09-203 Id a h o S t«t* HlatoPleal S 06 . blO N. JulU Dayis Dr. BoLse. Idaho _ 85706 ^ ' Weather Ho Pair Today; Ghosty Tonight Magic Valley*s Home Newspaper Finar VOL. 66, NO. 184 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1969 TEN CENTS Supreme Court Upholds Contempt Ruling The Idaho Supreme Court has to the Supreme Court by paying hearing. At that hearing he tes­ gin upheld,Judge Reed's ruling. tho court held that the Idaho upheld Twin Falls Police Chief the.fine for contcmpt. It would tified that obout 10 days prior Chief Barnett took the case Constitution grants Judicial Frank Barnetl’s contempt have been cheaper, but I wanted to the heajJjig..he refreshed his to the Idaho Supreme Court, powers to the courts and that Court conviction, but apparently a guideline on the introduction memory^as to certain matters contending Idaho law docs not the power to interpret a stntuto will not rule on another question on'notes by witnesses.” from notes which he had pre­ require a witness to produce is a jqdicial power. In this caso in th« matter.- Apparently the High Court will pared. The dpfcnse counsel notes used to refresh h is the High Court ruled Judga Thc High Court*issiied Its deci- not rule on the note issue. , moved that the notes be pro­ memory^ when the notes were Rced^iniH’ the judicial right to Sloo>4n Boise Thursday. Chief Barnett's case was duced In the court. not used while the witness was hold Chief Barnett in contempt. actually testifying. He claimed Chief Barnett, when contacted heard in Twin Falls when (he Chief Rarnett refused, nl The matter on introduction of by the Times-Ncws, said he has Supreme Court visited here last Judge Reed was without juris­ otes apparently docs not need though ordered to produce the diction to hold him in contempt not paid his $100 fine for con' Sept. 15. notes by Judge Reed. ruling since the contcmpt tempt of courrbut would, proh' Tiic case Is Chief Barnett, of court. matter was tho only question ably do so soon “ Now that the The chief was then found in plaintiff-appellant against Rich­ contcmpt and fin«d $100. The High Court’s decision the court considered, it was decision is in.” Ho said he felt ard Reed, Probate Court judge Thursday upheld ths contempt learned. The case was appealed to the conle/npt order .was final, and defendant-respondent. judgment. but added “ it was the other On March 21 of 1958 Chief Fifth District Court, and Judge Harry ^Turner was the attor­ ruling I was Interested in. 1 Barnett was culled as a witness Charles Scoggln heard th e In tho .unanimous opinion, ney for Chief Barnett and Dan couldn't Jiave taken this.ca.'^e for the defense In a preliminary matter. After study. Judge Scog- iVrritten by Justice Clay Spear, Meehl represented Judge Reed. T .T . Man Dies In Crash Car Hits Truck Headon Twenty,-year-old Michael Paul Hopper of Twin Falls died in­ stantly Thursday when the small foreign car he was driving slam­ med head on into a pickup truck a half mile west of the Hansen Bridge, on Stale Highway 50.. It took workmen 45 minutes to free Mr. Hopper’s body from the wreckage of HiS car. Investigating State Police Offi­ cer Frank Mogenson said Mr. Hopper was traveling east on the highway and was attempting I pass another car when the TONIGHT IS HALLOWEEN and somewhere In Twin Falls there Is a vritch doing her thing. :cldent happened. Times-Newi photographer Dan Johnson was sent out-recently with orders to get a picture of the witch. Tho film arrived In time for processing, but as for Mr. Johnson . let’ s Mr. Hopper's car hit a truck just say . he’s getting a haircut here, hallowcen style. In all (ruth, this picture Is a special driven by W. J. (Buzz) Gray, mogic all Its own. It required several chemists’ bottles, water, dry Ice, a fake skull and 30, a Redding,.jCalif. geologist. Mr. Gray walked away from one woman willing.to chan^o bet Bppcarance, slightly. Needless to say, she'prerers to re­ the. accident apparently unhurt, main unnamed. bu^ suffering -{rom - shock, was taken to Magic Valley Mfi* morial Hospital but did not re­ quire treatment. CSI Gets $1,544 Million Bid Officer Mogensen said Mr. Hopper had apparently been MANGLED WRECKAGE 01^: this nnaH ftfrelgo ear ioiU* Bridge. M lchkelPaul Hopp^r,.29, l y i o Falls, driver oribit hunting In tho area at the. time. cates tho force of (he collision when it crashed headoii Into car, died Instaotly.in the crash/ It took 45 ailoutes to’ (rc« . The accident-happened about a trucl^ Tliursday afternoon « half«mlle west ol tbe Hansen b b body from, the wreckage.: _______ ... .... -.... ^ 4:30 p.m, On Dormitory, Student Union Mr. Gray said the sun was fn his eyes and ho did not .