Pacific Bulb Society Bulb and Seed Exchange (BX) 101-200 Details for items listed here have been truncated due to space contraints. For more information, visit the PBS archives (http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php). The following are statistical analyses of BX101-200. Total item = 1830, average item per BX = 18.3, average items per month = 42.56, average BX’s per month = 2.3, total items for Spring = 235, total items for Summer = 563, total items for Fall = 774, total items for winter = 288. 13. Freesia muirii (syn F. leichtlinii) 14. Habranthus robustus BX 101 (Sept. 4, 2005) 15. Zephyranthes reginae 'Valles yellow' >From Mark Mazer: 16. Zephyranthes primulina 1. Small bulbs of Nerine bowdenii 17. Zephyranthes commersoniana (syn. 2. Bulbs of Cyrtanthus helictus Z. mesochloa) 3. Rhizomes of Trillium discolor 4. Cormlets of Ixia flexuosa BULBLETS: 5. Tubers of Arum cyrenaicum 18. Oxalis purpurea alba 6. Cormlets of Ixia maculata 19. Oxalis purpurea 'Garnet' 7. Corms of Sparaxis tricolor 20. Oxalis obtusa, rose 8. Tubers of Arum purpureospathum >From Mark Mazer: >From Leo Martin: 21. Bulblets of Cyanella hyacinthoides 9. Seed of Lachenalia contaminata 22. Bulblets of Lachenalia juncifolia 23. Seed of Cypella plumbosa plantensis >From Mark Wilcox: (syn. C. coelestis) 10. Seed of Rhodophiala chilense 24. Tubers of Arisaema rhombiforme BX 102 (Sept. 22, 2005) BX 103 ( Sept. 28, 2005 ) > From Arnold Trachtenberg: > From Mary Sue Ittner: 1. Bulbs of Nerine bowdenii BULBLETS/CORMLETS: 2. Bulbils of Lilium sulphereum 1. Brodiaea pallida cormlets 2. California native cormlets, probably > From Lee Poulsen: Dichelostemma capitatum 3. Seed of Hippeastrum aulicum 3. Calochortus uniflorus 4. Lachenalia carnosa > From Tsuh Yang Chen: 5. Lachenalia pallida 4. Tubers of Sinningia aghensis 6. Lachenalia pustulata 7. Lachenalia sp. from BX seed- > From Dennis Kramb: pustulata? 5. Seed of Iris odaesanensis 8. Lachenalia unicolor 6. Seed of Nelumbo lutea 9. Leucocoryne purpurea cormlets 10. Oxalis commutata -- Fall > From Lyn Makela: 11. Oxalis depressa MV4871 7. Bulbs of Tulbaghia cominsii 12. Oxalis incarnata 8. Tubers of Sinningia tubiflora 13. Oxalis luteola MV 5667 9. Bulbs of Freesia refracta alba (syn. F. 14. Oxalis obtusa pink alba) 15. Oxalis obtusa MV4719d -- coppery pink SEED: 16. Oxalis obtusa MV 5516, yellow 10. Chasmanthe floribunda 17. Oxalis obtusa MV 7087 11. Calydorea pallens 18. Oxalis obtusa peach -- 12. Dietes iridioides 'Amatola', dwarf 19. Oxalis (South Africa) Uli 54 -- 20. Oxalis sp. (South America) from Uli, magnifica? - Summer growing 3. Arum concinnum 21. Oxalis sp. (lost tag) 4. Trichopetalum plumosum 22. Romulea obscura substestacea 5. Arum sintenisii cormlets 6. Colchicum minutum 23. Gladiolus ecklonii -- Summer growing 7. Gillesia graminifolia 8. Arisarum vulgare forma typicum > From Mark Mazer: 9. Dichelostemma volubile 23. Small bulbs of Lilium formosanum 10. Acis trichophylla (syn. Leucojum trichophyllum > From Jerry Flintoff: 11. Fritillaria eastwoodiae 24. Bulbs of Colchicum speciosum 'Album' 25. Bulbs of Colchicum speciosum > From Marie-Paule Opdenakker: 'Atrorubens' 12. Bulbils of an unknown lily (orange, tiger-lily type) BX 104 ( Oct. 