AREA CODE 403 r(NO n FAST N THE telephone directory TELLflW PAC£S effective date OCTOBER 3,1965 «iBFHTA-S EMERGING NOBTHl.a>,0 4 When you can t run-reach... Save steps by the thousands phone your AGTbusiness office for an extension telephone. 12 HELPFUL INFORMATION The "Beep*' Tone Communication Consultants K yoa hear a short beep tone about every 15 seconds Your Telephone Company provides it indicates that the person with whom you are talking is recording your conversation by means of an electrical a staff of competent Consultants cap recording machine connected to the line. The "beep" able of meeting every communication signal is produced automatically by a device which con need that may exist in your residence nects the recorder to the telephone line and is provided and business activities. by the Tdephone Company for your protection- If you do not want a record made of what you are The Consultant is interested in you saying, ask the person with whom you are talking to dis and your communication problems. connect his recording machine. "When he disconnects his recorder, the signal is no longer heard. With his knowledge of communica tion, you benefit by using the equip Use of a recorder without this signal is not permitted. ment or service best-suited to your re quirements. Your Business Number "KNOW YOUR COMMUNICATION CONSULTANT" Calgary 262-8110 — Edmonton 429-2711 is Important CALL COLLECT CAPITAL maiRANI^ CU It's good business to make it easy for your CODE Communication Services T7.T=s.- 22S-niD customers to reach you. Listed below are some of the main services offered Include your telephone by your Telephone Company, in addition to regular number o n stationery, telephone service; statements and all adver Teletypewriter Exchange Switchboard tising material. Show the Service (TWX) Equipment 403 Area Code too, it Teletype Facsimile Systems helps out - of - province Intercom Systems Mobile Radio parties call you faster. Data Service Paging Systems Pay-Station Service ,. Special Feature Telephone ... for your Convenience Closed Circuit Television Pay-Station Telephones are In stalled throughout Alberta for the convenience of our Customers and the general public. Local conver sations should be limited to five Telephone Planning minutes in the interests of better service. For Long Distance service is furnished at regular tariff rates upon deposit of the amount of the initial charge (covering three nunutes conversation), the usual charges Future being made for excess time. Needs Telephone as yoa would be Assistance is avail- .. able in planning telephoned to ... telephone needs for new or remodeled homes or office buU^gs. Arrangements can be made to have the When your telephone rings answer promptly, and bidders provide for present and anticipated future cheerfully identify yourself. If you smile while you are telephone requirements, so that the wking can be con talking on your telephone; the smile will be heard in cealed without marking walls or woodwork For further your voice. mformatiou please contact your Business Office. 