Cambridge University Press 0521819792 - China’s Use of Military Force: Beyond the Great Wall and the Long March Andrew Scobell Index More information Index Academyof MilitarySciences 29, 35, Chai Chengwen 82, 87, 91, 229, 231, 175, 218–19 234 active defense 28, 31, 34–5, 92, 190 Chen Boda 100–1, 103, 106 Adelman, Jonathan (and Chih-Yu Shih) Chen Jian 201, 207–8, 218, 228–31, xi, 200, 207, 211, 229, 242 233–5, 242, 246 Allison, Graham 184, 261 Chen Shuibian 172–3, 189 Anti-Japanese Political and Military Chen Xianhua 146 University( see Kangda) Chen Xitong 148, 152, 165 Anti-Japanese War (see Japan) Chen Yi 53, 100 Chen Yun 83, 131, 145–6, 232 Ba Zhongtan 188 Chen Zaidao 102–6, 239 banners (Manchu) 43, 69, 217, 226–7 Cheng Hsiao-shih xiii, 220, 224 Beijing Massacre (see Tiananmen, Chi Haotian 53, 64, 79, 146, 150, 152, Tiananmen [Square] Massacre) 156–7, 163, 166, 228 Belgrade embassybombing (1999) 172, Chiang Kai-shek 43–4, 55, 60–2, 70, 174, 187, 191 224 Berger, Thomas 5, 200, 202, 207 “China threat” xi, 1, 19 Betts, Richard K. xii, 178, 196–7, 199, Chinese Communist Party(CCP) xii, 204, 249, 259, 263–4 6–7, 10, 26–7, 40, 46, 49, 52, 55, Bo Yibo 82, 145, 148, 231 58–9, 62, 64, 70, 75, 79, 95–7, boat people 122 100–1, 111–12, 120, 128–30, Buddhism (Buddha) 21, 95, 210 132–3, 144–50, 164, 166–7, 174, 178, 192, 194–5, 224 Central Cultural Revolution Group Politburo (Political Bureau) (CCRG) 96–100, 102–3, 105, full Politburo 53, 65, 79, 83, 87, 98, 107, 115 101, 123, 126, 128, 130–1, 175, Central MilitaryCommission (CMC) 29, 243, 246, 255, 258, 261 49, 52, 63–4, 66–7, 71, 73–4, 79, Politburo Standing Committee 88, 97–8, 100–2, 107, 110, 126, 65–6, 82, 84, 148–9, 151–2, 158, 130, 133, 140, 145–6, 149, 152, 173, 176–7, 183, 252 155–6, 163, 166, 173, 175–6, Chinese People’s Volunteers (CPV) 42, 181, 188, 250, 258, 261 80, 84, 234–5 293 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521819792 - China’s Use of Military Force: Beyond the Great Wall and the Long March Andrew Scobell Index More information Index Christensen, Thomas J. 199, 202–3, layers of 2–3, 11, 38–9, 197 205–8, 216, 229–30, 259–61, military(organizational culture) 2–3, 263 7–8, 92, 192–3, 195–7, 200–1 Christianity210 political 3–4, 7, 23, 40–1, 44–5, 74, Christopher, Warren 180, 191, 263 149, 201 civil-militaryculture ( see also culture, strategic xi–xii, 2–5, 9, 15, 19–40, 92, military) 192–4, 197–8, 206–7, 210, 229 doctrine 9, 45–51, 74–6, 119, 138–40, 165, 194 (see also Daoism 21, 23 People’s War, People’s War under death penalty22, 37–8 Modern Conditions, Limited War Democratic Progressive Party(DPP) 172, under High-Technology 180 Conditions) Deng Hua 89–91 format (civil-militaryelite) 9, 51–6, Deng Xiaoping xi, 6–7, 10, 16, 30, 74–6, 92, 140, 194 33–8, 49, 52, 54–6, 58–9, 63–7, function (internal security) 9, 66–76, 75–6, 79, 107, 124–31, 