6, 2005 ) > From Marcelle Sheppard via Joe Shaw: > From Carolyn Craft: 1. Seed of Crinum macowanii 13. Small rhizomes of hybrid bearded iris. Mixed hybrids, mostly labeled. > From Merrill Johnson (of the Gamble Gardens in Palo Alto, CA): > From Doug Westfall: SEED: SEED: 2. Alstroemeria sp. An old hybrid (~50 14. Haemanthus coccineus years) that is historic to the Elizabeth F. 15. Haemanthus hirsutus PINK Gamble Garden in Palo Alto, CA. 16. Veltheimia capensis 3. Freesia laxa 17. Veltheimia x 'Rosealba' (seed may not 4. Dierama pulcherrimum produce true 'Rosealba' blooms) 5. Cypella coelestis 6. Allium senescens subsp. montanum > From Dennis Kramb: var. glaucum 18. Seed of Louisiana iris, mixed cultivars, with heavy influence from Iris fulva > From Mary Sue Ittner: SEED: > From Mark Mazer: 7. Pasithea caerulea 19. Corms of Cypella coelestis 8. Lilium pardalinum --form called Giganteum > From Dave Brastow: 9. Calochortus mariposa hybrids 20. Seed of Nomocharis aperta from plant 10. Albuca circinata grown from seed wild-collected by 11. Bulblets of Oxalis purpurea 'Garnet' Collector's Nursery >From Jerry Flintoff: BX 106 ( Oct. 30, 2005 ) > From Cynthia Mueller: 12. Seed of Gagea fibrosa 1. Seed of Beschorneria septentrionalis 13. Seed of Allium brevicaule > From Mark Mazer: >From Gary Meltzer: 2. Tubers of Amorphophallus konjac 14. Seed of Gloriosa superba 3. Small bulbs of Eucomis autumnalis ssp. clavata BX 105 ( Oct. 18, 2005 ) 4. Tubers of Arisaema fargesii >From Jane McGary: BULBS: > From Rogan Roth: 1. Arum dioscoridis 5. Seed of Moraea hiemalis ex Bulwer, 2. Bloomeria crocea ssp. montana KwaZulu-Natal 18. Albuca batteriana > From Arnold Trachtenberg: 19. Albuca sp. Algoa Park (near Cape 6. Seed of Lilium regale Town) 7. Seed of Lycoris chinensis 20. Albuca sp. Nova Ngome Kwazul Natal 8. Seed of Lycoris longituba 21. Haemanthus albiflos 22. Lachenalia aloides > From Joyce Miller : 23. Lachenalia bachmanii SMALL BULBS/CORMS 24. Lachenalia mediana 9. South African bulbs including 25. Lachenalia mutabilis lachenalias 26. Lachenalia orchoides var. glacina 10. Lachenalia bulbifera 27. Lachenalia unicolor 11. Lachenalia pallida 28. Lachenalia reflexa 12. Lachenalia juncifolia 29. Lachenalia rubida 13. Lachenalia unicolor 30. Lachenalia splendida 14. Lachenalia orthopetala 31. Massonia pustalata 15. Lachenalia contaminata 32. Pelargonium echinatum 16. Moraea sp. 17. Zephyranthes (Cooperia) sp., yellow BX 108 ( Nov. 17, 2005 ) with red throat > From Hans Joschko: 18. Tritonia securigera SEED: 19. Calla sp. 1. Habranthus martinezii, ex AGS 20. Seed of Amaryllis belladonna 2. Habranthus gracilifolius, ex AGS multiflora, hot pink 3. Habranthus robustus 4. Habranthus martinezii (a different BX 107 ( Nov. 7, 2005 ) clone) > From Alberto Grossi: 5. Habranthus gracilifolius (a different 1. Seed of Lilium candidum clone) 2. Seed of Tulipa tarda 6. Habranthus texanus 3. Seed of Tulbaghia violacea 7. Habranthus brachyandrus 4. Seed of Amaryllis belladonna 8. Zephyranthes candida 5. Seed of Amaryllis belladonna 9. Zephyranthes minima "Bloemfontein" 10. Zephyranthes primulina 6. Seed of Pancratium maritimum 11. Tulbaghia violacea 7. Bulbils of Dioscorea bulbifera 8. Seedlings of Crinum moorei > From Shirley Meneice: SEED: > From Mary Sue Ittner: 12. Sisyrinchium bellum BULBS: 13. Sisyrinchium striatum 9. Oxalis obtusa (W) 14. Sisyrinchium californicum 10. Oxalis Uli 69 (sprouted) 15. Hippeastrum hybrids 11. Oxalis obtusa MV6341 (W) 16. Anomatheca laxa (syn. Freesia laxa) 12. Tritonia sp. (W) 17. Zigadenus fremontii 13. Tritonia disticha -- Summer growing 18. Lachenalia pustulata 14. Spiloxene capensis (W) 19. Seed of an unknown South African 15. Romulea bulbocodium aff. (W) bulb - probably an irid; seed looks 16. Oxalis sp. (South African, winter like Gladiolus growing, not obtusa) > From Mark Wilcox: SEED: 20. Seed of Griffinia aracensis 17. Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus > From Angelo Porcelli: > From Tom Glavich: SEED: 21. Crocus thomasii 7. Tulbaghia violacea (obtained from 22. Iris bicapitata Chiltern Seeds in 2002 as T. maritima 23. Arum apulum > From Mary Sue Ittner: > From Myke Ashley-Cooper: BULB: 24. Seed of Babiana villosa, maroon, ex 8. Rhodohypoxis baurii var. platypetala -- Tulbagh, RSA originally from some BX SEED: 9. Agapanthus -- This is a dark purple Dec. 1, 2005 BX 109 ( ) 10. Amaryllis belladonna hybrids > From Lee Poulsen: 11. Brodiaea californica SEED: 12. Calochortus -- Mariposa hybrids, open 1. Allium sp., collected from Eastern pollinated Sierras creekbeds at 11,000 ft 13. Calochortus vestae -– white, open 2. Habranthus andersonii pollinated 3. Manfreda variegata, 'El Naranjo' form 14. Delphinium nudicaule 4. Baeometra uniflora 15. Gladiolus carmineus 5. Habranthus tubispathus, mixed color 16. Gladiolus cunonius forms 17. Hesperantha latifolia 6. Lycoris sprengeri 18. Lilium hybrid -- collected from seed grown plants from seed given me by > From Pat Bender: Sir Peter Smithers 7. Seed of Arisaema taiwanense 19. Nerine bowdenii 20. Onixotis stricta > From Marie-Paule Opdenakker: 21. Romulea flava 8. Tuber-offsets of Dahlia hybrid 'Asiatic Night' > From PBS BX: SEED: > From Arnold Trachtenberg: 22. Streptocarpus wendlandii 9. Tubers of Colocasia esculenta 23. Mervilla plumbea (syn. Scilla natalensis) > From Dell Sherk: 24. Albuca maxima 10. Bulblets (offsets) of unidentified mixed 25. Albuca cooperi Cyrtanthus hybrids 26. Bulbine frutescens > From Shawn Pollard: > From Cynthia Mueller: 11. Cormlets of an unidentified Ferraria 27. Seed of Rhodophiala bifida red x pink, sp. that was offered on the PBS BX Central Texas strain last year > From Linda Foulis: > From Chuck Schwartz: 28. Seed of Hippeastrum 'Green Goddess' 12. Bulbs of Tulipa clusiana 'Lady Jane' x unknown Hippeastrum - dark red with almost black throat BX 110 ( Dec. 7, 2005 ) > From Hamish Sloan: BX 111( Dec. 19, 2005 ) SEED: > From Alberto Grossi: 1. Zephyranthes primulina 1. Tubers of Dioscorea bulbifera 2. Zephyranthes magnoi 2. Seed of Scadoxus puniceus 3. Zephyranthes 'Good yellow form' 3. Seed of Tulbaghia violacea 4. Zephyranthes reginae 4. Seed of Pancratium maritimum 5. Zephyranthes mexicana 5. Seed of Tricyrtis hirta 6. Habranthus gracilifolius 10. Seeds of Paradisea lusitanica > From Bob Werra: 11. Seeds of Scilla vincentii 6. Corms of Moraea tripetala 7. Corms of Gladiolus watsoniae > From Bob
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