KOLEKSI CD NON FIKSI No Judul Film Call Number No Urut Format CD 1 Best In Asia 1 910.45 BEI V-1 A247 VCD 2 Best In Asia 2 910.45 BEI V-2 A248 VCD 3 Best In Asia 3 910.45 BEI V-3 A249 VCD 4 Seven Wonders of The Industrial World: Eps. 1 623.81 SMI s A09 VCD 5 Seven Wonders of The Industrial World: Eps. 2 624.2 SMI s A10 VCD 6 Seven Wonders of The Industrial World: Eps. 3 627.922 SMI s A11 VCD 7 Seven Wonders of The Industrial World: Eps. 4 628.24 SMI s A12 VCD 8 Seven Wonders of The Industrial World: Eps. 5 627.13 SMI s A13 VCD 9 Seven Wonders of The Industrial World: Eps. 6 625.2 SMI s A14 VCD 10 Seven Wonders of The Industrial World: Eps. 7 627.8 SMI s A15 VCD 11 Exploring Korea's Culture 951 KOR e A07 VCD 12 ASEAN 951 ASE t A08 VCD 13 Tsunami Killer Wave 551.470 24 ROS t A03 VCD 14 Diana: Last Days of a Princess 920.008 DAL d A39 VCD 15 Ramayana: The Legend Danced & Sung 792.859 8 PUR V-2 A142 VCD 16 The Hiunt For Osama Bin Laden 363.32 WIL h A25 VCD 17 Megafactories apache Helicopter 355.83 GRE m A274 DVD 18 Inside the Pentagon 355.030 973 A28 DVD 19 The World Heritage Vol.1 338.47 UNE w V-1 A75 DVD 20 The World Heritage Vol.2 338.47 UNE w V-2 A76 DVD 21 The World Heritage Vol.3 338.47 UNE w V-3 A77 DVD 22 World Cafe Asia: Bali & Tokyo 338.47 CHA w A35 VCD 23 Travelers: Asia 338.47 BRO t A74 DVD 24 Science Frontier: Technology 327 LAM s A157 VCD 25 By The People: The Election of Barrack Obama 324.092 RIC b A197 DVD 26 Magacities Vol. 1 : 4 DVD Set 307.764 NAT m V-1 A203 DVD 27 Magacities Vol. 2 : 4 DVD Set 307.764 NAT m V-2 A204 DVD 28 NextWorld: Future Megatropolis 307.34 HIR n A153 DVD 29 Situs-situs bersejarah di Madinah 297.355 38 A33 DVD 30 Chinese Hajj 297.352.951 FAY c A269 DVD 31 Revealed: The Hajj 297.352 SMI h A196 DVD 32 Islam In America 297.352 KLE i A34 DVD 33 Inside Mecca 297.352 BRE i A23 VCD 34 Al Qur'an Petunjuk Hidup 297.122 6 YAH s A298 VCD 35 Fatal Insomnia 616.849 82 THA f A199 DVD 36 Michael Jackson's: This is it Discover the Man You Never 016.780 267 ORT m A95 DVD Knew 37 From Here to Maternity 612.63 HAM f A17 VCD 38 NextWorld: Fitire SuperHuman 610 KEN n A208 DVD 39 NextWorld: Extreme Tomorrow 600 PAR n A154 DVD 40 Harun Yahya: Fosil Yang Hidup 590 YAH s A297 VCD 41 Harun Yahya: Keunikan DI Dasar Samudra 578.77 YAH s A296 DVD 42 Raging Planet: Flood 551.489 RHO r A205 DVD 43 The Invisible Force 531.14 HOL i A01 VCD 44 Earth Report 550 BUC e A19 VCD 45 Harun Yahya: Harmoni Di Alam Semesta 523.1 YAH s A294 VCD No Judul Film Call Number No Urut Format CD 47 Inside Hong Kong's: Big Bang 394.251 25 ARM i A198 DVD 48 Triks" wow..." Photoshop 7 Vol1 006.6 BAM t VCD 49 Aplikasi Penjualan: dengan Ms. Access 005.74 BAM a VCD 50 Extreme Engineering: Container Ship 623.812 24 GRA e A201 DVD 51 Aviation Special: Military Planes & Helicopter Thrills 623.746 MAC e A250 DVD 52 History's Secret Atomic Bomb 623.451. 