September 28, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7609 JOTF designs programs that create In addition to academic programs, fans of Boston, and letting us say good- viable career paths for low-wage work- students also participate in service bye to him one last time at the 1999 All ers, helping them reach higher wage work to aid people in South Dakota Star Game in Boston when—on the jobs in industries that need more and around the world. Recent mission Fenway mound—he was surrounded by skilled workers. A good example of trip locations have included Tanzania the great players of the 20th century JOTF’s success is JumpStart, a pre-ap- and Mexico, where students served who were in awe of our own ‘Splendid prenticeship program created and man- those living in extreme poverty. Splinter.’ It was one final moment of aged by JOTF that trains 100 low-wage Through the Leadership and Public magic in a career—and life—seemingly Baltimore residents each year to be- Service Program, students have the op- ripped from a story-book. come licensed electricians, plumbers, portunity to study contemporary But it was that last home run that or carpenters. JOTF also convenes pub- issues and perform public service John Updike remembers in the extraor- lic meetings on local and national top- through internship placements. Such dinary ‘‘Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu,’’ an ics related to employment and the broad educational opportunities pro- essay that captures the greatness of workforce. These meetings attract em- vided by DWU help students explore Ted Williams far better than any of us ployers, policymakers, interested citi- citizenry locally and internationally. could—and still today, 50 years later, zens, and direct service providers. On Saturday, October 2, 2010, DWU speaks to the Red Sox faithful, and JOTF’s research informs policymakers will celebrate its Blue and White Bash baseball fans across the country. I ask and the public and encourages the de- at the Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD. Da- to have this essay printed in the velopment of programs based on best kota Wesleyan University has provided RECORD, and I thank the Senate for practices. It explores the impact of spe- our State quality education and a posi- taking time today to remember an cific policies and provides rec- tive social environment. DWU students American icon—Boston’s own Ted Wil- ommendations on how policies can bet- are well equipped to succeed in a com- liams. ter serve workers, families, employers, petitive world, delivering countless HUB FANS BID KID ADIEU and the State’s economy. benefits to organizations and commu- (By John Updike) JOTF is making a significant dif- nities close to home and around the Fenway Park, in Boston, is a lyric little ference in Maryland. I urge my col- globe. With alumni as accomplished as bandbox of a ballpark. Everything is painted leagues to join me today in congratu- former U.S. Senator George McGovern green and seems in curiously sharp focus, lating JOTF’s founding chair, Joanne and his wife Eleanor McGovern, DWU like the inside of an old-fashioned peeping- Nathans, whose gentle nature and type Easter egg. It was built in 1912 and re- continues to live up to its mission of built in 1934, and offers, as do most Boston steely convictions have improved the being ‘‘a leading university that edu- lives of countless Baltimoreans and artifacts, a compromise between Man’s Eu- cates students to identify and develop clidean determinations and Nature’s beguil- their families. Please join me in send- their individual talents for successful ing irregularities. Its right field is one of the ing best wishes to JOTF on the occa- lives in service to God and the common deepest in the American League, while its sion of its 10th anniversary and in good.’’∑ left field is the shortest; the high left-field thanking JOTF for improving the lives wall, three hundred and fifteen feet from of Maryland job seekers, workers, and f home plate along the foul line, virtually their families.