13 Index Of AH Centres Contained In CENTRAL DISTRICT TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Markerville Rosebud Acadia Valley Condor Gilby Menaik Rosedale Aerial Consort Gopher Head GuULake Mchichi Rowley Alhambra Copeville Midland Rumsey Alix Cornucopia Mlnerton Altario Coronation Hackett Saskatchewan Mirror Ardley Craigmyle Halkirk Crossing Monitor Arneson Handbills Scapa Dahmer Momingside Asker Hanna Scollard Morrin Delbume Hart Siding Scotfield Balmoral Moimtain Aire Lodge Delia Haynes Sedalia Benalto Munson Diclson Heathdale Sheemess Bentley Dobson Helmsdale Sibbald Benton Nacmine Donalda Hemaruka SUver Heights Beynon Naco Dorothy Hespero Sponden Big Valley Bowling Nevis Hill End Springdale Blsmark New Brigden Drumhelier Hoadley Springvale New Hill Blackfalds Home^en Spmceview Blufftoa Earlville Newcastle Horse Shoe Lake Stanmore Bonnar East Coulee Nordegg Stauffer Botha Eckville Num Ti Jah XiOdge Stettler Bowden Ingleton Edw^ SuDivan Lake Orkney Britain Endiang Tnnisfail Sunnydale Oyen Brooksley Erixon lola Sunnynook Brownfield Erskine Sunwapta Falls BrOVralOW'S T^Tiding Esther Pemukan Joffre Sylvan Iiake Bulwark Elrarts penhold Burnt Lake Pine Lake Excel Talbot Byemoor Kevlsville PoUockville Tees Pairacres Mrriemuir Ponoka Cambria lairone Fairbank Knee Hill Valley Poplar Bidge Cappon Tindaston Fairfleld Puffer Caroline Farming VaEey Veteran Carolside Federal Lacombe Raven Castor Fenn Ijanflne Red Deer Wade Cereal Ferrybank Lavesta Red WiUow Warden Chesterwold Fleet Leedale Redland Watts CMgwell Foreman LesUeviUe Reist Wayne Chinook Forshee Little Gem Richdale Willowdale Clearview Lockhart Eimbey Wood River Clive Gadsby Lousana RoclQ' Mtrt House Columbia Icefield Garden Plain Youngstown Loyalist Rose Lynn Compeer Gartley ag3~ CENTRAL DISTRICT ACADIA VALLEY ALflERTfl COVEWIIiQIT TELEPHONES ^TIDE FUNERAL CHAPELS LTD Sendee Business Office—Dial "0" IZcrs) & ssfc far Bulnis Office (He Tell Charge) & ouildina Smprts Hours 6:30 AM lo 5:00 PU Monrlay te Friday FUNERAL DIRECTORS TELEPHOHE ACCOUHTS MAY BE PAID AT: AMBULANCE SERVICE (tOYAL BANK OF CANADA Alberta Uquor Store 4647 SOSt 437-2SSS Call Long OJitaact & Ask For Alberu Pacillc Craln Co U943) Ud 4607 SlAy..437.2475 Pool 4315 44AV 437-2424 5116 52St" LaMtnbe 702-3031 4997 50Sl 437-2414 WaJter .. Fair Frank 437-2252 4036 SOSt 437.9201 Csllee Shop Frap Mr* Madeleine Gould Farynowskl F F 4&27LakeSt 437-2623 6S FAST EXPRESS Bsmt 4908 SCSI 437-2462 oTAeiAa 4936 SOSt..437-2466 Macbl Prop damas Asa FENTON & KIRKMAN FUNERAL CHA!^ LTD R6I0 4923 SOSt..437-2464 I FUNERAL DIRECTORS 437-2234 AMBULANCE SERVICE 6 5020 SlAt 437-ZS95 Day or Night Call Collect Lacombe 762-3366 A 4908 49St 437-2604 siAv&C&ETr Lacombe 762-35&6 H 437-2312 Mrs IsobH D 4S03LakeSt ....437-2541 ALARM ONLY 4332 50! 437-2400 Mrs E V 437-2307 Foster Mrs Sarbara 4704 49St 437-2605 T Waller 437-2300 Gabert RS4623 49St 437-2506 c a 13 lOnd S 4643Uita 437-2584 437-2354 Allan R704 l"W 437-2217 Harvey 437-2344 lenal Ratlwaj* Csf^aiT—Call Una earrlll Mrs U E 437-2222 J D 4B40L2ke5t . 437-2582 aik far (He Tell Cliaiw) ZeaiUaoosso K N Tarm N E 437-2273 Hilliam C EAIIx .. 437-2447 itaJIWQis DsBt 31 R»7A 437-2226 Jack E 5120 52Av 437-2415 23 Brain C» Ud Plllp 5120 47St 437-2549 Frank Insce 4919' 437-2440 15 ibn Thonas 4912 SIA* 437-2562 H D 4620 49St .. 