my third diffi- the Congress Party^^lUcies that were c i% . Myfourth difficulty in agreeing withthis pursued in the decade of the 80s. that we is that some of our minimum invdudble have, today, a ^ e prevailing as it does^ demand connected with the extension of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. The con- Piifsident’s Rule which too I wH elaborate in ditnro prevailing in Punjab are directly the a moment, have not even been hinted at by consequencofthepolBies oftheCongress the Government orthe Home Minister. I win 1*atty. What has come about in the State of examine aM these and putfonirard my view­ Punjab is yet aab) attributable to the poKdes point on ail thesa four difficulties. To the best of the Congress Party. of my simple arithmetic. Mils is the ninth extension of President’s ^ i e in the State of P u f ^ that we are seeking since its first Sir. on Sri Lanka, HeawensforiMd, I have ImpMkkm. and Ith e Pariiament has to ex­ had opportunity earlier to.mentkm on so tend— > and I couU be fauitod on the exact­ many occaskms, that the Congress Party’s ness of whether it is the ninth or it is the poOdesin Sri Lanka resulted in a sttuation in elgMh. but « n t is not the substance of the which the Indian Peninsulabecame a hirMr- dfficuly. land for the ethnk: struggle of the peopto of Sri Lanka, and that too has come a b ^ It The substance of the dmcuky is that. If has come about b) the most telling of ways; In any State of the Unhxi the Pariiamant khasoomeaboutinlhefoulassaBslnattonof found i naosssaiy to extend the Presidenrs thelaleleaderof their own Party. If I were to 5 ^atubiyftesduffon BHADRA27, 1913 (&VCA) byPmsklmH 6 n . eofOmmioQofPiodamtaion kiftabthntoPiM^ go on cauyoguing the many His of the Con- Indeed in response to a direct query by our grass Party because of which the nation Party leader and my senior coHeague, Shri today is suffering, it would be an endless . Atal Bihari Vqpayee who asked and I w d uM catalogue. It is not an exercise that gfivM us seek your bidulgenoe to quote just three or any sense of satisfactbn. But I do empha­ four Knes. Shri Atal Bihari Vajpi^ee asked: sise and I do underline that if Punjab is suffering today amongst the other States * How aoon wouU you Nke to have the that I have just listed, it is directly because elections?”To which the Minister of State for the Congress Party repeatedly, over the Parliamentary Affairs, Mr. Rangartyan years, has played politics, whether in the Kumaramangalam replied: ’Ih e Presktenfs StatiB of Punjab or from the Union Govern­ notifk»tk)n is valkJ till 11th of November, ment's stand, it has always and consistently 1991. We have not brought anything before played politics of petty, partisan interests you today in the from of a Statutory Resolu- that are totally parochial and looked no fur­ tk>n asking you to extend the Presktenfs ther and no beyond then their own party’s nile- limited interests.
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