∑ REMEMBERING TED WILLIAMS thrusts its surface at right-handed hitters. ∑ On the afternoon of Wednesday, September f Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, baseball 28th, as I took a seat behind third base, a DAKOTA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY celebrates ‘‘walk off’’ home runs, the uniformed groundkeeper was treading the four baggers that bring a game to an ∑ Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, today top of this wall, picking batting-practice end. But 50 years ago today, the great- home runs out of the screen, like a mush- I wish to celebrate the 125th anniver- est hitter who ever lived, No. 9, Ted room gatherer seen in Wordsworthian per- sary of the founding of Dakota Wes- Williams, hit the ultimate ‘‘walk off’’ spective on the verge of a cliff. The day was leyan University, DWU, in Mitchell, homer. After 21 seasons with our Red overcast, chill, and uninspirational. The Bos- SD. DWU has provided a well-rounded ton team was the worst in twenty-seven sea- education that emphasizes learning, Sox, ‘‘The Kid’’ homered deep into sons. A jangling medley of incompetent leadership, faith, and service to its stu- right field in his very last at bat. At 42, youth and aging competence, the Red Sox dents since its founding 125 years ago. despite the toll of nagging injuries, were finishing in seventh place only because Graduates of the university have gone some of which dated back to his com- the Kansas City Athletics had locked them bat tours, Ted lofted the ball into the out of the cellar. They were scheduled to on to become great community and play the Baltimore Orioles, a much nimbler professional leaders. Today, under the right field bleachers, not all that far from the spot where he hit the longest blend of May and December, who had been leadership of President Robert Duffett, dumped from pennant contention a week be- DWU strives to connect its proud herit- homerun in the history of Fenway fore by the insatiable Yankees. I, and 10,453 age with its promising future. Park at 502 feet. To this day the record others, had shown up primarily because this In 1883, a group of Methodist settlers stands and the seat in those bleachers was the Red Sox’s last home game of the sea- received a charter to found the Dakota is memorialized in red. This home run son, and therefore the last time in all eter- Wesleyan University. DWU serves as might not have been the longest but it nity that their regular left fielder, known to the headlines as TED, KID, SPLINTER, the university for the Dakotas Con- was a fitting farewell to the game he loved so much—and excelled at like no THUMPER, TW, and, most cloyingly, MIS- ference of the United Methodist TER WONDERFUL, would play in Boston. Church. Soon after the university other. He was bigger than life. ‘‘WHAT WILL WE DO WITHOUT TED? HUB opened, Dakota Wesleyan students We revered Ted Williams for many FANS ASK’’ ran the headline on a newspaper demonstrated their success through reasons—for what he did on the field, being read by a bulb-nosed cigar smoker a their excellent oratorical skills. They and off of it as well. It was not just his few rows away. Williams’ retirement had participated in the Intercollegiate Ora- lifelong commitment to the Jimmy been announced, doubted (he had been torical Contest and won 5 of its first 11 Fund, but the selfless way he twice threatening retirement for years), confirmed competitions. This is just one of many walked away from baseball and served by Tom Yawkey, the Red Sox owner, and at last widely accepted as the sad but probable examples of DWU students’ ability to his country in uniform in World War II and in Korea where he was wingman to truth. He was forty-two and had redeemed excel. his abysmal season of 1959 with a—consid- With a student body just larger than another icon, John Glenn. He was a two ering his advanced age—fine one. He had 750 people, the university offers a very time American League Most Valuable been giving away his gloves and bats and had personalized experience. The university Player, boasted a career batting aver- grudgingly consented to a sentimental cere- is composed of three colleges: the Col- age of .344, an on base percentage of mony today. This was not necessarily his lege of Arts and Humanities, the Col- .551, lead the league in batting six last game; the Red Sox were scheduled to lege of Healthcare, Fitness and times, and hammered 521 home runs. travel to New York and wind up the season Ted Williams was guts and grit per- with three games there. Sciences, and the College of Leadership I arrived early. The Orioles were hitting and Public Service. These colleges sonified—and all of Red Sox Nation was fungos on the field. The day before, they had allow for students to pursue an edu- grateful for the special way he wel- spitefully smothered the Red Sox, 17–4, and cation in both liberal arts and profes- comed us into his hearts in his final neither their faces nor their drab gray vis- sional programs. years, at last tipping his cap to the iting-team uniforms seemed very gracious. I VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:05 Nov 24, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\S28SE0.REC S28SE0 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S7610 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 28, 2010 wondered who had invited them to the party.
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