. fin3litint The romde, Pubilshed every Saturday by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY,Front, Pine and ll:Neyste!a Ste. N. William B. DAavr, Preses tc;ii Jacob SeibertJr.,ti VIT fi paresnyt.. VOL. 88. MARCH 6 1909. NO. 2.280. G. Dana, Tress. CLEARINGS-FOR FEBRUARY,FOR FOUR YEARS AND FOR WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 27 27. February. Two Months. Week ending February Clearings at- Inc. or Inc. or Inc. or 1906. 1909. 1908. Dec. 1909. 1908. Dec. 1909. 1908. Dec. 1907. $ $ $ $ $ s $ +10.7 15,772.005,019 11,646a,305,785 +15.4 1,699,836,747 1,225,513,981 +18.7 1,987,464.012'2,206,686,226 New York 6,887,705,324 4,896,030,828 114.844,016 -3.4 171,105,124 471,952,935 429,480,956 +9.9 1,046,423,498 957,316,583 +9.3 110,904,922 169,739,740 Philadelphia -3.5 331,995,894 356,348,511 -6.6 39,233.229 44,931,577 -12.7 64,168,847 58.348.048 Pittsburgh 151,158,514 156,596,303 22,054,098 22,726,282 -3.0 35,654,575 30,633,696 Baltimore 101,829,064 90,142,290 +13.0 227,822,700 204,299.022 +11.5 -0.3 72,584,452 67,121,469 +8.1 7,286,678 6,749,525 +8.0 7,653,186 7,916,317 Buffalo 31,931,617 32,034.158 5,625,691 4.837,407 +16.3 6.073.577 6.105,235 Washington 24,601,765 20.297,572 +21.2 52,420,393 43,061,632 +21.7 18,697.337 +6.1 43,673,463 40,007,290 +9.2 4,585,200 4,912,935 -6.7 8,474,45. 5,567,492 Albany 19.830,768 2,732,002 2,842,824 -3.9 3,777,034' 4,483,914 Rochester 14,111,767 14,066,659 +0.3 31,156,579 30,329,770 +2.7 8,193,326 +7.2 20,656,164 18,301,750 +12.9 2,206,967 2,253,122 -2.1 2,719,345 2.197,452 Scranton 8,787,476 1,700,827 1,899,160 -10.5 1,915,750 1,645,111 Syracuse 7,916,864 5,286.349 -4.5 17,227,977 18,020,134 -4.4 4,292,652 +21.1 10,967,899 9,786,833 +12.1 1,322,273 1,239,793 +6.7 1,575,599 ,,277,647 Reading 5,197,338 1,624,929 -32.2 1,537,979 1,573,328 4,695,656 4,437.495 -2.9 10,393,342 10,194,448 +1.9 1,097,681 Wilmington +2.9 9,827,202 9,820,058 +0.1 1,005,403 1,080,786 -7.0 1.111,605 1,359,331 Wilkes-Barre 4,535,101 4,408,871 1,118,684 5,640,290 4,832,430 +16.7 11,708,317 10,381,529 +12.8 1,351,938 1,225,961 +10.3 1,372,451 Wheeling 3,701,839 +17.6 9,434,875 8,191,378 +15.2 1,033,664 962,031 +7.4 1,117,230 Harrisburg 4,354,629 664,233 -6.5 York 2,760,739 2,531,266 +9.0 5,901,297 5,647,784 +4.5 621,169 2,261.469 2,279,546 -0.8 4,948,926 4,876,654 +1.5 519,376 586,264 -8.3 811,816 625,453 Erie 402,116 465,892 -13.7 540,341 638,358 Chester 1,708,897 1,773,430 -3.7 3,858,253 4,090,066 -5.7 1.771,900 1,757.900 +0.8 4,034,700 3,955,000 +2.0 407,300 358,100 +13.7 512,400 552,500 Binghamton 549,834 -20.7 596,927 503,017 Greensburg 1,730,814 2,142,247 -19.2 3,859,681 4,301,362 -10.3 435,145 1,329,499 1,576,385 -15.7 2,906,458 3,496,285 -16.9 294,089 443,776 -33.6 Altoona -22.9 269,997 283,809 Franklin 1,013,082 1,051,699 -3.7 2,157,001 2,328,838 -7.3 204.109 264,693 728,718 722,880 +0.8 1,842,944 1,808,383 +1.9 Frederick total Trenton 5,285,619 Not Included In total 12,451,393 Not Included in total 1,124,200 Not included in Total Middle 7,757.554,125 5,709,734,418 +35.9 17,697,807.034 13,458,990,564 +31.5 1,904,860.624 1,440,957,121 +32.2 2,296.833,099 2,502.874,515 Boston 621,797,743 524,133,454 +18.7 1,403,116,922 1,209,354,885 +16.0 139,318,063 124,334,616 +12.1 167,729,802 162,867,907 Providence 28,604,400 26,535,800 +7.8 61,919,700 59,233,200 +4.5 5,910,000 5,745,100 +28.7 8,355,900 7,700,800 Hartford 13,659,333 11,636,060 +17.4 29,551,427 28,908,935 +2.2 3,037,01.5 3,192,174 -4.9 3,890,047 3,745,694 New Haven 10,147,112 8,853,697 +14.6 22,339,650 21,380,869 +4.5 2,344,459 2,138,690 +9.6 2,513,351 2,257,775 Springfield 7,476,882 6,809,394 +9.8 16,842,211 15,763,640 +6.9 1,767,950 1,703,268 +3.8 1,969,708 1,888,078 Portland 6,335,184 6,160,033 +2.9 13,930,724 14,574,033 -4.4 1,451,072 1,389,219 +4.4 1,731,036 1,822,144 Worcester 5,970,095 5,213,048 +14.5 13,386,343 12,033,848 +11.2 1,292,210 1,226,056 +5.4 1,618,151 1,527,709 Fall River 5,232,004 3,854,793 +35.8 10,359,234 8,758,284 +18.5 1,118,063 800,137 +39.8 1,376.898 938,379 New Bedford 3,403,854 2,600,873 +30.9 6,880,668 5,957,410 +15.5 688,150 583,228 +18.0 737,823 592,233 Holyoke 1,803,798 1,781,572 +1.2 3,977,009 3,893,185 +2.2 432,634 497,317 -13.1 602,736 474,614 Lowell 1,765,647 1,774,576 -0.5 3,705.895 4,032,051 -8.1 370,513 374.963 -1.2 966.738 440,898 Total New England 706,195,852 599,353,300 +17.8 1,586,008,784 1,383,890,340 +14.7 157,730,129 141,984.768 +11.1 190,992,188 184,256,231 Chicago 1,004,039,352 856,915,600 +16.8 2,126,628,049 1,804,902,105 +17.8 237,319,368 230,765,572 +2.8 262,298,236 239,747,773 Cincinnati 101,605,700 94,491,650 +7.5 230,323,250 209,337,650 +10.0 22,210.200 25,121,550 -11.6 29,653,300 26,827,400 Cleveland 59,541,723 53,465,480 +11.4 130,162,880 125,643,423 +3.6 11,869,306 11,137,707 +6.6 17,237,927 16,170,434 Detroit 48,636,979 47,847,750 +1.7 106,560,477 105,126,107 +1.4 10,684,359 12,313,858 -13.2 13,860,832 12,869,646 Milwaukee 48,175,569 44,586,744 +8.1 97,526,146 91,125,049 +7.0 9,793,966 10,437,135 -6.2 12,502.310 10,426,920 Indianapolis 29,022,448 29,462,082 -1.5 67,669,871 59,546,155 +13.6 6,595,194 7,797,967 -15.4 8,635,744 