SHIRE OF WAGIN ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL Agenda 22nd July 2014 President and Councillors An Ordinary meeting of Council is called for Tuesday 22nd July 2014 commencing at 7.00 pm in the Shire of Wagin Council Chamber, 2 Arthur Road Wagin. P R Webster CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 18th July 2014 2 Contents 1. OPENING 2. RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/APOLOGIES/LEAVE OF ABSENCE (PREVIOUSLY APPROVED) 3. RESPONSES TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE 4. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME 5. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE 6. PUBLIC FORUM (PETITION/DEPUTATIONS/PRESENTATIONS) Council conducts open Council Meetings. Members of the public are asked that if they wish to address the Council that they state their name and put the purpose of their address as precisely as possible. A maximum of 15 minutes is allocated for public forum. The length of time an individual can speak will be determined at the President’s discretion. 7. DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL AND OTHER INTERESTS Note: That, under Section 5.65 of the Local Government Act 1995, care should be exercised by all Councillors to ensure that a “financial interest” is declared and that they refrain from voting on any matters which are considered that may come within the ambit of the act. 8. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES COUNCIL DECISION Moved: Cr. Seconded: Cr. That the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of 24 June 2014 be confirmed as true and accurate. 9. STATUS REPORT – JULY 2014 ............................................................................... 5 10. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ................................................................................. 13 10.1 COMMUNITY BUS COMMITTEE MEETING – 15TH JULY 2014 .............................. 13 10.1.1 RATES / HIRE CHARGES ....................................................................................... 13 10.1.2 REPLACEMENT BUS .............................................................................................. 13 11. FINANCE REPORTS ............................................................................................... 14 11.1 FINANCIAL REPORTS – JUNE 2014 ...................................................................... 14 12. REPORTS OF OFFICERS ....................................................................................... 23 12.1 WORKS REPORT – JUNE 2014 .............................................................................. 23 12.2 MANAGER COMMUNITY AND REGULATORY SERVICES REPORT – JULY ........ 25 2014 ......................................................................................................................... 25 12.3 STRATEGIC PLANNING PROJECT OFFICERS REPORT – JULY 2014 ................ 28 12.4 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS REPORT – JUNE 2014 ......................................... 31 13. AGENDA ITEMS ...................................................................................................... 36 13.1 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AMENDMENT (REGIONAL SUBSIDIARIES) BILL 2014 ... 36 13.2 GREAT SOUTHERN REGIONAL WASTE GROUP MOU ........................................ 51 13.3 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION – BOUNDARY REALIGNMENT ................................... 67 13.4 APPOINTMENT OF DUAL FIRE CONTROL OFFICERS (FCO) – SHIRE OF NARROGIN & WEST ARTHUR ................................................................................ 75 14. ANNOUNCEMENT OF PRESIDENT AND COUNCILLORS .................................... 79 15. URGENT BUSINESS INTRODUCED BY DECISION OF THE MEETING ................ 79 16. CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS AS PER LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT s5.23(2) ........ 79 17. CLOSURE ................................................................................................................ 79 3 DISCLAIMER No responsibility whatsoever is implied or accepted by the Shire of Wagin for any act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee meetings. The Shire of Wagin disclaims any liability for any loss whatsoever and howsoever caused arising out of reliance by any person or legal entity on any such act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee meetings. Any person or legal entity who acts or fails to act in reliance upon any statement, act or omission made in a Council or Committee meeting does so at that person’s or legal entity’s own risk. In particular and without derogating in any way from the broad disclaimer above, in any discussion regarding any planning application or application for a licence, any statement or intimation of approval made by a member or officer of the Shire of Wagin during the course of any meeting is not intended to be and is not to be taken as notice of approval from the Shire of Wagin. The Shire of Wagin warns that anyone who has any application lodged with the Shire of Wagin must obtain and should only rely on written confirmation of the outcome of the application, and any conditions attaching to the decision made by the Shire of Wagin in respect of the application. 