19 ROS h A200 DVD 53 Medical Diary: Barbara & Sheldon Story : Living With 616.858 82 BEN m A159 VCD Autism, Steven's Story: Afraid To Toach 54 Science of : SARS 614.518 IVE s A71 VCD 55 Race Against: The Killer Flu 614.518 OGI r A274 VCD 56 Understanding Electricity 621.31 LEB u A06 VCD 57 Massive Speed with Chris Barrie 620.1 IVE m A31 VCD 58 Jaringan Komputer Berbasis Windows VCD 59 Mengolah database dengan Microsoft Access 2007 VCD 60 Desain Web Interaktif dengan Microsoft Frontpage 2003 VCD 61 Flash Media Interaktif: Teknik Pembuatan & Struktur CD VCD Interaktif 62 Koneksi PHP & Database MySQL pada Dreamweaver VCD 63 Texturing & Lightning: 3DStudio Max 2009 VCD 64 Tehnik Penggunaan Auto CAD 2 Dimensi VCD 65 Membangun E-Commerce: menggunakan Virtuemart VCD Joomla 66 Aplikasi Microsoft Access Perpustakaan VCD 67 SAP 2000 Advanced 9.03 Struktur Bangunan dan VCD Jembatan 68 NextWorld: Future Flight 629.13CAI n A110 DVD 69 NextWorld: Future Radical Vehicle 629.046 OPP n A156 DVD 70 Extreme Engineering: Off-Shore Oil Platform 627.98 FRU e A149 DVD 71 Extreme Machine: Underwater Machines into The Abyss 627.7 STA e A79 DVD 72 Building The Future: The Quest for Water 627 THO b A155 DVD 73 Extreme Engineering: Boston's Big Dig 625.7 HOL e A169 DVD 74 NextWorld: Future Trains 625.2 WON n A160 DVD 75 Extreme Engineering: Cooper River Bridge 624.277 851 STO e A170 DVD 76 Extreme Engineering: Oakland Bay Bridge 624.279 4 FRU e A151 DVD 77 Extreme Engineering: Millau Viaduct 624.244 8 FRU e A202 DVD 78 Extreme Engineering: Iceland Tunnel 624.193 491 2 FRU e A150 DVD 79 Collapse: failure by Design 624.17 DAR c A02 VCD 80 Megastructures: Kansai International Airport 624.17 OFA m A29 VCD 81 Man Made Marvels: Higest railway In The World 624.17 BAC m A72 VCD 82 Extreme Engineering: Building Hongkong's Airport 624.1 OLI e A16 VCD 83 Bridges: Design and Function 624.24 EVA b A05 VCD 84 Israel and Plestine: The Roots of Conflict 956.94 DEL i A73 VCD 85 Inside North Korea 951.93 YOS i A26 VCD 86 Inside The vatican 945.634 BRE i A274 VCD 87 Bali: Masterpiece of The Gods 915.259 86 BIR b A172 DVD 88 Secrets of Shangri-La: Quest For Sacred Caves 910.914 454 96 CLA s A210 VCD 89 Secrets of The Titanic 910.90 NOX s A36 VCD 90 Capturing Sadam Hussein 908 HICc A210 VCD 91 Berlin Wall 943.108 79 KRA b A30 VCD No Judul Film Call Number No Urut Format CD 93 Wright Stuff 629.133 134 BOW w A158 VCD 94 Motorcycle Lightning 629.28 HOF m A04 VCD 95 Robots Warriors 629.892 MCD r A171 VCD 96 NextWorld: Future Fun 776 HIR n A209 VCD 97 Da Vinci's Lost Code 759.45 HAR d A78 VCD 98 The Ultimate Vegas Casino 725.760 979 313 5 BRI u A277 VCD 99 Megastructures: Leaning Tower of Abu Dhabi 720.483 095 357 LOC m A276 VCD 100 Extreme Engineering: Turning Torso 720.483 MCK e A148 DVD 101 Building The Future: 21st Century Shelter 690 LAN b A147 DVD 102 Extreme Engineering: Excavators 681.76 FRU e A152 DVD 103 Megafactories: LEGO 680 IZA m A319 DVD 104 Megafactories: IKEA 680 NEL m A275 DVD 105 Megafactories:: Frito-Lay 680 MAT m A293 DVD 106 Twist The Throttle Vol.1 629.227 5 LEN t V-1 A206 DVD 107 Twist The Throttle Vol.2 629.227 5 LEN t V-2 A207 DVD 108 Airship & Aeroplane: Hindenburg Air Force One 629.133 BAC a A251 DVD 109 The Greatest Flight 629.130 9 PRE g A20 DVD KOLEKSI CD FIKSI No Judul Film Call Number No Urut Format CD 1 Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance F NEV g A225 VCD 2 Harry Poter and The Sorcerer's Stone F COL h V-1 A48 VCD 3 Harry Poter and The Chamber of Secrets F COL h V-2 A49 VCD 4 Harry Poter and The Hal-Blood Prince F YAT h V-6 A50 VCD 5 Harry Poter and The Order of The Phoenix F