Risk Assessment of Aquatic Invasive Species’ Introductions via European Inland Waterways VADIM E. PANOV, BORIS ALEXANDROV, KESTUTIS ARBACIAUSKAS, ROSA BINIMELIS, GORDON H. COPP, MICHAL GRABOWSKI, FRANCES LUCY, ROB S.E.W. LEUVEN, STEFAN NEHRING, MOMIR PAUNOVIĆ, VITALIY SEMENCHENKO & MIKHAIL O. SON Introduction changes. The future developments of Responses European inland waterways have provid- the European network of inland water- (measures within RBMP) ed opportunities for the spread of inva- ways will highly facilitate the transfer of sive alien aquatic (IAS) species for many IAS across European inland waters and Aquatic RAT centuries. Over the past century, the coastal ecosystems. Appropriate risk (risk-based DSS) potential for species to expand their assessment-based management options Driving forces range has been enhanced both as a result are required to address risks posed by Environmental indicators: of the construction of new canals and human-mediated introductions of these Impacts 1. List of Extreme Risk due to increased trade. At present, the species (Panov et al. 2007). pathways Environmental indicators: complex European network of inland Considering the current gap in 2. List of High Risk pathways 1. Species-specific Biopollution waterways is made up of > 28,000 km addressing invasive alien species in 3. List of High Risk donor Risk index (SBPR index) areas 2. Integrated Biopollution Risk of navigable rivers and canals, connect- European river basin management, our Pressures index (IBPR index) ing 37 countries in Europe and beyond goal was to develop relevant risk assess- 3. Grey, White and Black list of (Figure 1). This aquatic network con- Environmental indicators: alien species ment protocols and water quality indica- 1. Biological Contamination Rate (BCR) State nects the previously isolated catchments tors on IAS for possible consideration in 2. Pathway-specific Biological Environmental indicators: Contamination Rate (PBCR) 1. Biological Contamination Level (BCL) White 2. Site-specific Biological Contamination index (SBC index) Sea 3. Integrated Biological Contamination index (IBC index) Trunk waterways " 3 " Other main waterways Figure 2. Environmental indicators and Risk Assessment Toolkit (RAT) for introductions of aquatic invasive species in the DPSIR framework (after Panov et al. 2009, modified). RBMP – River Basin Management Plans, DSS – Decision " Important shipping canals " " 2 Support System on aquatic invasive species (for description of specific environmental indicators see text). " Northern corridor Main watersheds Volga Neva Conceptual model of risk assess- early warning service for reporting Baltic ment of IAS introductions via Sea of environmental indicators and European inland waterways recommendations for risk manage- North Sea Owing to the high degree of scientif- ment to stakeholders – DPSIR Central corridor ic uncertainty when dealing with such “Responses”. 15 " 1 " " a global and complex ecological issue " 5 " Pripyat 6 " " as large-scale intercontinental and For the purpose of testing this 7 " " " " 8" 9 4 Dnieper " Oder intra-continental introductions of model, we selected a 10-year obser- El be Don Caspian IAS, the qualitative model of risk vation period (1997-2007) for analy- Rhin Vistula Sea Marne e " Azov assessment was selected for risk sis of pathways and assessment of Sein " " 10 e " Sea 14 assessment of IAS introductions via propagule pressure within the select- " "13 " " " European inland waterways (Panov et ed ecosystems (Assessment Unit), Loire " 11 12 al. 2007, 2009). The present variant and an observation period of time Danube Black Sea e Western of this qualitative model of risk since 1900 for the assessment of bio- Rhôn corridor assessment of IAS introductions via logical contamination level of the Southern corridor navigable waterways includes six main ecosystem. components: ◙ Identification of main invasion Identification of main invasion gateways, routes and corridors in gateways, routes and corridors Europe, and selection of ecosys- in Europe tems as assessment and manage- There are four principal invasion corri- Mediterranean Sea ment units (AUs) within invasions dors in Europe (Figure 1): Figure 1. Important European waterways and invasion corridors for the spread of aquatic species (after Galil corridors/invasion network. ◙ The Northern corridor: linking et al. 2007, modified). Main canal number: 1 – Volga-Don Canal, 2 – Volga-Baltic Canal, 3 – White Sea – Baltic ◙ Identification and analysis of path- the Black and Azov seas with the Sea Canal, 4 – Bug-Pripyat Canal, 5 – Vistula-Oder Canal, 6 – Havel-Oder Canal, 7 – Mittelland Canal, 8 – Dortmund-Ems Canal, 9 – Rhine-Herne Canal, 10 – Ludwig Canal and Main-Danube Canal, 11 – Rhine-Rhône ways of IAS introductions within Caspian Sea via the Azov – Caspian Canal, 12 – Canal du Centre, 13 – Canal de Briar, 14 – Rhine-Marne Canal, 15 – Kiel Canal. Solid red arrows the ecosystem – “Driving forces” waterway including the Volga-Don indicate the Southern meridian invasion corridor and the Northern meridian invasion corridor. according to the DPSIR framework. Canal, and