University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Estancia News, 1904-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-25-1918 Estancia News-Herald, 04-25-1918 J. A. Constant Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/estancia_news Recommended Citation Constant, J. A.. "Estancia News-Herald, 04-25-1918." (1918). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/estancia_news/319 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Estancia News, 1904-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ESTANCIA NEWS-HERAL- D Estancia, Torrance County, New Mexico, Thursday, April 25, 1918 Volume XIV No. 27 trator instructed to make deed 1 I to the purchaser, E. McGee. RED GROSS Certain taxes of B. B. Spencer for year 1914, ordered corrected Boyd in accordance with petition. Mrs. Peel and Mrs. of Lucy were in Estancia Tuesday, Taxes against lot 3 blk 25 receiving instructions prepara- Mountainair for 1910 cancelled, tory to doing Red Cross work in Since last report district court tax certificate issued thereon can- Lucy. is only too glad has taken action in cases as fol Estancia celled, and petitioner C. J. Am- to Lucy as a branch, for as lows: have ble allowed to pay the amount of the war goes on the demands are Sale of lot 1 blk 1, lots 1, 2, taxes due without penalty or in- greater each day. blk 2, lot 1 blk 3, lot 1 blk 4, lots terest. 4 to 8 inclusive blk 6, .lots 3 to 8 Mr. Winter of Denver, the Mountainair State Bank vs. inclusive, blk 7, lots I to 13 in J. traveling auditor for the A. R. C. THE THIRD H. Latham, service by publica- elusive blk 8, lots 1 to 16 inclu. was in Estancia from S iturday sive blk 9, lots 1 to 8 inclusive tion authorized. afternoon until Monday noon. LIBERTY L blk 10, lots 1 to 8 inclusive blk Nannie Uhl vs. William Uhl, He assisted in opening the coun- 11, lots 1 to 16 inclusive blk 12, divorce granted plaintiff and her ty ledger and found all past MONEY BANKED lots 1 to 16 inclusive blk 13, lots maiden name of Nannie Marsh records satisfactory. 1 to 13 inclusive blk 14, lots 1 to restored; judgment against de- Some Progresso women called IS MONEY The government SAVED; calls for Three 8 inclusive, blk 15, lots 1 to 7 in- fendant for costs, $50 attorney at the work room Monday. Billion Dollars to be subscribed clusive blk 16, lots 1 to 14 inclu- fee and $30 a month alimony as The Red Cross held a very suc MONEY SPENT IS by the people sive blk 17, lots 1 to 14 inclusive long as plaintiff remains unmar- of the country on cessful dinner Saturday in Mrs. blk 18, lots 1 to 14 inclusive blk ried. Execution ordered. MONEY the Third Liberty Loan. Armstrong's new store room. GONE. 19, lots 1 to 7 inclusive blk 20, Careful estimates have been Donald atid John Mcintosh and $38 91 was taken in. The com- DON'T KEEP PUTTING OFF THE MOST IMPORTANT PART all in Central Addition to Estan OF A Mart Davidson vs. Aztec Land mittee in charge is very thank YOUR OLD AGE. START BANK ACCOUNT RIGHT NOW. made and each state has received cia; also e hf ne qr 11, nw qr nw YOUR OLD AGE CAN BE MADE COMFORTABLE WITH THE and Cattle Co., final judgment ful to Mrs. Armstrong for the MONEY YOU ARE NOW WASTING. its apportionment according to qr 12-6-- property of minor heirs adjudging' MONEY-YO- U in favor of plaintiffs use of her rooms; to the Woman's THAT'S YOUR WORKED FOR IT. PUT IT IN its ability of Angus McGillivray, confirmed OUR BANK. YOU CAN'T LEND IT OR SPEND IT OR INVEST IT to subscribe. From them to be owners of nw qr sw Club for their dishes; to the Es- IN SOME FOOLISH THING. this apportionment amounts have at price of $2,500, and adminis- - qr 32 ee qr se qr 5 7 8, nw WE ADVISE OUR CUSTOMERS, FREE, WHAT TO DO WITH tancia Lumber Co. for the use of THEIR MONEY. qr qr 4, n hf been assigned to the respective qr se bw tin cups, and to all those who COMETO OUR BANK. merely asking you for a loan. n w Defendants barred counties and on down to pre- qr prepared food and helped. Making this loan may cripple cincts. C. E. Goodner vs. Antonita Do not forget Liberty Day-Fri- day. Estancia Savings Bank you temporarily, but what if it Goodner, divorce granted plain DIRECTORSA. 3. GREEN. 