YAT h V-5 A38 VCD 6 Harry Poter and The Deathly Hallow Part 1 F YAT h V-7 A177 VCD 7 Harry Poter and The Deathly Hallow Part 2 F YAT h V-7 A214 VCD 8 Ironman F FAV i V-1 A40 VCD 9 Ironman 2 F FAV i V-2 A115 VCD 10 Inception F NOL i A119 VCD 11 Insideman F LEE i A59 VCD 12 I Love You, Man F HAM i A229 VCD 13 Jack The Giant Slayer F SIN j A262 VCD 14 Kung fu Panda F STE k A44 VCD 15 How to Train Your Dragon F SAN h A113 VCD 16 Kung Fu panda 2 F NEL k V-2 A233 VCD 17 Ice Age 3: Dawn of The Dinosaurs F SAL i V-3 A137 VCD 18 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island F PEY j A226 VCD 19 Confessions Of A Shopaholic F HPG c A62 VCD 20 Captain Amrica: The First Avenger F JOH c A211 VCD 21 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs F LOR c A136 VCD 22 Clash of the Titans F Let c A118 VCD 23 The Curious of benjamin Button F FIN c A80 VCD 24 Body of Lies F SCO b A70 VCD 25 Back to The Future F ZEM b V-2 A216 VCD 26 The Book of Eli F HUG b A101 VCD 27 Bride Wars F WIN b A61 VCD No Judul Film Call Number No Urut Format CD 29 Alvin and The Chipmunks 2 F HIL a V-2 A117 VCD 30 The A Team F CAR a A114 VCD 31 All About Steve F TRA a A166 VCD 32 Marvel's: Avengers F WHE a A238 VCD 33 Alice in Wonderland F BUR a A116 VCD 34 TinTin: the Secret of The Unocorn F SPI a A235 VCD 35 Aliens in The Attic F SCH a A138 VCD 36 G-Force F YEA g A45 VCD 37 Green Lantern F CAM g A224 VCD 38 Gulliver's Travels F LET g A183 VCD 39 G.J.JOE : Retaliation F CHU g V-2 A263 VCD 40 G.J.JOE : The Rise Of Cobra F SOM g A51 VCD 41 Easy A F GLU e A232 VCD 42 Eat Pray Love F MUR e A133 VCD 43 Eragon F Fan e A141 VCD 44 The Davinci Code F HAN t VCD 45 27 Dresses F FLE d A140 VCD 46 The Devilc Wears Prada F FRA d A63 VCD 47 Did You Hear About The Morgans F LAW d A130 VCD 48 The Dark Knight Rises F NOL d A246 VCD 49 Despicable Me F COF d A125 VCD 50 Diary of Wimpy Kid F FRE d A182 VCD 51 Yogi Bear F BRE y A174 VCD 52 Year One F RAM y A231 VCD 53 X-men Firts Class F VAU x A215 VCD 54 The Lovely Bones F JAC l A230 VCD 55 When in Rome F JOH w A88 VCD 56 UP F PET u A81 VCD 57 Takers F LUE t A164 VCD 58 The Tourist F DON t A168 VCD 59 Tou Story 3 F UNK t V-3 A123 VCD 60 This Means War F MCG t A237 VCD 61 Thor F BRA t A181 VCD 62 Transformers: revenge of fallen F BAY t V-2 A57 VCD 63 The Sosial Network F FIN s A161 VCD 64 Shrek Forever After: The Final Chapter F MIT s V-4 A145 VCD 65 Rio F MCG m A186 VCD 66 Shutter Island: Someone is Missing F SCO s A111 VCD 67 Shrek F ADA s V-1 A143 VCD 68 She's out of My League F SMI s A167 VCD 69 The Sorcerer's Apprentice F TUR s A122 VCD 70 Sherlock Holmes F RIT s A90 VCD 71 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows F RIC s V-2 A223 VCD 72 Star Trek F ABR s A52 VCD 73 Salt F NOY s A121 VCD 74 Robin Hood F SCO r A134 VCD 75 Prince Of Persia: The Sand of Time F NEW p A89 VCD 76 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest F VER p V-2 A47 VCD 77 Oz: The Great and Powerful F RAI o A261 VCD No Judul Film Call Number No Urut Format CD 79 The Proposal F FLE p A60 VCD 80 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's Send F VER p V-3 A41 VCD 81 Post Grad F JEN o A135 VCD 82 Night at the Museum 2 F GAR n V-2 A46
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