CIRCULATIONCIRCULATION OFOF HOLYHOLY PLACESPLACES ABSTRACTABSTRACT ThisThis paperpaper illustratesillustrates whatwhat can bebe termedtermed thethe “journey“journey of a name,” one of the manymany kinds ofof culturalcultural andand materialmaterial transmissiontransmission ththatat occurredoccurred betweenbetween earlyearly ByzantineByzantine ConstantinopleConstantinople andand thethe major centers of the pprovincerovince of IItaly,taly, which had been taken back fromfrom their cacaptorsptors byby Justinian’s armiesarmies inin thethe fourthfourth aandnd fifthfth ddecadesecades of ththee ssixthixth century.century. InIn fact, the monasterymonastery of Cosmas and Damian in ConstantinopleConstantinople offers a pparticularlyarticularly aaptpt casecase stustudy,dy, as its name was given to tthreehree newnewlyly foundedfounded eecclecclesiasticalsia stical eestabstablishmentsl ishments in IItaly.taly. TThehe lalatter seem to have had no specispecific connectionconnection wwithith wwhathat wwasas cclaimedlaimed aass ttheirheir mmotherhouse.otherhouse. TThehe nnameame could simsimplyply be among the most distinct reflections ooff a sort ooff traveling memormemory.y. /KeywordsKeywords/ Kosmidion, Cosmas and Damian, Santa Maria in Cosmedin,Cosmedin, Ravenna, NaplesNaples 1 / Constantinople, Plan ofof 20 thethe AyvansarayAyvansaray districtdistrict A JourneyJourney of Men and Names Constantinople’sConstantinople’s Kosmidion and its Italian Replicas AlessandroAlessandro TaddeiTaddei The starting point: ConstantinopleConstantinople TheThe name KosmidionKosmidion is not attestedested in BByzan-yzan- the Kosmidion alonalongg the stretch ooff shore between tine written sources before the earlyearly 1100thth century,century, AyvansarayAyvansaray anandd Eyüp.Eyüp. A traditionallytraditionally acceacceptedpted althoughalthough it mightmight well have had an earlier origin.origin. identification Kosmidion-Kosmidion-EyüpEyüp was ppartlyartly discarded ItIt indicated a comcomplexplex ooff a church and a monastermonasteryy by recent studies, since it does not fit – fromfrom a mor-mor- ddevotedevoted to Cosmas andand DamianDamian,, tthehe AAnargyroinargyroi, i.e. phologicalphological ppointoint of view – with ProcoProcopius’pius’ reference the two most famousfamous representativesrepresentatives among the toto a hill. Moreover, CyrilCyril Mango underlined the factfact ’unmercenary’’unmercenary’ phyphysiciansician saintssaints.. CoCosmassmas aandnd DDamianamian thatthat bothboth thethe ChroniconChronicon PPaschaleaschale andand thethe accountaccount of allegedlyallegedly were active in the citcityy of CCyrrhusyrrhus and were the MiMiraclesracles ooff ththee twtwoo ssaintsaints locatedlocated KosmidionKosmidion iinn martyredmartyred ununderder DiocDiocletian,letian, in 287. AAss earearlyly as tthehe 4thth centurycentury ADAD their cult spreadspread fromfrom SyriaSyria to Jerusalem 1 See KosmasKosmas undund Damian.Damian. Texte und EinleitungEinleitung, Ludwig Deubner ed., andand across EEgypt,gypt, aalwayslways preserving a strong Syriac Leipzig – BerlinBerlin 1907 (repr., AAalenalen 1980), pppp.. 38–83; CyriCyrill Mango, ““OnOn character.character. InIn thethe 5th centurycentury it was to be foundfound attest-est- the Cult ofof Saints Cosmas and Damian at Constantinople”, in Thymiama steste mnememneme testes LaskarinasLaskarinas BouraBoura, AthensAthens 1994, pppp.. 1189–192,89–192, espesp.. pp.. 1190.;90.; eded in a great number ofof centres around the Mediter-Mediter- BBeateat BrenBrenk,k, “Da GaGalenoleno a Cosma e Damiano: consiconsiderazioniderazioni attorno rraneananean bbasinasin1. all’introduzioneall’introduzione deldel cucultolto deidei SS. Cosma e Damiano a Roma”, in SaluteSalute e guarigione nella tarda antichitàantichità, Hugo Brandenburg, SteStefanfan Heid e Cosmas andand Damian’s monastermonasteryy at ConstanConstan-- ChristophChristoph Markschies eds., Città del Vaticano 2007, pp. 79–92. tinopletinople was seeminglyseemingly locatedlocated on a hillhill toptop on thethe 2 Cyril Mango, “The origins ofof the Blachernae shrine at Constantinople”, inin Radovi XIII.XIII. međunarodnog Kongresa za Starokršćansku ArheologijuArheologiju, leftleft bank ooff the Golden Horn, in a suburban sspotpot just ActaActa XIIIXIII Congressus internationalis archaeologiae christianae (Split northeast ofof the eastern edge ofof the Theodosian citycity – Poreć, 25-9/1-10-1994), II, Nenad Cambi and Emilio Marin eds., Città walls.walls. Neither the church nor the adadjoiningjoining buildinbuildingsgs del Vaticano 1998, pp. 61–76,61–76, esp. pp. 70–71.70–71. TheThe areaarea of thethe BlBlacher-acher- nae has been generally identified with the 1414th region.region. CfCf.,., recently, havehave been preserved.preserved. Nor indeed is anyany archaeolog-archaeolog- Cyril Mango, “Le mystère de la XIVVe région de Constantinople”, in ical evidence known of,of, so we can onlyonly relyrely uponupon Mélanges Gilbert DagronDagron, (TravauxTravaux etet MémoiresMémoires dduu CCentreentre ddee rrechercheecherche d’Histoire et Civilisation de ByzanceByzance, 14), Vincent Déroche et al. ed., Paris written sources to trace out ttheirheir rouroughgh llocation.ocation. 