Statistical Report General Elections, 2004 the 14Th Lok Sabha

Statistical Report General Elections, 2004 the 14Th Lok Sabha

STATISTICAL REPORT ON GENERAL ELECTIONS, 2004 TO THE 14TH LOK SABHA VOLUME II (CONSTITUENCY DATA - SUMMARY) ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA NEW DELHI Election Commission of India - General Elections, 2004 (14th LOK SABHA) STATISTICAL REPORT - Volume II (Constituency Data - Summary) CONTENTS SUBJECT Page No. 1. List of Political Parties and Abbreviations 1 - 6 2. Constituency Data - Summar 7 - 549 Election Commission of India, General Elections, 2004 (14th LOK SABHA) LIST OF PARTICIPATING POLITICAL PARTIES PARTYTYPE ABBREVIATION PARTY NATIONAL PARTIES 1 . BJP Bharatiya Janata Party 2 . BSP Bahujan Samaj Party 3 . CPI Communist Party of India 4 . CPM Communist Party of India (Marxist) 5 . INC Indian National Congress 6 . NCP Nationalist Congress Party STATE PARTIES 7 . AC Arunachal Congress 8 . ADMK All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam 9 . AGP Asom Gana Parishad 10 . AIFB All India Forward Bloc 11 . AITC All India Trinamool Congress 12 . BJD Biju Janata Dal 13 . CPI(ML)(L) Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) 14 . DMK Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam 15 . FPM Federal Party of Manipur 16 . INLD Indian National Lok Dal 17 . JD(S) Janata Dal (Secular) 18 . JD(U) Janata Dal (United) 19 . JKN Jammu & Kashmir National Conference 20 . JKNPP Jammu & Kashmir National Panthers Party 21 . JKPDP Jammu & Kashmir Peoples Democratic Party 22 . JMM Jharkhand Mukti Morcha 23 . KEC Kerala Congress 24 . KEC(M) Kerala Congress (M) 25 . MAG Maharashtrawadi Gomantak 26 . MDMK Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam 27 . MNF Mizo National Front 28 . MPP Manipur People's Party 29 . MUL Muslim League Kerala State Committee 30 . NPF Nagaland Peoples Front 31 . PMK Pattali Makkal Katchi 32 . RJD Rashtriya Janata Dal 33 . RLD Rashtriya Lok Dal 34 . RSP Revolutionary Socialist Party 35 . SAD Shiromani Akali Dal 36 . SAD(M) Shiromani Akali Dal (Simranjit Singh Mann) 37 . SDF Sikkim Democratic Front rptListOfParticipatingPoliticalParties - Page 1 of 6 1 GENERAL ELECTIONS - INDIA, 2004 LIST OF PARTICIPATING POLITICAL PARTIES PARTYTYPE ABBREVIATION PARTY STATE PARTIES 38 . SHS Shivsena 39 . SP Samajwadi Party 40 . TDP Telugu Desam 41 . UGDP United Goans Democratic Party 42 . UKKD Uttarakhand Kranti Dal STATE PARTIES - OTHER STATES 43 . AIFB All India Forward Bloc 44 . AITC All India Trinamool Congress 45 . CPI(ML)(L) Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (Liberation) 46 . INLD Indian National Lok Dal 47 . JD(S) Janata Dal (Secular) 48 . JD(U) Janata Dal (United) 49 . JKNPP Jammu & Kashmir National Panthers Party 50 . JMM Jharkhand Mukti Morcha 51 . MUL Muslim League Kerala State Committee 52 . NPF Nagaland Peoples Front 53 . RJD Rashtriya Janata Dal 54 . RLD Rashtriya Lok Dal 55 . RSP Revolutionary Socialist Party 56 . SHS Shivsena 57 . SP Samajwadi Party REGISTERED (Unrecognised) PARTIES 58 . AB Akhand Bharti 59 . ABCD(A) Akhil Bharatiya Congress Dal (Ambedkar) 60 . ABDBM Akhil Bharatiya Desh Bhakt Morcha 61 . ABHM Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha 62 . ABHS Akhil Bharatiya Sena 63 . ABJS Akhil Bharatiya Jan Sangh 64 . ABLTASJM Akhil Bharatiya Lok Tantrik Alp-Sankhyak Jan Morcha 65 . ABLTP Akhil Bharatiya Loktantra Party 66 . ABRAHP Akhil Bharatiya Rashtriya Azad Hind Party 67 . ABRS Akhil Bharatiya Rajarya Sabha 68 . AD Apna Dal 69 . AIMF All India Minorities Front 70 . AIMIM All India Majlis-E-Ittehadul Muslimeen 71 . AJSU All Jharkhand Students Union 72 . AKMDMP All Kerala M.G.R. Dravida Munnetra Party 73 . AMB Amra Bangalee 74 . ANC Ambedkar National Congress 75 . AP Awami Party rptListOfParticipatingPoliticalParties - Page 2 of 6 2 GENERAL ELECTIONS - INDIA, 2004 LIST OF PARTICIPATING POLITICAL PARTIES PARTYTYPE ABBREVIATION PARTY REGISTERED (Unrecognised) PARTIES 76 . ARP Ambedkarist Republican Party 77 . ASDC Autonomous State Demand Committee 78 . ASP Ambedkar Samaj Party 79 . BBM Bharipa Bahujan Mahasangha 80 . BBP Bharatiya Backward Party 81 . BED Bharatiya Ekta Dal 82 . BEP Bharatiya Eklavya Party 83 . BGTD Bharatiya Gaon Taj Dal 84 . BJVP Bharatiya Janvadi Party 85 . BKD Bahujan Kisan Dal 86 . BKLJP Bharat Ki Lok Jimmedar Party 87 . BKRP Bharat Kranti Rakshak Party 88 . BLKD Bharatiya Lok Kalyan Dal 89 . BLP Bharatiya Labour Party 90 . BMP(AI) Bharatiya Muhabbat Party (All India) 91 . BMSM Bharatiya Minorities Suraksha Mahasangh 92 . BMVP Bharatiya Manavata Vikas Party 93 . BNP Bharatiya Navshakti party 94 . BNRP Bharatiya Nagrik Party 95 . BPSGKD Bharatiya Prajatantrik Shudh Gandhiwadi Krishak Dal 96 . BPSP Bihar People’s Party 97 . BPTP Bharatiya Prajatantra Party 98 . BRP Bharatiya Rashtravadi Paksha 99 . BRPP Bharatiya Republican Paksha 100 . BSDP Bharti Sarvadarshi Parishad 101 . BSJM Bharatiya Surajya Manch 102 . BSK Bharatiya Sarvkalayan Kranti Dal 103 . BVP Bahujan Vikas Party 104 . CSP Chhattisgarhi Samaj Party 105 . DBP Desh Bhakt Party 106 . DBSP Democratic Bharatiya Samaj Party 107 . EKD(UP) Ekta Kranti Dal U.P. 108 . ES Ekta Shakti 109 . EU Ephraim Union 110 . FCI Federal Congress of India 111 . GGP Gondvana Gantantra Party 112 . HEAP Hindu Ekta Andolan Party 113 . HJP Hindustan Janta Party 114 . HM Hind Morcha 115 . HVP Haryana Vikas Party 116 . IBSP Indian Bahujan Samajwadi Party rptListOfParticipatingPoliticalParties - Page 3 of 6 3 GENERAL ELECTIONS - INDIA, 2004 LIST OF PARTICIPATING POLITICAL PARTIES PARTYTYPE ABBREVIATION PARTY REGISTERED (Unrecognised) PARTIES 117 . IFDP Indian Federal Democratic Party 118 . IJP Indian Justice Party 119 . INL Indian National League 120 . JCP Jan Chetna Party 121 . JDP Jharkhand Disom Party 122 . JHP Jai Hind Party 123 . JHSP Janhit Samaj Party 124 . JJ Jebamani Janata 125 . JKAL Jammu And Kashmir Awami League 126 . JKP Jharkhand Party 127 . JKP(N) Jharkhand Party (Naren) 128 . JKPP Jharkhand People’s Party 129 . JMP Janmangal Paksh 130 . JP Janata Party 131 . JSP Jansatta Party 132 . JUM Jana Unnayan Mancha 133 . JVP Janata Vikas Party 134 . KKJHS Kranti Kari Jai Hind Sena 135 . KMM Krantikari Manuwadi Morcha 136 . KNDP Kannada Nadu Party 137 . KSVP Krantikari Samyavadi Party 138 . KVSP Kosi Vikas Party 139 . LBP Lok Bhalai Party 140 . LCP Loktantrik Chetna Party 141 . LJNSP Lok Jan Shakti Party 142 . LP(S) Labour Party (Secular) 143 . LPI(V) Labour Party Of India(V.V. Prasad) 144 . LPSP Lokpriya Samaj Party 145 . LRP Lok Rajya Party 146 . LSD Lok Sewa Dal 147 . LSWP Loktantrik Samajwadi Party 