Medical Service in Russia Dear Member, We are pleased to inform you that DavidShield has a "Direct Billing" agreement with several leading medical service providers in Moscow, Russia. Your DavidShield member ID card enables you to enjoy the medical services offered by these “Network” providers with no need to pay in advance. When you receive care, present your member ID card and photo ID to the provider. Pay the provider directly any member cost sharing due according to the terms of your benefit plan (if applicable). The remaining payment will be arranged directly by DavidShield. Please note: If you have elected the “waiver of deductible” rider in your policy, there will be no member cost sharing. You may also choose medical providers who do not have a "Direct Billing" agreement with DavidShield. In such case, you will be required to pay the full cost of the medical treatment in advance, and submit a claim form and original receipts to DavidShield for reimbursement. The claim will be processed and you will be refunded in accordance with the policy term. Attached is a list of local In-Network providers with “Direct Billing” agreement: On the following page you will find detailed contact information for services in Moscow. Medical Service in Russia Contact Information DavidShield Moscow Office: Office telephone: 007-495-694-1963 Office fax: 007-495-694-6442. Services: medical emergencies and provider services (selecting and locating providers, assistance at the provider’s office with claim forms and other provider issues) Working Hours: Mon-Fri: 10 am to 7 p.m. After Hours Assistance (until 9 pm on weekdays): о Ms. Elena Solopova, CEO: 007-929-650-3026 о Dr. Irina Sergeeva, Medical Advisor: 007-963-601-4357 о Mr. Israel Rotem, General Manager: 007-495-509-5982 (urgent matters) After Hours Assistance (after 9 pm and on weekends): о Please contact the DavidShield International Customer Service Center Please visit DavidShield Russia web page at www.managedcare..ru DavidShield International Customer Service Center: Email: [email protected] Office telephone: 8-800-333-74-90 (toll free from anywhere in Russia). Office fax: +972-8-892-0900. Services: Plan design, policy terms, eligibility, claim reimbursement, premium payment, website issues, and all other service issues. Working Hours: 24 hours a day / 7 days a week # Healthcare Provider Services Available Address Phone Metro Station Working Hours URL 1. ADULTS/ ВЗРОСЛЫЕ 28 Komsomolsky Clinic: 8:00 - 21:00 Prospect, Frunzenskaya Trauma center: 24/7 Multiprofile: Moscow outpatient diagnostics 28 Posledniy Clinic: 8:00 - 21:00 Bud Zdorov Medical Centers and treatment 8 495 782 88 82 1.1. Pereulok, Sukharevskaya Trauma center: 8:00 www.7828882.ru office procedures 8 495 663 03 03 /"Будь Здоров"/ Moscow - 21:00 house calls trauma center 12 Suschevskiy Savelovskaya Clinic: 8:00 - 21:00 Val, Moscow Multiprofile: Mon - Thu: 8:00 - outpatient diagnostics 20:00 11/2 Obraztsova www.rimc- 1.2. and treatment 8 495 663 23 55 Mari'na Roshcha Fri: 8:00 - 14:00 MCHU/МЧУ "Рамбам" Street, Moscow rambam.ru office procedures Sat: closed house calls Sun: 8:00 - 20:00 Multiprofile: Pushkinskaya / 26 bld. 4 Aquamed Clinic outpatient diagnostics 8 495 624 6620 Tverskaya Mon - Sun: 10:00 - 