April 27, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E777 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENTS Confronting the challenges of poverty requires faith is not surprising. Armenia was the first OF VANDY D. LAWSON a multi-faceted approach, a fact that is not lost Christian nation and remains the only Chris- on the leaders and members of this organiza- tian nation in the Middle East. tion. Various Turkish people invaded southwest HON. HENRY CUELLAR Asia during the Middle Ages and carved an OF TEXAS The UCC attends to the educational needs empire for themselves from lands occupied of the community, serving hundreds of stu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by the indigenous Semitic and Indo-Euro- dents in its pre-kindergarten, grade school and pean inhabitants. Wednesday, April 27, 2005 middle school programs. Recognizing the im- Turkish nationalism grew relentlessly dur- Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to portance of physical health, the Center offers ing the following centuries. In the years pre- recognize Vandy D. Lawson for her dedication prevention and health awareness services de- ceding World War I, they actively sought to to teaching the students at the Comal Leader- signed to reduce smoking, drug abuse, and Turkify the Ottoman Empire and strengthen teen pregnancy. The UCC understands that their rule by eliminating fractious ethnic ship Institute in the Comal Independent School minorities. communities are sustained, in part, by culture, District. The western two-thirds of Anatolia was Vandy D. Lawson received her bachelor’s and as a result, regularly exhibits the works of once inhabited by Greeks and other Indo-Eu- degree in math from the University of Northern prominent Hispanic artists and stages musical ropean peoples. It is now primarily occupied Colorado in Greely and her master’s in statis- and dance performances. Young people in the by Turks. tics from Colorado State University in Fort Col- community benefit from classes and work- The eastern third of modern Turkey was lins. Currently she is teaching students grades shops in theater arts, ceramics, dance and once Armenian with an Assyrian minority, ninth through twelfth in the subject of math. music. The UCC helps us care for our elders, but is now populated by Turks and Kurds. Through her extraordinary teaching methods providing assistance with transportation and Modern Armenia survived only because it she is able to reach students and appeal to affordable housing, while also maintaining was the single province controlled, and pro- adult day care for senior citizens. tected, by the Russian Empire. The rest of their interest like none other—this is what dis- the territory within its historical borders is tinguishes her as a great teacher. The UCC understands that caring for fami- almost wholly devoid of ethnic Armenians. The unique teaching style of Mrs. Lawson is lies and individuals requires caring for the en- The organized depopulation of Christians one that the teachers of our Nation should re- vironment and stabilizing the neighborhood. and non-Turks from Anatolia by the Otto- gard as an example of how they can reach Through its neighborhood development initia- man Empire is one of the worst incidents of students in a more effective way. It is said that tive, the UCC helps build the wealth and desir- racism and religious intolerance documented Mrs. Lawson ‘‘looks at what she does every ability of the community by helping families re- in the world. day as a being on a treasure hunt, uncovering pair their homes, plant trees, and landscape The Genocide was master-minded by the great treasures and bringing them back to open areas. ultra-nationalist ‘‘Young Turk’’ government Through all of these activities, the UCC also of Ottoman Turkey. Mehmet Talaat Pasha life.’’ The students she teaches all benefit from was the Minister of the Interior and archi- Mrs. Lawson’s continuous drive to reach each serves as an ambassador for Hispanic people, tect of the Armenian Genocide. He was re- and every student to make sure they all re- reaching out to other communities in Mil- warded by being elevated to the position of ceive as much assistance as possible. waukee to develop understanding and accept- Grand Vizier in 1917. Pasha fled to Germany The math and sciences are two essential ance of Hispanic culture. as his empire collapsed in 1918. He was con- fields of study that students around the Nation By offering a unique array of services and victed of capital crimes, including mas- need exposure to America’s teachers like Mrs. programs, the UCC has established itself as a sacring the Armenians. The post-war Otto- Lawson, play the most vital role in ensuring vital center of Hispanic culture in my district. man government sentenced him to death in On the occasion of