It's Ostrich Season! Creative minds collaborate to bring UCSD . gradupte groQu<;tions of the annual Theatre & Dance Department's N'ew Play Festival. THE UCSD Circulation THURSDAY 11,000 April 25, 2002 CSAN DIEGO www.ucsdguardian.org VOLUME 106, ISSU: H UCSD thinks global MSA tries to unify students; with Earth Day festival Campus flyer targets Judaism Food, activities and free music give Muslim organization hosts "From By RAY HENGST Library Walk an eco feel for the day Staff Writer Oppression to Liberation" week In an effort to w1ity students and speak By STEVE LEHTONEN eighborhood" campaign. out about oppression, the Muslim Student Senior Staff Writer The Earth Day organizers also Association held "From Oppression ... to brought two musical acts, Madcap Liberation" week Apri l 22 through April 25. The Environmental Coalition Otis and Downpour, to Price Joshua Rcubner, the executive director of and California Public Interest Center Plaza. Scott Wong, a Jews for Peace in Palestine and Israel, ga\·e ,I Research Group teamed up Thurgood Mar hall College junior speet.:h April 22 in Center IIall litled ",\ Monday to organize the third enjoyed seeing Madcap Otis. Jewish Perspective on Peace In Palc'llne." an nual Ea rth Day celebration on "Madcap Otis wa s good, " "I wa nted to transcend raCi al nationali­ Library Walk and in the Price Wong said . "The girl who played ty," said MSA President Ahmed Salem. "I Center. the tambourine wa s good. They was really impressed that someone of The two stud ent groups orga­ were better than I thought they Jewish desce nt or Jewish origm could nized a fair with various environ­ would be." speak out against Israel." mentally concerned groups to pro­ Fans also liked Downpour, MSA member 1uslema Purlllul s,ml mote aware ness of environmental which will return to Porrer's Pub that it was time that students and faculty issucs and to cultivate student on May 15. take a clo er look at the Israeli- l'al cstil1l"" activism. The turnout and support conflict. The organizations represented pl eased organizers. Mary Chen, "It was not until the MSA had th e event both off- and on-campus groups. vice presid ent of the ... that I myself started studying [the events Other on-campus groups included Environmental Coalition and a in Israe lI," Purmul said. Ca mpus Recycl ing, the Vegetarian Marshall sophomore expressed her Reubner spoke to a nearl y full Iccwre Club and the Food Co-Op. excitement. Tyler Huff/Cuardian hall about hi s viewpoint on the Israeli Organizations from the COIll­ "It was really successful," Chen Palestinian conflict. lIlunity included the Sierra Club, said. "\¥e want to see stude nt~ "Mat Israel ha s done ... is to sy~teIllJt­ San Diego Bay Keeper, Altair make the \~orld a better place and ically destroy the infrastructure of Energy, Earth Fri endly Building support Earth Day." Palestine and the Palestinian ecol1onw:' Products, The San Diego Bike Melinda Gib on, co-chair of the Reubner aid. "The framework that [t1;el Coa lition, Floresta, and Ford Earth Day orga ni zation, coupl ed \'iolence takes place in is Israel's brut.lll1l1l ­ Motor Co., promoting its electric itary occupation." vehicles as part of the "Think Sce EARTH, Page 3 Graduate student Osnun Salah Solid he originally went to the speech to hear .1 Jewish perspcctive on peace. "I don't think [ReubncrJ rcprc~cnt~ the Jewish view," Salah sa id after the ,>pcech . "Hc's a minority." Union of Jewish Students PreSltI..:nt David Weisberg aid that although Reubner represents onc Jewish perspcc­ tive, one person cannot repre~cnt all Jew .. "There's no one stance that the Union of Jewish Students takes on the brJd issue," he said. Weisberg also mentioned flycrs in th e Price Center on April 15 that purported to quote frolll th e T;llmud, a book of Jewi sh law. "These quotes arc complete fabricl­ tions," he said. lyon !Jew/Cuordian He said that the quotes on the Il yers Healthy feast: Simon Frost 0eft) of the pathology department receives a vegetarian said that J ews will ke ep slaves when the}' meal from ISKON member Dayanidhi during Earth Day festivities held April 22. take over the world and that it's accepted for Jews to sexually abu e children. "This happens to the Jews, but next time it could be anti-Hispanic; who knows," Weisberg said. Publications discuss Salem sa id he wa nted no animosity between MSA and U]S and had never seen th e flyers. humor and free speech "That's not our style: to attack Jewish lyon l"tew/Cuardian peopl e," Salem sa id. "\Vc never once put A.S.-sponsored roundtable brings Message forums: Rodolfo 'Corky" Gonzales speaks at an out a fl yer or campaign against them." 