4 9. STATUS REPORT – JULY 2014 Date Resolution Officer Description Action Status Questions & # Comments FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION 24 May 1610 MCRS Heritage Upgrade of Tudhoe Street - CBD Shop front painting to proceed Ongoing 2011 weather permitting. Seats, Bins and Planters to be ordered in new financial year. 22 Oct 2311 CEO Upper Great Southern Regional Landfill Endorse Cr Walker as a 2013 Site Delegate member and Cr Lloyd as proxy to the upper great southern regional landfill site Committee. MFCS WANDDRA Claim for 2012 Storm Damage Claim submitted Accepted await March 2014 payment – Expect answer mid Jul – Aug. 15 Apr 2432 CEO Wagin Memorial Swimming Pool - Advise S & S J Scardetta that Construction See SPPO report 2014 Construction Council accepts their variation Commenced in price to accommodate to 28/04/2014 inclusion of a First Aid / Store room. MFCS Budget 2014/2015 Community Requests Draft Budget almost Finance meeting – Now Closed complete. early July to Gathering info for discuss items capital budget already on table Working through op budgets 5 MFCS Policy Manual Review of some policies that August Meeting In Process require updating. 27 May 2444 SPPO RWWA Inspection – Wagin Trotting Club Council Staff to provide Ongoing awaiting 2014 Proposed Upgrades resources and support to meet further information planning, design and building from Trotting Club approvals for the new Recreation Centre Commentary / Judges Box to allow a proposal to be presented to RWWA for funding approval. 27 May 2445 SPPO 2014/2015 Shire Budget – Items to Consider a budget allocation Budget Proposal 2014 Consider from Clubs and Organisations for the Wagin Christmas Carnival in the 2014/2015 Budget. 27 May 2446 SPPO 2015 Playground / Eric Farrow Pavilion Advise the Wagin Playgroup Budget Proposal 2014 that Council supports their request for the fencing and grassed area in from of the EFP and will consider funding in the 2014/2015 Budget. 27 May 2447 MCRS Colour Palette and Painting of Building To be expanded by Show to remaining Ongoing 2014 Options Townscape Consultant. owners 27 May 2448 MFCS Community Budget Requests Consider the Community Complete July 2014 Budget Request as per the meeting Finance and General Purposes Committees recommendations. 27 May 2462 CEO Local Government Convention – WALGA Registrations be secured for Completed 2014 AGM attending persons. 6 27 May 2463 CEO Offer to Purchase Lot 471 Vale Street Advise CBH Council accepts Underway – 2014 Wagin their offer and commence Settlement 9th advertising process. Advise August 2014 proponent that the shed currently located on this lot be removed within 3 months of settlement. 27 May 2465 MFCS Overdue Rate Debtors Instruct AMPAC to proceed to In progress 2465 judgement and PSSO on the Assessments A347, A923, A1058, A1698 & A1737. 24 June 2467 CEO Appointment of Councillors to the Airport Distribute new Committee List 2014 Development Committee and write to the Wagin Aero Club inviting Delegate to this Committee. 24 June 2490 MFCS Dog Local Law 2011 Remove clause 5.2 of the Dog 2014 Local Laws and advertise the amendment by 31 July 2014. 24 June 2491 MFCS Dog Act 1976 Specify the dog exercise areas 2014 as per the officers recommendation. 7 HEALTH, BUILDING & PLANNING 26 Oct 1482 CEO Wagin Frail Aged – Land Tenure Enter into the WA Health Letter written to D.O.H. On-going 2010 Services. 24 May 1619 CEO Proposed Residential Subdivision – Staff not to progress No action at this 2011 Lot 896 Arnott Street development until further stage consideration of future needs be determined. 28 June 1652 CEO Boundary Adjustment – Shire of Hold further discussions with the Letter sent to Shires of Spoken with 2011 Wagin, West Arthur and Narrogin Shires of Narrogin and West Narrogin and West CEO Narrogin Arthur on this issue. Arthur who have changed stance 26 July 1679 CEO Wagin Airfield – Slavin Master Plan Establish a Working Group Working group of Crs Further meeting 2011 consisting of Crs Ball, Ballantyne, Ball, Ballantyne, Blight to be held West and Blight to report to and West Council. 20 Dec 1814 CEO/MCRS Wagin Cemetery – Upgrade Rotary present report to Asset Land purchased – On-going. 2011 Management Committee. planning underway 26 Mar 2126 CEO/MOW Extensions to Caravan Park Power and Water On-going 2013 26 Mar 2129 CEO/MCRS Future Accommodation Concept drawings completed. Collaborate Library April 2014 2013 Requirements – Refer to Asset Management survey Library/Gallery/Tourist information Committee next meeting. HACC Library survey to be conducted. 26 Mar 2146 CEO Proposed Consolidation
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