![Hon, J Es S .. La.Y1 JJ>., Ecuttvo ~Aey, N. S. C](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE RESIDENT'S APPO!llmENTS THURSDAY, APRIL J., 19S4 (The following had !reaktan OFF THE RlCO!W with the President:) (Sena.tor William F. Knowland, CalU'"Omia) (Sena.tor Homer F irguson, Miclrl.gan) (SenatOl" en• D. Mlllildn$ Colorado) (Honorable Sherman Adams) (Honorable Wilton B. Pe:raon ) Congressman Ove~on Bro&k"Bj touiaiana, btioJli\l Vice President of the tional Rivel's and ff a~s <lt'>ngres Sen tor John L. McClellan, President. Congressman Dewey Short, !14.ssourl., Chairman o-r the Board Congi;."esamn Sid Si:mpson, Illinou, CbaUman.1 Projects Committee (Invited th ~ P1"Etatd~t to attend annual conven\ion ot the Co~greae ot Nat1onal Rivers and Harbors, in Washington, D. c., May 2S* l9S4) ( jbr M. C. Mi.gel, Chail'flW'l, rd ot Tru ee, man Foundation tor the Blind, Inc.) (Mis ldel.) (OFF tBE RECORD - Oame 1n to eee Mr* St:ephens $ld saw the President) 10:00 am National ~rit7 CouneU Hon. e.hard. b.nn, The Vic President Hon. John Foste~ Dulles, 1be Secretary of State Hon. Charles E. WUsont ~tary of Defense HoJh Harold E. Stasoen, Di"otor, F. o. A. Hen . Art.bur s. Flemming,, Director. o. D. M. Hon. Georg• M. HUB\ph~, Seentaq el the T:reasurr Hon. True D. Moree, Acting Sec:ret.ary of Agriculture Hoa. Samuel W. Andt!rson, Asai-st.ant Seer t4ey' of Commerce Hon. Rowland R. Hughes, Acting Di"ctor, · . eau of the dget Hon. Arthur F. Bums, Chairman, CoUll.Cil of onomic Ad.rlsors Hon. John H. Davis, Aseietant Seoret.ary of .Agricult'Ql"e Hon~ Glarence Fl1'ho1s, Special Consult.ant t.o the Pred.dent Admit"al A.rthur \'l. Radtord, Cbainan, Joint Chiefs of statf Gener.al c. P. Cabell, Acting Direct.or of C~ntra:l. Intelligence lion. Rob~rt Cutler, Special As•istant. to the eoident Hon. Bt1ce rlow, Adndnistl'ative Assistant to the Preeident Hon. Shennan Adams, Assistant to the Pl'i id.dent Hon" WU't#on B. rersone, Deputy aietant to th sident Hon, J es s .. La.y1 JJ>., ecuttvo ~aey, N. s. c. Hon. s . Ever&tt Gleason, Deputy Executive Secretary, N. S. c. 1:00 (The following had l.uneheoti OF'f nm RECORD with the President:) ( • .iT How rd) (Mr. Walker Stone) {Hon . Jam.es Hageny) Pa$J 2 fhe l'l"eaidmt signed H. R. 5331 1 An Aet "To provide to>:' the establi~ent Qf a United State:J Ail" Foree Acad , and or Qt.J'ler purpo .1t ,,,e following also witnessed th oeremony: Hon. Harold E.. Ta:tbott, Secretary o! the r F<>rce Hon . Jame H. Douglas, Under secretary ot th Air Fo:rce neral Na.t#ha.n F .. Twifting, Chief of Start, USAF General Thomas D. ·lhite, Vice Chitt.f of Sta!f1 USAF tt ._ n. Herbert Harmon, Projeot Oftieer tor Air cad.e1117 lb-1g. eral Joe W. Kelly, Director ·ef Legislative LiaiJJOn, USAF eral Carl Spaatz Srm . Leverett _tonstaU, Ma.ssaehus• ts n. Ho:i;ner E. Capehart, Indiana Congressman Dewey Short• Miissouri Congressman ~1 Vinson, orgia Mr. RobeJ.."'t 1 Oounael, House .A.nted Sel"'Vicei!J Comm.it.tee Mr. T. Edwa.ri. Bra.$\i'-ell, • aaistant Counsel., Senate Arnied S nice. ~tte Hon. B. Frank Hein.