437-2534 AS 37 a Used Cars Slis 46St 457-2535 437-2278 osenh F 4B27 5351 437-2505 437-2574 4919 48St 437-2556 4916 SlSt 437-2482 Cecil E 4619 49St 437-2419 437-2251 437-2225 CONSTKICnON la e 437-2326 437-2266 BACK HOE—OAAGUKE—MOWHS « 437-2246 Ppwr Ltd Ofc 4303 50Av 437-2620 4912 437-2467 GRAVEL—COHORETE b FORMlNe Cal't 437-2520 437-2303 Slandanl Co Ses Plant EAIIc. .437-2522 Ifi L 4723LaktSt 437-2672 Halloirai Rallwjyi Calonry—Ccll Une Shop J Hennel _ 4019 SOAv..437-2515 "national ""..'"r,!!!.'' ZenlU" 005S0 Eston F 4915 SOSt 437-2670 49U 44A*,.437-2605 J R 4703LakeSe .. 437-2528 B C AaodU PaclOc Ralph 4920 SlSt . 437-2585 ....437-2M ..437-24B4 A E 5228 47St 437-2255 Albert 4708LakcSt ... ..437-2506 437-^ ..437-2507 Carroil wT'"* ..437-2270 Henry «7.224J Lydla 4713 49SI ,!!!!!!!-.437-2532 I 437-2216 ALBERTA DAIRY POOL 'a Bay Company Red Deer—Cell Lcmj mce & Bsk for (No Toll Cherge) ZBilth22U 4940 S2St..437.2441 ll 4606 49St 43T-2214 iTs-unie, -.437-2657 Oil Ltd Agt 0 H Sahasd) Ted's Beraral Sure Earl E Gcnl Truckg 4827 51Av.-437-2471 Tehlirs Thorty 8209 jld „E 46U SOAl Itebwl C 4527 48St 437-2417 Mijslonaiy .'.437-HW 437-2614 Valley Eso Service R A4624Uk«St . -437-25a JAMIESON ERIC Tnsce ere E Holiworth Prop Jamlesen Erie 4915 52St 437-2530 4915 SCSI • .437-2611 Jarvls Mrs Gwen 437-2309 Jennings Owen II •«903 48St 437-2451 ne Prop noben R Straiib '..437-2607 JENNINGS WE C H . _ 4707 4951..437-2630 L W P 4623UktSt ..437-2413 YOUR FORD DEALER 4720Lal.eSt Vielcf Earl E 5208 SlAv i••437-2624 JOHN OEERE IMPLEMENTS 52 -•437-a331 AERIAL—See Drumheller Frank »907 SOAv 437-Z434 R307 -.437.22te (d Oaei^-Call Lang ALHAMBRA—See Leslieviila fof LacorabeNoMAIIxSchod : W E 4321 SOAv .497-2428 I Toll Charse) ZeolUi 22U ..437-2495 Martin .437-2257 ALIX-Olal service l^A 4916 49St ..437-2468 : Service & Trailer Court LISTEN FOR DIAL TONE -.437-2229 4620 SlAv..437-2551 D MaVuVo'a on Roy GenI Truckg NWAIIx For liBtrueUuia on hour to use the Dial TelaplWH 0 T ;•..437-2559 .43746468 ie« pioe 1 nt the front of this OlracUcy, 6«oiBe W 4826 5lSt".!'."!;..437-2259 LeonardV .437-2244 C SERVICE Pat IA ..437-2667 Roy .437-2332 55 Distance Olallng .......112 BEAUTY SHOP 4903 SOSt ..437-2474 K J S215 47St .437-2642 Distance 0 arnld 47i2LaJieSt ... JA .437-2361 A SlU 49Sl ... -.437-2598 ten 4-4619LakeSt mailon 0 -.437-2491 .437-2544 ... M 49U 47St .43T«}« Service 0 J H «805LekeSl '''..437-2212 0 ..437-2682 T 4915 48St .437-2»9. OlflM Dial'V CECro) Boblo Mrs Mals!eB4624 49St Irs Winnie B 4816 49St .437-21^ Dolllnti's Oioeeiy 4839 scst ..437-2552 & ask for BuiIncM Oflloe ..437-2615 Steliui 5119 4SSt .437-2619 ley V 5 (Ho Tall Cliarpe) • .437-2671 T A Jr .437-2227 t R«0 fj«n 630 AM to 5:00 PM OH ..437-2219 Mrs T M 49U 52St .437^526 B fei6 Monday to Friday W Huiksl Prop Gary .437-2956 Hans 5112 47St .437-2439 Carl 48 EMEftCENCV CALLS 4911 SDSt- .437-2525 K»ta Irohl .-S* Fine Alarm Oaly 437-2400 C R 51X9 SOSt .437-2687 R M 5212 47St • •437-2572 .437-2366 Kidm P«ar Poike 437-2627 Mrs E 462DLak«Sl DM" - .437-2641 Archibald S121 SOSl .437-2568 Mtssts Cap Titfk Uk Co Ltd .HfS H I 5219 50SI ..437-2540 Stan Pye 4619 4SS(..437-2566 .437-2327 Ellerfey delin 4611 46St ..437-2653 .437-2319 L»l« Hit A 491S SXSt A37-a00
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