2002, pp. 449–455. OOnn the Blachernae complex see: AAndreandrea Paribeni, AroundAround ththee mmid-6id-6th centurycentury ProcopiusProcopius describes “Separati in casa. I ddestiniestini paraparallelilleli ddellaella cchiesahiesa e ddelel papalazzolazzo ddelleelle BBla-la- ccherneherne a CostantinopoCostantinopoli”,li”, in MMedioevo:edioevo: la chiesa e il palazzo, (I convegnconvegnii thethe suburban sanctuarysanctuary of Cosmas and Damian as ddii PParmaarma, 88),), AArturorturo Carlo Quintavalle ed., Milano 2007, pppp.. 3357–368.57–368. situated on a steesteepp hill on the Golden Horn shorshore-e- line, in the vicinityvicinity ofof the Blachernae district ((pres-pres- ent-dayent-day Ayvansaray).Ayvansaray). ThisThis llaatter districtdistrict clusteredclustered aroundaround ththee mmostost fafamousmous shrshrineine of ththee MMotherother of GGodod in thethe capitalcapital city,city, erectederected in thethe 460’s–470’s2. Conse-Conse- quently,quently, scholars tried to find a suitable location for 2121 thethe Blachernae/AyvansarayBlachernae/Ayvansaray district. Thus, a locloca-a- shared with this latter the constant flow of pilgrims: tion on the hills slightlyslightly north of AyvansarayAyvansaray was thethe texttext ofof thethe MiraclesMiracles clearlyclearly reasserts thethe linkslinks be-be- suggestedsuggested /Fig./Fig. 11//3. ThisThis topographictopographic connection tweentween thethe cultcult of St.St. MaryMary andand tthehe hhealingsealings achievedachieved would prove significant from the point of view of throughthrough the supernatural intervention of Cosmas the ’ex’export’port’ ooff the pplacelace names. andand DamianDamian10. WhereverWherever thethe shrineshrine of CosmasCosmas aandnd DDamianamian aactu-ctu- Justinian’s new shrineshrine didn’tdidn’t lastlast long.long. ItIt was allyally was, written sources like the PatriaPatria, TheoTheophanesphanes severelyseverely damaged both byby the Avaro–SlavicAvaro–Slavic raids in andand PatriarchPatriarch NicephorusNicephorus telltell us thatthat it hadhad bbeeneen the hinterland ofof ConstantinopleConstantinople in 623 and byby the builtbuilt on a suburban estate called “τὰτὰ ΠαουλίνηςΠαουλίνης”4. failed siege thetheyy attememptedpted on the citcityy in collaborcollabora-a- EEvenven iiff wwee hhaveave nnoo iinformationnformation aaboutbout ththee PPaulinaaulina ttionion wwithith ththee PPersiansersians inin 6261111. The complexcomplex seems afterafter whom the estate was named, it seems likelylikely nevertheless to have survived,survived, forfor a church ofof Saints thatthat a ladylady of this name was the original owner: Cosmas and Damian in τὰτὰ ΠαουλίνηςΠαουλίνης was recorded CyrilCyril Mango suggested that she could have been an as functioningfunctioning as a burial placeplace during the stormystormy aristocrat ofof SyrianSyrian origin who established a placeplace events which accompaniedaccompanied the overthrow ofof the ofof worshipworship in her own suburban dwelling5. WithWith EmperorEmperor Justinian II in thethe yearyear 71112. Thenceforth,Thenceforth, allall likelihoodlikelihood thisthis waswas thethe ’humble’humble church’church’ thatthat waswas due to the ffortiortification ofof the Blachernae complexcomplex about to be rebuilt bbyy Justinian I in the first halhalff ofof by EmperorEmperor Heraclius,Heraclius, thethe KosmidionKosmidion remainedremained tthehe 6th century.century. permanentlypermanently outside the city’scity’s defence system.system. InIn What was the occasion forfor the rebuildinrebuilding?g? fact,fact, mention ofof the sanctuarysanctuary can be once again ProcopiusProcopius (DeDe aedificiisciis, I.6)I.6) tellstells us thatthat Justinian foundfound during the earlyearly 9thth-century-century BulgarianBulgarian siege himself,himself, havinghaving fallen ill with the insurgenceinsurgence of ofof Constantinople. Then, in 813, the troops of the plagueplague in ADAD 542, was in a desperatedesperate situation. All khankhan Kroum encampedencamped in thethe monasterymonastery precinct,precinct, the theratherapiespies having pprovedroved ineffectual, he finallnallyy certainlycertainly exploitingexploiting the morphologymorphology of the hill from rerecoveredcovered ththanksanks ttoo ththee mmiraculousiraculous iinterventionntervention of which commanded a view ofof the capitalcapital citycity and the Cosmas anandd DamianDamian,, wwhoho visitevisitedd
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