3. B. HERNDON. H. F. SH ELTON Estancia Precinct has been It is earnestly request- DR. C. J. AMBLE, J. S. KELLY, ANNIE PORTER. does? tiff, property adjudged to belong ed that everyone hang out their called upon for $12,500.00 which If your house burned down you to plaintiff and defendant barred. is its share according to popula- the amount they can secure but please do so and help the Red would have to build another Lillie Waffensmith vs. M. H Mr. Sherwood donated his car tion' and wealth, as nearly as to date we only have 86 subscrib- Cross earn $50. whether you could afford it or Lease, title to sw qr ne qr, s hf last Wednesday and Mrs. Sher- careful calculation can make the qr, ne qr sw qr 4 8 8, quieted ers. Ne must have 100, as the The pole, rope and pulleys to not. nw wood, Mrs. A. J. Green, Mrs. estimate. in plaintiff, defendant barred. Barney Freilinger and Mrs. Ho- Red Cross gets 50 percent of 100 which the service flag is attached, If wild animals were threaten- E. Romero vs. M. H. Senter, mer Spitzmesser went to Pro- subscriptions and over, and only and which waves constantly in Other precincts in the county ing your live stock you would by plaintiff gresso and organized a Red Cross 25 percent for any amount under. front of the work room, were have likewise been assigned their judgment default for have to spend some money to for $405.67 and interest at 10 per society. They have about a Anyone who has not subscribed donated by J. B. Fish. quota3 and many of them have ' exterminate them. Of course cent from December 3, 1911, and dozen members, which is very already raised thtm with a little you couldn't afford it, but you costs of $7.80. Execution or- good as Ihe community around more for good measure. To date would have to do it in order to dered. Progresso is very thinly populat- C. A. BURRUSS. President NEAL JENSON, Cashier ed. The ladies are all very anx- J. N. BURTON, Vice Pres. ED. W; ROBERSON, Ass'tCash'r we have subscribed les3 than save yourself from financial ruin. Sale of sw qr ne qr, se qr nw ious to do their bit and will prove C. ORTIZ, 2nd Vice President. Directors: Willie Elgin, F. T. $8,000.00, or a little over half of wage qr lot 2 18 6 9, and se qr ne qr Meadows, Lynn. This government had to good workers asa Torrance coun- A. Abbott, Robert what we have buen called upon 13-6-- belonging to estate of this war in order to protect itself. ty Vina Howell, confirmed and ad branch. for, and we have only a short you against it? Are with it or ordered to make The box of clothing that was time to raise the remainder. ministrator Are you going to help yourself deed to L. A. Rousseau, the pur- collected for the Belgians was Your Interests Are we going to show the gov- and your family, or are you go chaser. sent last week, weighing 348 NEARER THIS BANK CAN COME To ernment end the boys at the pounds. cost $8.24 to send it. ing to let the other fellow do it? Taxes ordered corrected in ac It THE YOUR KIND OF A BANK with them to Barney Freilinger donated $1.00 front that we are It's up to you, and there is no cordance with petitions of Ira AND HELPFUL To YOU IN of this amount, the remainder the finish, or are we going to let getting away from it. Collins, Nemecio Romero, Del-fin- a THE HIGHEST DEGREE THE NEARER IT being drawn from the local IDEAL OF MAN- it be said that Estancia is a luke- You believe in punishing slack Griego, Candelaria Perea, APPROACHES THE J ITS Sedillo, Torreón Land budget. AGEMENT. warm community? ers. Antonio Grant, Enrique Aragón, Wm. There was a splendid attend- OUR AIM IS TO RENDER YOU A DEFINITE In this matter we can't be you you not a Are sure that are Gregg, Ramon Esquibel. ance at the work room Tuesday. PERSONAL SERVICE IN EXCHANGE FOR We are either for the' neutral. slacker yourself? is hoped this keeps up. THE BUSINESS YOU GIVE US; A SERVICE Francis M. Jones vs. Mary J. It that government and the successful town and WILL BE USEFUL To YOU IN THE Can you criticize a man for Jones, divorce denied to either Every woman in the THAT prosecution of the war, or we vicinity is urged to come. You FURTHERING OF YOUR INTERESTS. hesitating to sacrifice his life party.
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