DUDjebns&Dragons b; Accessory Demihumansof the Realms Roger E. Moo re Is your FORGOTTEN REALMS"' character an elf? A dw arf? Maybe a gnome? Perhaps, yet that doesn' t rea lly say mu ch, does it? One might just as easily say there's no differe nce behvecn a Ca lishite and a Thaya n because they' re both human s! No one is just a demihum an in the Realms- there are acrobat s, barb arians, giant killers, manhunter s, pestkillers, prospectors, and even tunn elrats, but they' re all demihuman s and they all walk the face of Faerun. Within these pages are do zens of kits designed to help players in a FORGOTTEN REALMS camp aign enri ch their characters and make them trul y nat ive to the Realms. Special benefit s and disad vantages for each kit enh ance the rolepla y ing experience while allow ing char acters to reflect their soc ial roo ts and racial heritages. Thi s compani on to Wi::ardsa11d Rogues of the Rea/111sand Warriors a11d Priests of the Realms cii complet es the series of kit-based sourceboo ks co for the FORGOTTEN REALMS camp aign. C z 0 0 ..:., ~ CD U.S.• CANADA, ASIA, ex, a, EUROPEANHEADQUARTERS u:, 'f> PACIFIC, & LATINAMERICA Wizardsof the Coast.Belgium u, l,j ~ W,zardsol theCoast, Inc. P,B,34 ~ P.O. Box707 2300Tumhout c,. a, Renton, WA98057-0707 Belgium (0 () +1-800-324-6496 +32-14-44-30-44 )> z Visit our website at www.tsr.com Y> ...,I\) u:, A D\A\(10 DL,uo," & DRAco,.,,AD&D, F0Rc;.on1~ R1:..,LM,, u, and the TSR logo ,,re registered trademarks owned b, TSR, Inc. TheTSR Siher Anni\·er.arylogo is J lr.1demark O\\ned byTSR, Inc. 0 1999TSR.Inc. All rights resmed. Made in the L.SA TSR. Inc. is a subsidiary of ~Viz.m:lsof The Coast, Inc. Sample file Duiigeons&Dragons ® Demibamans of 'fbe Realms RogeR E. MooRe U.S., CANADA, EUROPEANHEADQUARTERS SampleASIA, PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA Whards of the Coast, Belgium file Whards of the Coaat, Inc. P.B,34 P.O. Box 707 2300 Tumhout Renton, WA 98057,0707 Belgium 800-324-6496 +32-14-44-30-44 Visit our website at www.tsr.com Cn.ec)ff;s Contents Design: Roger E. Moore Research Assistance: Jim Butler, Dale Donovan, Ed Introduction .............................................................3 Greenwood, Julia Martin, Thomas Reid, Steven E. Demihuman Races of FaerO.n .................... 5 Schend, and those on America Online who gave me Using This Book ....... ... ...... ........ .......... 10 their opinions. Also, thanks to Kim Eastland for that Acrobat, Festival. ..................................... 15 scout article! Advisor, Imperial Fleet ............................. 17 Editing: Michelle Vuckovich Artificer, Gnome ........................ ... ........... 19 Interior Art: Carol Lyon Barbarian, Arctic Dwarf .... .................... .... 22 Brand Management: David Wise Barbarian, Jungle Dwarf ............................ 25 Art Direction: Paul Hanchette Barbarian, Lythari ....................... : ............ 27 Graphic Design and Production: Dee Barnett Barbarian, Wild Elf.. ................................. 29 Typesetting: Eric Haddock Beggar, Professional .................................. 31 Cat Burglar .............................................. 33 Campaign setting based on the original campaign world of Explorer, Winged Elf.. ............................... 35 EdGreenwood. Exile, Gray Dwarf ..................................... 37 Based on the original DUNGEONS& DRAGONS®rules created Forester ................................................... 40 by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Giant Killer ............................................. 42 Gladiator, Fugitive Hillsfar ....................... 45 The day shallnot be up so soon as I, Hound Master .......................................... 47 To try thefair adventureof tomorrow. Ironsmith, Wandering ............................... 50 -William Shakespeare, KingJohn Lorefinder .................... ..... .... ................... 52 Manhunter ............................................... 54 ADVANCEDDUNGEONS & DRAGONS,AD&D, AL-QADIM, DARK SUN, DRAGON, DUNGEON CRAWL, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, Mariner of Evermeet ................................. 57 FORGOTTEN REALMS, MENZOBERRANZAN, MONSTROUS Marshal, Halfling ..................................... 59 COMPENDIUM,PLAYER'S OPTION, POLYHEDRON,SPELLJAMMER, and Merchant, Sea Elf ..................................... 61 the TSR logo are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. CoUNCIL OF WYRMSand MONSTROUSMANUAL are trademarks of TSR, Inc. Merchant, Underdark ...... ..... ......... ............ 64 All TSR characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses Mountebank ............................................ 67 thereof are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Orcslayer ................................................. 69 0 1998 TSR Inc. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A. TSR, Inc. is a Peasant Hero ........................................... 72 subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Pestkiller ...... ..... ......... ........... .. ...... ..... .. ... 74 Prospector ....... .... .................... ... ............. 7 7 Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc. and in Canada by Random House of Canada Ltd. Runaway, Dambraii ................................... 79 Scholar ................................................... 81 Distributed to the hobby, toy, and comic trade in the United States Scout ....................... .... ...... ...... ........... .... 83 and Canada by regional distributors. Slave, Fugitive ..................................... .... 85 Distributed worldwide by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and regional dis­ Smuggler .... ..... .............. .. ........................ 87 tributors. Thug, Waterdeep ..... ............ .. ...... ........... .. 90 This product is protected under the copyright laws of the United Tunnelrat ................................................ 92 States of America . Any reproduction or unlawful use of the material or Zurchin .............................................. ..... 95 artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission ofTSR, Inc. 11316:XXX:1501 SampleISBN 0-7869-1316-9 file 2 lntRoc>uction A heromust move. -Corm'.)'Teanproverb It seems to me thatthere is adirect relation between the amountof time a personspends travel­ ing andjust how much that person truly understands about the world, not to mentionthe de gree of thatperson's fame and power. With sincerest apologies to my parents, I cannot think ofa single worthwhileindividual of any sortwho never left home. -Binbollar Clambake,halflingmerchant of Luiren ® ( emihumans of the Realms is similar to two previous FORGOTTEN REALMS game accessories that described character kits of FaerOn. In these two earlier works, Wizardsand Rogues of the Realms and Warriorsand Priests of \� ,c • I .. ·�'1= �]� . ' � . the Realms, the Warrior, Rogue, and Wizard kits were primarily for human characters and were categorized by geography (Waterdeep, fi Cormyr, the Dales, Moonsea, etc.). The Priest kits were based upon the deities wor­ shiped, one kit per FaerOnian god but again were primarily forhuman characters. This work offers new Warrior (fighter and ranger), Rogue (thief), and Wizard (mage and specialist wizard) kits for FaerOnian demihumans: elves, half-elves, dwarves, gnomes, andhalflings. Kits fordemihumans fromMaztica, Zak.hara, or Kara-Turare not covered. DemihumanDeities (9585) covers the gods of the demihumans, along with the appro­ priate Priest kits, so no Priest kits appear here for demihuman clerics or druids. (In the Realms, wild elves as well as any sort of half-elf can become druids.) Religious training, beliefs, and behaviorssupersede regional, cultural, andracial characterist'ics in most cases. Many character kits allowed for use by demihumans of the Realms are detailed in otherworks and are not covered here. The reader is encouraged to look for Wizards and Roguesof theRealms, Warriors andPriests of theRealms, The Complete Book of Elves, Elves of Evermeet, The Complete Book of Gnomes & Halflings, and The Complete Book of Dwarves for important examples. In addition, many of the kits appearing in other vol­ umes in the Complete Handbookseries andthe PLAYER'SOn10N8 : Skills & Powersbook " are useful forFaerOnian demihumans-for example, elves and half-elves could use many of the kits from TheComplete Ranger's Handbook, and half-elves could use The Complete Bard's Handbook. I The kits presented in this book simultaneously incorporate cultural, racial, and occu­ l pational elements. Some are very specialized and can be used by only one race, and by only those individuals likely to be found outside their homelands. Still, these kits fill \ Jj major functions in the workings of the Realms. 11 Demihumans of the Realms often do not have greatly differing powers or abilities 11 within each specific occupation. A wayfaringhalfling merchant from Luiren is much like a wayfaringhalfling merchant from Tethyr, except forparticulars of their dress, personal­ ities, beliefs, and cultural habits. The player should look up detailsto make each charac­ I ' � 1111� l1tI 1 ·• I ter more authentic andadd a true personality to a hero with a kit-something game me­ chanicsSample andguidelines cannot do-forexample , what were the hero's family and child­ file•� hood like? What are his beliefs, goals, and motivations? What does he love, fear, and hate? What does he think of the world? Some kits here are altered versions of published generic kits. Changes were made to -- �IJi ,, merge very similar kits, tone down overpowered kits, and most importantly
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