137–40, 111, 113–4, 140, 165–7, 194–5 142–8, 151, 155, 157, 164–5, identity9, 56–66, 74–6, 119, 140–1, 167, 173–5, 192, 194–6, 212–13, 156, 165–7 215, 219, 221, 223, 225, 240, loyalty 56–60, 74–6, 111–13, 195, 242–3, 248–50, 252 221–3, 225 Deng Yingchao 145 civil-militaryrelations ( see civil-military Der Spiegel 154 culture) Diaoyutai (Senkaku) Islands 184 Civil Wars 24, 41, 86, 94, 153, 211, Divine Husbandman 21–2 231 doctrine (see civil-militaryculture) civilianization 55–6 Dong Biwu 83 coercive diplomacy9–10, 80, 94, 116, Dreyer, Edward L. 218, 225 119, 135–7, 141, 171, 179–81, Dreyer, June Teufel 202–4, 221, 223, 188–9, 197, 206, 262 234, 249, 253–4, 256, 259 Confucianism 9, 15, 17, 20–4, 26–7, “dual role elite” 51, 53–4, 111–12, 138, 37–8, 52, 192–4, 209 145, 173, 192, 194 Confucius 2, 20–1, 209–10 coup (d’etat) 94, 97, 111–15, 149, 157, Eikenberry, Karl W. xiii, 199, 262 164, 224, 238 Elders (Gang of) 144–5, 147–9, 151–3, Cox Report 18, 208 157, 165, 167, 250 criminal justice policy22, 24, 37 elite (see civil-militaryculture, format) Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) 184–5 EP-3 Incident (2001) 18, 196 “Cult of Defense” 9, 15, 26–38, 192, Essence of Decision, The (see Allison, 211–12 Graham) “Cult of Offense” 15, 26, 192–3, 211 Cultural Revolution (1966–9) 10, 32, Fairbank, John K. 16–17, 20, 31, 60, 200, 36–7, 42, 70–1, 94–116, 137, 208, 215, 223, 263 139, 145–6, 154, 159, 165, 237 FebruaryAdverse Current (1967) 99–101 culture Feng Yuxiang 44 civil-militaryxi, 2–3, 5–6, 9, 38–76, FieryEmperor 21–2 92, 119, 137, 144–5, 165–7, Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 192–5, 197, 202, 216 29, 133 294 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521819792 - China’s Use of Military Force: Beyond the Great Wall and the Long March Andrew Scobell Index More information Index format (see civil-militaryculture) identity( see civil-militaryculture) Four Cardinal Principles 147 India Freeman, Chas. 186–7, 190, 261 nuclear tests (1998) 187 Fu Quanyou 73 Sino–Indian War (1962) 32, 125–6, function (see civil-militaryculture) 175, 193, 196, 244, 263 intrastate violence 23–5 Gang of Four 63, 97, 115, 129, 149 Islam 21 Gao Gang 82, 84, 90–1, 232 Garver, John W. 28, 199, 203, 207, 225, Janowitz, Morris 68, 202–3, 216, 222, 256, 258–64 226 Geng Biao 126, 133, 138, 247 Japan 1, 16, 85, 92, 151, 184, 189 George, Alexander 141, 206, 248, Anti-Japanese War (1937–45) 70, 259 86 Godwin, Paul H. B. xiii, 58, 197, 200, Sino–Japanese War (1894–95) 42–4, 204–7, 214, 219, 222, 264 62 Great Wall xi–xii, 2, 4, 31, 53, 192, Jencks, Harlan W. 159, 202, 204, 221–2, 198 241–2, 245, 249–50, 253, 255–6, Green Standard (Armies of the) 43, 67, 262–3 69, 217, 226–7 Jiang Qing 97–101, 103, 106–8, 113 Gu Gui 73 Jiang Zemin xi, 6–7, 9–10, 52, 59, 63–7, Gu Mu 100 75–6, 164, 166, 173, 175–6, 178, Guan Feng 100, 