^cc G ty To Seek Order.Befused Nielsen and Miller Construc­ tion, which Is responsible for withdrawn its bid because of an the Hopper vehicle until it was Southern Educators tion Co, of Twin Falls was the management of the dormitory. error in figuring. Cook Electric too late. BATON ROUGE, La. apparent low bidder Thursday Next lowest bid was by Milch- Co., Twin,Foils, was a low bid- Tlio impact turned the Hopper (U P D -C ov . John McKcIth- cll Construction Co., Pocatello, New Location en Thursday flatly rclysed night when bids were opened on der for clectrlcal work with car sideways on tho highway two Collego of Southern Idaho at SUSIM.OT-i. Other btds .were Sl«,000 baso bid. Next lowest and pushed tho truck into the to comply with federal d?- projects. Reynolds Construction Co., Twin borrow pit, where It over turn­ mands for complete dcsegrc* Condemn Court Rule Falls, 'Jl,570,000; Tayson Con­ bid for electrical work and ap­ Tho firm submitted a bid of parent low bidder at this point ed. The rear axle on the pickup For Land Fill nation o f Louisiana colleges,. Jl,5-1-1,072 for both buildings, n struction Co., Pocntello, S1.S74,- U Alva Lewis, with «I2,700. truck was torn loose nnd thrown Ho said It would take fed- ATLANTA (UPI)-The • fiu- after tho iOM decree outlawWg student union * library • ndmin' 500; Chris DerH, Inc.. Seattle, about 10 feet from tho truck. Joan Mllnr, acting city man' eral marshals to oppose preme Court's ' tough, new school segregation, the high Istration commons and a 150- $1,696,605,51,696,605, and SkylineSk'' Construe-" Nielsen and Miller Construe- Mr. Hopper's Twin Falls ad­ ager, plans to ask tho Twin him. ^‘desegregate now" school order court hold Wednesday that It unit dormitory, lion Co., Salt Lake City, $1,732,• (ion Co. was contractor for tlie dress was listed as 304 Oslran- Fulls City Council Monday night ” We are tired of bclns drew bitter comment from was ;‘‘the obligation of every Tnisiees voted to accept the 600. first, phase of CSI development. dcr St. N. lo_ authorize an-'ftppHcntlon to treated as guinea pigs ana officials «cro.9s the £outh school district to terminate d ual, bid, subject to approval l>y the ■ Projected cost of the two Tho firm constructed tho Fine Twin Falls County Coroner th'u Uureau' of Land Manage­ second class citl’zens in this Thursday, with many, freely systems at once.." Office of Education and tho De» buildings was In exccss of 11.6 Arts Center, Shields Academic Cloyco Edwards was at tho ment for u new-sanitary land -state,” M cKcith^ said. ^ predlcting-thnt It sounds the .-Although tho ruling cams as pnrtment of Hou.iing and Urban million, so the low bid-was well building and maintenance build­ scene nnd said he would order fin, death knell for public educn^ a ' blow' to the adminlstratloni^ Development, which arc partial­ within line of c.stlmaies, ing. It Is expected the firm will blood tests, but added nn autop­ M r Mllar said tho city will tion, ■ “ • whlcji had urged--a g,^slow ly flnnnclng the projects, Prc-blddlng was hold WedneS’ move onto campus as noon ns sy or Inciuost would not bo ask tho ULM for a lease on Alabama Attorney General policy In Mlssisslppi—the state Tlie bid also must bo approved day, but the apporent low bid­ possible to begin work on the ordered. 200 acrcs of property southwest against which tho new ruling hy the CSI Housing Adminlstra- ders for •electrical work has projects,_________________ -- Lindbergh MacDonald Galllon said tho Traffic was guided around the of tho clly. Ho said tho iund decree was a "body blow to the was spcciflcolly directod—Pres. w rock flCPno by volunteers nnd Is located a Ilttlo farther out public schools and our chlldrbn Idont Nixon promised his it w as n early nn hour nnd a half than tlio present land fill near hero and evenwhure," and Sen. backing. Ho said he would exert i)cforo workmen cleared the tho airport, Denies He James 0 , ^ stlan d declared his leadership In solving the Blacks Sth- wrock site. I'ho land fid now In uso will “ (he decision spells disaster for "practicol ana human prob­ City Hears Cost Mr. Hopper’s body was taken bo filled to capacity In about public education in MIsslisinpi lems" resulting from the lo Magic Valley Memorial Hos­ a year, about tho snmo time and many areos o f (he Sou(n.” ruling.
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