1.3. Petrovka Street, www.aqua-med.ru and treatment 8 495 624 7926 Chehovskaya 20:00 /"Аквамед"/ Moscow office procedures Trubnaya/ Obstetrics/Gynaecology: outpatient diagnostics and treatment 8 495 952 02 52 Mon - Sat: 9:00 - 20 Lesteva minor interventions 8 495 225 52 68 Shabolovskaya 21:00 Street, Moscow house calls 8 495 954 63 68 Sun: 10:00 - 16:00 Zdorovoe Pokolenie Women's daycare center www.z-p.ru 1.4. Health Center prenatal care /"Здоровое Поколение"/ 6 Fotievoy Street, Maternal Unit 8 499 137 29 10 Leninsky Prospect 24/7 Moscow # Healthcare Provider Services Available Address Phone Metro Station Working Hours URL Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 66 Leninsky 8 495 651 2145 Universitet / 21:00 Prospect, 8 495 651 2146 Akademicheskaya Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 Moscow 8 495 651 2147 Sun: 10:00 - 16:00 29 Olympijski Mon - Fri: 9:00 - Multiprofile: 8 495 585 15 Prospect, 11(в) Medvedkovo 20:00 Nebolit Medical Centers outpatient diagnostics 1.5. and treatment Mytischi, 8 495 585 15 12 (11,5 km drive) Sat: 10:00 - 16:00 www.nebolit.ru /"Неболит"/ office procedures Moscow region (д) Sun: 10:00 - 14:00 house calls 3 8 495 840 48 Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 57/65 Academicheskaya 8 495 840 48 Tyopliy Stan 20:00 Ploschad, Troitsk, 67/68 (21 km drive) Sat: 10:00 - 17:00 Moscow 8 495 840 48- Sun: closed 75/73 Multiprofile: 8 499 250 26 40 Mon - Fri: 8:00 - outpatient diagnostics Guta Clinic 2 Fadeeva Street, 8 499 250 45 77 Mayakovskaya / 21:00 1.6. and treatment www.gutaclinic.ru Moscow 8 499 250 44 57 Novoslobodskaya Sat: 10:00 - 18:00 /"Гута Клиник"/ office procedures 8 499 251 80 02 Sun: closed house calls Multiprofile: Mon - Fri: 8:00 - outpatient diagnostics 42 bld.4 8 800 777 31 31 Prospekt 21:00 1.7. and treatment Lobachevskogo www.k31.ru Clinic K+31 / Клиника К +31/ 8 499 143 99 00 Vernadskogo Sat, Sun: 09:00 - office procedures Street, Moscow 18:00 house calls Multiprofile: 5 Pisarevskiy 8 800 555 09 09 outpatient diagnostics Family Clinic # 3 /Семейная proezd, 8 496 580 72 72 Medvedkovo Mon - Sun: 8:00 - http://www.setpol.r 1.8. and treatment Pushkino, 8 926 014 72 72 (18 km drive) 21:00 u/clinic5 Поликлиника № 3/ office procedures Moscow Region house calls # Healthcare Provider Services Available Address Phone Metro Station Working Hours URL Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology" Obstetrics/Gynaecology: Federal State Budget Institution outpatient diagnostics Mon - Fri: 8:00 - /ФГБУ «Научный центр and treatment 4 Academician Konkovo / 8 495 438 95 56 19:00 1.9. minor interventions Oparin Street, Belyaevo / www.ncagip.ru акушерства, гинекологии и 8 495 531 44 44 Sat: 10:00 - 14:00 house calls Moscow Yugo-Zapadnaya перинатологии им. академика Sun: closed В.И.Кулакова» Министерства daycare center prenatal care здравоохранения и социального развития РФ/ Multiprofile: Pirogov Medical-surgical Center Mon - Fri: 8:00 - outpatient diagnostics 65 Niznaja 8 499 464 44 54 /ФГУ Национальный медико- 20:00 www.pirogov- 1.10. and treatment Pervomayskaya 8 499 464 50 54 Pervomayskaya Sat, Sun: 09:00 - center.ru хирургический Центр имени Н.