\Zlcmum, The vernor o! Alaska Hon. Douglas cKay, Sec:retary of the Interior (Arranged at the request o:t • O.nne Lewis, Assistant cretary ot th InteriGr. • H i.ntzl . came in to pq hi respects) .3:10 { • 1o Pappas, Bo ten, SS chusetts) OFF THE RECORD (Hon. Harb rt. wnell, Tb Attom y General) OFF THE RECORD 4:00 ( • Robert oodrutt, Atlanta, Georgia) O F THE RECORD 4:30 • James ~' Preside,nt, Ci u ns tot" EisenhOllfel' Mr. Spencer T. Olin (Bon. herman Adam.s) (Mr. Olin i-s prospectiv F'inan¢e Chairman of Citizens for Eisenhower) 6:00 (Mr. Meyer Kestnbaum) OW THE RECORD Tbe President pressed .. lever lthich lit t he SiORI> OF HoPE in Tim.es Square, New Yoric, thui launching the Cancer Cruaade of· the Ainmoan Cancer Society, Ine., in the Broad.ca.sting ROQ of the bite House. the tollowing gueets were present: Htm. and s. Walter J. Kohler, Governor o! isconsin, and Cha.ilinan ot the Board, American Cancer ciet7, Inc. Elmer H. Boost, Chainnan of Can~r Crusad Babe Didrikson Z ha.l-ias Mefford R. Rt.inyon, F.xecut.ive Vice Prea.idl\mt, eri.can Cancer Societ7 Frank Kruier, Direct.or of Field Relation ,. American Canea Societ7 steve Barrie, Direetior ot Speci$.l JWents, AttJeriean Cancer Soeiet.y Clayton Sanders, Crnsade Chd.nnan, DUtriet of Col'Ulllbia Divisi(l)il Frederick P. H. Siddons, Preai.dent, District o! Columbia DivisiOr'l TmrtlSDAY,, APRn. 1, 1954 Page 3 Cancer Crusade (Continued) , • Fr derick P. H. Siddons .. · ss Betty Dodd (tra.velts 'Wl.th Urs. Zabariae) ClL*ton R, Read, Director of ?ublie Rel.a.tio s, American Ca:n.cer Society Dr . Mal.co , Secretary of tho Co ·ttee on Growth, American Cane~r Soci~t7 Col. Luk c. Q-.;iin.n, Be sentEJ N ti na1 Soeiety in District. o! Columbia THE PRESIDENT' S APPOIN TS FRIDAY> APRIL 2, 1954 (Hon. John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State) ( Hon. Charles E, Wilson, Secretary of Defen3e) OFF THE RECORD (Admiral Arthur W. Radford, Chairman, J . C. S. ) (Hon. Robert Cutler) Hon . Douglas McKay, Secretary ot the Interior Hon. Archie Alexander, GoTemor of the Virgin Islande Hon. Val Waehington, Republican National Committee (The Governor wished to pay bis respects be!orfl leaving tor his new post) 10:00 8Dl Cabinet Meeting Hon. Richard ixon, The Vice Pre~ident Hon . Walter B. Smith, Under Sec:retary ot State Hon. Marion B. Folsom, Under Secretary of the Treasury Hon. Charles E. Wilson, Secretary or Defense Hon. Herbert Brownell, The Attorney General Hon. Arthur Summerfield, The Postmaster General Hon. Douglas McKay, Secretary- or the Interior Hon. True D. Morse, Under Secretary of Agric'11ture Hon, Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce Hon. James P. Mitchell, Secretary ot Labor Hon. Ro-wland R. Hughes, Deput;y Director, eau of the Budget Hon. Harold E. Stassen, Director, F. o. A. Hon. ArthUT S. Flemming, Director, O. D.. M. Hon. Philip Young, Chairman, CivU Service Commission Hon. Arthur Burns, Chairman, Council ot Economic Advisors Hon. Felix Wormeeri; Asaiatant Secretary of the Int,erior Hon.. Shennan Ada.ms Hon. WU ton B. Per10n8 Hon. Bernard Shanley Hon. Gabriel Hauge Hon . Bryce Harlow Hon . Maxwell Rabb Hon . Arthur Minnich The following wePe abeent: The Secretary of State The Secretary ot th Treasu.ry­ The Secretary ot Agricmltu.re The Secretary of Health, Education & Welfare (no one represented HEW) 'l'b.e Director, Bureau of th Budget Hon .. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. ll:30 am ( Hon. Lewis L. Strauss, Chairman, A. E C.) OFF THE RE.CORD 12:45 pa (The President and s. Eisenhower, accompanied by Mrs . Doud, U-s. Moore and Mrs. Walker, left the White House and motored to Camp David, Maryland, where they spent the week-end) THE PRESID~T ' S APPODl'DmNTS SATURDAY, APRIL ), 1954 AT CAMP ~VlD, MARYLAND THE PRESIDENT• S APPO!NT.MENTS SUNDAY, APRIL 4, 1954 AT CAMP DAVID, MARYIAND 8:20 (The Pl"eaident and Mrs . Eisenhower returned to the White House) (The following met with the :Preli.dent at the White Houff OFP THE RECORD •) (Hon . John Foster Dulles, Seeretar,y of State) (Hon. Wal~e::r B. Smith, Under Secretary of State) (Hon . Dougl•s cArt.hu:r 2nd, Counsel,, State Dept) (Admiral Arthur • Badtord, Chairman, J . C. S. ) (Hon . Roger M. K;yes, Deputy oretary of Detense) THE PRESIDER'f ' S !PPOIIDfENTS MOIDU, RIL S, 1954 S:JO am The L6gisl.e.t1ve Leader Hon. Richard Nixon, The Vice Pre !dent. Senator William F. Knovland, Cal..i.fomia. Senat<>l" Eugene D. Mill.ild.n, Colorado Senator Homer Ferguson, Michigan Senator Leverett Sal~onstall, sG&Chuset.t, Senator H. AlexandeF Smith, New Jf}wsey Hon. Joseph W. ~in, Jr. , Tb Speaker Congreasma.n Charles A• .Halleclc, Indian Congres . slie c. Arends, Illinoi Congresaman John M, Vor;vs, Ohio Ben. George M. Humphrey, $el).~ta.17 ot the 'freaaur,y Hon. Rowland Hugh.es, Deput7 Direct.or; reau ot t.he dpt Hon. Roberb M. ey, Chief of tbe lntern tional Di . , Bur .. of the Budget Hon . rold E. stass:en;, Director, !". o. A. Hon . Morris Wo.l.t, ner al Counsel, F. o. A. Hon . Glen IJ.oyd, D puty to the Director, F. o. A. Hon . Leanard Hall, Chairman, Republican National Committe Hon . James sett , Republic.an National Committee Hon . Sherman Adams Hen . Wilton B. Pe~SOAS Hon . Bernard Shanley Hon . J ·· s erty Hon- Mun-a.y Sn1t1er HQn . ibert Cutlet" Hon . Bry:ee Harlow Hon. Ge:rald MoJ!'gan Hon- .Jae,k rtiii Hon. H er Gruenther Hon. rl.e Chesney Hon . Arthur Minnich (Hon. Jos.eph w. in, Jr., The S:peaker) (Cong . Charles A. Halleck, Indiana) OFF THE REOORD (Cong. Leslie c. A:rends1 Illinois) 10:30 Admiral Arthur • Radford, USN,, Chairman,, J . c. s. eral Ne.than F. Twining• USAF eral tthew B. Ridgway, USA Admiral Robert B, Camey,, USN (This $.s Admiral Radford' s usual Monday appe>intment. He asked it htt Jnisht bring With him ~he Joint. Chie!"s.) lltOO Mr. Clark G~ittith, President, \'l ashington B Ball Club Mr. Edward B. Eynon, Jr. , Secretary & Assl.stant Treasurer (lnvtt ed th~ Preaident and Mrs. Eiaenhov r to a.tt..end the Opening Base Ball Game on April l.3th, and present.ad to them their annual p· sees) MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1954 Page 2 11:15 am Dr.
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