6,960,091 Columbus 19,952,700 17,748,700 +12.4 44,593,100 39,329,900 +13.4 4,935,600 4,454,800 +10.8 6,315,100 5,872,000 Toledo 15,452,123 13,257,926 +16.6 32,263,159 30,463,283 +5.9 4,808,501 2,706,478 +7.8 5,238,783 4,115,259 Peoria 11,328,181 10,990,357 +3.1 23,843,778 23,094,896 +3.6 2,912,044 2,897,371 +0.5 3,654,471 3,818,335 -9.2 17,900,862 17,909,519 +0.0 1,833,972 1,980,713 -7.4 2,450,234 2,242,241 Grand Rapids 8,088,140 8,908,176 2,292,749 Dayton 6,527,592 5,482,697 +19.1 14,510,470 12,382,135 +17.2 1,361,369 1,101,434 +32.7 2,104,964 +5.0 16,096,325 15,463,184 +4.1 1,593,096 1,634,078 -2.5 1,910,101 1,550,584 Evansville 7,029,344 6,696,926 +30.3 945,092 936,440 Kalamazoo 4,348,380 3,384,992 +28.5 9,274,094 7,594,126 +22.1 929,360 713,304 3,352,484 +10.4 7,897,176 6,996,797 +12.9 838,286 649,752 +29.1 761,305 1,026,182 Springfield, Ill 3,701,027 852,138 -41.7 823,332 908,993 Lexington 2,197,201 3,018,431 -27.2 5,121,477 6,805,898 -24.7 497,208 2,791,773 +5.4 7,005,324 5,953,132 +17.1 709,820 717,036 -1.0 836,119 783,064 Fort Wayne 2,942,151 488,124 +30.9 551,305 760,429 Youngstown 2,890,024 2,249,130 +28.5 6,187,202 5,245,010 +18.0 639,110 2,199,099 +14.8 5,053,254 4,601,852 +9.8 773,175 473,933 +63.1 531,209 495,891 Rockford 2,525,131 687,389 -22.0 1,029,502 1,469,017 Bloomington 1,826,468 2,070,997 -11.8 3,824,318 4,150,182 -7.8 536,800 +1.7 4,258,628 4,079,447 +4.4 502,900 541,280 -7.1 607,839 632,421 Quincy 2,028,871 1,995,407 741,000 520,100 Akron 2,500,800 1,941,829 +28.8 5,530,356 4,280,253 +29.2 590,000 410,000 +43.9 +56.3 5,461,116 3,454,343 +58.1 492,476 518,445 -5.0 790,655 595,102 Canton 2,521,062 1,613,609 462,464 496,547 Springfield, Ohio 2,392,598 1,705,466 +40.3 4,534,092 3,418,730 +32.6 475,140 425,043 +11.8 -5.9 3,152,740 3,424,730 -8.0 385,163 346,485 +11.8 436,173 272,986 Decatur 1,470.429 1,562,614 370,705 South Bend 1,241,724 1,428,500 -13.1 3,247,486 3,267,491 -0.6 343,054 370,141 -7.3 468,697 +12.8 2,757,967 2,353,220 +17.2 351,226 223,335 +57.3 329,809 352,813 Mansfield 1,306,128 1,158,272 576,501 Jacksonville, Ill 909,576 1,100,190 -17.4 2,079,953 2,220,112 -8.3 225,087 306,859 -26.4 467,024 996,613 +22.2 2,648,855 2,265,560 +16.9 320,213 260,000 +23.1 286,236 230,153 Jackson 1,217,410 131,113 143,721 Ann Arbor 690,868 498,187 +18.5 1,331,831 1,191,182 +11.7 122,860 111,355 +10.3 80,675 89,852 -10.2 198,863 210,880 -5.7 12,540 18,000 -30.3 14,000 Adrian +18.8 Danville 1,321,216 1,142,009 +15.7 2,803.842 2,438.404 +15.0 300,335 252,725 Total Middle West.
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