И. office procedures Street, Moscow 14:00 Пирогова/ house calls Multiprofile: outpatient diagnostics 43 Lomonosovsky Mon - Fri: 8:00 - www.medep.ru 1.11. MEDEP /МЕДЭП/ and treatment Prospect, 8 499 147 90 03 Universitet 20:00 office procedures Moscow Sat, Sun: closed house calls 125 8 499 781 90 36 Mon - Fri: 8:00 - Varshavskoye 8 499 781 79 83 Yuzhnaya 20:00 Shosse, Moscow 8 499 685 0017 Sat, Sun: closed 11 Mon - Fri: 8:00 - Promishlennaya 8 495 737 43 89 Kantemirovskaya 20:00 St., Moscow Sat, Sun: closed Multiprofile: outpatient and 17 inpatient Komsomolskiy 8 495 663 86 00 diagnostics and Prospekt, bld. Mon - Fri: 8:00 - Alfa Insurance Health Center treatment 11, Moscow Frunzenskaya 21:00 Sat: 9:00 - www.alfazdrav.ru 1.12 /Альфа Центр Здоровья/ 19:00 office procedures Sun: Closed house calls stomatology 4/2 Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 22:00 Sat: 10:00 - Yaroslavskaya VDNH 20:00 St., Moscow Sun: 10:00 – 20:00 57 Lesnaya St., Mon - Fri: 8:00 - Multiprofile: Belorusskaya / 21:00 Sat: 9:00 - bld.1, Moscow outpatient and Mendeleevskaya 20:00 inpatient Sun: 9:00 –18:00 8 495 777 48 49 diagnostics and 33/28 Klara Mon - Fri: 9:00 - treatment 22:00 Sat: 9:00 - 1.13 SM-Clinic /СМ-Клиника/ Cetkin St., Voykovskaya www.smclinic.ru office procedures 20:00 house calls Moscow Sun: 10:00 – 20:00 trauma Unit 9/2 Kosmonavt Mon - Fri: 9:00 - ambulance 22:00 Sat: 9:00 - Volkov St., Voykovskaya 20:00 Moscow Sun: 10:00 – 20:00 8 Yarcevskaya St., Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 22:00 Sat: 9:00 - Moscow Molodezchnaya 20:00 Sun: 10:00 – 20:00 Multiprofile: 8 495 609 66 93 outpatient and 14 inpatient Mon - Fri: 7:30 - Landishevaja Planernaya / 21:00, : 9:00- Medkvadrat /Медквадрат/ diagnostics and Sat www.medkvadrat.ru 1.14 St., bld. 1., Rechnoy Vokzal 18:00, Sun: treatment 10:00-16:00 office procedures Kurkino 74 Kashirskoe 8 495 609 66 93 Shosse, bld. 1, Mon - Fri: 9:00 - Moscow Kashirskaya 21:00, Sat: - Sun: 10:00-16:00 Multiprofile: outpatient Normodent Central Clinic diagnostics and Sretenkiy Bulvar / treatment 13 Myasnitskaya Mon - Sun: 9:00 - 1.15 /Нормодент Центральная Chistie Prudi / 21:00 www.normodent.ru office procedures St., bld. 13A, Turgenevskaya Клиника/ Moscow house calls 8 495 644 00 26 8 495 223 22 Derbenevskaya 01 naberezhnaya7, Paveletskaya, Mn.-Fr. 8.00- nd 21.00 b. 22, 2 floor, Proletarskaya Sat.-.Sun.: day off Moscow 8 495 7 800 500 8 495 697 50 Skatertniy 11 pereulok 10, Arbatskaya, Mn.-Fr: 8.00- th 20.00 7 floor, Pushkinskaya Sat.-Sun.: day off Moscow 8 495 697 73 54 8 499 238 39 30 1.16 MEDSI Clinic Malaya Mn.-Fr.:8.00- Polyanka St., 20.00 7/7, b.1, 8 499 238 39 Polyanka Sat.-Sun.:9.00- Moscow 21 16.00 Uspenskaya St., Mn.-Fr.:8.00- 5, Krasnogorsk 8 495 980 66 21.00 78 Sat.-Sun.:10.00- 17.00 8 495 751-03- Mn.-Fr.:8.00- Pyatnitskoe 29 shosse, 37, Pyatnizkaya 22.00 8 495 794 73 Sat.-Sun.:10.00- Moscow 08 17.00 Leningradskiy 8 495 229 18 Mn.-Fr.:8.00- 21.00 prospect, 52, 75 Aeroport Sat.-Sun.:10.00- Moscow 17.00 8495 3573971 Maryino 849535779 86 Mn.-Fr.:8.00- 849535756 09 21.00 Marshala Sat.-Sun.:10.00- Golovanova St., 84953572615 17.00 1, b.2, Moscow Mn.-Fr.:8.00- Komsomolskaya 8 495 725 37 Shelkovo city 21.00 5, Shelkovo city 08 Sat.-Sun.:10.00- 15.00 Multiprofile: Mn.-Fr.:8.00- •outpatient diagnostics Sretenka St.
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