PROFILE ffi,u#kffi The Sin ng Oo oy 'oSomepeople are bornto live with horses,"the renowned singer-songwritersays By Peter Feniak an Tysonwrote his first songback in 1962at his manager's apartmentin NewYorkCity. Impressedbythe precocious songwritingofhis youngfriend BobDylan, Tysoncrafted "Four StrongWinds," a wistfi.rlsong about fading love, set in Canada'svast spaces. It becamea classic. A11these years later, as winter closesin on fie ranchlands ofsouthwesternAlbertat EasternSlopes, where the foothills trying to takecare ofmy lir'estockand keep them fed.Itt not rise to meetthe Rockies,itt nearing-20"C (-a'F). In his fa- a big job. I donl havea lot herein the winter-my horses 'And mous song,Tlson wrote, thosewinds sure can blow and a few longhorns.Most of my livestockstuff is in the cold way out there."As we connecton this frosty moming, summerseason. They comein in May and go out in Octo- ' he is living thosewords. "Yeah, brutal. Brutal heretoday, he ber. In this weather,they just try to get out of the wind, get 'Wind, says. too." behind a windbreak lt's amazinghow they handleit. But if 'em 'em It's early,but the voiceofa hundred songsand more has you cankeep fed,get out of the whd, and keep'em beenup for a while, doing rancher'swork "TodayI'm just watered,they cantake a 1otofit." 14 cooDTrMEs 'va,c 20rb \d &iF- 'fyson I n 1959,Tyson passed thr ough this cor.rntry,heading east ln 1976,a frustrated ,rtrll<edaway from his music ca- from Vancouver a rugged young Westerner carrying a reerand movedbackwest. Ilrit the urgeto lvrite and singhis guitar, burning with talent. ReachingToronto as the folk own songslingercd. music boorl began,he would becomehalfofthe fast-rising duo lan & Sylvia,partnered witb a sing:r fron Chatham, ON, named lifvia Fricker. From his ranch near tiny L,:rn11view,AB, Tysoncon.rments, But changingtimes would eventuallyend their success. "Nature designedthis courtry for buffalo-period." New- Mar.lr:?Ol5 GOOD TIMES 15 PROFILE I I As a guitaristwidr a rich baritonevoice, he joined a rocka- billy band upon hisiretom to Vancouver,The Sensational Stripes.Solq he plqed t}recountry songshe loved,and then embracedhlk musicafter hearing The KingstonTrio's "Tom Dooley" on the radirr.The localfolk scenewas srnall then. A 'You're veteranmusician oflered some advice: a sood-look- ing kid andyou've got some talent-you've gottaget out ofVaacouver."In i959, Tysonshoul- deredhis guitar andhitchhiked easr In Toronto,Tyson found work as a commercial artisr Legendhas it that he designedthe logo for Resdan comers to the Shampoo.His impact on the music west were once well-advised to scenewould lastfur longer.With Sylvia meet winter with a bufhlo coat "The tLemoved to New York'sGreenwich Vil- Mounted Policeused to wear them," he l4ge,heart ofthe folkscene,in 1962.(Ther tells me "And my fatherapparently had maLrriedin i964-) Music historian tohn oneofthose coaGback in the earlyday's." Ei*rson praisestheir "heady mix of dis- His hthe6 GeorgeDawson Tporl an Eng- lishmanwith arradventumus spiri! arrivedin Caaadain1906 and found workhis sonwould later embrace-as an Alberta randr hand-ln 1910,hemovedtoVancowerlsland. He served with distinqtion in the First World War. re* tumed, setdedin Victoria married Margaret Campbe[ daughterof a prominent Oak Bay ftmily, andwent into business. George Tyson always kept horses and playedpolo. \ny'henIan (bom Septernber1933) was barely tinctive harmony, atypical repertoie, and physicalattrac- five, his dad took him to a rodeoand sathim in a cowboy's tiveness."Guitarist Rick Turner recalls, "Their harmony 'Some saddle. peopleare bom to live with horsesand othen singing was amazirrg.Their a cappellasongs were spine- arent " Ian writesin hk memotr,The Long ?ail (McClelland chilling." They signed with manager Albert Grossman, & Stewa4 2010)."It's in my geneticmakeup. Simple as that." whosestable of artists induded folk greatsPeter, PauI and h Indeed,he became an expertrider, a top rodeocompetitor. Mary and songwritingprodigy Bob Dylan- As a boy, the youngerTyson dreamedof "the cowboy Lookingbackin itNeverSold My Saddle,luseadier llr,em. life," treasuringthe storiesand drawingsof Will James,the ok written with CollinXscott (Greystone Boolis, 19%),!