with the Baltic and ◙ Assessment of inoculation rates White seas via the Volga-Baltic of the southern European seas the Common Implementation Strategy (propagule pressure) within the waterway including the Volga-Baltic (Caspian, Azov, Black, Mediterranean) of the EC Water Framework Directive ecosystem– DPSIR “Pressures”; Canal, and the White Sea – Baltic and the northern European seas (Baltic, and as part of a holistic (cumulative) risk- ◙ Assessment of biological contami- Sea waterway, including the White North, Wadden, White), to provide cor- based management of European river nation level of the ecosystem – Sea – Baltic Sea Canal. ridors for IAS. In Europe, there are thir- basins. The European Environmental DPSIR “State”. ◙ The Central corridor: connecting ty main canals with >100 branch canals Agency (EEA) ‘Typology of indicators’ ◙ Assessment of invasiveness of alien the Black Sea with the Baltic Sea and > 350 ports (Galil et al. 2007). and the Driving forces–Pressures–State– species, established in the ecosys- region via Dnieper and Bug-Pripyat There are plans to deepen many of Impact–Response (DPSIR) framework tem (potential biopollution risk) – Canal, with Nemunas River branch these canals to accommodate larger ves- was used to structure developed environ- DPSIR “Impacts”. connected to Pripyat and Bug by sels and to prepare for the lower antici- mental indicators in the socio-economic ◙ Development of an online Risk Oginsky and Augustov canals, cor- pated water levels arising from climate context (Figure 2). Assessment Toolkit (RAT) with respondingly. 140 ATLAS OF BIODIVERSITY RISK CHAPTER 6 ◙ The Southern corridor: linking the Black Sea basin with the North Sea basin via the Danube-Main- Rhine waterway including the Main- Danube Canal. NC6 BCR = 6 ◙ The Western corridor: linking the BCL = 13 Mediterranean with the North Sea IBPR = 3 via the River Rhône and the Rhine- NC4 BCR = 2 Rhône Canal. BCL = 4 IBC = 4 These principal corridors are inter- IBPR = 4 linked via two additional invasion cor- NC5 ridors: the Southern meridian corri- BCR = 1 BCL = 8 dor linking the Northern, Central and IBC = 4 Southern corridors on the south, and IBPR = 4 the Northern meridian corridor, CC12 BCR = 1 CC10 linking the Northern, Central, BCL = 8 IBC = 4 BCR = 2 Southern and Western on the north IBPR = 4 BCL = 12 IBC = 2 (Figure 1). This complex system of IBPR = 4 navigable waterways and invasion cor- CC16 CC9 BCR = 7 BCR = 5 ridors can be considered as an BCL = 27 BCL = 16 European inland water invasion SC8 IBC = 4 IBC = 2 IBPR = 4 IBPR = 4 NC3 BCR = 12 network (Figure 1), with estuaries of BCL = 59 BCR = 2 IBC = 4 CC14 BCL = 82 large European rivers (Don, Danube, IBPR = 4 BCR = 6 IBPR = 4 SC4 BCL = 24 Dnieper, Neva, Odra, Rhine) and IBC = 2 BCR = 10 IBPR = 4 lagoons (Curonian, Vistula) serving as BCL = 73 IBC = 4 entries to the main invasion corridors IBPR = 4 and considered as “invasion gate- SC3 SC2 ways” (Panov et al. 2009). In our NC1 BCR = 14 BCR = 11 study, we selected assessment units BCL = 38 BCL = 24 BCR = 7 IBC = 4 IBC = 4 BCL = 41 within three main invasion corridors IBPR = 4 IBPR = 4 IBPR = 4 (Northern, Central and Southern) in order to consider an ecosystem approach to the management of IAS using river basins as the main man- NC2 BCR = 12 agement units (Figure 3). BCL = 47 IBPR = 4 Identification and analysis of pathways of IAS introductions within the ecosystem Pathways involved in the introduc- Figure 3. Assessment units selected within the Northern, Central and Southern inland water invasion corridors (NC, CC and SC, respectively): NC1 – River Don and Azov Sea, NC2 – lower part of River Volga and Caspian Sea, NC3 – upper and middle parts of River Volga, NC4 – Lake Ladoga, NC5 – River Neva estuary, NC6 – tions of IAS can be considered as River Severnaya Dvina, CC9 – middle part of River Pripyat, CC10 – Dnieper-Bug canal, CC 12 – lower part of River Nemunas, CC14 – River Vistula, CC16 – River “Driving forces” according DPSIR Oder, SC2 – lower part of River Danube, SC3 – middle part of River Danube, SC4 – upper part of River Danube, SC8 – lower part of River Rhine. The Integrated bio- framework (Figure 2). Principal path- logical pollution risk (IBPR) is indicated both by numbers and colours of area boundaries (High biopollution risk and Very high biopollution risk are in orange and red, respectively). ways of aquatic IAS spread in Europe and qualitative descriptors of princi- pal human activities involved in the be attributed with some level of units for last reporting period (1997- ture of the ecosystem can be assessed spread of IAS have been identified certainty to the specific pathway), it 2007 in the present study) are provid- via estimation of the number of estab- (see in Panov et al. 2009). For the can be defined as “Extreme Risk ed in Figure 3. lished alien species and their relative purpose of the present qualitative risk (ER) pathway”. The Pathway-specific Biological roles in the structural organization of assessment of IAS introductions via Contamination Rate (PBCR) reflects plant and animal communities.
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