148 . MB(S)P Mool Bharati (S) Party 149 . MBT Majlis Bachao Tahreek 150 . MC Momin Conference 151 . MCO Marxist Co-Ordination 152 . MCPI(S) Marxist Communist Party of India (S.S. Srivastava) 153 . MJM Manav Jagriti Manch 154 . MNVP Manuvadi Party 155 . MRRC Maharashtra Rajiv Congress 156 . MRS Mudiraj Rashtriya Samithi 157 . NBNP Navbharat Nirman Party rptListOfParticipatingPoliticalParties - Page 4 of 6 4 GENERAL ELECTIONS - INDIA, 2004 LIST OF PARTICIPATING POLITICAL PARTIES PARTYTYPE ABBREVIATION PARTY REGISTERED (Unrecognised) PARTIES 158 . NLP National Loktantrik Party 159 . NMNP Nidaya Malik (N) Party 160 . NSP National Students Party 161 . NSSP Niswarth Sewa Party 162 . NSTP Naari Shakti Party 163 . NTRTDP(LP) NTR Telugu Desam Party (Lakshmi Parvathi) 164 . PBLP Phule Bharti Lok Party 165 . PBRML Paschim Banga Rajya Muslim League 166 . PDP Peoples Democratic Party 167 . PDS Party for Democratic Socialism 168 . PHSP Pichhra Samaj Party 169 . PMP Parmarth Party 170 . PMSP Pragatisheel Manav Samaj Party 171 . PP Praja Party 172 . PPOI Pyramid Party of India 173 . PRBP Peoples Republican Party 174 . PRCP Prabuddha Republican Party 175 . PRP Panchayat Raj Party 176 . PSJP Parivartan Samaj Party 177 . PTSS Proutist Sarva Samaj Party 178 . PWPI Peasants And Workers Party of India 179 . RCP Rashtravadi Communist Party 180 . RCPI(R) Revolutionary Communist Party of India (Rasik Bhatt) 181 . RGD Rashtriya Garib Dal 182 . RHD Rashtriya Hamara Dal 183 . RJAP Rashtriya Janadhikar Party 184 . RJVP Rajasthan Vikas Party 185 . RKSP Rashtriya Krantikari Samajwadi Party 186 . RLSM Rashtriya Lok Seva Morcha 187 . RPD Rashtriya Parivartan Dal 188 . RPI Republican Party of India 189 . RPI(A) Republican Party of India(A) 190 . RPI(D) Republican Party Of India (Democratic ) 191 . RPI(KH) Republican Party Of India(Khobragade) 192 . RSBP Rashtriya Swabhimaan Party 193 . RSD Rashtriya Sawarn Dal 194 . RSGP Rashtriya Garima Party 195 . RSKP Rashtriya Sakar Party 196 . RSMD Rashtriya Samanta Dal 197 . RSNP Rashtriya Samajik Nayak Paksha 198 . RSPS Rashtriya Samaj Paksha rptListOfParticipatingPoliticalParties - Page 5 of 6 5 GENERAL ELECTIONS - INDIA, 2004 LIST OF PARTICIPATING POLITICAL PARTIES PARTYTYPE ABBREVIATION PARTY REGISTERED (Unrecognised) PARTIES 199 . RVNP Rashtravadi Janata Party 200 . RVP Rashtriya Vikas Party 201 . SAP Samata Party 202 . SBS Shikshit Berozgar Sena 203 . SBSP Suheldev Bhartiya Samaj Party 204 . SDP Socialistic Democratic Party 205 . SHRP Sikkim Himali Rajya Parishad 206 . SHSP Shoshit Samaj Party 207 . SJP(R) Samajwadi Janata Party(Rashtriya) 208 . SLAP Social Action Party 209 . SLP(L) Socialist Party(Lohia) 210 . SMSP Samata Samaj Party 211 . SPI Secular Party of India 212 . SPVD Sampurna Vikas Dal 213 . SSD Shoshit Samaj Dal 214 . SSJP Sanatan Samaj Party 215 . SSP Sikkim Sangram Parishad 216 . SVRP Shivrajya Party 217 . SVSP Savarn Samaj Party 218 . SWD Swaraj Dal 219 . SWJP Samajwadi Jan Parishad 220 . TDK Tamil Desiyak Katchi 221 . TNGP Trinamool Gana Parishad 222 . TRS Telangana Rashtra Samithi 223 . UMFA United Minorities Front, Assam 224 . USYP Urs Samyuktha Paksha 225 . VJC Vidharbha Janata Congress 226 . VJP Vijeta Party 227 . VP Vikas Party 228 . VRP Vidharbha Rajya

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