107 192–5, 258 Guan Yu (God of War) 44–5 Joffe, Ellis xiii, 202, 204, 219, 222, Gurtov, Melvin (and Byung-Moo Hwang) 227–8, 236, 248 xi, 201, 207, 229, 232, 258, 264 Johnston, Alastair Iain xiii, 4, 9, 19–20, 22–3, 34–5, 39, 191, 200–2, Han Nianlong 126 204–7, 209–11, 214–15, 220, He Long 44, 62, 89, 110, 234 229, 248, 263 hegemony(hegemonism) 30 just war 20, 25, 28, 34, 211, 214 Hoa (ethnic Chinese in Vietnam) 121–2, 124, 135, 243 Kang Sheng 70, 100 Hong Kong xiii, 29–30, 42, 153, 172, Kangda (Anti-Japanese Political and 174, 178, 184, 256 MilitaryUniversity)62–3 Hong Xuezhi 89–91, 149, 155–6, 230, Khmer Rouge 120–1, 123–4, 129, 131, 233–5 134–5 Hu Jintao, 6, 173 Kier, Elizabeth 5, 200, 202–3 Hu Qili 148, 151 Kim, Samuel xii, 200, 206, 264 Hu Yaobang 124, 146 Korea Hua Guofeng 52, 56, 63, 129, 130–1, Korean Peninsula 43, 80–1, 84, 137–8, 143, 246 174 Huan Guocang 255–6 Korea, North 33, 80, 120 Huang, Chen-Hsia (see Whitson, Korea, South 80, 151 William W.) Korean War (1950–3) 10, 16–17, 32, Hughes, Christopher xiii 35, 42, 79–93, 119, 140–1, Huntington, Samuel P., 57, 199, 202–3, 174–5, 185, 195–6, 234, 263 221–2, 241, 249 Kuomintang (KMT) 42, 46–7, 60–2, 70, Hwang, Byung-Moo (see Gurtov, Melvin) 165, 172, 174–5, 185, 224 295 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521819792 - China’s Use of Military Force: Beyond the Great Wall and the Long March Andrew Scobell Index More information Index Lam, WillyWo-Lap 225, 257, 259–62 Long March xii, 2, 6, 40, 51, 66, 112, Lary, Diana 44, 216–17 130, 137–8, 144, 173, 189, 192, Lee, Jong Sun 92, 204, 229, 236, 194, 198 264 loyalty (see civil-militaryculture) Lee Teng-hui 171, 175–7, 180–1, 183, Lu Xiansheng 157 185–6, 189 Luo Ronghuan 234 Legalism 21–4, 210 Luo Ruiqing 53, 62 Lei Feng 42 Lewis, John W. (and Xue Litai) xiii, Mancall, Mark 31 208, 219, 226, 228–9, 231, 234, Mao Zedong xi-xii, 6, 9–10, 16–17, 27, 236, 263 30–1, 33–4, 36, 38, 41, 46, Lewis, Mark Edward 16, 22, 24–5, 207, 52–6, 58–9, 62–4, 75–6, 79–88, 209–11, 220–1 91–2, 94–101, 103–16, 128, 138, Lhasa (see martial law) 147, 173–4, 192, 194–6, 214–16, Li Fuchun 100 218, 220, 228–30, 233–5, Li Hongzhang 59, 69 237–40 Li Jijun 29, 31, 33, 212–13, 257 “Mao’s MilitaryRomanticism” 26–7 Li Peng 148–9, 151–2, 157, 163, 165, martial law 178, 252, 255 Beijing 74, 148–9, 153, 160–2, 251 Li Ruihuan 164 legislation (1997) 228 Li Xiannian 100, 130, 145–6, 149, 166, Lhasa 148 234, 251 Martial Law Enforcement Command xiii, Li Zongren 44 150, 152, 255 Li Zuopeng 105 Marxism-Leninism 22, 47, 76, 147 Liao Chengguo 109 Mencius (Mencian) 20 Liao Chengzhi 122, 134 Matsu 174, 185 Liao Zhongkai 61, 224 Million Heroes (Wuhan Incident) 102–4 Liberation Army Daily 64, 71, 73, 141, Ming Dynasty 4, 31, 67, 211 165 Ministryof Foreign Affairs (MFA) 126, Lilley, James R.
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