Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1968 Daily Egyptian 1968 6-1-1968 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 01, 1968 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June1968 Volume 49, Issue 158 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, June 01, 1968." (Jun 1968). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1968 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1968 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SIU Reorganiza lion (.sidered By John Eppemeimer poned {Q some groups on campus. proposal wi ll be released ar pre­ mem bers of the Faculty CouncU. A major reorganization of the SIU Last week members of the Facul­ sent. Another vice preside nt has been administration is being considered ty Council met with President De­ Evidently [he proposal orlgina<ed rumored to be beaded for·reassig­ and may be brought before {he Board lyre W. Morris on each campus. The within the highe st echelons --of the ,- mem to a teaching post, or to be of Trustees June 21. faculty members were asked for administration. ... leaving the University altogether. The' change would include [he ap­ their r ecommendations on personel The prospect of a change in ad­ Faculty members who have dis­ pointment of chancellors for the · to fill the major positions in the ministration channels has been a cussed the r eorganization feel sure Carbondale and Edwardsville cam­ new s etup, should it be approved topic of recurrent discussion on tbe that Morris will com,~_ nue to be puses, with a University preside nt by (he Board of Trustee s. Carbondale c a.1Jl pus f-or several University president. having overall responsibilities. The proposal has e ven been dis ­ we e k s, especially am 0 n g faculty C urt:emly there are four vice However, a planned rele ase of the cussed by at l e a ~t one profe ssor members. presidents and President MorriS, proposal for public information has in his class. Robert W. MacVicar, vice presi­ all wi<h Universiqy-wlde responsi­ bee n postponed until -later in the Roland Kee ne, assistant to presi­ de nt for acade mic affairs, was said bilities. The switch to chancellors month. a-ccor~ng to William Lyons. de nt Morris. s aid Friday that he to be the administration choice for is apparently designea to streamline director of the Uniyersity News was preparing information on the Carbondale cam pus chancellor. dU[ies. Service. No r eason was given fOl p.!'oposal whi ch he hoped to r ele ase However, it has bee n r e liably re­ The Board of Trus[ees would the postponement. soo n i~ a University bulletin. po r ted that a promi nem faculty have to ap,P'rove such a reorgani­ It is known that (he broad OUt­ However. Lyons later made it me mber was recomme nded for the­ zation and the personnel to fill the lines of the proposal have be en r e - cle ar that no information on the post last weeR by the Carbondale poSitions. , , DAILY EGYPTIAN SOU TH E R N ILLI NO I S UNIVE R S IT Y Vo lume 49 Carbondal e, Ill ino is Saturda y, June 1, 1968 Hu mber 158 Civil Liberties Lawyer Probing SIU Si tua tion it's shocking that the whole By Brian Treusch Un i v e r sit y Community is 6...§mtf cQimepl for .the IU­ keeping mute while this is all inois Divis ion of the Ameri ­ happening," Goldberge r s aid_ can C ivil Libertjes Union.said Trying to accoum for the Friday that an inve stigation lack of campus inte r est into is being conducted into why the fate of the c; h~T ge d s.,tu­ the atmosphere on SIU's Car­ de m s , Goldberger· said per­ bondale campus has not been haps the community does not hos pitable to dissent and free unde r s tand the seve rity of the expression. charges or the dis tinction be­ Specifically, 0 a v I d Gold­ t w ee n being ·charge d w i ( h berge r of Chicago s aid he is e ithe r a mis de meanor or a investigating " why s ix Black fe lony, " but you can be s ure 5 I Us [u d e n t s have been that th E;" SIU administration charge d with fe lonie s s te m ­ does. I don't understand why ming from the incident at the Unive r s ity has accepte d the Preside nt's Office on May il:," Goldber ge r added. 8, and also he said he wa s According t (3 Goldberger. going CO confe r with forme r ­ the Unive r s ity "is in a pos i­ The O belisks are h er e and ar e going fast. Dan a Reed and ·68 stude nt Stuart Novick. tion to s ee that the charges Mimi Sandifer. yearbook starrers seated at th e desk helped with Goldberge r s aid that " out are re du ced to what is ap­ Yearbooks Here the awesome job of h andine out over 3. 000 y e arbooks Friday . The of all the s tude nts who we r e propriate . It just doesn' t remain i ng 5.000 Obelisks will be distributed from 9 a .m. t o noon arreste d on all the colle ge make sense t t they we re today and from 9 a.m. to 4 p . m. Monday through F ri day from the ca mpuses across the t ounrry, c harge d with a fe lony." Gold- Agriculture B uild i n g parking loL only the s ix black SIU/srude nts berge r s aid. _ were charged with · fe lonie s. " As far as J'm c0nr.:> rne d, He s aid that if these students charging them with a felony are convicted on the charges, is like s hootin; a man for a Final Fee Least Obnoxious the y eac h face up to fiv'.;' traffic violation." ye ars in a penite ntiary. GOldberger said [he ACLU get rid of so m~ things and By Dave Palermo T he other $7 is for alumni is not dire ctly re preseming purchase of clothes acceptable pro motion and me mber s hip for Goldberge r s aid 0 ff i cia J s to the oute r world. a ye ar. could have charge d the s e stu­ the charge d s tudents . t.ecause Four years of CO llege may [he Ar:: LU fe.ls [hey are all For the hippies, the r e might Most prospective graduates, de nts with misde meanors in­ be e xpensive . but graduation ade quate ly r e presemed at this day isn't exactly a c lose - out be the adde d purchase of a howe ver, believe the total COSt s t ~ ad of the fe lony charges. r azor to r e move that facial He noted that the stude nts time by le gal coun ~e l. bargain e ithe r. of gr aduation is justified. In Concerning forme r-s tudent The $17 graduation f ee, fo lliage , s hoes to replace boots fact, cons idering {h e happy migh[ have been charged with S [u a n Novick, Goldberge r motel reservatiQns fo r r e la­ and bare. feet, a lie . ' and. prospect of finally attafning criminal damage to property, s aid that the ACLU is "deep­ tives who didn't think the y'd perhaps , a bar of soap. that degree, many regard it or dis orderly conduct, or cri­ ly conce rne d" about his being The $17 graduation fe e _ is as a bargain. minal treSpass. all of which see the day, graduatio n pi C­ banne d from the campus by the lO the onl y mandamry payme nt One senior expecting to he s aid were misdemeanors . tures that fail do justice Unlve r s i[y. In addl[lon, he the prospective graduate must graduate in June said that if and a class ring are JU St a Goldber ge r said that at said "hopefully a local chap­ few of the prerequi s ites that make . m o t e 1 r eservations are n't othe r Unive rsities, officials Due date for the fee is five [e r of [he ACLU wi11 be formed mus t be cons ide r ed befor e have uin some. cases made on the campus . " grasping the parc hme nt that weeks befor e comme ncement. ~~~~d~ ~ f~l, t~:s~\jl~e ~~~~~~ c e r t a in that charges made spells freedom. No late payments are accepted. eve r y hote l and mote l within a g a ins t prote sting students Other items that some grad­ Of the $17, more [han half­ 700 mile s will be filled. would be dropped or at l e ~ s t Gus Bode uates might cons ider include $IO-goes for cap and gown For mo st, .the cost is partly less ened. It se e ms as if this U-haul service to tran$pon r e ntal and e xpense s towards recouped through graduation Unive rsity is abdicating all four year's ' accumulation of arranging the comme nce me nt gifts tr a m friends and r e la­ responsibility to local law'en­ trea s urer, a classified ad ro program.
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