= great chronider of the Old West. (james,a.ka. Montana sonwrote, "For a corupleofyears, I forgotall aboutthe \{est |:| 9im, was,in fact, ErnestDufaui! a native Quebecerwho We rveregoing good. We had all the collegeconcerts we . utterly shedhis identity.) When TenRitter and the Sonsof could handle.On thoseplanes everyweek We weremaking the Pioneerscame to Victoria, young Ian was thrilled by a lot ofmoney-..the numbertwo groupafter Peter,PauI and thei.rfiaditional Westernsound. Mary.... We did (amongothers) two dl.namitealbums, Tyson'supbringing was genteel (he graduatedftom Victo- NorthernJournq and.Early Morning Rain." riai; eliteGleniyon Norfolk School),but he grewup toughand Their successwzu real with tiumphs from Ontario's fearles.He wasalso rebellious, leaving home at 17.He enrolled Mariposa Folk Festivalto New York's CarnegieHall, but at the VaacouverSchool ofArl wod<edsummers as a British they never quite reachedthe industry heights scaledby Columbialogger, and competed in rodeoswhenever he cor,rld- Dylan or Gordon Lighfoot, whom they mentored.As the He wasriding a bronco in his early20s when his saddle folk boom faltered their efforts to update their sound to zuddeniyunbuckied. As Tysonleaped off his horsestepped folk-rock, then coultry-rod<, werestrong but didnt break '60s, down hardon his ankle.In Calgary'sGeneral Hospital, Tyson through. And by thr: end ofthe folk musics beautiful '70s spotteda patientwith a guitar and gavethe instrumenta trf couplebegan to dri1l apart The early found Sylviare- "By the time I got dischargedwirh pins embeddedin my an- maining mostly at their Toronto home with their young kle," hewrote later,"I couldplay more than rhreechords." son, Clay,while lan-who bridled at city life-mosdy re- 16 cooD TIMESMarch 201b mainedat their rancheart of Oshawaor steppedor,rt with Livingthe cowboy life, riding the open co,:ntry, gave him Rornie Hawl<insand Lightfoot. orygen-arrirne:, lranscenderrce. Tyson pur it thi(wav. By 1975, ':yui1l both musicialpartnership and marriargewere x snrvbul.1ou harc the ir..ao.'ir-r", *"'i" rrt over.After fiveyears hcsting TV's TheIar TysonSlnw,\- lookingfor-then yorLpu: it ona horse.Man -66nn., *1.,.n sonqult. He made a firte soloalbum, Ol' cz, tharishould he'.on-a hor",, ond whe'' he's on a 'isood hr;";'i, ;";il,; havedone well but did.n't.Meanwhiie, Sylvia succ,essfully ch.rnge5.A good horse Liberar"s you. ride*t",: ;;";ll: launchedherselfas a solo artist. underthe moor!. It's magir. youie on a livingmachine.that Tysontriid theNashVille scene but it didnt click.L{is pLrb- eatsup themiles,Itt atradttion that crosses border:;. 1e;ft 31 lic imagemayhave beer t, asEinarson writel, "all bra.,,adoand the gauchosand the vaq)eros,Genghis Khan, t,hgQ6s- braggadocio,aslap on r.he back with. , ,agooil joke anrd a beer," sacks." but in realityTyson r vasintense, competitive, pro ud of his But musicwasrrl doneia'i11 Ian Tyson.Before long, 'l the craft. "l waspe'tq/ bit' ter,"he would latersay. r.vasilounder- full-time cowboyl5egan b pl4yweekends in locallonky- ing, angry.Wht.r I le' rl Toronto,nobody waved goodbye." tonks.Then, in late -1978,!an3di61 511ps15tarNeil Yor.rngre- corded.Comes a Tirzte, a ,ountry-flavouredalbum that in- Backto tle fvlusic cludedhis versionof "FQirStrong Winds," a songlre'd loved By 1976,Tyson, one of Canada'sgreat singer-sot.rgwriters, asa teel.rager.The substantialroyalties from that album gave wasa ranchhand on a largespread near Pincher Creek in Tysonenough for a down payrnenton his own ranch,near southwestAlberta. "I.just shut her.down," he wrotelater. "I Longview.He beganto write again,and then work on music couldntcare less about rtusic. I justwasn't interested. I was with &iendsin his thick-waLlecL"stone house," a walk away interestedin riding wild horsesand chasingwild cattle.I iiom thecorrals and the main ceda:-Jog dwelling: had the middle-agecrazies. 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We've been wrcrking on a "SomedaySoon." He kept riding That'sour prontise to you. i recordingfor severalmonths. One rod,:ohim:;ell winningcut t ing . SPEEDY,EASY, AND moreintense session shou,ld probably horsecompetitions. He married SAFE-iER'YICE . finish it if all goeswell. I th ink this is a Bibkrwrtheir daughrer, Adelita, was '90s 24 hourss 6.iay,7 daysa week. pretty interestingalbum, actualiy. It's borrr.Throul;h the r:ndinto the Visitour o,rline subscription got somestylistic changes-which I newcentury , Tysoncontinued to donl reallywant servicesa,t www.goodtimes.cal to talk abo'ut,but.
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