this 35th Anniversary, I sa- absentia. students get taught the necessary skills to be- Just-minded federal, state and local gov- come tomorrow’s leaders. I am honored to lute the leaders of the UCC, its current and ernments throughout the world continue to have this opportunity to distinguish Vandy D. former volunteers, and it members, for these acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. Lawson for her dedication to the perseverance impressive achievements. Illinois is no different. Gov. Rod of knowledge in our community. f Blagojevich has continued the practice of his f predecessors by remembering the plight of 90TH COMMEMORATION OF THE the Armenian people. Part of his annual TRIBUTE TO UNITED COMMUNITY ARMENIAN GENOCIDE proclamation reads: ‘‘The Armenian commu- CENTER IN CELEBRATION OF ITS nity, as well as the global community, re- 35TH ANNIVERSARY SPEECH OF members the Armenian Genocide, which oc- curred 90 years ago; and during this tragic HON. JOHN SHIMKUS historical period between the years of 1915 HON. GWEN MOORE OF ILLINOIS and 1923, Armenians were forced to witness OF WISCONSIN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the genocide of their loved ones, and the loss IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of their ancestral homelands; and this exter- Tuesday, April 26, 2005 mination and forced relocation of over 1.5 Wednesday, April 27, 2005 Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- million Armenians by the Ottoman Turks is Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, I nize the anniversary of the Armenian Geno- recognized every year.’’ rise today to recognize the achievements of cide and to place in the RECORD a portion of Sadly, the modern state of Turkey denies an opinion article written by Lee Enokian. the Genocide ever occurred. It restricts the an outstanding community center in my dis- ability of ethnic Armenians, Kurds and As- trict. This week the United Community Center ARMENIAN GENOCIDE VICTIMS ARE NOT syrians to enter and travel within the coun- celebrates its 35th Anniversary. FORGOTTEN try. In fact, Turkey has done its best to re- Since 1970, the UCC has endeavored to (By Lee Enokian) move every trace of the Armenian people provide services and cultural opportunities to Today is the 90th anniversary of the Arme- from their ancestral homeland. These efforts members of the Hispanic community in Mil- nian Genocide. Between 1915 and 1923, more still don’t change history. waukee. Founded as a youth center, the UCC than 1.5 million Armenians were murdered or Blagojevich concluded his proclamation has grown into one of the premier social serv- forcibly exiled because they were the wrong with the fact that we must remember hateful ice agencies in our city, with an impressive religion and ethnicity. The world community events like the Genocide to help prevent their future institution. array of programs designed to serve the memorializes the anniversary annually as Armenian Martyrs Day. ‘‘Both recognition and education con- needs of Hispanic families and communities. Thousands of Armenians were offered their cerning past atrocities such as the Armenian The UCC attempts to create new opportuni- lives in exchange for their conversion to Genocide is crucial in the prevention of fu- ties for Hispanic families to move out of pov- Islam. They refused and died as a result. ture crimes against humanity.’’ erty and join the ranks of the middle class. Their steadfast faithfulness to the Christian Evil wins when good men turn a blind eye. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 06:16 Apr 28, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27AP8.001 E27PT1 E778 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 27, 2005 IN RECOGNITION OF JOSEPH W. RECOGNIZING HARLINGEN HIGH This is what is possible when we invest in NIGRO, JR. SCHOOL FOR THE 2005 INSPIRA- excellence in the Hispanic community. I urge TION AWARD my colleagues to join me in saluting Harlingen HON. STEPHEN F. LYNCH High School for its achievement and applaud- OF MASSACHUSETTS HON. RUBE´N HINOJOSA ing the College Board for sponsoring the Inspi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS ration Awards. May each year be more com- Wednesday, April 27, 2005 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES petitive than the last. f Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Wednesday, April 27, 2005 honor of a man whose professional life has Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF SERVICE been dedicated to improving the lives of work- ask my colleagues to join me in congratulating LEARNING PROGRAM AT TVI ing men and women in Massachusetts and Harlingen High School for being selected for across our nation. one of the 2005 College Board Inspiration HON.
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