'Oppression to Liberation" event on Tuesday, April 23. Chairs holding Weisberg said tl1at UJS had "no I{b" campus publications together posters depicting the Palestinian struggles were placed on Library Walk throughout the week. S~e UJS, r age .i By KIRSTEN HUBBARD commissioner of communi cations. Staff Writer "It's also important for A.S. to be proactive rather than just reactive." T he A.S. Council held a round­ Matters such as particular Sports Weather table discussion Monday to pro­ UCSD publications, A.S. funding INSIDE ... Beven UC5D a1flleles were "Thursday, April 25: High n I l.o.v 60 r:;. mote student dialogue about and sponsorship, the impact of honored laS! Tuesday lor NdtKJnal Siudeol Alhlete [My. Friday, April 26: High 78 I l.o.v 61 r:,.. humor, responsibility, the media these publications on the commu­ s · 1 Opinion 4 and the implication of the First see page 16 SaturuJ Aprill7: HI~ 81 I Low 65 I" nity, and freedom of speech were all leiters to the Editor 5 Amendment in rel ation to campus discussed. ~H~~-= ________________~ 7 ~ = ril 28: High 79 I l.o.v 63 publications. Tarleton Gillespie, a UCSD Thursd Cou • • The students attending the professor of communications who Album ReWw5 to The UnIted Sl.ltes cannot Idlely H~ Calendar II SIt and walch as InterNl1or\Il "I don't think [Reubner] forum were divided into sma ll has taught a clas called "Laws of Classified. II atrOCJbes occur. groups to discuss the subjects in a Communication and Freedom of Club S 14 represents the Jewish view:' more personal atmosphere. Expression," was a featured mem­ see page 4 - Osman Salah "I think it's important to have a ber at the discussion. Graduate Student discussion like this happen," said Catherine AJgeri, the current A.S. See HUMOR. Page :1 2 NEWS THE UCSD GUARDIAN THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2002 THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2002 THE UCSD GUARDIAN NEWS 3 hold a beach cleanup in Imperial John Muir College freshman Humor: Earth: Beach on April 27 from 9 a.m. to Jessica Horton petitioned with a ETCETERA Parking fine rates noon. Students can meet at Sun friend to get recycling bins pla ced A.S. Council funding policy Students educated on God at 8:30 a.m. for carpooling. at all campus trash cans and ro ALISON NORRIS & JEFFREY WHITE changed after lawsuit Editors in Chief environmental issues The Hare Krishna group pro­ fund emptying and sorting the vided lunch for the Earth Day cel­ Continued from page 1 Continued from page I bins. LAURENt. COARTNEY likely soon ebration. The group promotes a I lorton will pcUtlon MlI1IIIging Editor to rise "Freedom of speech is often her excitement for the day's events vegan diet and often provides lunch Chancell or Robert C. Dyn es ro thought of as allowing everyone to MARYAM BANIHASHEMI & with hope that students would for students in the Student Center. allocate money from the speak," Gillespie said. "However, ANDREW QUADRI Information presented to Copy Ediron become more involved in Earth­ Kevin Smith helped make and Chancellor's Fund. I lorton claims some speech can get in the way of I-1AVEN'T YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO tAT LIKE A P\G W\THOUT ~ protecting behavior. serve the food . Smith commented th e recycling program is under­ other speech." JOSH CROUSE & GEOFF DIETRICH "Earth Day is a great event on the environmental relationship fund ed now. Nws Editors A.S. Council hints at increase Algeri said that the A.S. Council LOOKING LIKE ONE? THEN WADDLE--DON'T DAWDLE.--TO ~ where students can realize how with a vegetarian diet. "My main concern si nce I\'e funds campus publications but does EVAN MclAUGHLIN "A" occasional-use permits would they can make a difference envi­ "We're a very environmental­ been at coll ege is that th ere arc a not necessa rily agree with what they AsslKiale Nws Edilor By MARGARET O'NEILL increase $4 per permit and ronmentally in their community," ly friendly religion so we support lot of students willing to rel:ycle say. '1JoctlJT 3lk,/ktr 61 !Nurse 9eff's I DIVYA RUNCHAL & JENNIFER SPOSITO Senior Staff Writer night/weekend permits would Gibson said. "Students can do a vegetarian diet which is envi­ but not enough campus resources "We are trying to do our best," Opinion Editors increase $3 per quarter. any small thing from recycling to ronmentally friendly," Smith to reflect the student's concern," Algeri said of A.S. council sponsorship The UCSD Transportation and ISAAC PEARLMAN The fees charged for parking riding their bike to school, but said. Honon said. "We wam the pro­ and financial backing of campus publi­ SPO,1S Edi sor Parking Committee decided at its citations will also increase dramati­ the true purpose of tllis day is for Floresta, a Christian envi ron­ gram to get funded and expand­ cations.
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